The Osteopathic Physician November 1912 Vol. 22, No. 5 Reproduced with a gift from the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA Special Projects Fund) and Michigan Auxiliary to the Macomb County Osteopathic Association May not be reproduced in any format without the permission of the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine SM (formerly Still National Osteopathic Museum) Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO Volulno XXII. CHICAGO. NOVEMBER. 1912 Numb r 5 ther advantageously crumples up the point in 'The Wonderful New Abbott Method of Treating flexion. This pressure is distressing to the patient. Spinal Curvature is in Harmony With It should be applied gently and released for a time until the patient is reassured he is not Osteopathic Principles going to be asphyxiated or crushed to death, and that very shallow breathing suffices for his ti sue demands when relaxed. A final inspection of all By Otis F. Akin, D.O., Portland, Ore. pads and bands is now made. Any defects in position are remedied and the traction bands are ITHIN the past year the treatment of To secure flexion the patient, wearing several again snugged up to the limit of tolerance. A lateral curvature of the spine has received undervests and being carefully padded with thick plaster of Paris cast is now quickly applied, W fresh impetus from the claims of Dr. E. addler's felt over all bony pressure points, including the hammork and all pads and bands. -G. Abbott of Portland, Maine, published in the is placed in the dorsal position on a slack duck It should come well up beneath and behind the New Yor/~ Medical J01tr1wl. The title of the first hammock suspended on a specially constructed previously low shoulder and well down over the .article, "An Easy and imple Method of Effecting gas-pipe frame. The hammock has been cut on acrum as a splint to maintain flexion. By this Rapid and Complete Reduction of Fixed Lateral the bias at one end, so that one side is taut for time the patient is llsually dyspnoeic. All bands Curvature of the Spine," was so definite and po i­ support of the prominent ribs 0 f the convex side, and the hammock ('nds are cut away and the pa­ tive it excited the present interest, but on account and the other is slack to allow for whatever tient lifted to a stretcher or table, where a large of its theoretical nature it did not carry absolute backward "fotation of the concave side may be oval window i3 cut over the original concavity be­ ·conviction to .those who had failed with the possible on the frame. hind, and a large pad of superimposed and gradu­ methods heretofore proposed and knew something Treating a' Right Dorsal, Left Lumbar Curve ated sized layers of felt previously placed over the of the difficulties of permanently correcting the Let me assume, for convenience of description, concavity is withdrawn. This gives immediate -position of displaced and distorted vertebrae and that we are dealing with the common type of "first aid" to the patient's distres and insures a ribs. Abbott's· idea, therefore, received about as the right dorsal, left lumbar curve. The next flaring edge to the window. Besides turning the 1TIuch credence as a new cancer cure. step would be to draw upward and forward as cast, nothing 'else is necessary for several days. The second article was more convincing. Eigh­ far as possible the left arm and shoulder in an When the plaster is well set, a slit 2 inches wide teen cases, most of them in the 3econd and third effort to stretch all contracted tissues of the con­ and 5 or 6 inches long is cut in the mid-line in '<:1ecade of life, and one very severe case thirty­ cave side and separate the sagged and approxi- front and two others of about the same dimen­ four years old, were described in detail with cuts sions are cut on the right side, one antero-lateral 'showing'each patient upright and flexed (to sho\'" and the other postero-lateral. After a week or rotation and rib deformity) both before and after more. when the taut tissues have been thoroughly treatment. A careful study of these photographs stretched and relaxation permits the fingers to should be convincing and inspiring to the un­ pass from the window to the anterior slit, a felt -prejudiced; and yet there are many who still pad may be slipped in. Likewise, on the right repudiate Abbott's discovery, maintaining that side for lateral displacement. It now becomes a structural curvature can not be corrected by any matter of personal judgment of when and where 'known means; in other words, that verteb'rae to pad, but the indication is clear to maintain the <md discs once wedge-shaped must alwa.ys l'una-in flexion by anterior pads and endeavor to force .so, Ihat -ribs sharply angulaled can not be bent the concave side backward through the window. 10 1/01'lIIal, nor obliterated l,ib angles on the C01/­ In making lateral correction, one must resist .cavity be rest01'ed; or, .at least it is contended the temptation to pad directly over the prominent that a force sufficient to accomplish a detorsion rib angles behind in an effort to force them for­ and remolding of as dense a structure as bone, ward. Such pressure reduces flexion by raising is dangerous and unwarrantable. the whole spine and thorax forward as Abbott Abbott is in the crucible of professional opin­ has experimentally proven. Lateral pads had ion through which every claimant to something best only take up the slack. Abbott has noted new and useful must pass. He has offered the that with sufficient primary lateral correction on most reasonable proofs that could be demanded the frame, the spine tends of its own accord, when and has the confirmatory testimony. of many who in sufficient flexion, to rotate backward on the have adopted the method and achieved success. concave side. Complete over-correction must Rigid scoliosis is a bone deformity and any eventually be secured for success, otherwise, as method of treatment that ignores this fact is im­ in most bone and joint deformities, relapse is practicable. which means that exercise and manip­ Dr. Otis F. Akin, of Portland, Ore. inevitable. Such over-correction has been made ulation being necessarily intermittent cannot in by Abbott in from 3 to 6 weeks, usually, though mated ribs. The arm is then suspended by an I believe no one else has been able to get such application of themselves cure structural scoliosi assistant, but the shoulder is held up by a muslin because bone yields only to force constantly ap­ prompt results. It must be maintained by a light duck band beneath the axilla, passed obliquely removable plaster or cellulous jacket for a month plied and any improvement secured must be main­ upward under the neck and made fast to the right tained. Apparatus fulfills this indication. But or two, while manipulation and exercises build side rail of the frame. A duplicate band is passed up the atrophied musculature and gradually re­ apparatus, heretofore at least, has failed quite about the hips obliquely downward and made fast as dismally as the other measures and has need­ store the spine and thorax to normal position to the same rail. These two bands are tightened and function. lessly tortured and deceived thousands of sufficiently to displace the patient close to the scoliotics. The rank and file of the old schools are not right side rail and they constitute the counter interested in scoli05is and never have been. Since His Principles in a Nutshell fo~ce to the lateral traction band next applied. The distinctive and probably original principles the failure of Sayre's plaster jackets applied in ThiS band passed around the body is laid .over suspension, scoliosis has gone begging to all save underlying Abbott's method are, first, flexion, as the apex of the right dorsal convexity previously a prerequisite to detorsion, torsion particularly well padded, and is now slowly drawn as tight the comparatively few orthopedists of the coun­ in the thoracic spine, accompanied by rib changes as possibly consistent with the patient's condition. try who have labored on, mostly in despair. Many presenting the most obstinate and complete fea­ Another band moored to the right top rail is of them are now eagerly adopting Abbott'5 ture of the problem; second, pressure applied to passed across the patient's thorax usually cephalad method. the front of the thorax on the concave side; and, to the lateral traction band, thence directly down­ Osteopaths, on the other hand, entered the third, complete over correction with induction of ward beneath the lowest or floor rail. Upward therapeutic field purely on a spinal basis and its reversed curves as a sine qua non of ultimate traction on this band powerfully depresses the practitioners are all intensely interested in Scolio­ :and permanent cure. prominent ribs of the left side in front and fur- sis as an integral part of this conception of the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO 2 . e~iology of disease, and in general have a clear inaries were determined. At the second meeting That some day physicians will be reim­ .. idea of the pathology. It seems to me that oste­ Mr. C J. Baxter, for the business men, was bursed by the state is not unlikely, and if pro­ opathy if it will recognize the futility of trying unanimously elected to serve as chairman of the vided for on the proper basis it migh t be an by manipulation to cure the structural cases, ha citizens' 'arrangement committee of the town and ideal arrangement.
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