THE THEOSOPHIST VOL. 130 NO. 4 JANUARY 2009 CONTENTS Presidential Address 123 Radha Burnier From Knowledge to Wisdom and from Wisdom to Knowledge? 135 Mary Anderson The Third Eye 142 Yvonne Al-Ibrahim Separateness and Unity in Daily Life 145 Lucy C. Bartlett Forgiveness 150 Pradeep Talwalker Fragments of the Ageless Wisdom 154 Yoga and Meditation 155 Anonymous International Directory 158 Editor: Mrs Radha Burnier NOTE: Articles for publication in The Theosophist should be sent to the Editorial Office. Cover Picture: Natures colour artist: in contemplative repose by J. Suresh Official organ of the President, founded by H. P. Blavatsky, 1879. The Theosophical Society is responsible only for official notices appearing in this magazine. Presidential Address To the 133rd Annual Convention of the Theosophical Society Adyar, 26 December 2008 It is with much pleasure that I welcome all of you to this 133rd International Convention, hoping that those who come will be able to respond to the beautiful atmosphere which is in Adyar all the time. From the very earliest years of the Society people have met here like this a few in the early days, and many nowadays, to have a Convention so those who can come, meet each other and talk over Theosophical work, and expand inwardly both heart and mind. Let us offer ourselves to the Elder Brethren and make our minds free to receive what they are always ready to give. May those who are the embodiments of Love immortal bless with their help and guidance this Society, founded to be a channel for their work. May They inspire it with their Wisdom, strengthen it with their Power, and energize it with their Activity. As you all know, during the first part just as well, even though he may not reside of this year an election of some import- at Adyar. ance took place. The election is not meant The election is over. Dr John Algeo to be a reason for us to be unreasonable. was able to get 4323 votes in his favour, Until now, the Theosophical Society has while I received 8560 votes. The number completed more than one hundred and of votes is not important, but as far as I thirty years; we may say it has been doing can see it is of much importance to decide well. But this year, there were some from where the President should function. members who regarded the election as an Adyar should not be seen and thought opportunity to compete. Very few of merely as an entity without a living members perhaps understand that the force. It seems essential to me that Adyar, Theosophical Society has an inner and to a lesser extent every Section significance which unites all true members Headquarters, should demonstrate the throughout the world, and keeps the essential character of the Society, lifting structure safe and whole. This time, those it above petty concerns. We all have an who were voting had a choice between opportunity to proceed according to the someone living in Adyar, which has been wishes of those higher beings on the called The Masters Home, and others ladder of evolution who are watching over who felt that the President can function the events of earth. It must shake off what January 2009 123 The Theosophist has been useful to people at the time before is very important for this reason; then at human incarnation, but have less and less least a few responsible persons will act in value as they become truly human. This a manner which exercises an influence is important for the real human being, not which is spiritual. those who are still tainted by the past, to The spiritual is different from the perform its role in evolution. It is the material, social, intellectual and religious special duty of those who see the mid- fields. Religion can be more harmful than point, and appreciate its importance. They helpful if people misunderstand it. It often learn to abandon all lower concerns, and demands that a person does what he is work towards the heights to which told to by people who seem very different. humanity will rise. An election therefore, But actually, if one does not cling to any- in the Society, must not be grounded in thing, but seeks only to know in a deeper notions that may take a person into ways way lifes meaning, it does not matter that do not help. whether one is Christian, Hindu, Zoroastrian What is the way for human beings to or Muslim or any other category. The truly rise above to the human stage? The first religious mind is a pure mind. fact of importance is to realize that many In the early days of the Society the of the thoughts, feelings and actions members had the opportunity to learn which surround and instigate us are not rightly what religion is. The motto of the compatible with the real work we have to Society (satyât nâsti paro dharmah) do. As The Voice of the Silence says, every There is No Religion Higher than Truth person needs the gentle breezes of Soul- often brings to our mind the Truth about Wisdom to brush away the dust of our this way of living. The way anyone claims illusions and blend mind with soul. The to be on the religious path behaviour, rose must re-become the bud, born of its interest, and so on indicates what he parent stem, before the parasite has eaten is. If he is truly religious he learns to be through its heart . The self of matter affectionate to all people, not considering and the Self of Spirit can never meet. We whether the other person is poor, rich, well human beings must live in such a way that read or simple. The truly religious person during each incarnation we live purer and the real Theosophist are not different. lives. Therefore we have to strive, not do Often we think that the religious the contrary. consciousness depends on words and The human stage is of great importance phrases, but that may be completely because from the beginning it is a stage wrong; and religion is not dependent on where the animal nature of the candidate what a person says, but on how a person is overcome altogether. This conscious lives. The person may be a weaver or a work must be carried out, then progress tailor dealing with clothes, but essentially takes place by itself. The student of pure and carrying purity with him. Theosophy belongs to a category which In modern days, especially among 124 Vol. 130.4 Presidential Address Indians, superficiality is stressed. The may be weaving or anything else, but with whole of society depends on the people the religious quality necessary for raising who are part of it, and on their attitudes. the consciousness? So we can on the whole think of modern As Theosophists, we must, each one society as materialistic as most people are of us, be a person showing to those who concerned with material values, which is come along that one can be engaged in quite opposed to the religious life. The almost any work, not involving religious person on the other hand applies slaughtering, or cheating and so on, and the values he knows theosophically; he is yet be religious, because the one thing that more concerned with his heart, not with matters for everyone is the condition of his hands. The hands, the feet, the whole the heart and mind. A Theosophist body responds to what the mind requires. therefore, tends to be someone different Can one do ones work in the world which from the ordinary man or woman. *** The Indian Section celebrated its The Way of Self-Knowledge and Letters 117th convention, as usual, within the from the Masters of the Wisdom were ambience of the International Convention discussed. Prof. P. Krishna and Mrs in 2007. The membership of the Section Radha Burnier led another study course on 30 September 2008 was 12,917. This on J. Krishnamurtis book, Freedom from means that the Indian Section continues the Known. One hundred and fifty to be the largest one we have. Although delegates registered for the South Indian the names of those who have passed Conference, and several people gave away, and also of those who have not fruitful talks. Many other Federation renewed their membership have been Programmes took place during the year. removed, it still remains the largest The General Secretary and his wife, Section in the world. The General Mrs Sundaram, attended the Triennial Secretary has urged members to go on Conference of the Indo-Pacific Federation working steadily towards universal which was held early in November in the values. It is our responsibility to live Philippines. The General Secretary also Theosophy, not merely study Theosophy. attended the Marathi Federation Meeting, The Section is improving its work though whose theme was Live to Benefit at times it is difficult, but problems are Humanity. During the Rayalaseema being faced. Federation meeting, the centennial issue Many programmes were arranged of the Telugu magazine was presented to throughout the year. More than eighty the audience, and talks were given by the members attended the North Indian Study President. The 125th anniversary of the Camp. Lectures on Human Regeneration, Anantha Lodge in Trivandrum brought January 2009 125 The Theosophist Kerala members together. The Inter- Three thousand copies of Colonel Olcotts national President, Mrs Radha Burnier, Buddhist Catechism were distributed by spoke on Unity the Way Ahead. The Hamsa Lodge, Badulla, to schools and the National Lecturers travelled all over university library.
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