^ : " T . THIRTEENTHripi YEAR, NQ, 191. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, AUGUST K /J .899.—EIGHT PAGES. TWO CENTS ALMOST DOUBLE FATALITY ORATORIO WELL RENDERED JOTTINGS OF AN IDLER. AIR PIPE POINTS XIOG. CARNIVAL PREPARATIONS ; . jU.____ Wanted / — ' "NPUBLIC SALE. CLEANING THEM AS RAPIDLY LIFEGUARD AND. BATHEIl “ ELIJAH” AT OCEAJJ GROVE SEEN IN 1 SAUNTER ABOUT SlAltpE SPECTACLE 'WILL \ 0F $9,000 I OVERCOME. AUDITQRIE^ THE TOWN. AS POSSIBLE, 1 BE FINE THIS YEAR.. IT . $5,000 D / Smith, an Ooean. Grove Bather Mantorftil InferpretatiortrtQ^fii,endel8 Tricks of^Hretfy Cfauso Futile ^ecoiyi * An x ' 111r J #].^Koi^e ol Workmen. Ar,e Busy Put Exhausted tu the Surf—Fouled Life' snhn’fl Great Composft^n-tGrand • Chaae by OceafL\. grove’s BoarJ- i*raiit;5Put in Operation (rcJpJTide ting Up Towers, Stringing Electric ESTATE $3,000 Line of Bathing M aster Glffard AU Chorus of500 Voices.aud N&W York wJUk Finest—Singer MlHfalcen for Over Shortage of W ater— Difficulty LfgTitM and- E r e c tin g a F o u n ta in Will Be Remedied by Clean Ing to close an estate, ^)n the premises, But Gauges His Death—Hurley’s Symphony Orchestra Connoted by a Locomotive—Driver Tie*» W eight R u Icm Governing Boats—Prizes to Air Pipe Points. On first mortgage, with Bond $Jmety Help. W alter Damrosch. to Post Instead of Horse. be Awarded Cottages and Boats. D. Smith, a Ne.w-York business m an re­ Tho oratorio of “EliJah” at^the'ffOcean Hotel proprietors, business men a fid cot­ SATURDAY,- AUGUST 19, siding on Staten Island, now tf summer The Ocoan Grove guardians of the public Officer Derrick HoagJand of Oceitn Grove, Search and Insurance Policy. Grove auditorium last evening, undec the tagers were highly incensed yesterday oyer resident at the Brooklyn House, V, Ocean pence 011 the boardwalk had an exciting who has charge of the^&wJey lako-etfrffiYal direction of Walter Damrosch, was thor­ the apparent shortage of the pure spark­ at the hour of & P. M., one of the most Grove, not only came near endlntr his own will-o’-the wisp chase a few evenings since which is to take place next Tuesday eve­ These'are gilt edge securities oughly enJoyed by the great audience of ling artesian water. During tlie afternoon desirable sites for Improvement In As- life in the surf at Rosa’pavilion by his fool­ when the lights along the esplanade were ning, Is;a very busy man at present ia per­ 6,000 peflpie. The work of the chorus was it was impossible at times to get miter and will bear investigation. hardiness yesterday, but nearly caused tfie temporarily out of business. Perforce fecting the plans for the event, From biiry Park, north side of Eighth Avenue, superb, and while Mr. Damrosch was tho above the first llior, which waa especially death of one pf the life guards afr that bath­ the enemies’of Cupid by strict regulations, p re s e t indications th(»re is no doubt Gut west of Grand Avenue. Width of. Jot conductor, the entirer credit for the work inconvenient to tlie hotel aiid boarding ing establishment. they had an enormous task in preserving th at this year’s carnival will ho the gre'af 125 feet, aqd includes o w tier^iip of belongs to Prof. T. E. Morgan, who, for six house keepers whoso’ houses are crowded A heavy sea was running anff a strongs th a t decorum and staid behavior th at is es­ eSt of tho many great carnivals that have water frontage to middle of lake. High weefis, has been untiring in h ts . Htbor In with guests. Boutherq- current* prevailed,’ but neither sential to the maintenance of, the high, attracted tho attention of thousands In tho ground, shade; nt) restrictions, Condi­ bringing the singers-up to the highest point Tha shortage was caused by the clogging dat^rred SmTtT^ond»Qne or’tw o companions reputation of . the twiu .elites. .Those tw in cities In past years. of perfection. up of the points o^ tho air piped,‘Which tions made known at time of sale. Par- _ Jffrom venturing far'TJeJbnd the . safety entangled in the pleasant meshes of -the Officer Hoagland had a force of men at Apply to * *. A mammoth platform had been specially reach»a depth of 200 feet below,the surface, ticulars or terms at private sale of point. The current had taken them about little love god have but, little thought other men at work yesterday erecting 'scaffold­ erected^for the festival, antJ,on this the thereby permitting the air* to force the opposite Ross’ pavilion when Smith became than for the pleasure of a reluctant kiss or ing tolmpport many or tho features. The chorup presented a most beautiful appear- water upwardst Members.of the'city eouii- exhausted and called for help. Archi­ embrace, and pressed their suit—or rather 40 feet high towers, one on either bridge, D. C. COVERT ancfe. The ladies, dressed in pure white, cii, and especially those of the fire anti MILAN ROSS AGENCY bald Glffard one of the best and strongest shirtwaist—in defiance of the blue-coated aro already in place. Four strings of made a marked contrast with the black water committee, feel confident that the life guards on the 'shore, responded censors. Here and there, up and down the’ many colored incandesceut lights will be evening dress of the gentlemen. difficulty will he remedied , and that the 208 Main Street. 2 q 8 Bond Street from Rorfs’ bathing ground, % cheered on by officers went, lured by the giggles and calls strung from these towers. Tlie scaffolding The audience greeted the appearance of supply will be all right toiay. hundreds of people who watched his gal­ purposely give* to attract their attention. for tho wonderful “calcium fou^taln,”- Mr. Damrosch and the soloists wl,th, ap­ All day yesterday a force of men, under lant swim in breathless anxiety. With long It was as dark as Erebus and the good na­ w hichis to be :J0 feet iu diameter, is also plause. Mme..Meredith was the sopriuio, the direction of tho superintendent and the and powerful strokes he breasted the waves tural guardians were about despairing and In place midway between the. bridges. Of Mme. Leonard the contralto, Mr. Paul De­ threatening awful punishments when the fire and water committee, wero busily en­ ficor Hoagland says, there are manysur and was rapidly nearing the drowning man gaged in removing tho air pipes, and clean" fault the tenor, and 4Mr.*GwMyni Miles the. welcome glimmer of the lights once more prises in contemplation fot- the thousands Monmouth Trust when his llf£ line caught in the iron poles' Ing thet'Ower points. Two or throe pf the KEITH’S EXPRESS basso, while the Youth’s part was taken by came to.their assistance. ef people who will line either side of the AN D ----- about the pool inlet pipe In front Of the Miss Grace Marguerite Whiting. The or­ wells were completed, and_better results ASBURY PARK and OCEAN GKOVB pavilion. The accident nearly cost him his lake on that evening, of which he does not chestra numbered 75 men. The first note were at onca.manffe8t.'It.takes time to raise life. Exhausted by his long Bwim and .ef­ They were quietly enJ »ylng .the mingled wish to speak at present. by the Immense chorus, “Help, Lord,” was 200 feet of plpef clean- it and place it back Hotel Brunswick, forts to loosen the rope he gave the signal sweetness of'ice cream and soda water a The parade ,is scheduled to start at 8 Safe Deposit Company {Railroad Depot and intensely thrilling, and the entire rendering In-position, but the'work is being pushed ,tp be hauled In, and in a half fainting con­ few evenings since under one of the leading o’clock sharp, and in • order that the affair 1214 Bangs Avenue. of the number was the signal for long and forward with all haste, and no serious re­ dition was brought ashore near Asbury hostelries, and in adc^tion to the pleasure may bo a complete success it has been Monmouth Building, Asbury Parfc, H. J, Principal Offloo ,,.806 MAIN STREET enthusiastic,applause. Mr. Dufalt sang sults are anticipated. The otfher wells will avenue by George Glffard, his nephew and afforded by the mixture were entertained found necessary to make a nutaber d>f rules Goods stored at reasonable rates. If With All Your Hearts” in good'style, be’cleaned aa rapidly ae possible. Telephone connection. fellow life guard. ‘ • by a concert in progress in th e hotel abbVe governing boats on that evening, whose and the chorus put intense , dramatic fervor The auxiliary plant at -Second..avenue CAPITAL,, $100,000. P. O. Bor 667, . A b b u h t P a b z . William Hurley, the .Asbury avenue the soda fountain. A local singer of JJote. fulfillment will cause all things to pass off in the stirring chorus “Y et Doth the Lord<” w«a placed in operation yesterday after­ guard, saw Glffard’s accident and swam to was Just ending a brilliant selection with ^ pleasantly so far as those in control can> SURPLUS, $25,000 The scene on Mount Carmel, where EliJah noon, after being out of service for three Smith’s assistance, or he would not now be gradually ascending series of‘high notes, secure. ,No boats will be allowed on the had agreed to meet the 40U priesfs of Baal years.
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