RIMSACover_eng.qxp 3/23/06 2:11 PM Page 1 RIMSA 14 final report and proceedings 14th INTER-AMERICAN MEETING, AT THE MINISTERIAL LEVEL, Synergy for Local Development Agriculture and Health: ON HEALTH AND AGRICULTURE (RIMSA 14) VETERINARY PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT AGRICULTURE AND HEALTH: Area of Disease Prevention and Control SYNERGY FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT 525 Twenty-third St. NW, Washington, DC 20037 Mexico, D.F., 21-22 April 2005 http://www.paho.com final report and proceedings 14TH INTER-AMERICAN MEETING, AT THE MINISTERIAL LEVEL, ON HEALTH AND AGRICULTURE (RIMSA 14) x Agriculture and Health: Synergy for Local Development MEXICO CITY, MEXICO, 21-22 APRIL 2005 Veterinary Public Health Unit 525 Twenty-third Street, NW • Washington, DC 20037, USA 20037 TAble of CoNTeNTS PREFACE . 5 ADDRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY VICENTE FOX QUESADA, PRESIDENT OF MEXICO . 9 WELCOMING REMARKS . 13 Mirta Roses Periago, Director, Pan American Health Organization . 13 Luis Ernesto Derbez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico . 15 REMARKS . 17 Jaime Alfonso Campos Quiroga, Minister of Agriculture of Chile . 17 Chelston W . D . Brathwaite, Director General, Inter-American Institute for ooperation on Agriculture (IICA) . 19 Bernard Vallat, Director General, World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) . 23 KEYNOTE ADDRESS . 25 Julio Frenk, Secretary of Health of Mexico . “Twenty-five Years after the Declaration of Alma-Ata: Cooperation between the Agriculture and Health Sectors in Primary Care” . 25 FINAL REPORT OF THE 14TH INTER-AMERICAN MEETING, AT THE MINISTERIAL LEVEL, ON HEALTH AND AGRICULTURE (RIMSA 14) . 31 PANEL ON THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS (MDGs) RELATED TO THE ERADICATION OF EXTREME POVERTY AND HUNGER: PRIMARY HEALTH CARE STRATEGIES AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT . 57 Perspective on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) related to the Eradication of Extreme Poverty and Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean . 59 Community Participation in the Food Production Chain . 77 Appropriate Technology: Small Producers and Food Security . 79 Intersectoral Collaboration for the Promotion of Agriculture, Livestock Production, and Human Development: the case of Uruguay . 95 Special Support to Small Island States in Capacity Building for Food and International Trade . 105. PANEL ON INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ON EMERGING ISSUES IN AGRICULTURE AND HEALTH . 115. Current Situation of New and Emerging Animal Diseases: The International Zoosanitary Code as a Basis for Policy and Trade . 117. Initiatives on Food Safety, Food Security, and Transboundary Animal Diseases . 121 Public and Private Sector Roles of Agriculture and Health in Eradicating Hunger and Extreme Poverty in Rural Areas: Mobilizing International Cooperation . 131 InterCountry Cooperation in International Food Trade: Implications for Health and Development . 141 Neglected Diseases in Neglected Populations, with Emphasis on Zoonoses . 149. Central American Regional Cooperation in Health and Agriculture: The Catalyzing Role of the Specialized Regional Agencies . 161 4 14TH INTER-AMERICAN MEETING, AT THE MINISTERIAL LEVEL, ON HEALTH AND AGRICULTURE (RIMSA 14) PANEL ON MANDATES OF THE SUMMITS: ADVANCING HUMAN SECURITY THROUGH INNOVATIVE APPROACHES CENTERED ON LOCAL DEVELOPMENT . 169. Financial Initiatives of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Support of the Mandates of the Summits of the Americas in Rural and Social Development . 171 Agricultural Health and Sustainable Rural Development . 183 Agriculture and Livestock Policy: Science and Technology Applied to the Food Chain . 191 Empowering and Expanding the Role of Women in Food Security and Local Development . 199. Role of Local Organizations and Indigenous Communities as Agents for the Mobilization of Basic Community Services . 221 Rural Poverty: Health and Lifestyle . 229. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS . 237 Converging Human and Animal Health Expertise and Resources in the Global Response to New and Emerging Zoonoses (Avian Influenza and SARS) . 239 Elimination of Human Rabies in Latin America: Current Status . 249. REPORTS . 257 Report on the 10th Meeting of the Hemispheric Committee for the Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (COHEFA 10) . 259 Report on the 4th Meeting of the Pan American Commission for Food Safety (COPAIA 4) . 267. CLOSING ADDRESS . 275. “Strengthening Strategies for Promoting the Safety of Foods of Agricultural Origin,” Javier Usabiaga Arroyo, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries, and Food of Mexico . 277 ANNEXES . 281 Agenda . 283. List of Participants . 287. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms . 311. PRefACe he 14th Inter-American Meeting, at the Ministerial Level, on Health and Agri- culture (RIMSA 14) took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico in Mexico City, on 21 and 22 April 2005, at a time when the Pan Ameri- Tcan Health Organization was embarking upon a period of institutional transforma- tion aimed at enabling it to respond better to the needs of countries and utilize new modalities of technical cooperation . The overarching theme of RIMSA 14 was “Agriculture and Health: Synergy for Local Development .” The aim in selecting that theme was to promote stronger intersectoral partnerships in order to meet, through local development, the Millennium Development Goals related to the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger . An intersectoral approach to health and agriculture is crucial in order to understand and to take action to prevent and control zoonotic diseases that pose a poten- tial threat to the public health and economy of countries — in particular emerging diseases such as avian influenza, which was one of the topics discussed during the meeting . In the past decade, 75% of the new diseases that have affected human beings have been caused by pathogens originating in animals or animal products . Accordingly, the agenda for the meeting included topics related to trade in food and the International Zoosanitary Code . In addition to the new threats, the Region is faced with an unfinished agenda of neglected zoonotic diseases that affect mainly vulnerable and underserved populations . This situation constitutes a challenge for the achievement of the Millen- nium Development Goals, although efforts in that regard may well receive a boost from the renewed commitment to the Alma-Ata Declaration on primary health care, another topic discussed at the meeting . During the meeting, the delegates also received the recommendations of the 4th Meeting of the Pan American Commission for Food Safety (COPAIA 4) and the 10th Meeting of the Hemispheric Committee for the Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (COHEFA 10) . RIMSA 14 was marked by very positive discussions and debates in regard to veterinary public health . The meeting adopted eight resolu- tions . Remarkable progress has been achieved on issues relating to foot-and-mouth disease, canine-transmitted rabies, and food safety, but much remains to be done in order to control other zoonoses and carry out new mandates . The strengthening of intersectoral work is already a reality in the Americas, however . Today, we have new institutional mechanisms, such as the Inter-American Group for the Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (GIEFA), which involves both the private and the public sectors, and provides support for the eradication of foot-and-mouth disease in the Americas . Another mechanism is COPAIA, which also brings together representa- tives of both the public and the private sectors in an effort to improve food safety through an integrated food-chain approach . 6 14TH INTER-AMERICAN MEETING, AT THE MINISTERIAL LEVEL, ON HEALTH AND AGRICULTURE (RIMSA 14) I should like to express my deep gratitude to His Excellency Vicente Fox, Presi- dent of Mexico, for the support of his Government and for his personal participa- tion in the meeting . I also want to thank Mexican Government ministers Dr . Luis Ernesto Derbez, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Dr . Julio Frenk, Secretary of Health; and Dr . Javier Usabiaga, Minister of Agriculture . I am grateful, as well, to the President of RIMSA 13, Dr . Jaime Alfonso Quiroga, Minister of Agriculture of Chile, and to the RIMSA 14 delegates for the support provided for this important forum . It is my pleasure to present this publication, which continues the series of RIMSA reports that PAHO has been publishing for 37 years . Mirta Roses Periago, Director Pan American Health Organization x OPENING SESSION ADDReSS bY HIS eXCelleNCY VICeNTe foX QUesada, PReSIDeNT of MeXICo n 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights established very clearly that “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well- being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical Icare, and necessary social services .” Indeed, health is one of the fundamental rights of human beings . Health for All is not just a goal, but an obligation that we have to our fellow human beings — an obliga- tion that we can only fulfill with the necessary urgency through the broadest possible union of our efforts, through true team work, with due coordination . I am therefore very pleased to bid all of you a most cordial welcome to Mexico . I am sure this encounter of ministers of health and agriculture from the countries of the Americas, and the exchange of knowledge and experiences that will take place here, will enable our countries to forge closer cooperation for the benefit of the health of the women and men of the hemisphere . Through the years, this high-level regional forum for collaboration
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