113th Year, No. 22 ST. JOHNS, MICH.-THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 1968 15 cents 18 captains for chest New garbage pickup drive named Eighteen team captains to di­ rect solicitation of contributions within the commercial division of the Clinton County Communities schedule announced Chest in St. Johns were named this week by William H. Patton, division chairman. New garbage pick-up days for Garbage and trash is becoming in the residential areas of the bish and set out for pickup "shall too voluminous to handle in two Accepting the appointments St. Johns will go into effect city. There will be no individual be 20-gallon garbage cans or days, Canfield told the commis­ were Paul A. Schueller, banks, i soon under terms of a new con­ charge to residents. other substantial and sturdy con­ sion recently. finance and title companies; tract with Keith Canfield of Canfield, of 2121 W. Hibbard tainers," according to the con­ Robert Thompson and James Mc- Owosso as ratified Monday night "AMERICAN PEOPLE are Road, Owosso, does business as tract. "No container when filled Kenzie, real estate and in­ by the commission. quite a glass-and tin-can-minded the K & H Refuse Service. He shall weigh more than 50 pounds. surance; Kurt Becker and Nor- The new schedule calls for people today," Commissioner has handled the city's garbage All garbage shall be wrapped as bert Rehmann, clothing, furniture pick-up of garbage and rubbish Gerald Irrer philosophized. collection for the past two years the city shall require." and appliances; Roger Hammon- on three consecutive days at the "We're going to need more land and until the new contract was The contract gives Canfield tree and Milo Rowell, grocery beginning of each week. Under the and equipment, too. People should receiving $900 a month for the the right to utilize the St. Johns and drug stores. old schedule — which the com­ be made aware of this." service. Commissioners ex­ City landfill for rubbish and gar­ Lester H. Lake and William W. mission insisted will be in effect In the event the new pick-up pressed a great deal of satis­ bage picked up within the city, Barber, miscellaneous re­ yet this week—garbage and rub­ day for any area falls on a faction Monday night with the but for no other purposes. Any tail stores; Robert Prowant and bish are collected on Mondays, legal holiday, the garbage con­ terms of the new agreement. garbage or rubbish picked up Elwood A. Daley, restaurants, Tuesdays and Thrusdays. tractor will pick up trash a It was ratified unanimously, outside the city limits cannot motels and taverns; Herman The new pickup schedule, when day later during the rest of the but subject to the posting of a be dumped in the city landfill. Pohl, automotive and imple­ "It does go into effect, will be week. No collection will begin performance bond In the amount Apartment houses containing ments; Mrs Roberta Mageli and this way: prior to 7 a.m. on any given of $5,000. more than three apartments shall Miss Helen Cepko, barber and * Monday in the residential day. also be considered residential, beauty shops. areas south of M-21 and east The new contract, negotiated MOST SECTIONS of the new according to the contract. Can- Lyle H. Huntoon, oil distribu­ of Clinton Avenue. during the past two weeks, grants contract are identical to the old field does not by duty provide tors and gas stations; E.J. Sch- * Tuesday in the area south Canfield an extra $300 a month one. The whole contract was service to commercial or In­ mitt, building supplies and con­ of M-21 and west of Clinton over the terms of the old con­ renegotiated by mutual consent. dustrial areas, although he is tractors; Barry Dean and Ken Avenue, tract. Under the new pact, the Among its provisions are re­ free to contract individually with Penlx, miscellaneous business * Wednesday In the area north city will pay $1,200 a month for gulations for city residents. Con­ industrial or commercial cus­ and services. Of M-21. the garbage and rubbish 'pickup tainers used for garbage and rub- tomers for garbage and rubbish pickup. Clinton County's quota for the annual drive which begins in Oc­ The contract forbids any hap­ tober is $23,683. The quota Is hazard change in the three-day part of a $1,933,868 goal set for pickup schedule. It can only be Redwing Band swings gaily changed with permission of the the United Community Chest campaign in the Greater Lan­ City of St. Johns and only after the contractor has given notice A LITTLE ADVICE ON WEAVING sing area. This marks the first year Clin­ of the change at least 30 days in MSU post-game show prior to the effective date of the The young learn from the old. A little Indian maiden asks for some advice ton County has been Included in the Greater Lansing area goal. change by publication In the from an elder about the art of weaving rope, and she gets it. This The Redwing Marching Band lighted many times on TV. In June the Clinton County Chest more of a band than what they Clinton County News. picture was one of several taken by the Clinton County News camera from St. Johns High School had Immediately following the gave," Cole said. "All the hours merged with the United Com­ a new honor Saturday—they were IN,A--RELAT£DUTEM from V during the weekend- Pow-Wow by members of the Grand River Ameri­ munity Chest'of Ingham County. game, the St. Jphns Redwing of practice suddenly became their meeting Moritlay night, the first high school band invited Marching Band performed their worthwhile." can Indian Society on the 4-H Fair grounds in St. Johns. Other pic­ The United Chest area now in­ to put on a post-game program commissibners'informed Robfert cludes all of Clinton and Ingham "-show. Audience response to the Cole also thanked band parents Young of the Young Dray Service tures appear on inside pages. at Michigan State University. bands efforts was great. Many and others who gave the band a counties and Grand Ledge in And the band came through that there has been no decision Eaton County. compliments were given to the moral boost at Spartan Stadium. yet on Young's prior request for with flying colors after the Spar­ band by complete strangers and All of the agencies previously the use of the landfill on days tans had done the same in their several long-distance phone Chaperones for the band Sat­ supported by the Clinton Chest when it isn't open to the public. 14-10 victory over Syracuse. calls praising the band were re­ urday included Mr and Mrs are included in this year's cam­ Saturday was Band Day at ceived. George Hazle, Mr and Mrs Van Mayor Charles Coletta did say paign. Clinton County 4-H Clubs the city was considering — and Michigan State and 36 bands Dr Harry Begian, director at McClintock, Mr and Mrs Albert and the St.VincentdePaulSociety only considering at this point— DeWitt holdup with some 3,600 musicians put on MSU, and Moffit, marching band LeFevere and Mrs Robert Cart- are among the 57 groups who will the possibility of jobbing out the a program, arranged by William director, had high praise for the wright. benefit from Chest contributions. operation of the landfill to a Moffit, around a nationalistic St. Johns outfit—a fine marching A sound motion picture of the private contractor, and If such theme. Music performed with the organization, great sound and an bank's post-game show at MSU did take place there might pos­ massed-band included "March excellent style of marching and was made, and a public showing sibly be more hours when the Voter sign-up America," "America the Beau­ body carriage, they said, suspects nabbed will be announced later. dump was open. * tiful," "Battle Hymn of the Re­ Eric VanCamp, vocal director deadline Oct. 4 Replying to Young's charges of J DeWITT—Four men are being fingerprints at the bank. robbery while Mel Adams Is public," and "Michigan State at St. Johns, was announcer for The St. Johns band will hit earlier this month that the K & H3 held by federal authorities on charged with aiding and abetting Time is fast closing in on pro­ Fight Song." the show. the road again soon, traveling AFTER A NATIONWIDE alert, firm had been dumping refuse * charges they robbed the Woodruff in the crime. He was with the spective voters who still have not This was one of the first Directors Walter Cole and to Northwood Institute at Midland the FBI notified Chief Anderson from outside the city limits at J State Bank in DeWitt last Monday other three when they were registered for the Nov. 5 general massed-band halftimes to be Gordon Gillett later publicly con­ Oct. 12 where the band has re­ Friday that the men were taken the landfill, the commission said J afternoon, Sept. 16. caught. election. televised nationally in its en­ gratulated the band for its "ex­ ceived a special invitation to put into custody In Tennessee that K & H had admitted this but; Clinton County Prosecuting U.S. Commissioner A. B, Neil "You have only -until Oct. 4 tirety. St. Johns band and indivi­ citing andprecise»performance. on a show at Northwood's home­ morning. They are charged with will no longer do it Atty. Roland Duguay announced armed robbery on the state of­ in Nashville set bond for Bailor, to get registered," Is the way duals from the band were high­ "No director could have asked coming game.
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