JiAWMAh (D'f.r.U'I'lAKMi3.)0-.);AKV Qrhf, II. ' —% t k■ W I (3AFit> '^Tj7 Corrected to 1th Aw./uftt, 1920. [Crown Copyright Reserved. Un ^utlioiitn. THE MONTHLY AIR FORCE LIST AUGUST, 1920. PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY’SLONDON: STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses : Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, and 28, Abingdon Street, London, S.W.l; 37, Peter Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andrew’s Crescent, Cardiff; 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh ; or from E. PONSONBY, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1920. [Price One Shilling and Sixpence, Net.] THE MONTHLY AIR FORCE LIST AUGUST, 1920. CONTENTS. SAZ. Abbreviations Area Commands:— Advisory Board on Chaplaincy Services... Coastal Area No.Inland 11 (Irish) Aiea Wing Air Council B.A.F. Headquarters, Cranwell Air Force Agents R.A.F. Headquarters, Halton ... Air Ministry Chaplains, Department of . Commands R.A.F. (Overseas) Chief of the Air Staff, Department of Independent Units Commit! ee, India Mediterranean Group ... Middle East Area Rhine Dental Officers, List, of Directorate of Equipment Gradation List 101-lOOOi Directorate of Lands ... Medical Service R.A.F. 1001-1013 Directorate < f R.A.F. Medical Services Directorate of Personnel t Relinquishments, Resignations, etc Directorate of Works and Buildings... * t Retired List Finance Department Units, List of, with Officers serving Secretary’s Department * Published only in January, April, July and October issues, t Alphabetical lists—not shewn in Index. EXPLANATIONS OF ABBREVIATIONS. »«ajssrs»assa-,“ “ ““ 0“'“i"n *“ NOTES. Officers whoso names are marked thus * (a) hold Permanent or Short Service Commissions or (b) have been re-seconded or (c) having previous pensionable service in the Navy or Army are retained in order to complete time for pension. All Commissions are temporary except where shown as above. No appointments gazetted after August 7th are included in this List. Appointments gazetted between August 9th and September 8th will appear in the September List. Officers on the Retired List must communicate annually, between Jan. 1st and March 31st, with the Secretary of the Air Ministry, otherwise they will be presumed to be deceased and their names will be removed from the Air Force List. Officers who succeed to peerages, baronetcies, or courtesy titles are responsible for immediately notifying the same to the Secretary of the Air Ministry in order that the necessary alterations may be made in the Air Force List and in the official records of the Air Ministry. All communications regarding entries in this publication should be addressed as follows :— Questions of Seniority, Rank, &c., through the usual Official Channels ; other communications direct to :— The Secretary, (Air Force List), Air Ministry, Kingsway, W.C.2 AIR FORCE AGENTS. Messrs. Cox & Co., 108.111, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C a. (For Staff and Flying Officers only.) (FaMessrs. Technical Holt and A Co.,Administrative, 8, Whitehall including Place, London,Medical S.W.l.Officers) il Yfn THE KING Chief of the Royal Air Force 1 Aug:. 19. AIR COUNCIL. THE RIGHT HONOURABLE WINSTON SPENCER CHURCHILL, M.P. Secretary of State for Air. (President of the Air Council.) THE RT. HON. THE MARQUESS OF LONDONDERRY. K.G., M.V.O. Under-Secretary of State for Air. ... 7 Hit fflHO (Pice-PresidentIKO I I ■ of the Air - Council.)W ■ 3 ( \r\ AIR MARSHAL SIR H. M. TRENCHARD, Bart., K.C.B., D.A.O. Chief o‘f the Air Staff. MAJOR-GENERAL SIR F. H. SYKES, G.B.E., K.C.B., C.M.G. Controller-General of Civil Aviation. AIR VICE-MARSHAL SIR E. L. ELLINGTON, K.C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E. Di rector-General of Supply and Research. SIR JAMES STEVENSON. Bart. Additional Member. REAR-ADMIRAL SIR C. F. LAMBERT, K.C.B. Additional Member. W. F. NICHOLSON. Eeq., C.B, Secretary of the Air Ministry, 12 AIR MINISTRY. Secretary of State for Air. THE RIGHT HON. W. S. CHURCHILL, M.P- Parliamentary Private /Secretary... laeut.-Col. J. T. C. Moore-Brabazon, ii.C. Air Secretary and Private Secretary Group Captaiu A. J. L. Scott, C.B.. M.C., A.f C Auletant Private Secretary Flight Lieut, G. W. Dobson, O.B.K. Under Secretary of State for Air. THE RIGHT HON. THE MARQUESS OF LONDONDERRY, K.O.M.V.O. Pi ivate Secretaries -{ P.Bon. J. Oldfield,O. E. Vesey, Esq. C.B.E. Secretary of the Air Ministry. W. F. NICHOLSON, Es<}., C.E. Assistant Secretaries of the Air Ministry. H. W. W. McAnally, Eeq C.B. C. R. Biigatocke, Esq., C.B.y J. toA. Department Webster, Esq..of Civil D,S.O. Aviation). (tent temporarily 13 Air Ministry—(eowttttwrf). DEPARTMENT OK THE SECRETARY OF THE AIR MINISTRY. Secretary „ _ . W. F. NICHOLSON. Esq.. C.B. Private Secretary W. L. Scott, h'si/. H. W. W. Me AN ALLY, Eta., C.B. Assistant Secretaries ... C. 1!. BEIGSTOCKE, Esy., C.B. lI J. DepartmentA. WEBSTER. of Civil Esy., Aviation). U.S.O. (lent temporarily to J.K. B.G. Abraham,L. Bertram, Esq. Esq., C.B.E. Principal! C.K, G. Nutt,Evans, Etq„ Esq. O.B.E. R.L. G.O. Richards,S. Reynolds. Esq. Esq., O.B.E. (aetinq). 1J.C. T.LI. Cotton, Bullock. Esq., Esq., M.li.E. O.B.E 3.K. G.L Gibson,Megorry, Esq. Esq. A.E. G.H. C.Self, Young, Esq. Esq, 1. H. Barnes. Esq. (Hesident Clerk). 1.■ V.S. H.Cherry, Campbell, Esq. Esq.(an loan to Silesian Administrative x.Commission). G. Flddes, Esq. Higher Division Clerks . i.2. J.S. Galpin,Lucy, Esq. Esq., (temporary). D.S.O. t.I'. w.Monk-Jones, Musson, Esq., iMq. A.F.C. (Resident Clerk). i.x. E.P. Slater.Seel, Esq. Esq. 3.o.. D.R.n. Spencer-Young,opcncer-ioung,VI alker, Esq., M.B.E. Esq.,asq., M.B.E.sa.ts.v,.(temporary). (temporary).(tempo AIR HISTORICAL BRANCH. Committee o/ J,B_ A jqnES, Esq., M.C. Operations Section 3. C. Nerney, Etq. Technical Section 3. -Morris, Esq. DIRECTORATE OF CONTRACTS. 6tS'L*u :: FINANCE DEPARTMENT. l DsrofFi“aiiceforF }j. S. ROSS, Bsq., C.B.E. IBS- DIRECTORATE OF LANDS. Director-Gei Controller o insation J.Col. H. F. c uZlro^T’,a"'LC0W !pe“'| rainier,JV. W. Fv/. r,na.O^’A.A Lieut. J. DEPARTMENT OF THE CHIEF OF THE AIR STAFF. Chief of the Air Staff Private Secretary Directorate of Director Winy Commanders Syuadron Leaden Director Deputy Director Wing Commnnders Wing Commander H. Cooper, DJS 0., B J. McIntyre, M.C.. M.A., M.B. Directorate of Works and Building's- f Works and Builcldine«{ M^;^cn- ‘ S&t? . “{IW.S.fiT&l&SSSf. 10 Air Wm'wXry—(continued). Directorate of Works and Buildings—(conW.) Ciml Engineers ... Chief Surveyor .. Hughes, Esq. Surveyors |.C. W. Perryf Esq. Deputy Director ... Col. T. D. Mackie, C.JU.G., O.B.E. Superintending(Grade II.) Civil Engineers ti MaMa.i. j. J.D. K.Goad, Harland. O.B.E. Civil Engineer Oapt. T. Kerr-Jones, Af.I.E.E. Surveyor Capt. A. H. Dawson. Chief Stores and Accounts Officer.. Lt.-Col. S. B. F» Carter, O.B.E. Stores and Accounts Officer ... Capt. F. E. Stanley. ChiefEngineer Mechanical .md Electrical /ILt-Col. M.f. Mech. 3. D. E., K.M.I. Restler, E.E. O.B.E., M.fnst.O.E., ^ ^lW}Maj. H. S. Watson. B.A., Af.I.E.E.. Assoc. AUnst.C.E. Civil Engineers ^ W. H. n.gg, A.M.l.C.E. (/.) of 'Itchnical Accounts ... L. G. Heath, Esq. 20 Air MInIstry — (omtinu-ed). DEPARTMENT OF THE CONTROLLER GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION. Controller General Private Secretary tit.-Col. R. D. Waterhouse, C.M.G. Controller of Information ... Controller of Communications ... Group Captain L. F. BCANDY, D.S.O. — J. A. WEBSTER, Esq., D.S.O. (acting) ... — Director of Meteorological Office ... Sir Napier SHAW, L.L.D., Sc. D„ F.R.S. Deputy Controllers ... ... , ... W. R. Bernard, Major C.G. P.B. Robertson,Cockburn. LieutEsq Senior Assistants J.F. L.C. Travers,Shehnerdine, Lt.-Col., Lt.-Co)., O.B.E. O.B.E. ' J.O. Waley-Cohen,G. G. Villiers, Lt.-Col.,Major, D.S.O. C.M.G., ... D.S /■A.C. H.W. Biddlecombe,Armstrong, Lieut Lieut W.P. J. C.C. Cooper.Brown, Major,Major O.B.E.. JU.C. J.F. A.C. V.Deane, Echevarri, Lieut Capt P.S. J.Gardner. V. Fill, EsqMajor, O.B.E Junior Assistant! L.H. M.Jones, Lilley, Esq., Major M.B.E S.T. Ransom,Pearson, Esq.Capt L.E. A.M. Rushbrooke,Rossiter, Lieut. Lieut D.3. Thomson,Sinclair, LieutCapt. B A.F- Communications )i B.D.S.O H. N. H. Hamilton, Squadron Leader, _ )VJ. E. C.L. Coulson,Johnston, Flying Flight Officer Lieut., A.J.C.... ... — Medical Adviser Lt.-Col.Education) C. B. Heald, C.B.E. (on loan from Board oj DEPARTMENTOF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF SUPPLY AND RESEARCH. DiriCets°Ja^eral °f SQPPly L Director of Besearch cTcTS., M Air Ministry—(continued.) AIR MINISTRY COMMITTEES. Members Professor H. Lamb, M.A., D.Se.,| | AERODROMES COMMITTEE. Chester).F.R.S. (University of Man-\\ Chairman • Wing Commander W. D. Beatty, Mr.A eronauticalA. Ogilvie, Society). C.B.E. (Royal C.B.E., A.F.C. Sir 3. E. Petavel, K.B.E., D.Sc., Member* . .Lieut.nard, Commander R.N. W. K. Ber- IndustrialF.R.S. (Dept, Research). of Scientific and i MajorFlying L. Officer M. Lilley, F. C. O.B.E.Deane. Mr. J. D. Siddeley, C.B.E. i Lieut.-Col.O.B.E.
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