November 2014 www.cdd.org.nz Issue No 203 South for Sesqui Celebrations OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN SOUTHLAND Pat Veltkamp Smith. The first Catholic church was built in Southland’s ebullient Gerry Forde was Southland welcomed back its own Clyde Street, opening in 1864, 150 years MC for the dinner, at which the guest when a congregation of 650 attended ago, following that first generous ten speaker was favoured son of the south, a Mass celebrating the sesquicenten- pound donation from gold miner, Don- NZ Deputy Prime Minister, Bill English, nial of the Catholic church in South- ald Cameron of Nokomai. whose talk on faith and family was de- land. Locals welcomed back proudly so Today the copper dome of St Mary’s livered with insight and great good hu- many Southland born, - our two belov- Basilica is an iconic landmark, not just mour. ed Bishops, Colin and Emeritus Bishop for Catholics. An ecumenical service at the Basilica, Len, Vicar General, Monsignor Paul Ma- The sesquicentennial celebration was on Saturday afternoon, was hosted by honey, and Dominican Sister Carmel a Southland affair, bringing together Fr O’Neill, who welcomed visitors and Walsh OP, now an invaluable member people from the other parishes which the city-wide choir from different de- of the faculty of Good Shepherd Col- grew from the first, which, initially, en- nominations who sang together under lege in Auckland, guiding a new gener- compassed the lot – Wakatipu to Wynd- the baton of the Basilica’s Dr Raymond ation of students for whom English may ham. White, epitomising ecumenism in ac- not be a primary language. St Mary’s Basilica parish priest, Fr tion. Nor was it the primary language for the Christopher O’Neill, headed the plan- All the venues were decorated with French Marist missionary Fathers who ning committee which organised the red, gold, pale and pink tulips given by brought the faith to the south; Fr Del- weekend, with the liturgies sorted by Fr the van Eeden family. phin Moreau SM walking from Dunedin Tony Harrison of Waikiwi. Basilica parishioner and sesquicenten- through bush and swamp to say that All up, thirteen priests concelebrated nial secretary, Wendy McArthur, is re- first Mass in 1861 in the one- roomed the Eucharist with Bishop Colin. Among searching and writing the south’s 150 Post Office in Invercargill, baptisIng sev- them Marist Father Neil Vaney of the So- year history. en babies before gathering strength to ciety of Mary, represented those early The book will include details of the head to Riverton the next day. Marist missionaries. sesqui-celebrations. The Tablet November 2014 Southland Sesquicentennial Mass, 26 Oct. 2014 Homily by Bishop Colin “Consecrate them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world…” (Jn 17:17-18) In this marvellous chapter from St John, that has often been called Jesus’ Eucharistic prayer, Jesus prays to the Father for himself; then He prays for his disciples and asks the Father to ‘consecrate them in truth’ as He sends them out. Fr Ray Brown speaks about Jesus’ “commissioning of the disciples to take Jesus’ place in the world.” Our Faith is the gift we have received, to go out and share its good news with others. When Fr. J.B.Petitjean S.M. arrived in Invercargill in 1857 he had walked all the way from Dunedin. By the time of a census in 1861 there were only 126 Catholics in the whole of the province (of a total population of 18,760). One would imagine that he was the first priest to celebrate Mass there but there is testimony to the effect that the first Mass was celebrated in Invercargill on the 1st Sunday in May, 1861 by Fr. Delphin Moreau S.M. in a one roomed building that served as a post office. There were 11 families in Invercargill at the time, 7 Protestant, 5 Catholic; and all the Catholics were at Mass. After breakfast, he baptised 7 babies and then walked on to Riverton. Our reason, of course, for being here today is that in 1864- 150 years ago-on Sunday, 23 October at 10.30am, the blessing and opening of St Mary’s Church took place in Clyde St. Invercargill, as well as the creation of the parish of Southland, with its new P.P. Fr. Amatus Martin S.M. The Blessing and opening were celebrated by Bishop Viard of Wellington, assisted by the Vicar General, Monsignor J.P. O’Reilly and Fr. Martin. After the High Mass, the Sacrament of Confirmation followed, and in the evening, at 6.30pm, there were Vespers and religious instruction. The enthusiasm of Catholics at the time to build churches, schools and convents is quite remarkable. Given the difficult times in those pioneer days, their generosity of giving money and time is admirable. It was a testimony to their strong faith. With the first church in Invercargill we have a lengthy list of donors from afar afield as Wakatipu; and one of the chief collectors was a certain Donald Cameron from Nokomai, the uncle of St Mary MacKillop. His initial ten pound donation leads a formidable list of contributors. With the arrival of Bishop Patrick Moran, churches began to spring up like the proverbial mushrooms in Southland; Riverton 1876, Winton 1881 (train from Invercargill, Gore (Gordon i.e. East Gore) 1883 Wyndham 1884, Mataura 1886, Orepuki 1887 (train with 500), Wreys Bush 1889, Lumsden 1891, Waikiwi 1896, Riversdale 1896, Bluff 1897, Balfour 1904, and Otautau 1905. While we realise that sectarianism was a greater problem 2 November 2014 The Tablet then than now, there were good reports of people of other denominations contributing to Catholic projects. There is a good account in the Southland Times of 30 November, 1889, about Bishop Moran at Winton. When Bishop Moran arrived in 1871 there were 7,500 Catholics in the diocese; by 1892 there were 22,000; 80 sisters, 22 priests and 37 churches. Such were the early days of the Church here in Southland. When we look at all that activity of the planting of churches, schools and convents, we see how it was nurtured by a strong faith. Faith means this personal relationship with God; being open to his word and obedient to Him. In one of the Masses of Our Lady, the preface speaks of her thus: “ She sought your will unceasingly, and obeyed it with fidelity.” Not like the Nicky Gumbel story from Sons of the South return: Bishop Len Boyle, NZ Deputy Prime Minister, Bill Alpha when he met an old elder from English and Bishop Colin Campbell. the church of Scotland and asked him, “How long have you been an elder of the Pope Francis speaks about some people requirements. If we have them, the kirk?” “43 years,” he replied. “You must coming from Church looking as if they message will get out. have seen a lot of changes in that time?” had been to a funeral. It recalls the I recall a story that Cardinal Basil “Aye, I have, and I’ve opposed every one story of the Scottish novelist, Robert Hume told years ago at a World of them!” Louis Stevenson, who said he saw some Charismatic Convention in Brighton, When we look at our pioneer brothers people going to church on Sunday and England. He said, “An aloof and and sisters of those early years, it is our they looked as if they were going to the pompous bishop once went to a parish Catholic Faith that binds us together, dentist. When they came out of church for a meeting with parishioners. There and when we think that a lot of the he knew that they had! The Pope says was a poor turnout of the locals. After building of churches has been by and we should have that sense of joy in the meeting, the bishop angrily said to large completed, what is the call of faith our lives so that others are attracted. the parish priest, “Where are the people? for us today in our 3rd millennial world? We need to ensure that we do not cut Didn’t you tell them that the bishop was I think we must again come back to our down on opportunities of sharing our coming?” “Of course not,” replied the Gospel for today, because that is the faith; e.g. when going to visit a family priest, “but somehow the news leaked blueprint that has been given us; that member, relative or friend who is no out anyway!” is the commissioning that Jesus gives longer practising their faith, don’t Our faith needs to be open, us today, and as Pope Francis says, say, “I won’t mention anything about transparent, confident and joyful. And “We are, by our Baptism, all called to church; it will only upset them.” Rather, most people - indeed all people, are be disciples; all called to be missionary pray to the Holy Spirit asking for the hungry for God. Don’t be put off by disciples,” and the call is to share that opportunity – which generally comes, people who cry down religion. Deep faith with others- that very faith that and often from the other person! Don’t down, there is that yearning for the in last week’s Mission statement Pope put conditions on the power of God; like eternal. A man may deny food exists, Francis begins by bluntly saying, ‘there the story of the two friends discussing but he will be hungry, none-the- are so many people in our world who a recent wedding.
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