Thoracic splenosis Ulafl KUMBASAR1, Egemen DÖNER1, Serkan ENÖN1, Murat AKAL1, Can ÖZTÜRK2 1 Department of Thoracic Surgery, Ankara University School of Medicine, 2 Department of Respiratory Medicine, Gazi University School of Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY Turk J Haematol 2005;22(3): 147-149 Received: 24.08.2004 Accepted: 28.01.2005 ABSTRACT Intrathoracic splenosis is a rare condition that results after rupture of the spleen or diaphragmatic injury. We present herein a case of intrathoracic splenosis of a 48-years-old woman whom splenectomy had been per- formed 5 years ago after a traffic accident. The patient was operated on with suspicion of malignancy and to- tal resection of the lesion was performed with video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). Histopathologic examina- tion confirmed the splenosis diagnosis. Thoracic splenosis should be suspected for the patients with thoracic lesions whom had medical history of thoracoabdominal injury including splenectomy or diaphragmatic injury. Key Words: Trauma, Chest, Video-assisted thoracic surgery. ÖZET Torasik splenozis ‹ntratorasik splenozis, dalak rüptürü veya diyafragma hasar› sonras›nda meydana gelebilen nadir bir du- rumdur. Bu olgu sunumunda, befl y›l önce trafik kazas› nedeniyle splenektomi uygulanm›fl olan 48 yafl›ndaki ka- d›n hastada geliflen intratorasik splenozis vakas›n› sunuyoruz. Hastaya sol hemitoraksta kitle tan›s›yla, malig- nite flüphesiyle video yard›ml› toraks cerrahisi (VATS) uyguland› ve sol hemitorakstaki lezyon eksize edildi. His- topatolojik inceleme dalak dokusuyla uyumlu bulundu. Sonuç olarak, özgeçmiflinde torakoabdominal travmaya ba¤l› ortaya ç›kan diyafragma hasar› veya splenektomi hikayesi bulunan olgularda intratorasik splenozis ak›lda tutulmas› gereken bir tan›d›r. Anahtar Kelimeler: Travma, Toraks, Video yard›ml› toraks cerrahisi. INTRODUCTION diaphragm and it can also be seen in the ple- ural cavity. Splenic cells implant to the pari- Thoracic splenosis is a rare condition that etal pleura, grow up and transform to the vi- results after rupture of the spleen and/or di- sible splenic tissue[3,4,7]. Routine chest X-ray, aphragmatic injury[1-8]. Splenosis occurs computed tomography (CT) scans, radionuc- usually in the peritoneal cavity. However, da- lide studies can be used for diagnosis but his- maged spleen cells can also cross the injured 147 Kumbasar U, Döner E, Enön S, Akal M, Öztürk C. Thoracic splenosis topathological diagnosis is usually provided by intraoperative frozen section or by follow- up histopathologic examination[1-8]. A CASE REPORT A 48-year-old woman was admitted to our R instutition with chest pain on the left hemit- horax leading for 3 years. Medical history showed a blunt thoracic trauma (traffic acci- dent) and splenectomy suggesting splenic rupture 5 years ago. No details about the surgical procedure of the diaphragm were Figure 2. CT scan showing a lobulated pleural based available. Routine laboratory tests were nor- mass in the posterobasal segment of the lower lobe. mal. Chest X-ray showed a homogenous ra- dioopacity in the left hemithorax at the level nic tissue. No bleeding was observed during of the sixth rib (Figure 1). the operation. Post-operative course was un- Computed tomography confirmed the complicated. Histopathologic examination presence of a lobulated, pleural based mass confirmed the diagnosis of splenosis. The pa- in the posterobasal segment of the lower lo- tient was discharged on day 4 and was well be, without disruption of the bony structures and asymptomatic at the 5 month follow-up. (Figure 2). DISCUSSION The clinical impression was a neurogenic In 1937, Shaw and Shafi first described a tumor preoperatively. The patient underwent case of intrathoracic splenosis[1-8]. It is still a video-assisted thoracoscopic surgical pro- an unusual entity with the spontaneous au- cedure (VATS). There was a laterally locali- to transplantation of splenic tissue after zed, multilobar, reddish mass on the sixth splenectomy for traumatic injury to the sple- rib. The surface of the diaphragm was intact. en. The splenic nodules may be few or up to The mass was excised totally from the chest hundreds in the peritoneal cavity and can be wall. Frozen section was reported as a sple- localized in the splenic bed, omentum, me- sentery, serosal surfaces of the bowels, liver, diaphragm or pelvic organs. The occurring mechanism includes the rupture with co- existing tear of the diaphragm or the conge- nital defects allowing the small fragments of splenic tissue with peritoneal other contents. However, the thoracic splenosis nodules can settle in the visceral or parietal pleura, peri- cardium and the interlobar fissures[4]. In thoracic surgery all the patients reported in the English-language literature had thoraco- abdominal traumas including splenic injury or splenectomy[1-4]. Patients are usually presented asympto- matic. Diagnosis is made by chest X-rays, CT scans, radionuclide studies, but frequently Figure 1. Chest X-ray showing a homogenous during the operation. radioopacity on the left hemithorax. 148 Turk J Haematol 2005;22(3):147-149 Thoracic splenosis Kumbasar U, Döner E, Enön S, Akal M, Öztürk C. Radionuclide studies made with Tc99m REFERENCES sulfur colloid and indium 111 platelets can 1. Tsunezuka Y, Sato H. Thoracic splenosis; from a confirm the diagnosis and provide an alter- thoracoscopic viewpoint. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg native for surgery[1,6-8]. 1998;13:104-6. 2. O’Connor JV, Brown CC, Thomas JK, Williams J, Surgical treatment must be avoided when Wallsh E. Thoracic splenosis. Ann Thorac Surg the diagnosed preoperatively as this residual 1998;66:552-3. splenic tissue may prevent from postsplenec- 3. Yousem SA. Thoracic splenosis. Ann Thorac Surg tomy sepsis and pneumococcal infecti- 1987;44:411-2. ons[1,5]. 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Clin Nuc Med 1994;19:438-40. trauma with splenectomy[1-5]. Besides, these patients should undergo scintigraphic inves- tigation. If the diagnosis can be confirmed surgical intervention must be avoided. If sur- gery is indicated eventually, a minimally in- Address for Correspondence: vasive surgical procedure such as VATS sho- Ulaş KUMBASAR, MD uld be preferred. Department of Thoracic Surgery Ankara University School of Medicine Ankara, TURKEY e-mail: [email protected] Turk J Haematol 2005;22(3):147-149 149.
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