STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2014 i STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2014 ii STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT PAGE Message from the Director of the Department of Commerce i American Samoa Government Departments/Offices iii-iv American Samoa Legislative Branch v American Samoa Judiciary Branch vi Comparison of selected Wage rates paid in American Samoa with U.S. mainland minimum wage increases, 2001-2009 vi Map of the Pacific Islands vii Map of American Samoa viii United States and Metric Weights and Measures ix Tabular Presentation x To Request a Copy of the Yearbook x List of Tables xi-xvii List of Figures xvii Sections: 1. Population 1-24 2. Vital and Health Statistics 25-41 3. Education 42-61 4. Law Enforcement 62-72 5. Climate 73-78 6. Land Use/Ownership, Housing Characteristics, and Building Permits 79-90 7. International Arrivals and Departures 91-106 8. Election 107-112 9. Government Finance 113-117 10. Labor Force, Employment and Earnings 118-140 11. Prices and Expenditures 141-147 12. Communication and Transportation 148-156 13. Agriculture and Fishery 157-172 14. Commerce and Trade 173-182 15. Electricity and Water 183-194 16. National Accounts 195-197 Community Comments and Suggestions – 2014 198 iii STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2014 LOLO L. MOLIGA GOVERNOR OF AMERICAN SAMOA LEMANU PELETI MAUGA LT. GOVERNOR GOVERNOR’S OFFICE Department of Commerce Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 Keniseli F. Lafaele Department of Human & Social Services Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-5155 Taeaoafua Dr. Meki Solomona Office of Public Information FAX# (684) 633-4195 Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-1187 Fagafaga Daniel Langkilde Department of Public Works FAX# (684) 633-7449 Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-4191 Faleosina Voight Department of Legal Affairs FAX# (684) 633-1044 Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-4141 Talauega Eleasalo Ale American Samoa Power Authority FAX# (684) 633-5958 Attorney General Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-4163 Utu Abe Malae Department of Public Safety FAX# (684) 633-1838 Chief Executive Officer Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 644-5251 Save Liuato Tuitele Department of Marine & Wildlife Resources FAX# (684) 644-5005 Commissioner Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-1111 Dr. Ruth Matagi Tofiga Am. Samoa Development Bank FAX# (684) 633-5111 Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-4456 Ruth Matagi Fa’atili Department of Agriculture FAX# (684) 633-5944 President Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-4031 Lealao M. Purcell Department of Parks & Recreation FAX# (684) 633-1163 Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 699-1497 Tamaaiga Pili Gaoteote Territorial Administration on Aging FAX# (684) 699-4031 Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 699-9614 HTC Ale Tifi Malae Department of Education FAX# (684) 699-4427 Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-1251 Vaitinasa Dr. Salu Hunkin Finau Department of Port Administration FAX# (684) 633-2533 Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-5237 Taimalelagi Dr. Claire Tuia-Poumele Office of Protection Advocacy FAX# (684) 633-4240 Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-4251 Pita Tinitali Department of Human Resources FAX# (684) 633-5281 Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 699-2441 Sonny Thompson LBJ Medical Center Hospital Authority FAX# (684) 633-7286 Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-4485 Taufete’e John Faumuina Election Office FAX# (684) 633-1139 Chief Executive Officer Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-1222, ext 498 Meleisea V. Filiga Department of Treasury FAX# (684) 633-1869 Acting Chief Election Officer Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-2522 Ueligitone Tonumaipe’a Office of Procurement FAX# (684) 633-7116 Treasurer Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-4155 Oreta Mapu Crichton Criminal Justice Planning Agency FAX# (684) 633-4100 Chief Procurement Officer Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 699-1170 Keith Gebauer Department of Local Government FAX# (684) 699-2387 Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-5221 Tuiagamoa Tavai Am. Samoa Telecommunications Authority FAX# (684) 633- 7552 Acting Secretary of Samoan Affairs Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-5201 Alex Sene, Jr. Environmental Protection Agency FAX# (684) 633-5590 Chief Executive Officer Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-1121 Ameko Pato Department of Administrative Services FAX# (684) 633-9032 Executive Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-2304 Malemo Tausaga American Samoa Community College FAX# (684) 633-5801 Director Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 633-4156 Dr. Seth Galea’i Arts Council FAX# (684) 633-1841 President Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 PH# (684) 699-9155 Uta Dr. Laloulu Tagomailelagi FAX# (684) 699-2062 Executive Director PH# (684) 633-4347 FAX# (684) 633-2059 iv STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2014 LOLO L. MOLIGA GOVERNOR OF AMERICAN SAMOA LEMANU PELETI MAUGA LT. GOVERNOR GOVERNOR’S OFFICE Office of Program Planning & Budget Veterans Affairs Office Department of Youth and Women’s Affairs Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 Catherine Saelua Dr. Fred Urhle Jonathan Fanene Director Veterans Affairs Officer Director PH# (684) 633-4201 PH# (684) 699-3730 PH# (684) 633-2835 FAX# (684) 633-1148 FAX# (684) 699-9934/3371 FAX# (684) 633-2875 Office of the Administrative Law Judge Office of Property Management Territorial Energy Office Toetagata Albert Mailo Malo L. Niumata Ali’i Tama Sotoa Administrative Law Judge Chief Property Management Officer Acting Director PH# (684) 633-7712 PH# (684) 699-6537 PH# (684) 699-1101 FAX (684) 533-7725 FAX (684) 699-6536 FAX (684) 699-2835 Public Library Department of Health Office of Public Defender Cheryl Morales-Polataivao Motusa T. Nua Marc Douglas Fiaui Territorial Librarian Director Public Defender PH# (684) 633-5816 PH# (684) 633-4606 PH# (684) 633-1286 FAX (684) 633-5823 FAX (684) 633-5379 FAX (684) 633-4745 Territorial Audit Office Department of Homeland Security Liua Fatuesi Iuniasolua T. Savusa Acting Territorial Auditor Executive Director PH# (684) 633-5191 PH# (684) 699-0411 FAX (684) 633-1039 FAX (684) 699-5329 iv STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2014 Members of the 34th Legislature Gaoteote Palaie Tofau President of the Senate Phone: (684) 633-4565 Savali Talavou Ale Speaker of the House of Representatives Phone: (684) 633-5763 American Samoa Fono DISTRICT HOUSE PHONE DISTRICT SENATE PHONE 14 ALATAUA SAVALI TALAVOU ALE (684) 633-5763 3 VAIFANUA GAOTEOTE PALAIE TOFAU (684) 633-5853 SPEAKER (PRESIDENT) 1 TA’U FETU TETUI, JR. (684) 633-5152 6 MAOPUTASI AFOA L.S. LUTU (684) 633-4759 VICE SPEAKER 1 TA’U VESI TALALELEI FAUTANU, JR. (684) 633-5454 6 MAOPUTASI TUAOLO MANAIA FRUEAN (684) 633-4947 2 OFU/OLOSEGA TOEAINA FAUFANO AUTELE (684) 633-4754 1 TA'U NUANUAOLEFEAGAIGA T. SAOLUAGA (684) 633-4656 VICE PRO TEMPORE 3 VAIFANUA FATULEGAE’E PALEPOI MAUGA (684) 633-5556 1 TA'U GALEA’I M. TU’UFULI (684) 633-5453 4 SA’OLE TALAMAITAI ELISARA SU’A (684) 633-4956 4 SAOLE FUIAVA AVALOA (684) 633-5668 5 SUA #1 PULELEIITE LI’AMATUA TUFELE, (684) 633-5557 2 OFU/OLOSEGA LAOLAGI SAVALI VAEAO (684) 633-5663 JR 6 SUA #2 MATAGI S. DAVID MAUGA (684) 633-4059 5 SUA MATA’UTIA LUI AFONOTELE (684) 633-4869 7 MAOPUTASI #1 VAILOATA ETEUATI AMITUANA’I (684) 633-4657 5 SUA TIALAVEA MISIUALAPA (684) 633-5754 8 MAOPUTASI #2 MAUGAOALII LEAPAI T. ANOA’I (684) 633-5457 6 MAOPUTASI UTI PETELO (684) 633-5359 9 MAOPUTASI #3 MEAUTA LAUOI MAGEO (684) 633-1581 7 ITUAU ALO FAAUUGA (684) 633-4553 10 MAOPUTASI #4 VAETASI TUUMOLIMOLI S. (684) 633-4058 7 ITUAU SOLIAI TUIPINE FUIMAONO (684) 633-5854 MOLIGA 11 MAOPUTASI #5 FAIMEALELEI ANTHONY F. ALLEN (684) 633-5458 8 TUALAUTA MAGALEI LOGOVI’I (684) 633-4057 12 ITUAU MALUIA MULINU’U FILO (684) 633-4822 8 TUALAUTA GAEA PEREFOTI FAILAUTUSI (684) 633-5553 TOMASAGA 12 ITUAU MANUMAUA WAYNE C. WILSON (684) 633-4557 9 LEASINA/AITU LEATUALEVAO S. ASIFOA (684) 633-4654 13 FOFO PULETUIMALO D. S. KOKO (684) 633-5669 10 TUALATAI TUIASINA SIOLOSEGA ESERA (684) 633-5757 15 TUALAUTA VUI FLORENCE VAILI SAULO (684) 633-7876 11 FOFO AVEGALIO P. AIGAMAUA (684) 633-4568 15 TUALAUTA LARRY S. SANITOA (684) 633-5363 12 ALATAUA FALETAGOA’I I. TUIOLEMOTU (684) 633-4457 16 TUALATAI TIMUSA TINI C. LAM YUEN (684) 633-4954 17 AITULAGI ATALINA ASIFOA (684) 633-4011 SWAINS ISLAND SU’A ALEXANDER E.JENNINGS (684) 633-5758 v STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 2014 F. Michael Kruse Chief Justice Lyle L. Richmond Associate Justice Phone: (684) 633-1261 Fax: (684) 633-1318 Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799 NAME POSITION PHONE John L. Ward II Associate Justice (684) 633-1261 Elvis Patea District Court Judge “ Gwen Tauiliili-Langkilde District Court Judge Pro-temp “ Fiti Sunia District Court Judge Pro-temp “ Mamea Sala, Jr. Chief Associate Judge “ Tunupopo Alaalafaga Associate Judge “ Su’apaia Edmund C. Pereira Associate Judge “ Fa’amausili P.Pomele Associate Judge “ Satele Ali’itaeao Lilio Associate Judge “ Muasau T.Tofili Associate Judge “ Comparison of selected wage rates paid in American Samoa with U.S. mainland minimum wage increases, 2001- 2009. American Samoa Rates Finance & Year U.S. Minimum Wage Fish Canning Construction Retailing, etc. Insurance Government Miscellaneous 2001 $5.15 $3.26 $3.55 $3.06 $3.94 $2.73 $2.54 2002 $5.15 $3.26 $3.60 $3.10 $3.99 $2.77 $2.57 2003 $5.15 $3.26 $3.60 $3.10 $3.99 $2.77 $2.57 2004 $5.15 $3.26 $3.60 $3.10 $3.99 $2.77 $2.57 2005 $5.15 $3.26 $3.60 $3.10 $3.99 $2.84 $2.63 2006 $5.15 $3.26 43.60 $3.10 $3.99 $2.91 $2.70 2007 $5.85 $3.76 $4.10 $3.60
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