NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 7, 2014 C1 The Register’s 10th Annual CATHOLIC IDENTITY 2014 COLLEGE GUIDE C2 AQUINAS COLLEGE C2 THE AUGUSTINE INSTITUTE C2 AVE MARIA UNIVERSITY C2 BELMONT ABBEY COLLEGE C2 BENEDICTINE COLLEGE C2 CAMPION COLLEGE AUSTRALIA his National Catholic Register C4 THE CatHOLIC DIStaNCE UNIVERSITY resource is made possible through C4 THE CatHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERIca the cooperation of bishops, college C4 CHRISTENDOM COLLEGE T presidents, our benefactors and our C4 COLLEGE OF SAINT MARY advertisers. This year, 38 schools went on C4 COLLEGE OF ST. MARY MAGDALEN record in answer to these questions: C4 DESALES UNIVERSITY C4 DONNELLY COLLEGE C4 FRANCIScaN UNIVERSITY OF StEUBENVILLE C5 HOLY APOSTLES COLLEGE AND SEMINARY C5 HOLY CROSS COLLEGE C5 HOLY SPIRIT COLLEGE C5 INSTITUTE FOR THE PSYCHOLOGIcaL Text of the questionnaire we sent to Catholic colleges. ScIENCES C5 INTERNatIONAL THEOLOGIcaL 1. Did the president make the public “Profession of Faith” and INSTITUTe — sCHOOL OF catHOLIC take the “Oath of Fidelity”? THEOLOGY 2. Is the majority of the board of trustees Catholic? C5 PONTIFIcaL JOHN PaUL II INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES ON MARRIAGE AND FAMILY at 3. Is the majority of the faculty Catholic? THE catHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERIca 4. Do you publicly require all Catholic theology professors to have C6 JOHN PAUL THE GREat catHOLIC UNIVERSITY the mandatum? C6 LIVING WatER COLLEGE 5. Did all Catholic theology professors take the “Oath of OF THE ARTS Fidelity”? C6 MADONNA UNIVERSITY 6. Do you provide daily Mass and posted times (at least weekly) for C6 MARYVALE INSTITUTE individual confession? C6 mOUNT ST. MARy’S 7. Do you exclude advocates of abortion, euthanasia, embryonic UNIVERSITY stem-cell research or cloning as commencement speakers or C6 OUR LADY SEat OF WISDOM acaDEMY recipients of honorary degrees? C6 REDEEMER PacIFIC COLLEGE 8. Do you exclude sponsoring pro-abortion campus groups? C9 SACRED HEART MAJOR SEMINARY 9. Do you exclude coed dorms? C9 St. CHARLES BORROMEO SEMINARY 10. Do your student health services exclude referrals to abortion GRADUatE ScHOOL OF THEOLOGY businesses? aND PROGRAM OF CatHOLIC StUDIES C9 ST. GREGORy’S UNIVERSITY C9 SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE C9 THOMAS AQUINAS COLLEGE C9 THE THOMAS MORE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS C9 UNIVERSITY OF DALLAS C9 UNIVERSITY OF MARY C9 UNIVERSITY OF St. THOMAS C9 waLSH UNIVERSITY C9 WYOMING catHOLIC COLLEGE PHoto ILLUSTRATION BY MELISSA HArtoG / SOUrcE PHotoS SHUTTERStocK NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 7, 2014 C2 ere are the 38 schools that each answered 10 questions about their college’s institutional standards and campus culture. A check mark Questionnaire Sources Hindicates a positive answer to our Catholic identity question. Schools’ comments expanding upon a “Yes” answer and explaining a “No” answer are included. he Catholic Identity College Questionnaire offers objective ques- Church’s magisterium.” tions about a university’s Catholic identity. We designed the ques- U.S. Application: If a particular professor lacks a mandatum and View online at NCRegister.com / “Resources.” tionnaire so that a “YES” answer reflects essential elements of the continues to teach a theological discipline, the university must deter- T renewal of Catholic identity called for by Pope St. John Paul II’s mine what further action may be taken in accordance with its own 1990 apostolic constitution on higher education, Ex Corde Ecclesiae (Out of mission and statutes. the Heart of the Church), its 2000 “Application to the United States,” canon n Theologians’ Oath: Canon 833: Catholic theologians are person- law and other relevant Church documents. ally bound to make a profession of faith, according to the formula approved by the Apostolic See, in the presence of the university pres- The Institution ident if he is a priest, or the diocesan bishop or a delegate, at the begin- n President’s Oath: Canon 833: The president of a Catholic university is ning of their term of office. personally bound to make a profession of faith, according to the formula The Profession of Faith and the Oath of Fidelity, “Acta Apostolicae approved by the Apostolic See, in the presence of the chancellor or dioce- Sedis” 1989: The obligation of a special oath of fidelity has been san bishop or a delegate at the beginning of the term of office. extended to Catholic theology professors. The Profession of Faith and the Oath of Fidelity, “Acta Apostolicae Sedis” 1989: The obligation of a special oath of fidelity has been extended to pres- Campus Culture idents of Catholic universities. n Mass and Confession: U.S. Application: Catholic students have n Catholic Board: U.S. Application: To the extent possible, the majority of a right to be provided with opportunities to practice the faith the board of trustees should be Catholics committed to the Church. through participation in Mass, the sacraments, religious devotions n Catholic Faculty: U.S. Application: The university should strive to and other authentic forms of Catholic spirituality. The university recruit and appoint Catholics as professors so that, to the extent possible, shall make provision for effective campus-ministry programs, those committed to the witness of the faith will constitute a majority of the including the celebration of the sacraments, especially the Eucha- faculty. rist and penance, other liturgical celebrations and opportunities for n Mandatum Required: Canon 812: It is necessary that Catholic theolo- prayer and spiritual reflection. BENEdictinE coLLEGE gians have a mandatum from the diocesan bishop. n Speakers Vetted: The U.S. Bishops’ 2004 “Catholics in Political Pope John Paul II (to American bishops, 2004): “By their very nature, Life”: Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defi- Aquinas College 3 SPEAKERS VETTED Catholic colleges and universities are called to offer an institutional wit- ance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be 3 UNOBJECTIONABLE CLUBS 4210 Harding Pike ness of fidelity to Christ and to his word as it comes to us from the Church, given awards, honors or platforms that would suggest support for N/A NO COED DORMS Nashville, TN 37205 a public witness expressed in the canonical requirement of the manda- their actions. N/A * HEALTH SERVICES OKAY (615) 297-7545; toll-free (800) 649-9956 tum.” n Unobjectionable Clubs: U.S. Application: It is important for AquinasCollege.edu U.S. Application: Both the university and the bishops, aware of the Catholic universities to implement in practical terms their commit- Enrollment: 618 School’s Comments: Faculty: 100% Catholic faculty contributions made by theologians to Church and academy, have a ment to the essential elements of Catholic identity, including activ- Mandatum: required of the entire right to expect them to present authentic Catholic teaching. Catholic ities of officially recognized student and faculty organizations and The Institution: faculty professors of the theological disciplines have a corresponding duty to associations. 3 President’s OATH Mass & Confession: Daily Mass, be faithful to the Church’s magisterium as the authoritative interpreter n No Coed Dorms: U.S. Application: It is important for Catholic 3 CATHOLIC BOARD individual spiritual direction and con- of sacred Scripture and sacred Tradition. universities to implement in practical terms their commitment to 3 CATHOLIC FACULTY fession are all available and regularly 3 MANDATUM REQUIRED attended or utilized. U.S. Application: Catholic students have a right to receive from a the essential elements of Catholic identity, including the commit- 3 THEOLOgians’ OATH Clubs: We not only exclude pro- university instruction in authentic Catholic doctrine and practice, ment to create a campus culture and environment that is expressive abortion groups; we do no external especially from theologians. and supportive of a Catholic way of life. business with groups that promote Campus Culture: Mandatum Text: “I hereby declare my role and responsibility as n Health Services Okay: U.S. Application: It is important for 3 practices in opposition to Church *MASS AND CONFESSION a teacher of a theological discipline within the full communion of Catholic universities to implement in practical terms their commit- 3 SPEAKERS VETTED teachings. Dorms: We do not directly provide the Church. As a teacher of a theological discipline, therefore, I am ment to the essential elements of Catholic identity, including the 3 UNOBJECTIONABLE CLUBS dormitories. We do promote “house- 3 *NO COED DORMS committed to teach authentic Catholic doctrine and to refrain from commitment to provide health care in conformity with the Church’s holds,” where many of our students 3 putting forth as Catholic teaching anything contrary to the ethical and religious teaching and directives. HEALTH SERVICES OKAY choose to live together in either exclusively female or exclusively male School’s Comments: communities. Institution: Aquinas College is in the Health: We do not provide health heart of Nashville and is the only four- coverage, and we only promote year Catholic liberal arts college in practices in adherence with Catholic Campus Culture: middle and east Tennessee. The new we require it of all Catholic faculty arts college in Australia, Campion goes teachings. We also take the extra step Belmont Abbey College 3 MASS AND CONFESSION master’s degree programs in teacher members in theology. The “Profession to the core of education, faith and human of only choosing business vendors of Faith” and “Oath of Fidelity” are 3 SPEAKERS VETTED flourishing. Located in western Sydney, education and nursing education are 100 Belmont-Mount Holly Road that do not support these practices more proper for pontifical faculties Campion offers a uniquely integrated and based on strict Catholic and Domini- Belmont, NC 28012 3 UNOBJECTIONABLE CLUBS as well. teaching in seminaries. fully accredited B.A. in the liberal arts. can teaching and tradition. The new (888) 222-0110 3 NO COED DORMS Enrollment: Offering theological Coed Dorms: We have six residence Small class sizes (tutorials are capped perpetual adoration chapel con- BelmontAbbeyCollege.edu 3 M.A.
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