DOC UM F Psi T RP S l'MF ED 021 495 FL 000 816 By- Schoenheim, Ursula INEXPENSIVE BOOKS FOR TEACHING THE CLASSICS. 19TH ANNUAL LIST. Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Inc. Pub Date Jan 68 Note- 20p. JoUrnal Cit- The Classical World v61 n5 p185-204 Jan 1968 EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC- W.88 Descriptors- ANCIENT HISTORY, *BIBLIOGRAPHIES, BOOKLISTS, *CLASSICAL LITERATURE. DRAMAGREEK, *GREEK CIVILIZATION, HISTORY,*INSTRUCTIONALMATERIALS,*LATIN,LITERATURE, MYTHOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION All the materials in this bibliography are designed for use in courses inclassical literature in translation, classical civilization, and for supplementary reading inLatin and Greek courses. All the books are in English and are meant for grade levels sevenand above. Books are grouped under subheadings which include (1)Authors, Texts, Anthologies, (2) History of Literature, (3) Classical History and Civilization, (4)Greek History and Civilization, (5) Roman History and Civilization, (6) Philosophy andScience, and (7) Religion and Mythology. Prices are listed for each entry (all limited to$3.00 or less), and contents and translators are given for individual titles when necessary.A list of publishers' addresses is also included. (AR) U.S. DEPARTMENT M HEALTH, EDUCATION 8 WELFARE THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE OFFICE OF EDUCATION PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. JANUARY 1968 THE CLASSICAL WORLD 185 to inquire about teachers' discounts. Some publish- INEXPENSIVE BOOKS FOR TEACHING, ers charge postage on orders from individuals. THE CLASSICS: 19TH ANNUAL LIST Readers may wish to familiarize themselves with The following includes paper and cloth covered"Paperbound Books in Print," published monthly by translationsofclassicaltextsand books about R. R. Bowker Co1180 Ave. of the Americas, N.Y. Greece and "lome, up to and including $3.00. It does 10036 (subscription $23.50 a year). They should note not include texts in the original languages, gram-especially the three annual cumulative issues ($18.50; mars, etc., which form the subject of our "Text- $9.25 ea.). books" list to be published in April. Also excluded The present listing has the following arrangement: are works of fiction and books intended for children I. Authors and Texts (incl. Anthologies) below the seventh grade. The listis confined to works in English published in the United States and II. History of Literature Canada. The listing should prove helpful for courses III. Classical History and Civilization in classical literature in translation, classical civili- IV. Greek History and Civilization zation,etc.,and forsupplementary readingin V. Roman History and Civilization courses in Latin and Greek. VI. Philosophy and Science Within the above limits, completeness has been aimed at, in the listing as such, as well as in the VII. Religion and Mythology indication of contents, translators, etc. As always, I. Authorsand Texts the data are as accurate as it was humanly possible Anthologies to get them. For the sake of such accuracy, we have GreekLiterature again removed any items for which we could not Auden, ed., Portable Greek Reader (Vik) $1.85. find independent confirmation, when a publisher Barnstone, Greek Lyric Poetry (Ban) $1.45. chose not to respond to either our original request Casson, ed., Classical Age (wide sel.) (Dell) $0.95. or its follow-up plea. Comparison with last year's Connor, ed., Greek Orations:Lysias, Isocrates, list will reveal many changes in details, while the Demosthenes, Aeschines, Hyperides, and Letter only general alteration is that we have remcred all of Philip (Mich) $2.25. mention of separate prices for Canada, as these had Epicurus,Homer,Plato,Socrates,Sophocles, been made available to us very eclectically, and Springs of Greek Wisdom (Herd) $1.50. their verification involved even greater difficulty Fitts, Poems from the Greek Anthology (ND) $1.20 than that of the regular (American) figure3. Natu- (pap.); $3.00 (c1.). rally, prices and availabiaity are subject to change Forberg, ed., De Figuris Veneris: The Manual of without notice. Classical Erotology (Holl) $0.95. TJsers of this list are requested to mention it in Hadas, ed., The Greek Poets (R) $1.95. their contacts with publishers, and they are advised Lattimore, Greek Lyrics (Chi) $1.50. Publishers C-Cambridge University Press, 32 E. 57 St., N.Y. 10022. AB-Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Rockleigh, N.J. 07647. Cal-Universit3r of California Press, 2223 Fulton St., ACL-American Classical League, Miami University, Berkeley, Calif. 94720. Oxford, Ohio 45056. Cath-Catholic University of America Press, 620 (Consult the ACL Service Bureau, same address, Michigan Ave., N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017. for numerous other teaching aids.) CBC-Cambridge Book Co., 45 Kraft Ave., Bronx- Airm-Airmont Publishing Co., 22 E. 60 St., N.Y. ville, N.Y. 10708. 10022. Chi-University of Chicago Press, 5750 Ellis Ave., APA-American Philological Association; order from Chicago, Ill. 60637. The Press of Case Western Reserve University, CI-Clarke, Irwin & Co., 791 St. Clair Ave. West, 2029 Adelbert Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44106. Toronto 10, Ont., Canada. (20% discount to APA members.) Cita-Citadel Press, 222 Park Ave. South, N.Y. 10003. App-Appleton-Century-Crofts, 440 Park Ave. South,Clif-Cliff's Notes, Bethany Station, Lincoln, Neb. N.Y. 10016. 68505. Arch-Archaeological Institute of America, 100 Wash- Col-Columbia University Press,440W. 110 St., N.Y. ington Sq., East, N.Y. 10003. 10025. ARDM-American R.D.M., 148 Lafayette St., N.Y. CoNo-College Notes, 387 Park Ave. South, N.Y. 10013. 10016. ASA-American School of Classical Studies at Ath- (At press time, this publisher still had its old ens, c/o. Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, name of Monarch Press, most of whose items N.J. 08540. are now handled by Simon and Schuster and list- ASB-A. S. Barnes & Co., Box 421, Cranbury, N.J. ed here under Mon.) 08512. Coop-Cooper Square Publishers, 59 Fourth Ave.,. Ath-Atheneum Publishers, 122 E. 42 St., N.Y. 10017. N.Y. 10003. Aug-J. J. Augustin, Locust Valley, N.Y. 11560. (All items form part of the old "Our Debt to Bake-Baker Book House, 1019 VVealthy St., S.E., Greece and Rome" series.) Grand Rapids, Mich. 49506. Cor-Cornell University Press, 124 Roberts Pl., Ith- Ban-Bantam Books, 271 Madison Ave., N.Y. 10016. aca, N.Y. 14850. BaPu-Barrister Publishing Co., A Division of Simon Crow-Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 201 Park Ave. South,. and Schuster, 1 W. 39 St., N.Y. 10018. N.Y. 10003. Bar-Barron's Educational Series,113 Crossways (Co-publisher, and distributor, of Apollo Edi- Park Drive, Woodbury, N.Y. 11797. tions.) Bea-Beacon Press, 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.CUPS-College and University Press Services, 263: 02108. Chapel St., New Haven, Conn. 06513. Blai-Blaisdell Publishing Co., 275 Wyman St., Wal-D-Doubleday & Co., 277 Park Ave., N.Y. 10017. tham, Mass. 02154. Dell-Dell Publishing Co., 750 Third Ave., N.Y. 10017. BM-Bobbs-Merrill Co., 4300 W. 62 St., Indianapolis, Divr-D. C. Divry, 293 Seventh Ave., N.Y. 10001. Lid. 46206. Dov-Dover Publications, 180 Varick St., N.Y. 10014. (Liberal Arts Press.) Duqu-Duquesne University Press, Pittsburgh, Pa.. BN-Barnes & Noble, 105 Fifth Ave., N.Y. 10003. 15219. Br-Brown University Press, Providence, R.I. 02912. Dut-E. P. Dutton & Co., 201 Park Ave. South, N.Y. Braz-George Brazil ler, 1 Park Ave., N.Y. 10016. 10003. 186 THE CLASSICAL WORLD JANUARY 1968 Lindsay, Ribaldry of Ancient Greece: An Intimate Forberg, ed., De Figuris Veneris: The Manual of Portrait of Greeks in Love (ling) $1.45. Classical Erotology (Ho II) $0.95. Lucas, Greek Poetry (Dut) $2.45. Godolphin, ed., The Latin Poets (R) $2.45. Mac Kendrick & Howe, edd., Classics in Transla- Grant, ed., Roman Readings: Translations from tion, Vol. I: Greek Literature (wide sel., incl. Latin Prose and Poetry (P) $1.45. four compl. plays) (Wis) $3.00. Guterman, ed., A Book of Latin Quotations with Nu lle,ed., Classics of Western Thought, Vol. I: English Translations (Lat. and Eng.) (D) $1.75. The Ancient World (incl. Sophocles, Oedipus Rex, Hadas & Suits, edd., Latin Selections (Lat. and compl., Cook; Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Eng.):Cicero, Caesar, Sal lust,Vergil,Ovid, Plato,Aristotle,Plutarch,Marcus Aurelius) Livy, Seneca, Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, Apu- (HB) $2.95. leius, St. Augustine (Ban) $0.95. Pound & Spann, edd., Confucius to Cummings: Lhomond, Viri Romae, tr. Roth (Tran) $1.95. An Anthology of Poetry (incl. Homer, Sappho, Lind, ed., Latin Poetry in Verse Translation: From Aeschylus, Sophocles, Theocritus) (ND) $2.75. the Beginnings to the Renaissance (11M) $1.45. Rexroth, Poems from the Greek Anthology (Mich) Lindsay, Ribaldry of Ancient Rome: An Intimate $1.75. Portrait of Romans in Love (Ting) $1.45. Steiner, ed., The Penguin Book of Modern Verse Mac Kendrick & Howe, edd., Classics in Transla- Translation (P) $1.65. tion, Vol. II: Roman Literature (wide sel., incl. Stewart, ed., tr., The Ancient World: Justice, Hero- three compl. plays) (Wis) $3.00. ism, and Responsibility (wide sel.) (PH) $1.95. Nu lle,ed., Classics of Western Thought, Vol. I: Wedeck, ed., Classics of Greek Literature: From The Ancient World (incl. Cicero, Livy, Horace, the Literary Beginnings to the Second Century Lucretius, Suetonius, Juvenal) (HB) $2.95. A.D. (incl. four compl. plays) (Litt) $2.25. Pound & Spann, edd., Confucius to Cummings: An Latin Literature Anthology of Poetry (incl. Lucretius, Catullus, Brittain, ed., The Penguin Book of Latin Verse Vergil, Horace, Ovid) (ND) $2.75. (Lat. and Eng.) (P) $1.95. Ritchie, The Argonauts, tr. Elbon (Tran) $0.75. Casson, ed., Classical Age (wide sel.) (Dell) $0.95. Crane, ed., Fifty Great Poets (incl.
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