THE SCROLL OF PHI DELTA THETA, VOLUME XVII. October, 1893. June, 1893. EDITED AND MANAGED BY JOHN EDWIN BROWN. ET? avrjp, oSSas dvrjp. COLUMBUS, OHIO : Published by the Fraternity. 1893- OHIO STATE JOURNAL JOB ROOMS. 6PAMR A, GLENN, COLUMBUS, OHIO. VOLUME XVII. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Affiliations, Concerning—Official 213 Alpha Province Convention :12, 96 Alumni Day, Fourth Annual 321 Alumni Day, the Spirit of 208 Annuals, Straws from 104 Badging, A 202 Beta Province Territory, Our 101 Central Ohio Re-union 310 Chapter Grand, The 402 Chapter Histories 100 Chapter Weakness 92 College Annuals 6 Chicago Alumni Banquet to Illinois Alpha, The 107 DEPARTMENTS. Chapter Correspondence 43, 119, 203, 333, 418 Directory 2, 88, 181, 2.^6, 380 Editorial 33, 111, 219, 331, 41-5 Initiates 442 Items of Interest 78, 178, 269 Official Communications 213, 417 Personals 71, 16s, 263, 366 Pot-Pourri sO, 186, 277, 372, 457 Ellis, Alston 291 Epsilon Province Convention 317 Foster, John Watson 29 Greek Letter Fraternities and the Columbian Exposition 214 H. G. C, Report of 27 Hail Thee (Song) 21s ILLUSTRATIONS. Agricultural Hall, Colorado State College {facing ) 295 Athletic Field, Vanderbilt University {facing) 13 Bonham, Scott (plate) 76 Convention Group, Alpha Province [facing] 92 Ellis, Alston, Ph. D., LL. D. [facing) 291 Foster, John Watson ( facing) 31 Harrison, Benjamin [facing ) 35 TABLE OF CONTENTS. ILLUSTRATIONS—Continued. PAGE. Indiana Zeta Chapter [facing) 317 Louisiana Alpha Chapter [facing) 119 Main Building, Colorado State College [facing) 293 Mayer, J. M. [plate) 167 Mechanics Arts Hall, Colorado State College [facing) 299 Mississippi Club, ^'anderbilt University [facing) 19 Stevenson, A. E. (facing) 5 Tennessee Alpha Chapter Group [facitig) 383 Tennessee Alpha Lodge ( facing) 396 Tennessee Beta Lodge [facing) 400 University Place, Vermont [facing) 99 Worrall, Dr. J. M. (plate) '"*3 Late Alumni Meets 411 Opportunities for Fraternity Work 194 Phi Delta Theta, The Policy of, as a Training f^r Good Citizenship 299 Prologue 0 Reunion (Song) 268 Tennessee, Phi Delta Theta in— I. Tennessee Alpha 383 II. Tennessee Beta 406 To My Beloved (Poem) 92 White Carnation, The (Song) 194 CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME XVII. Anderson, R. F 202 Ball, F. S 101 Bowen, Archie 22 Brown, J. E 6, 29, 92, 92, 104, 208, 215, 218, 291, 310, 317, 402 Campbell, C. B 107 Dixon, F. H 406 Evans, Marcus G 302 Marble, D. N 213, 417 Mayer, J. .M 32 Miller, H. Th 194 Moore, J. C, Jr 96 Moss, J. W 22 Olmstead, R. E 408 Palmer, W. B Iy4, 299, 383 Park, Clearfield .309 Price, Edwin A 306 Slack, W. S 400 Stoops, Harry M 100 Wild, D. P 407 F>ROI=ESSIONKL. DIRECTORV. .\ Directorv to facilitate exchange of business between Phis in professional work in different c'ities. and all members of the Fraternity who desire consultation, or who have professional business to be transacted at any of these places. .\I,.\B.\MA. SELJIA. onto. COLVMBUS. WM. W. QUARLES, J. E. BROWN, M. D., Mtorney-at-Law and Solicitor-in-Ohancery, Diseases of the Eye and Ear, limce, 958X Broad St.. SKI.M.V. .\L.\. •-':;.". East Tuwii Street. COLUMBUS, OHIO. C,\LIFOK,N'I-i. .<.\X FR-\NCISCO. OHIO. CHILLICOTHE. T. E. HAVEN, M. C. EVANS, IHAVBM k HAVEN,) ATTOENETS, (EVANS & MASSIE,) ATTOENETS, --•••m California .St.. S.\s FK.lsriscn. C.lL. CHILLICOTHE. OHIO. CONXliCTICrT. ST.\MFORD. IlIllO. CHILLICOTHE. W. J. H. BOHANNON, C. H. WLECH, M. D., ATTTO R M E Y-AT- UAW, F»HYSiciArs] ANo SURGEON, ST.V.MFOKD, COXN. CHILLICOTHE. OHIO. I)KI,.VW.iRi:, WILMIXUTOX. (IHKI. CIXCIXXATI, WILLIAIM F. SMALLEY, SCOTT BONHAM, Attorney-at-Law, ATTO R N E Y-AT- LAW, l.iiKulu's Inii (V>tn-t. CISCINN-\TI. OHIO. «.l<i Market .-:tr,,t. WIL.MIXGTDX. UEL. (IHKI. EATO.X, (JKDRGI.V, COH'JIIU ELAM FISHER. S. p. GILBERT, FISEEE 4 VAUGHN,) ATTOENEYS, (BATTLE & GILBEET.) ATTORNEYS, Fisher Blotk, E.\TON, OHIO. rOT.l'MBU.S. (IS. OIIII). TODEDO. ILLIXOKS, BLOOM IXirr( IX. JOHN R. CALDER, R. E. WILLIAMS, Jr., A-TTORIM EY-A-T-i-AW, AT-FORNEY AND COU NSE:I_I_OR. BLOOMIXCTOX, ILL. Rcuni 111. I'roduce Exchanfre. Toi.KDO. OHIO. I>KXXSYLY.\XI.\. PITTSBURGH. KKXTICKY. I.OII.SVILLK, W. T. TREDWAY, F. D. SWOPE, Attorney-at-Law & Notary Public, A-TTO R M EY-AX- 1_ANA/, '.»; Diamond St. I'ITTSIICRGH. I".\. Firth and Main St.. I.orlsvli.i.K Kv. I>I:XNSYLV.\XH, WILLI.AMSPORT. MIXNKSOTA, DILUTH. T. M. B. HICKS, EDWARD FULLER, ATTO R M E Y-AT- l_ AW, ATXO R IS] E Y-AT- l_A W, Car. 4tli anil Williams St.. WlI.LH.MSPOUT. FA Room iOT, X.it. Bank lild'st. nvi.rTll. .MINN. XEW VOUK, XKW YORK. FORT WORTH. DUDLEY R. HORTON, J. B. LEWRICHT, Attorney-at-Law a Notary Public, R N EY-AT- LAW, I-.'O Broadwa.v Xi:\v YORK. X. Y. FORT WORTH. TEX-\S, X-ICOGDOCHES. XKVV YCIRK. XEW YORK. THOMAS H. BASKERVILLE, F. L. INCRAHAM, ATT0ENE7 AND OOUNSELOE-AT-LAW, LAWYt .^4 William St.. XKW YORK. X. Y. .X.ACOGDdCHES. TEXAS. OHIO, COLFMBl'S. TEX,\S, VERXOX. W. L. VAN SICKLE, R. W. HALL, AXTO R N EY-AT- LAW. (HALL 4 TOLBEET.) ATTOEHET, 111,1 Xorth High St.. ('oi.l-.«lu>. (lino. Murray Bnililini.'. \'KI!Ni-'.v TK.\ \~ kerican College Fraternities WM. BilMOM B4IRD, M.B., lU. (FOURTH EDITION, 1890.) This work, first published in 1879, is the recognized authority on all matters concerninjr the system of fraternal org-anizations exisl- ing- in the colleges and uni\ersities of the United States. It contains : a chapter on the features common to the majority of the fraternities ; a full account of the Getieral, Local, Ladies', Pro­ fessional anti Honorary P'raternities. Chapters concerning the inac­ tive (.)rganizations, miscellaneous societies ; a directory of chapters giving the names of the institutions in which the chapters are lo­ cated ; lists of annuals and colors ; a chapter on the legal status of the fraternities, a defence of tJie system, and valuable tables. One volume, square 121110, 360 pp., 42 illustrations. \^'ill be sent post­ paid on receipt of ])rice, $2.00 per Copy. Senditiyuur orders lliroiigh this founial. THE LATEST! Phi Delta Xheta Souvenir Spoons ! MADE OF STEELING SILVEE, COFFEE SIZE, WITH SILT BOWLS. Price, $2.00, with name of Chapter in Bowl and Monogram on Handle. SENT BY REGISTERED MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. J. CLARK MOORE, Jr.(Pa. z,), Manufacturer, 4201 Walnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Spoons of all the other Fraternities and Societies at the same price. Campaign Spoons, $1.75; Christian Endeavor Spoons: (Gilt) $1,80- Epworth League Spoons, $L50. COLUMBUS, ZANESVILLE. MALTA, RENDVILLE, CORNING, SHAWNEE. Jlem Equipment. The pnest Trains in Ohio. T'WO TRAINS EACH ^WAY DAILY BETWEEN For Further Particulars see Folder or apply to the Undersigned. F. J. PICARD, \A/. W. DANIEIL. Cen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. COLUMBUS, O. IT IS A LITTLE EARLY ——^^—^-^__ ^ To give a synopsis of the Elegant Train Service we propose giving our patrons to the World's Fair in 1893, But when the time arrives you will find the •BUCKEYE * ROUTE* in the swim, with Solid Train Service between / COLUMBUS and CHICAGO, And running as fine PARLOR, CAFE and SLEEP­ ING CARS as found on any Railroad system in America. THE BUCKEYE ROUTE (C, H. V. & J. AND ERIE RAILWAYS) Is the SHORT l_INE BETWEEN f^OLUMBUSl UCHICAGOI IIMRII<^., , ELEGANTOLEDO, DETROITT PARLO, and POINTSR IN MICHIGACARN San d CANADA. Are now in service on this Popular Line between COLUMBUS and TOLEDO, for which the Seat Charge is but 25 CENTS in addition to the regu­ lar fare. IF YDU DESIBE INFORMATION your interest will best be served by calling on Agents C, H. V. & T. R'y, or writing to W. H. FISHER, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, COLUMBUS, OHIO. bOX'T FORGET US. Vol. XVII. OCTOBER, 1892. No. i, THE SCROLL OF PHI DELTA THETA, Published by the Fraternity. EDITED AND MANAGED JOHN EDWIN BROWN. All correspondence and communications, whether relating to the Editorial or the Business Management, should be addressed to THE SCROLL of Phi DeltaTheta, P. O. Box 117, Columbus, Ohio. FRATERNITY DIRECTORY. GENERAL COUNCIL. President—WILLIAM \V. QUARLES, Selma, Ala. Secretary—HUGH TH. MILLER, P. O. Box i'l, Irvinw-io,,. ind. Treasurer—I. R. HITT, Jr., Evanston. III. Historian—D. X. MARRLE, Owensboro, Kv. THE SCROLL. J. E. BROWX. '2:>i East Town Street, Coliimlms. Ohio, Editor. THE SCROLL IS published by order of the National Convention, the General Council acting- as advisory board. It issues bi-nionthlv. from October to June, five numbers completing- a volume. Contributions from active and alumni members of the Fraternity are earnestly requested. College periodical>. newspapers, or clippina^s containing personals con­ cerning any members of the Fraternity, or referring in any way to Fraternity or collegiate matters, are requested to be sent to the editor. The subscription price is one dollar per volume. Single copies, 'I'y cents each. Address all communications to THE SCROLL, P. O. Box HT, Columbus. O. EDITORS OF IHE CATALOGUE. Frank D. Swope, P. O. Box 10, Louisville, Ky. Eugene H. L. Randolph, P. O. Box 1808, New York, N. Y. EDITOR OK THE HISTORY. Walter B, Palmer. XashviUe, Tennessee. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Syracuse. X. Y,, November27-December ], 1893. .\LUMNI CHAPTER ADDKESSE.S. Annual Alumni Day,, March Ibth. New York, X. Y.—Alpha—F. J. Greene, 62 Gold Street. Pittsburgh, Pa.—Alpha—T. C. Blaisdell, 12 Taylor Avenue. Allegheny. Philadelphia, Pa.—Beta—M. H. Fehnel, GOl Swanson Street. Baltimore, Md.—Alpha—Rev. H. H, Weber, 31 Patterson Avenue. Washington, D. C.—Alpha—AL C, Summers, Surgeon-General's Office.
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