Eric Keto Publications REFEREED JOURNALS 2014

Eric Keto Publications REFEREED JOURNALS 2014

{ 1 { Eric Keto Publications REFEREED JOURNALS 2014 (1) Chitsazzadeh, S., Di Francesco, J., Schnee, S., Friesen, R. K., Shimajiri, Y., Langston, G. I., Sadavoy, S. I., Bourke, T. L., Keto, E., Pineda, J. E., Takakuwa, S., Tatematsu, K., 2014, ApJ, 790, 129-150 "Physical and Chemical Characteristics of L1689-SMM16, an Oscillating Prestellar Core in Ophiuchus" (2) Zhang, Q. Qiu, K., Girart, J., Hauyu, L., Tang, Y.-W., Koch, P., Li, Z.-Y., Keto, E., Ho, P.T.P., Rao, R., Lai, S.-P., Ching, T.-C., Frau, P., Chen, H.-H., Li, H.-B., Padovani, M., Bontemps, S., Csengeri, T., Juarez, C., 2014, ApJ in press, arXiv:1407.3984, "Magnetic Fields and Massive Star Formation" (3) Inoue, M., Algaba-Marcos, J. C., Asada, K., Chang, C.-C., Chen, M.-T., Han, J., Hi- rashita, H., Ho, P.T.P., Hsieh, S.-N., Huang, T., Jiang, H., Koch, P. M., Kubo, D. Y., Kuo, C.-Y., Liu, B., Martin-Cocher, P., Matsushita, S., Meyer-Zhao, Z., Naka- mura, M., Nishioka, H., Nystrom, G., Pradel, N., Pu, H.-Y., Raffin, P. A., Shen, H.-Y., Snow, W., Srinivasan, R., Wei, T.-S., Blundell, R., Burgos, R., Grimes, P., Keto, E., Paine, S., Patel, N., Sridharan, T. K., Doeleman, S. S., Fish, V., Brisken, W., Napier, P., 2014, Radio Science Journal, in press, arXiv:1407.2450 "Greenland Telescope Project | Direct Confirmation of Black Hole with Sub-millimeter VLBI" (4) van Loo, S., Keto, E., Zhang, Q., 2014, ApJ, 789, 37-50, "Core and Filament Formation in Magnetized, Self-gravitating Isothermal Layers" (5) Keto, E., Burkert, A., 2014, MNRAS, 441, 1468-1473, "From filaments to oscillating starless cores" (6) Keto, E., Rawlings, J., Caselli, P., 2014, MNRAS, 440, 2616-2624, "Chemistry and radiative transfer of water in cold, dense clouds" (7) Roth, N., Stahler, S., Keto, E, 2014, MNRAS, 438, 1335-1354, "The dynamics of ultracompact H II regions" (8) De Pree, C.G., Peters, T., Mac Low, M.-M., Wilner, D.J., Goss, W.M., Galvn-Madrid, R., Keto, E., Klessen, R.S., Monsrud, A., 2014, ApJ, 781L, 36-40, "Flickering of 1.3 cm Sources in Sgr B2: Toward a Solution to the Ultracompact H II Region Lifetime Problem" { 2 { 2013 (9) Galvn-Madrid, R., Liu, H.B., Zhang, Z.-Y., Pineda, J.E., Peng, T.-C., Zhang, Q., Keto, E., Ho, P.T.P., Rodrguez, L.F., Zapata, L., Peters, T., De Pree, C.G., 2013, ApJ, 779, 121-149, "MUSCLE W49: A Multi-Scale Continuum and Line Exploration of the Most Luminous Star Formation Region in the Milky Way. I. Data and the Mass Structure of the Giant Molecular Cloud" 2012 (10) Keto, E., 2012, JAI, 1, 1250007-1 "Hierarchical Configurations for Cross-Correlation Interferometers with Many Elements" (11) Caselli, P., Keto, E., Bergin, E.A., Tafalla, M., Aikawa, Y., Douglas, T., Pagani, L., Yldz, U.A., van der Tak, F.F.S., Walmsley, C.M., Codella, C., Nisini, B., Kristensen, L.E., van Dishoeck, E.F. 2012, ApJ, 759, 37-42 "First Detection of Water Vapor in a Pre-stellar Core" (12) Wei, L., Keto, E., Ho, L.C. 2012, ApJ, 750, 136-154, "Two populations of Molecular Clouds in the Antennae Galaxies" 2011 (13) Galvan-Madrid, R., Peters, T., Keto, E., Mac Low, M.-M., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R., 2011a, RevMxAC, 40, 273-273 "Time Variability in Simulated Ultracompact and Hypercompact H II Regions" (14) Galvan-Madrid, R., Zhang, Q., Keto, E., Rodriquez, L.F., Ho, P.T.P 2011b, RevMxAC, 40, 239-240, "On the Formation of the Most Massive Stars in the Galaxy" (15) Galvan-Madrid, R., Peters, T., Keto, E., Mac Low, M.-M., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R., 2011c, MNRAS, 416, 1033-1044, "Time variability in simulated ultracompact and hypercompact H II regions" (16) Field, G., Blackman, E., & Keto, E. 2011, MNRAS, 416, 710-714, "Does external pressure explain recent results for molecular clouds?" (17) Johnston, K., Keto, E., Robitaille, T., & Wood, K. 2011, MNRAS, 415, 2953-2968, "The standard model of low-mass star formation applied to massive stars: multiwave- length modelling of IRAS 20126+4104" (18) Klaassen, P., Wilson, C., Keto, E., Zhang, Q., Galvan-Madrid, R., & Liu, H.-Y. 2011, A&A, 530, 53-61, "High resolution CO observation of massive star forming regions" { 3 { (19) Klessen, R., Peters, T., Banerjee, R., Mac Low, M.-M., Galvan-Madrid, R., Keto, E., 2011, Computational Star Formation, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 270, p. 107-114 "Modeling High-Mass Star Forma- tion and Ultracompact H II Regions" (20) Patel, N., Young, K., Gottleib, C., Thaddeus, P., Wilson, R., Menten, K., Reid, M., McCarthy, M., Cernicharo, J., He, J., Bruenken, S., Trung, D.-V., Keto, E. 2011, ApJS, 193, 17-82 "An inteferometric spectral-line survey of IRC+10216 in the 345 GHz Band" (21) van Dishoeck, E., Keto, E., and 62 co-authors 2011, PASP, 123, 138-170, "Water in Star-forming Regions with the Herschel Space Observatory (WISH). I. Overview of Key Program and First Results" (22) Nicholas, B., Rowell, G., Burton, M., Walsh, A., Fukui, Y., Kawamura, A., Longmore, S. & Keto, E. 2011, MNRAS, 411, 1367-1385, "12 mm line survey of the dense molecular gas towards the W28 field TeV gamma-ray sources" (23) Longmore, S., Pillai, T., Keto, E., Zhang, Q., & Qiu, L., 2011, ApJ, 726, 97-111, "Is Protostellar Heating Sufficient to Halt Fragmentation? A Case Study of the Massive Protocluster G8.68-0.37" (24) Loughnane, R., Redman, M., Keto, E., Cunningham, M., 2011, BaltA, 20, 558-565, "IAnalysis of Hydrogen Cyanide Hyperfine Spectral Components Towards Star Form- ing Cores7" 2010 (25) Galvan-Madrid, R, Zhang, Q., Keto, E., Ho, P., Zapata, L., Rodrguez, L., Pineda, J., Vzquez-Semadeni, E., 2010, ApJ, 725, 17-28, "From the convergence of filaments to disk-outflow accretion: massive star formation in W33A" (26) Baobab Liu, H., Ho, P., Zhang, Q., Keto, E. Wu, J., Li, H. 2010, ApJ, 722, 262-272, "The decrease of specific angular momentum and the Hot Toroid Formation: The massive clump G10.6-0.4" (27) Caselli, P., Keto, E. and 56 co-authors 2010, A&A, 521, 29-34, "Water vapor toward starless cores: The Herschel view" (28) Broderick, A. & Keto, E. 2010, ApJ, 721, 493-504, "The evolution of cloud cores and the formation of stars" { 4 { (29) Beerer, I., Koenig, X., Hora, J., Gutermuth, R., Bontemps, S., Megeath, S., Schneider, N., Motte, F., Carey, S., Simon, R., Keto, E., Smith, H., Allen, L., Fazio, G., Kraemer, K., Price, S., Mizuno, D., Adams, J., Hernndez, J., Lucas, P., 2010, ApJ, 720, 679-693, "A Spitzer view of star formation in the Cygnus North complex" (30) Keto, E. & Zhang, Q., 2010, MNRAS, 406, 102-111, "The standard model of star formation applied to massive stars: accretion discs and envelopes in molecular lines" (31) Keto, E. & Rybicki, G., 2010, ApJ, 716, 1315-1322, "Modeling molecular hyperfine line emission" (32) Kraemer, K., Hora, J., Egan, M., Adams, J., Allen, L., Bontemps, S., Carey, S., Fazio, G., Gutermuth, R., Keto, E. Koenig, X., Megeath, S., Mizuno, D., Motte, F., Price, S., Schneider, N., Simon, R. and Smith, H. A. 2010, AJ, 139, 2319-2329, "Circum- stellar Structure Around Evolved Stars in the Cygnus-X Star Formation Region" (33) Keto, E. & Caselli, P. 2010, MNRAS, 402, 1625-1634, "Dynamics and depletion in thermally supercritical starless cores" 2009 (34) Peters, T., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R., Mac Low, M.-M., Galvan-Madrid, Keto, E. 2009, ApJ, 711, 1017-1028, "H II Regions: Witnesses to Massive Star Formation" (35) Galvan-Madrid, R., Keto, E., Zhang, Q., Kurtz, S., Rodriguez, L., Ho, P., 2009, ApJ, 706, 1036-1053, "Formation of an O-Star Cluster by Hierarchical Accretion in G20.08-0.14 N" (36) Carolan, P., Khanzadyan, T.,Redman, M., Thompson, M., Jones, P., Cunningham, M., Loughnane, R., Bains, I., & Keto, E., 2009, MNRAS, 400, 78-89, "Supersonic turbulence in the cold massive core JCMT 18354-0649" (37) Longmore, S., Burton, M., Keto, E., Kurtz, S., Walsh, A., 2009, MNRAS, 399, 861- 877, "Too large and overlooked? Extended free-free emission towards masssive star formation regions" (38) Klaassen, P.D., Wilson, C.D., Keto, E., & Zhang, Q., 2009, ApJ, 703, 1308-1317, "Rotation of Warm Molecular Gas Surrounding Ultracompact HII Regions" (39) Fallscheer, C., Beuther, H., Zhang, Q., Keto, E., & Sridharan, T.K., 2009, A&A, 504, 127-137, "Rotational structure and outflow in the infrared dark cloud 18223-3" { 5 { 2008 (40) Kamp, I., Freudling, W., Robberto, M., Chengalur, J., & Keto, E. 2008, Physica Scripta, 130, 14013, "Probing protoplanetary disk evolution with the HI 21 cm line" (41) Keto, E. & Caselli, P., 2008, ApJ, 683, 238-247, "The Different Structures of the Two Classes of Starless Cores" (42) Broderick, A., Narayan, R., Keto, E. & Lada, C., 2008, ApJ, 682, 1095-1102, "The Damping Rates of Embedded Oscillating Cores" (43) Keto, E. & Klaassen, P., 2008, ApJL, 678, 109-112 "The Ionization of Accretion Flows in High Mass Star Formation: W51e2" (44) Field, G., Blackman, E., Keto, E., 2008, MNRAS, 385, 181-188, "A Model of Cloud Fragmentation" (45) Galvan-Madrid, R., Rodriguez, L.F., Ho, P.T.P, Keto, E., 2008, ApJ, 674, 33-36, "Time Variation in G24.78+0.08 A 1: Evidence for an Accreting Hypercompact HII Region?" (46) Carolan, P., Redman, M., Keto, E., Rawlings, J., 2008, MNRAS, 383, 705-712, "The Formation of Massive Stars: Accretion, Disks, and the Development of Hypercompact HII Regions" (47) Keto, E., Zhang, Q., & Kurtz, S., 2008, ApJ, 672, 423-432, "The Early Evolution of Massive Stars: Radio Recombination Line Spectra"2007 (48)-16 Broderick, A., Keto, E., Lada, C., Narayan, R., 2007, ApJ, 671, 1832-1838, "Oscil- lating Starless Cores: Nonlinear Regime" (49) Keto, E., 2007, ApJ, 666, 976-981, "The Formation of Massive Stars: Accretion, Disks, and the Development of Hypercompact HII Regions" (50) Rosolowsky, E., Keto, E., Matsushita, S., Willner, S.P., 2007, ApJ, 661, 830-844, "High-Resolution Molecular Gas Maps of M33" (51) Ho, Luis, C.

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