Today COMIC ctions SECTION mRE February 21, 1930 JVoodtridge, New Jersey, Friday enton ting Another Satur- »y c -iyiti'm would ii.l l>y the isnu- (in bnndft, one ycnr fur thirty thi* appropri*- II Conraiinon, i,| for twenty /i»Hlliri(i(fP' Fire minted out that m system Aould r:itc!« in Wood- rely ndd to the Mr. Conesnnon the first $1,000 i one year, it ,K(M) interest— By BUD FISHER .n the $2'J,000 ••- Emergency Messenger Service le this interest MUTT AND JEFF i yi>»r, he ex- the last bond (payers would interest, a total H6L101 |:t0,01)0 alarm X WANT TO 0 the $30,000 V 1 developed TO it wan report* ^ \T* planned to the present fire roe trucks now side by side, l door to th« propriation was .nderslood that had asked lor ;m of the same tliers probably ippofition to it. < appropriation J umber 1 wlth- on during the ;iroy explained, danger of tiM •asv operations, stained, cpared, author- ra of a ftre dis- al election for funds when the has been de- election. This I when the leg- nday, probably nareat. If the MUTT. I HON>6 UP able to call a ibmit an appro- era for a vote." ; pass, Mr. Mc- 11 be necessary ID MUTT, 5 to take aomo 1 sufficient funds TtUU HIM T*> _ WITH HIM . iy through the- low what that such a course ow, the district lout funds, for tain amount of ney being paid these payments the company •angements are n Wins it Trip cted Openly Theatre — ree-Day Trip ses Paid. >K Amboy ave- tfe<- lucky one who were con- »e-day trip to if the Majestic y. The. award before a capa- L'StlC, jmmunity were signed coupons y the outcome . the offer was t was a condi- vished to enter ; present when d lust night. ,-h tho selection ir and open as ossilily be. The ,vi'ri> contained mil were trans- nther I'untaincr i».\v of the aud- (jrii-1 was called (1 asked to pick in whose name stub was not in w IK-XL or the unit' was called, attractive one. ,>.i nil expenses In New York, I TH\NK rovided and he each for / re« Bt R\SHT OUT.' In additi/ . to si'a thi e is incid«ntak board are Mich- Uoinano. 1 also held lU , on Tuesday the following chairmun; Har- ice chairman; reasuror; Law- . 1 secretary and U"V- take out liabil- fire truck, and Hie Aetna Pir« resented by Ai- rs the truck for lAN'S ACV formerly ol Amboy noNs Daliverwl Avtnoi ,«* >»#*•**** THE NEBBS An Exhibition of Efficiency By SOL HESS -M ln«wi. In. TnU Mart **, 9.«. M. 0«| rD UKE TO t-*AKC A UTTLK WALTER; L WAMT VOU _-mcaca A sweu. TAKE: OUR Mien ID CA«R>/ TVUKT OOWKI AT TUB OVER TO <SRUEKJS«TMCV e .COMRAM CAKI USe IT NO\AJ AMD - IF TMB AMV ERRAKJD5 WE. D^M'T W£EIO IT AMV MORE: COME MB. COMRAKJ I XX) YOU TW3 >S A WICK NOO COULD CARRV BE. CAME TO TUE TWIKJ3 ME <=>AVE ME VOU'D R10MT PLACE TMAT DOWNJ TO TO CARR^-AMD FOR UK:E TO MAVG: ONUV A DIME TOO VOU CAN4 CARM A RUM DIME IF VOU DO I'LL TAKE A ^5HO&T CUT OM tOOHC AT 0UMIOR. 15 THAT TMCOUe>M THIS WITM WIS ©A&V CMAIR- M)OM CHA>R5 KJO MORG-KiOT XWENJ MAVfoe 1 \WOJT AJKIT WOU OITTINIG FDR VBARS AMD VELARS-I'M MGET AKN OF THE. CWAlRS OUST CARRVlKKo IT "TO 45EE 5TRONJG 1. AM_l CARRIED fT 6UKJCM &OT A CRADLE FOR 20 BLOCKS OUST LIKE, A 2 coma E.R G$K BET VOU FELLCRO TW we VOU CAMT CARRV IT TO RESTIM MRS LET ME 15 THE WI6M CHAIR MBS. OUST AS IO ceNJTS TOR THE - 1 GOT IT CONJRANJ SENJT DOWNJ- AS Pie,TMJ5 TMAT LCAV&5 Me 6 CEMT5 ALL RIGHT OUST TAKE: IT WELL, I CARRIED IT A AND 3ET IT DOWKi AV EViS ©OOD CARRlCRS, C>ON».ANJO IF I SeT A I-tORE MGAW >#•• -« . •».-• V... r L..; y -«H^ loday ctions I REE CENTS jrs hi enton ling Another S«tur- 4 »y e system would lid by the is«u- 00 bonda, one yp»r for thirty this approptfia- •« By CM. PAYNE II. Conc»nnon, Heroic Efforts id fof twtnty S'MATTER POP? foodbridite Fire jointed out that m syBtcm would rn in Wood- rely add to the TOCLEAKI Mr! Conrantion the first |l,000 1 »no year, it ,rtl)0 interest— m thi; »2tf,000 ,lc this interest i year, he ex- the last bond <|iftyers would interest, a total COULD'Tit. NICE, $30,000 alarm AW' 0 the $30,000 developed it was repoi >rs planned to the present fire ree trucks now •d side by side, 1 door to the proprlatlon was inderstood that had asked for on of the same there probably ipposition to it. • appropriation lumber 1 with- on during the ilroy explained, • danger of tb* '«!* operations, ibuiined. epared, author- rs of a fire di»- g| election for funds when the has bwn de- election. This I when the lcg- nday, probably narest. If the : able to call a ibmit an appro- ers for a vote." ; paaa, Mr. Uc- ill be neceswry s to take some sufficient funds iy through the now what that such a course ow, the district lout funds, for tain amount of ney being paid these payments the company rangements are n Wins ^'T A II Trip cted Openly |Kl<5l6N»A OF T+fA g Theatre — ree-Day Trip *e» Paid. 58 Amboy ave- th<, lucky one who were con- ee-day trip to y the Majestic iy. The award before a capa- cstic. ommunity were signed coupons Iy the outcome i the offer was t was a condi- wished to enter c present when id last night, eh the selection ir and open as inssibly be. The were contained ind were trans- lother container iew of the aud- girl was called d asked to pick on whose name stub was not in he next or the ame was called, attractive one. es all expenses tq New York, •rovided, anand hhe each foorr // ree In additiiitif - to :penses thth/lthfif -e is • incidental^. board are Mich- i Romano. 1 also held its on Tuesday tha following chuirman; Har- vice chairman; treasurer; I^aw- 1 secretary and *ry. take out liaml fire truck, and" the A<)tna Fire iresenWd by Ai- rs the truck for 1ANS ACV formerly of ii Amboy Avnnt HE DIDN'T HEV MATCH TOONERVILLE FOLKS FONTAINE FOX TOONERVILLE FOLKS Cleaning Up Fontaine Fox T*yriijrtt. UW-*! Bell R;i»t1at«. 1M., THI. Mirk ««- C t Pit Of.) Orut Brlult Rlihu l—rn* TWO, THE POWERFUL KATRlNKA AND THAT DWAf?r, ARE THE FUNNIEST COUPLE X KNOW AND THEY SURE ~% GOT THAT V.' AKE PLUMB CFtAXY , JUST IN A0OUT BACH OTHER! WE 6OTTA TIME ! ©ET THAT THEY COME' OPFA THE«E YOU STAY HERE WHIL.E X WONPER WOT'S Up?THE zee! ^MERST QUICK! FETCH A ftAC TO WIPE TT DWARF 60ES BY HERB A FUNNIEST PITCHER Off BeFOftZ SOMEBODY MILE A MINUTE AND EVgR, SEES rr f 16 WAIT- ING OVER BY THE dOLOREP CHALK BIRTH OF AN »DEA .. So SHE WIPEP IT OFF WITH HIM AND THEN BFAT IT! ID**?. The News of All 22 Pages Today The Township Three Sections VOL. XI, No. 60 W00DBR1DGR, N. .1., FRIDAY, FKKRUAKY 21, \\>:w PRICE THREE CENTS Fords Firemen Offer Prizes Old Motorboat At Sewaren Recalls Days When Beards and At Annual Costume Ball Ferry Says "No Damaged By Fire Today The local fire department was call- Fire Commissioners FORDS—The annual masquerade ed out at 4 :0.r> o'clock this morning Pompadours Kept Barbers Busy hall of the Fords Fire Company will Hatchet To Bury" for a fire in nn abandoned motorboat \ be held at School No. 14 on Ford on the beach nt Sewarcn. The low- Road Between Carteret and Woodbridge Wa* Path Through avenue on Washington's birthday, Claims That Amboy High I* er part of the boat is water-logged, Will Appeal To Trenton Februnry 22 at 8 P. M. Music will be The upper woodwork »•«» in >\ Blaze Th<! Woods — Mud Ro*d» Were The Fasttwi And furnished by Tangaard's Blue Bird Class A School and That when th*' firemen arrived and quick- Legislature Will Be Asked To Pass Bill Authorizing Another Whiskey Came By SteainBoat To Be Carted Away Orchestra. Pri7.es will be swarded Teams Would N6t Be On ly extinguished it. for'the most beautiful, most grotes- Election Because Appropriation Asked At Satur- In CUy Wagons With Armed Guards The boat is thought to be worth- que and most comical costumes. Even Basis. less SB it has been abandoned for day's Election Was Voted Down — May Barbershop Was Community Center. There will also be two children's more than a year. Tho tire depart- Have To Mortgage Fire House. prizes. Excellent entertainment is letters, rumors and m»ws articles ment could not learn the name of the being arranged by the committee. Days of pompadour haircuts, when urday night I would close the shop at have brought to the fore thin week/ owner. lVprived of its anminl appropria- time. The cost of tho system would liarbering was more a matter of one or two o'clock Sunday morning,, the question of "Why Perth Amboy i lion when the taxpayer* voted down bo $30,000, to be paid by the issu- trimming a board scientifically and unntch a brief sleep and open up j high and Woodbridge do not bury the its $30,000 general appropriation unco of thirty f 1,000 bonds, one to the satisfaction of its proud wear- again at five o'clock Sunday morn- hatchet and resume athletic relation- ftloriK with the $30,000 for u lirebond maturing each year for thirty er, and when haircuts coat lii cents ing and stay open until noon.
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