AddlUotud Oirlstmas daeoratlona previous hearings on the proposal now are shoarlng In town. Tha Textile Union Check for 78 Cmts Zone Meeting for this sHe the application hss About Town mangor aeana has bean sat up in Sent Here From Rone been danleu. •t «M AodH Canter Pule, and tharS’^ a large Extension o f permission will bs I ad Ctoaolottoas 9" •nti $twtag ttn l» ft tb» Oaacot^ EVERYONE APPRECIATES star on the ataepla of Center Enjoys Party W e might call this the atory This Evening sought iQr Mabsl H. MoCrocksa to Mtmehaslor~—A City of F ltto g ii Chtrm UitlMna eharcfa wUl m a t at church. Store whtdows are being o f the meow that waa heard conduct TVMirlst Homs at 17 Sprues T:M tOBiciit at Um church. additionally dressed up. and with half way round the world, but street and Kenneth O. Morrison, to bMU uiu rcaUndad to hrinK Chriat* tha street lighting display, Man­ ^ VOL. L3CX, NO. 61 "I Over 700 Persons At* whatever it is called. It has a Boai^ o f A p p a ls Has use buildings for stprage of elec­ MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1950 (SIXTEEN PAGES) I I glfU for tlM chUdron’a homo. chester seems to be showing more dlattnct international and coa- trical materials. PRICE POUR CENfll holiday brilliance than in years tend Annual Event at mopoUton bearing. Eight Requests for Edna Ready wonts permission •juAt^. BS. Ordor T « t . ____ The State Armory ’Aiday The Herald received a Changes to Consider to conduct dancing classes In base­ •f tlM 'S u t« n «U r, wU hold a check for 78 cents from Rome, ment o f her home st SI Bruce Carl O. Fanis, son of Mr. and Chrysler Gives 3 8 Senators H fular BMatinc Wodnaaday ava- Cheney Brothera Textile Work- In on envelope * marked Villa Road; Charles Pontlcslll, to erect Mrs. Roy O. Farris of 9 Durkin Aurora, Genoa. It was from Eight applications for exceptions atn( at ^ght o’clock at the Ma- era of America, Local 93, held from Boning regulations will be dwelling with less frontsgs than TOenple. l>\>Uowlng the meet' street, has bean promoted to the M m Charles Lombardo of regulations allow at .Keeney their annual CSiristmas Party In aired at a public hearing before Pay Increase; Back Military U. N. Troops Abandon i ing tha Chrlatmaa pageant, "The rank of Sergeant in the United Storra, thia atate, who. waa street, south of No. 143; and Wil­ States Air Force by order of tha tha state armory yestarday after­ paying for a classified ad she the Zoning hoard of Appeals to­ mnnwa of Tima," under tha direc* o’clock In the Municipal liam C. Dunn, to erect dwelling SILEX commanding office of Perrin Air noon with a crowd, aatlmated at ran in The Manchester Herald night at 8 ttflfi of nmmaa Maxwall, will be Building. with attached garage closer to side May Hike Price giaan and tha annual C9iriatmaa Force Base, Texas, wrhere ha is in which ahe aougb^ to dispose line on North Elm street, south of Aid to Chiang 760, attending. James Murphy, o f some Persian cats. party, artth exchange of twenty- stationed as an Air Policeman. Matthew Moriarty will seek per. No. 118. COFFEE MAKER secretary of the union, waa gener­ . The way wa figure It, Mra. mission to erect a gasoline station flra cant glfta, will be hah). At thla Sergeant Farris attended Man­ al chairman in charge of the The hearing Is open to the pub­ Virtually All of North Lombardo’s mall just caught on the comer of Hartford Road Employes Get 2 0 Mil­ ttiao tha Chrlatmaa stocking will chester High school and entered falr and waa assisted by a large lic. Kiiowlaiid Says Rill Will the Air Force in August, 1948. up vfith her in her travels, and and Campfleld Road, lota No. 142 ba drawn. *nia party wUl ba la group of plant employees, all at tha time she wrote us she $3.45 lion a Year Benefita; Come Bcfqre 82nd etaarga of co-chairmen Mrs. Mary members of the union. and 148 In Business Zone n. The waa at Via GIno Capponi 14, state hearing for a license will also 8 Cup slM. The original glass a. Baauragard and Mra. Mary 8. Frank Hewitt has ratumed to An afternoon of entertanment Rome. Expe4;t Price Rise In Congrefia; George Smith and their combined commit­ Goodyear. Ooon., after spending was presented by profeesional bo taken up at this time. In coffee maker. For better tasting the past week at the home of his talent. Guest speakers ware Hated coffee use Silex. Line With Ford, GM Sees Controls Soon Korea to Red Armies tees. brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and on the program and included Mrs. John Kiebish of 84 Haw­ George BiUdansl, executive vice pended; Murray B. Yorker, 62, Detroit, Dec. —Chrysler The annual communication of thorne street. His twin brother, 848 Auburn road. West Hartford, B ulletin! Manchester Lodge No. 78, A. F. president of tha unkm from the Oorp., again in step wage-wise Bulk o f Eighth Anpy Samuel Hewitt, is spending the parking violation, 810 bond, for­ SERVICES with General Motors and Ford, Washlngtoa, Dee. ||— and A. M„ will ba hold at the Ma- national office in New York City. Ik winter In Florida and desires to be Henry Mallory, executive vice feited; Victor J. Tantalo, 286 kept Its propectlve customers President Trumaa is arrang­ Urge U. N. to Name Now Below Parallel; sonic Temple tomorrow evening remembered to his friends in Mouataln road. West Hartford, 86 guessing to ^ y whether It .would ing to addreM the Ameriran at 7:80. Reports will be read and president of Cheney’s, Saul M. That hitcitiret ths wishes town. Silverstein, president of tha Rog­ o f 810 bond forfeited; and Robert home comfort fall in line price-wise. people by radio Friday or Sat­ 1 Olh Corps However tha usual year end business will C. ^ristenaen, 21, Coventry, pass­ urday night oa the world sit- ba transacted, afUr which offl- ers Corporation, Frank Reilly, of the family. If it does. It will put higher tags Is Still Trapped Near The Christmas meeting of the resident of the local 83 six* Mat- ing stop sign, 86. on its forthcoming 1951 model uatkm and the home front Board on Far East eara will be elected for the ensu­ steps he believes are necessary ing jrear. Following the business Joy group of the North Methodist Slew Paton, vice-president, also MORIARTY Bros cars. Hamhiing; Hope to WSCS, will be held Wednesday spoke briefly. Yesterday Chrysler passed out as a result, of the threat of masting there will ba a social hour Verplanck School John B. Burke 3 1 5 CENTER ST 820,000,000-a-year benefits to Its w-or. Uhalrmon George (1)., Seven Man Coinmitlee Evacuate Survivors and iwashments. afternoon at two o'clock at the With the general business and church. Mrs. Flora Chase of Bol­ entertainment program completed TEL 5135 125,000 CIO and non-union em­ Ga.) of the Benate Finance Toss U. S. Army FUNERAL HOME Conunltlee waa added in the Would Decide Which By Sea; Mongolian Tha HoUlsUr P. T. A. will meet ton will render vocal and violin se­ in the early evening, music was PTA Lists Meeting ployes. Auto industry sideliners lections, and Mrs. Florence Wood provided for dancing from 7 ST Eoot OMtor aA TM. S S speculated a price rise would fol­ group of Heoators and Kepre- tomorrow evening at 7:30. A chll- 8 8 sentatlves Mr. Triiimn will Regime Should Repre­ Cavalry Enters W at ren’a book program, arranged by of Harvard Road will be accom­ o'clock until closing at 11 o’cleck. low. Into Sea, Plea panist. Refreshments and a so­ Tha recently former Parent Rejected U. S. Request consult at 16 s. m. (E.8.T.) sent Oiina in U. N. Mias Oartnide Carrier, will be glv- Teachers of Verplanck school will iomorrow oa plans for the Tok.vo, Dec. 12.—</P)— Al­ en by some of the pupils of the cial time will follow the business Both GM and Ford boosted session and program. hold a meeting In the auditorium prices just a week ago. GM said proclomatloa of a national most i;U North Korea wa» achool. of the sohool on Wednesday eve­ its Increases averaged “something emergency—« i^ep expected Lake Hucress, Dec. 12—(Al— Of Red Leader ning at eight o ’clock. Reaideiits of the village of NUo, built oa tbe olopea of Mt. Etna, Italy, pray before a atatae of the Ma­ to be prellmlHnry to a rapid Twelve Aslan and Middle East abandoned by United Nations General Manager George H. Our Lady of Fatlnia Mothers’ Court Cases less than five per cent." Ford’s donna to save their homes from the flow of la%-a from the erurHIng volMno. They carried the statue Anthony Wallace, who waa was 6.7 per cent. Both firms re­ series of moves placing the countries today laid beforo' the troops ti^ay to the masaivfl Waddell returned to his office to­ Circle will hold their meeting and chooeB chairman for the group, from the village church right up to the edge of the advaacing la%-a (bockiround). Their prayers sp- country’s economy on virtual­ North Korean Premier Communist forces of China day after a trip to the South where annual -ChrUtraas party. Wednes­ John F.
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