A-18 The Chronicle November 1, 1995 Historians give Cranford a 'family album.' See page A-10. Sales Wednesday, Novembers, 1995 5050 5050 5050 Act now, this Is 5060 5060 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents Employment NO JOKE Train For A Career In Beauty Employment- Employment- $4K/MO POTENTIAL Employment- Part-Time General General General Tried of answering re- Healthcare Employment CRANFORD- GARWOOD • KENILWORTH diculous & misleading Learn To Be A.... ads? Well, I'm tired of In- Hot Retail FREE- Real Estate terviewing people who HEALTH CLUB- part NURSERY SCHOOL BEAUTICIAN HAIR STYLIST School. For qualified ap- don't have a clue about time Receptionist and TEACHER UNISEX MANICURIST , plicants. Ask about our responsibility or dedica- Aerobics Instructors For prlvoto homo HAIRCUTTER MAKE-UP ARTIST NOW HIRING! scholarship program. tion. I need 5 quality peo- needed, Exerwlso Day Care, twide a month, Ask for Vickie 908-388- ple who can step up to Woman 218-1155 Plscataway. pizza. 9898. help run new local office. 908-885-1327 Financial Aid Available To Those Who Qualify RN NEEDED-PAT In Instant Interviews! No exp. nee. Training GENERAL/CLERICAL- provided. Please...don t busy family practice PERSONAL AS- 8 am - 4 pm, Please call waste my time or yours. office. Evenings avail- SISTANTS— noodod In CAIX TODAY Linda after 10 am. Good Serious Inquiries only. able. Call Dot Mlddlosox & Somorstit Books for tots Career Fair now being benefits. Friendly atmos- Call for an Interview. (908)221-1919. Cty. to work with porsons the Cranford Public Li- Cold . phere. 908-526-0880 Rich. 908-828-7598. with physical dlsabllltlos held at: In tholr homo. P/T. comp- brary is conducting its third HAIR STYUST & SALES Home Health Aides otatlvo salary and vohlclo Hair Fashioii Institute MANICURIST TELEMARKETING noodod. EOE. II Intor- Books for Tots to Teens. SOMERVILLE Easy Street In the $7-$13/hour, f/t. pit. CERTIFIED HOME ostod ploaso call 900- Bring a new book or books to cash. 121 Watchung Ave. North Plainfield Hadley Shopping Center. Year round work. 363-8990 Shaw, Shackell upset Democrats 7 blocks east of Rt. 22 Looking for 8 additional Metuchen. Pleasant new HEALTH AIDES the library's collection box. for the following locations: l Halr-Styllsts-4-5 Mani- offlCB.Catl W8-549-3315~ RECEPTIONIST- noodr By JOANNE McFADDEN earned 2,648 votes (20 percent), and taurant. "It's one of respect for citi- Air Conditioning ' •. Somerville & Union curists lull or part time. recruiting HHAs to join its od for Exorwiso Woman SHEET METAL ME- Training Is ongoing SALES- Full.Time, r 5050 ' professional nufsing team Hoolth Club, must bo disadvantaged children dur- THE CHRONICLE ' ' " ~^ rzens. I know.-the Democrats_haYe Employment- CHANICS & INSTALL- w/monthly In-house & enthusiastic, people choorful & friendly, 21Q- ing the holiday season by the According to Mr. Laezza, ap- made some changes already, for in- ERS— Excellent co. ben- outside classes. Large person wanted for 1155 General efits package. Experi- Interviews to be held on: bonus $$$ offered w/fol- diverse career In CHHA TRAINING Cranford Family Care As- The GOP challengers for the proximately 40 percent of the stance, making sure agendas were ence necessary. Cool-0- lowing. Ask for Larry or Financial services with a OFFERED SECRETARY-SPECIAL Matlc, Inc/Monvl!l9 722- Tues., Nov. 7th Denlse 1-800-510-7711 ma|o.r company, Full PROJECTS— Sotno.ox- sociation. Call 709-7272. Township Committee swept to vie? township's 13,000-plus voters ready for last night's [Monday's] 6566. After 4:30, • -* >i0am_!L_5pin_ or 760-7440 Benefits, Experience. Register now for Class porionco Intorvlowlno ap- tory last night restoring Repub- braved the weather to cast ballots meeting, I think they, got the mes- IrVOU'RB LpOKJNfi FOR SOMS ECTBA CASH, PlZZA ~7S2T9~412 rTe I pTu"l TJTJ t—mjT -to be-heldin-Edison- plicants. 908-685-7600- —v Route 28 HAIRDRESSERS- F/T. necessary, call 754-7576 Nov. 6 to Nov. 17 - ~ScliodI program ~~~~ --Uean<^ntxol-to^e-goveitiing~bbdy,-4ii-the^state, county^ and township—sager-but_I think they_gotJt_tob~ HlIT CAN OPfHI YOU AN IDEAL SECOND JOB. ARE YOU A Some exp. No following WAREHOUSE / SERVICE after a three-year absence. races. ..„..•. late." We offer great benefits Including: AUTO BODY- High vol- 202 Sopiervllle Ctr. nee. For busy salon In SECRETARY— Small CPR Cert incl in Class PERSON- Must bo good St Michael School will host ume stato of the art TELEPHONE Raritan. Call Barbara or busy software firm seeks w/tools nnd bo ablo to With only 28 of 30.districts re- The two Republicans ousted Mr. Both candidates acknowledged • Great pay ($8-12/hr) an Early Childhood Program shop, looking for exp. SALES EXPERT? Raritan, NJ Sue 707-1185. self starter w/ good edit- Immediate oponings in unload trucks. Applicant porting, Township Administrator Aschenbach, a nine-year incum- the incumbents' hard work and • Flexible hours ] front office porson. Du- ing, word perfect & Lotus should be dependable 730 pm today in the Alden Forbes newspapers HOME TYPISTS NEED- MIDDLESEX & SOMERSET and have car. Mon-Fri 1. • Free meals ties include est. parts, needs a Telemarketing skills. Salary S2SK w/ John Laezza declared Tom Shaw bent, and Mr. Albert, who served as records. "They put in a lot of time |ob tracking. Salary com- ED- Also PC/Word benefits. Call Hariri. Counties Spm S9/hr. 908-752-0292 Street school Spoclallst^YoLLMusUbe. casiinr users. S4Q.Q0Q. •' Call goB-549-??in • and Wally Shackell victors. Voting mayor this past year. and effort in serving the township. O smfHttrwlth—oxpr-Excr team oriented, self- SALES Preferred-Placement—r-r- Thg prngrnrr) work cond. Good crew. year income potential. 908-668-7300 EOE machines in District 22 at Walnut Mr. Shaw said he was happy that That will not go unforgotten," said mUVlNO RECORD FOR 6 MONTHS motivated, imaginative Toll free 1-800-898-9778, 5090 nursery school for 3-year- ANDAWiliAllUAUTOMOBSi; Call crave at 469-3285 confident, patient & disci- Avenue School and District 17 at the campaign surrounded "some Mr. Shaw. Eve. 782-1805 - PROFESSIONALS ext.T-5139for"rietalfiT ~ ~SECRETARY^~Xonsult. Employment Wanted olds, pi^kiridergarten'-for ~4f-- Cm O» APHY IN PCTJON AT plined. Sales experience Ing' Firm In Branchburg Brookside Place School broke, and a plusl Excellent salary, Full-Time Careers/Video, Audio A Computers II t' A i r ii C > » > real issues." "The voters sent a Neither winner, nor Nancy Law- 158 EAST MAIN STREET, MR LUNCHROOM AIDES looking for carrer ori- year-olds, and an all-day kin- votes had to counted by hand. commission & benefits. ented Individual w/excel- 25 South Main St. NOTICE: All EMPLOY- message that they Wanted change," rence, the municipal chairwoman, SOMERVUIE, NJ Send resume: Forbes Great earning potential for right individual! If you have Lunchroom Aides need- dergarten for those who turn ed for Brookslde Place lent typing and com- MENT WANTED advor- Mr. Sl&w was the top vote-getter (908) 231-6700. EOE. -Hut Newspapers, PO Box a confident attitude arid a real Incentive to sell, along Edison, NJ 08837 5 on or before Oct, 1, 1998. A said Mr. Shaw. would tab a mayor. Commissioner 699, Somerville, NJ 08876 with broad knowledge of homo olectronlcs'...we'd tike School for 1995-96 munication, skills. Ap- tlsements/aro PAYABLE with 3,101 (23 percent), followed ."Yes, I think the voters sent a J. Robert Hoeffler is the senior sit- You'll love the stuff we're made of. RARITAN HEALTH— 633 Attn: Rick Kestenbaum. school, year. Please send plicant should be an ex- IN ADVANCE by coih,. reception will follow. Call to hear form yourRelevant retail experience, telecom- letter of Interest with re- Route 28, Raritan. Certi- munications background, and excellent closing skill a cellent organizer w/ profi- closely by Mr. Shackell with 3,024 message/' said Mr. Shackell at ting GOP official and Commis- fied Nurses Aides- F/T, sume no later than No- ciency In word process- HEALTH chock, VISA or Mastoi 276-9425. ASSEMBLE PRODUCTS plus. TOMSHAW (22 percent). Mr. Aschenbach GOP headquarters at Cortina Res- (Please turn to page A^r WALLY SHACKELL 5000 1 P/T all shifts. vember 10,1095 to: ing. Experience in Amltro CAREERS Card. • For a quote on 5020 526-8950 Pat Caccavelll AT HOME- Process Is a . Must be motivated EMPLOYMENT Child Cam Wanted mall, & other home- cost, please . call *POSTAL JOBS* CASHIERS • STOCK PERSONNEL Wlllam E. Cashman and able to work inde- PART TIME 1-800-559-9495. Boosters meet based oppty. $500 / pendently. 40 hr week, $12.68/hour to start, week. No exp. nee. (908) MUSIC & MOVIE STAFF Deputy Supt. of Schools tor Cranford Booster Club will plus benefits. Couriers, P.O. Box 646 competitive salary, excel- v PERSONAL CARE WANTED:- 1 evening/ 940-7788 Call 24hrs. Full-Time & Part-Time lent benifHs. Fax resume wk and 1 weekend/mo In Sorters, Computer Tralrw Cranford, NJ 07016 would likft to finter the SERVICE- Polish ladlos meet 8 p.m. tonight at the w/salary requirements to taaUhcare '<«uj Out a/wi my Cranford home. Must eos. For application and - -ASSEMBLE AA/EOE looking for care lor PRODUCTS II unable to attend, call our 24-hour Job hotline office manager J.M, op.m«nt»Jlydt»aDk»d.cl*ntt 'e oldorly/sick. Uvo In/out. Cranford Community Center. DMC High drama have a car and valid driv- exam information, call 908-602-1900, Ext. 3238 or send/FAX your resume to: MANAGEMENT C«M» e«ce"»nt cs'o afvl Iran At home. Top pay, easy Sorge Inc. 90B-21B-9165.
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