IBEW Electricians Help Keep North America's Railroads Rolling EDITORIAL COMMENT ranging from school lunches, So· The AFl·CIO repudiates and cial Security pensions. on the job condemns that radically unfair safety and health, job develop· policy of the Reagan Administra· ment, wa ge and hour standards tion. We do not believe that the and clean air and water to other unfair actions of the Reagan Ad· socia l and economic programs. ministration, which are causing The AFL·CIO Executive Council severe economic hardships to memo feels that it is not enough to pro· bers of unions and all other work· test only among the affiliates of ers whil e enriching the weal thy, - the AFL·CIO as we condemn the was ever, or is now supported and crippling of socia l wel fare and jobs condoned by a majority of Amer· programs by the Reagan Admlnis· ican ci tizens, including workers tration. It is not enough to testify and all trade unionists. We believe before Congress against the un · that "Solida rity Day" will be a fai rness of the budget cuts, in· most effective re sponse to the Ad · "Solidarity Day" equitable tax cuts, and it is not ministration's claim that it speaks enough merely to communicate lor the working people, for the Will Reaffirm organized labor's position to our rehred and the sick and elderly rank and fil a mambers even of Am erica . Organized Labor's though that is of course of utmost I am hope ful that thousands and importance. Organized labor must thousands of ISEW members will Position demonstrate our feelings to the come to Washington on September entire nation. 19, 1981 to loin with the thou· • The AFL·CIO has called for a Another important reason that sands of Broth ers and Sisters of September 19th "Solidarity Day" the AFl·CIO has called for a "Soli· othe r un ions and the multitude of demonstration in Washington, D.C. darlty Day" demonstration is be· concerned citizens who will be to protest the Reagan Administra­ cause it is very appa rent that Pres· the re to tell and show the Reagan tion's assault on vitally needed eco­ ident Reagan and hiS Administra· Administrat,on that it does not nomic and soc ial programs, also to tion have decided that it is not have a mandate to turn the clock assert demands for jobs for all necessa ry to meet with, or to can· back on 50 years of progress. The workers and to reaffirm the Amer· suit with organized labor to hear protest march and demonstration ican trade union movement's his­ our plans or suggestions in regard will be proof that America's trade toric commitment to socia l and to helping cu rb inflation and un· unionists are united in our com· economic justice. employment. mitment to continue to advance The AFl-CIO and its affiliates Much to labor's dismay the Rea· the ri gh ts of all the workers and will be joined in the demonstra­ gan Administration has taken the all citizens so they may have a tion by other organizations that number of popular vo tes received betler way of life for themselves have common concerns and sha re in the past November elections, and their fam ilies. We will do th at common commi tments which will which gave them on ly a fifty·one on "Solidarity Day." bring to the nation's capital a percent majority, and is using that cross section of rank and file mem o narrow margin as an implication ~9I~~ bers and concerned Amencans for and overwhelming sentiment for Charles H. Pillard this one day even t. Labor's con ­ the approval of a cou rse of action International President cern is over the severity of the th at is bringing severe economic Administration's cutbacks th at hardships to the workers, th e poor threaten elimi nation of programs and the elderly of our nation. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD EXECLlTIVE OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS OFFICEIIS CH... RLES H. " LU.RD '1'111 ... ,,101'1" Pre,'d,,,, JOURNAL • AUGUST • 1981 1125 nih SI" N.W. W•• hlllSllo n. D.C. :xIOO$ RALPH .... lIElOON • Inll",.,lon.1 S.cre'a,., 1125 lSih St. • N.W. Wllhl"".Oft, D.C. 20005 THOMAS V"'N "'RSO"'lE In"mll/on., 1"u"re, 158-11 J . ..., .....nue I Flu .... lng. N. Y. 11 365 CHARLES H. PILLARD, Edilor Volume 80, No. 8 August, 1981 VICE PRESIOEIIITS FilII m," lct. 1(. O. ROSE 45 Shlpp.'d ........ Ell', SIItt. COl CI!y of North Yo'" WltloW'clal •• Onllno M2N 5YI FEJlTLlJlES S.eond Olllliet. FlVNN. JOHN E. 161 Forbll ROld. Fourth Floor e.. lnl .... U .... 1t2184 Solidarity Day - September 19.1981 2 Thl.d Ol''''el. JOHN J. lARRY 222 M.maroneck ...... nu. IBEW Testifies on Communications Bill 5.898 3 WIlli. Pilin•• N.w Yort ICIeOS Fourlh Olatrle •• B. O. WILLI ... MSON ISEW Members Receives Citation 4 7110 Rlldl"! Ro.d "'mbl,l.wn x,elrll.. Bldg. 8th District Meets in Sun Valley. Idaho Sulll , 5 Cincinnati, Ohio 45137 AFL·CIO Ability Counts lunch eon 6 Filtl> OIII.lel. DAN H. W... TERS No. 2 ""I'(>pl.x D.t.... S"" .. 113 lEe Minutes 7 81rmlfIQh.", ....... 3S2CK1 10th District Progress Meeting Sblh Ol.uld. J ..... U P. CONW ... Y 14 373 S,lIm.l. Road. Suill 201 Clrol.I .....,. IIUnct, 60117 Sa... ",,, Dlilriel. RAYMOND O. DUKE 2101 A... n... E. Eut St."" 412 Arllnglon. T.... 76011 OEPAJlTIIIIENTS Elghlh DI.trlct. ,""WRENCE c. FARHAN SuIt. 284C Editorial Comment Inside Front Cover 2480 W.. I 26th ....... o.nv.r, Coklfado 80211 Re sea rch and Education 18 Nlnlh DlII.lct• •• A. McCANN 150 HOrlh WI"I LIM Safety Tips Suit. 100 20 W.lnul C ..... Catllo.nll O<IS9t!t With the Ladies T,nth OI.I,ld. "'NDREW ... IIIPP 21 O·H ... Ollte. Blltldlng 1. Sulll COO ID<Coo W. HIII,ln. R....:! local lines 22 ROHmont. tlllncil 150011 In Memoriam EtJJVCIn'h Olll,lel. JACK F. "OORE 63 300 Soulll JeIl"lOn. Sull, 300 Reflections Inside Back Cover SprlngH.ld. MI.. o u.1 6seoe Twit/til OI." lel. M. .... WILLt"'MS F ran~ltn Oulldlnll. Sull. 515 Safety Poster Back Cover C".lIlneog •• 7.nnel_ 3741 1 III/TERNIITIOII/Rl EXEClJTlVE coUlI/cll ON OUR COVER - This month's WESLEY I. TAYLOR CllaJ.men Journal front cover appropriately Eoac"" ... W'II. Suil. 207 leatures scenes of Local 870 2421 P,oducllon Drl .. members on the job in Cumber· 1114I.nallOll •• Indl .... 46241 Fl..t Ol"rlel, JOHN J. McNULTY land, Maryland at the Baltimore 431 Wyo""1ISI A......... & Ohio Railroad Back Shop. Be· Scranlo... Ptnnl}'lv.nla 11503 ginning on page 14 of this issue !>Kond OI."lcl. JAMES F. MULLONEY S o.,(Oft B.nh.", 0,1-... Is coverage of the recent 10th ...... L ·C IO ... ND CLC SlOw. "'... lellu_l. (11775 District Ra ilroad Progress Meet­ ThI'd Dlilricl. RICH ... RD D. ACTON Ing. Special atlention is paid in 1S90 EIII 23,d 51,.., this issue to the upcoming Soli­ -eo. Ct ...Jlnd. 01110 44114 \'5;;,~ Fourth Ot''''el. H"'RRY BULEY darity Oay, September 19, 1981. SOl Pulllim St.. S W. See pa ge 2 and " Editorial Com· PRINTI:D ON Allinti. G.orgll 30312 U,..ION MADE ment" for details. PAPIER FIIIII Olliriet. ROBERT ",SSEY 51150 Etlubelh A... 51. l oul •. ",111Olf.1 63110 Sixth Olalrlet. THOMAS H. PURSLEY 151 1 Bayou Hom. Drlv. Gal ...lon. Taua 77550 POSTM"'StER, C~lng. of .dd .... clfd. on Fo .m 3579 .~o uld b. Mnl 10 Iniernillonil OrOlhlfhood of Eleculcal Wo.k .... 1125 Fm"nlh SlfllI. N.W.• Wuhlnglon. O.C. 20005. Publl.h.d monlhly and s..vlnlll Olliriel. GLEN O. Mc CALL Heond·ellli POlliO' o.'d .1 WuhlnOlon. D.C .•nd Idd,tlonal Inlf)'. Sub.elloUon prle" Unllld Slllu PO Bo. 3131 end Canada. S4 III' yea . In Idvlnc•. Prlnled In U.S. .... TII II JOURN"'L will nol be h.ld ".pc".'bl, Sllem. O"lIon 117302 r lo r .I.wa "p'''Md by co""r.0lld,nl'. Th. flit' 01 lIell monl11 I, e'o,'''o dale. "'11 copy mUll b. Eighth Olliliel. HERBERT H. FULTON In OUf hlnda on o. belore III, lime. P.'d .dvirtiaino 1101 ece.plld. ISEW Jo"",.' (USPS 56a-5(0) 22S Gordon 5lreel Publleetlon No. 21402. Thunder BIy. OMarlo. C,nldl P7E 414 ... IS§:;i§~ I :l§il@lm:il Plans are shaping up for the " Solidarity Day" tion's General Board. comprised of the interna­ demonstration in Washington. Workers and their tional president or principal officer of each of the allies will show the Administration, the Congress, 102 affi liated unions, have met at the ca ll of the the media and the nation that America's true AFL·CIO President Lane Kirkland who said, "The commitment is to social and economic justice. American labor movement must provide the na· Thousands will assemble Saturday, September tional leadership in the present struggle to pro· 19 at 10 a.m. on the Washington Monument test and advance our country's social and eeo­ grounds. From there the march will be along Con· nomic progress." stitution Avenue to the west front of the Capitol. The IBEW will be a proud participant in the Other organizations that have common can· "Solidarity Day" activities and is expecting to cerns and share a common commitment have have maximum representation from local union been invited to join the AFL·CIO and its affiliates officers and rank and file members.
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