CHARTER REPORT -2015 PROSPECTUSES Type of Aircraft # Charter Operator* Carrier* Origin Destination Beginning Date Ending Date Remarks/Indirect Carriers Total No. Of Flights of seats StudentCity.com Airbus A320 15-001 dba GradCity.com Frontier Airlines DTW CUN 4/3/2015 4/4/2015 2 w/167 sts 737-800 W/143 15-002 Earthbound Adventures Southwest Airlines - Charter Dept. FAR DAL 1/9/2015 1/11/2015 1 sts Marina Associates t/a Casino Embraer 120 15-003 Hotel Atlantic City Charter Air Transport (Commuter) FRG-RIC ACY 1/7/2015 4/28/2015 177 w/30 sts BAE3200 Corporate Flight Management dba Jetstream 15-004 Public Charters Appalachian Air (Commuter) PVL BNA 4/14/2015 10/30/2015 1 w/19 sts College Football B737-400 15-005 Earthbound Adventures XTRA Airways CMH-DFW DFW-CMH 1/12/2015 1/13/2015 Championship 3 w/150sts College Football B737-400 15-006 Earthbound Adventures XTRA Airways CMH-LCK-DFW DFW-CMH-LCK 1/10/2015 1/13/2015 Championship 3 w/150sts College National B737-800 15-007 Earthbound Adventures Sun Country Airlines LCK-DFW DFW-LCK 1/12/2015 1/13/2015 Championship 2 w/162sts College Football 15-008 Earthbound Adventures Southwest Airlines CMH-DAL-EUG-PDX DAL-CMH-EUG-PDX 1/10/2015 1/13/2015 Championship 8 737 w/143 sts College Football 15-009 Collegiate Athletic Travel Miami Air International EUG-DFW DFW-EUG 1/10/2015 1/13/2015 Championship 1 737-800 w/168 sts 1 6/22/2015 CHARTER REPORT -2015 PROSPECTUSES MN Airlines, LLC dba Sun Country College Football 15-010 Collegiate Athletic Travel Airlines PDK-DFW-CMH DFW-PDX-CMH 1/12/2015 1/13/2015 Championship 3 737-800 w/162 sts SAAB 15-011 Wildcat Touring, LLC Meregrass, Inc. (Air Taxi) FLL-FOI-ELH-etc FPO-FLL-ELH-etc 4/2/2015 8/17/2015 568 2000w/30sts B737-800 w/148sts 145 sts 15-012 ABC Charters American Airlines MIA-TPA HAV-SNU-HOG 4/1/2015 4/29/2015 37 contracted Caribbean Sun Airlines dba World 15-013 Gulfstream Air Charter Atlantic Airlines MIA HAV 2/1/2015 4/30/2015 91 MD-83 w/150 sts Aviation Advantage Boeing 737-400 15-014 Inertia Tours (co-charterer) TEM Enterprises dba Xtra Airways DTW CUN 4/3/2015 4/12/2015 3 w/150 sts Caribbean Sun Airlines dba World 15-015 Marazul Charters Atlantic Airlines MIA HAV-CMW 2/4/2015 5/31/2015 94 MD-83 w/150 sts Embraer ERJ-145 15-016 Marazul Charters Envoy Air MIA HAV-CFG 2/7/2015 4/25/2015 24 w/50 seats A-320w/150sts 15-017 ABC Charters JetBlue Airways TPA HAV-SNU 4/1/2015 4/29/2015 10 147 contracted PROGRAM CANCELLED - 15-018 Funjet Vacations TEM Enterprises dba Xtra Airways GRB PHX 1/29/2015 2/2/2015 Super Bowl 1 737-800 w/150 sts Boeing 737-400 15-019 Aviation Advantage Swifft Air BOS IWA 1/30/2015 2/2/2015 Super Bowl 1 w/150 seats 2 6/22/2015 CHARTER REPORT -2015 PROSPECTUSES 737-800 W/188 15-020 BP USA Travel Miami Air International MIA PUJ 6/6/2015 8/15/2015 10 sts StudentCity.com B737-800 15-021 dba GradCity.com Miami Air International EWR NAS 3/15/2015 3/20/2015 1 w/168sts FlyBranson Travel, dba Branson 15-022 AirExpress Orange Air SFB-CUN-MSY-etc CUN-MSY-BKG-etc 5/1/2015 12/7/2015 754 MD-83 w/150 sts. Jewish Community Relations 737-800 w/12 first Council of Minnesota and the MN Airlines dba Sun Country class/150 coach 15-023 Dakotas Airlines MSP DCA 4/28/2015 4/28/2015 1 sts 15-024 PrimeSport Southwest Airlines SEA PHX 1/30/2015 2/2/2015 Super Bowl 4 B737 w/143 sts 15-025 Holiday Express Southwest Airlines PHL MCO` 3/3/2015 5/2/2015 42 737-700 w/143sts B-737--400 15-026 Marazul Charters Swifft Air MIA HAV 2/7/2015 4/25/2015 15 w/150 sts B-737-800 w/150 sts 15-027 Marazul Charters American Airlines MIA HAV-SNU 2/215 12/31/2015 222 145 contracted 15-028 Xael Charters Jetblue Airways FLL HAV 7/10/2014 10/23/2015 15 A320 w/147 sts 15-029 Blanco International Services World Atlantic Airways MIA HAV 4/2/2015 10/30/2015 122 MD-80 w/150 sts 3 6/22/2015 CHARTER REPORT -2015 PROSPECTUSES MN Airlines dba Sun Country B737- 15-030 Apple Vacations Airlines MDW CUN 4/15/2015 12/12/2015 52 700w/126sts 15-031 Xael Charters Envoy Air MIA HOG 4/2/2015 10/29/2015 48 EMB-145 w/49 sts Rescue International dba 737-400 w/150 sts 15-032 Missions.Me Miami Air International MIA SDQ-STI-PUJ 7/19/2015 7/26/2015 9 737-800 w/168 sts FlyBranson Travel, dba Branson Corporate Flight Management dba Jetstream 4 15-033 AirExpress Buzz Airways (Commuter) BKG-AUS-MDW AUS-BKG-MDW 5/8/2015 8/16/2015 133 w/30 sts B 737-400 w/40 15-034 Funjet Vacations Apple Vacations (Xtra Airways) STL CUN 6/7/2015 8/9/2015 (See PC 14-120) 10 sts Boeing 757-200 15-035 Abercrombie & Kent USA Icelandair FLL` CTG-LIM-IPC-etc 5/2/2016 5/26/2016 Around the World 1 w/52 sts Boeing 757-200 15-036 Abercrombie & Kent USA Icelandair MIA IQT-IPC-PPT etc 10/17/2016 11/12/2016 Around the World 1 w/52 sts 15-037 Viajehoy Charters dba HavanaAir InselAir Aruba MIA CMW-HAV-SNU 2/23/2015 9/30/2015 399 MD-82 w/150 sts Caribbean Sun Airlines dba World 15-038 MK Travel & Tours Atlantic Airlines MIA PUJ 6/6/2015 8/16/2015 23 MD-80 w/150 sts Pentastair Aviation Charter (Air Beechjet 400A 15-039 One Jet, Inc. Taxi) IND MKE 3/23/2015 9/24/2015 325 w /7 sts 4 6/22/2015 CHARTER REPORT -2015 PROSPECTUSES Caribbean Sun Airlines dba World 15-040 Turismo Tony Perez Atlantic Airlines SJU-HAV HAV-SJU 3/27/2015 4/5/2015 1 MD-80 w/150 sts MN Airlines dba Sun Country Boeing 737-800 15-041 Bonilla Travel Agency Airlines PUJ SJU 6/6/2015 8/1/2015 11 w/162 sts Carlson Wagonlit Travel Spain Boeing B747 15-042 SLU Atlas Air, Inc. AUS PTY 4/13/2015 4/13/2015 1 w/470 sts Choice Aire Charters dba Choice B737-300 w/122 15-043 Aire Swift Air ACY-MIA-BNA MIA-BNA-ACY 5/21/2015 8/13/2015 757 sts Concesionaria Vuela Compania de 15-044 Vacation Express USA Aviacion, S.A.P. dba Volaris EWR-IND CUN 8/9/2015 9/12/2015 49 A318 w/144 sts Rueben E. Feliciano dba Good MN Airlines, LLC dba Sun Country Boeing 737-800 15-045 Quality Tours Airlines PUJ SJU 6/5/2015 8/3/2015 18 w/162 sts Greensboro Chamber of 15-046 Commerce Allegiant Air GSO CHA 4/22/2015 4/23/2015 1 MD-83 w/100 sts Caribbean Sun Airlines dba World 15-047 Gulfstream Air Charter Atlantic Airlines MIA-TPA-MCO HAV-SUN 5/1/2015 8/29/2015 208 MD-83 w/150 sts Embraer EMB- 120 w//30 sts/Dornier 328- 15-048 Constelgroup, LLC dba Fly Tempo Key Lime Air Corp. (Commuter) YSJ-SWF-BOS SWF-BOS-YSJ 5/21/2015 12/31/2015 281 300 w/30 sts 737-300/-700 15-049 Anthony Travel Southwest Airlines MSN DAL 9/4/2015 9/6/2015 1 w/143 sts 5 6/22/2015 CHARTER REPORT -2015 PROSPECTUSES Vision Airlines Terminated All B-737-400 w/150 15-050 HavanaAir Vision Airlines MIA HAV-CMW 3/21/2015 9/30/2015 Flights Effective 4/14/15 244 sts B-737-400 w/150 SUPERSAVER TRAVEL, INC sts/148 sts 15-051 dba CUBA TRAVEL-USA TEM Enterprises dba Xtra Airways MSY-HAV HAV-MSY 3/14/2015 3/21/2015 1 contracted A-320 w/150 sts/ 15-052 ABC Charters JetBlue Airways TPA HAV-SNU 5/5/2015 10/30/2015 74 147 contracted Caribbean Sun Airlines dba World MD-83 w/155 sts/ 15-053 ABC Charters Atlantic Airlines MIA SCU 5/1/2015 10/30/2015 37 154 contracted Embraer EMB- 145 w/50 sts/49 15-054 ABC Charters Envoy Air MIA CFG 4/5/2015 10/25/2015 28 contracted B-737-800 w/148 sts/ 145 15-055 ABC Charters American Airlines MIA-TPA HAV-SNU-HOG 5/1/2015 10/31/2015 251 contracted Next Great Place, Inc. dba Boeing 737 w/150 15-056 NextGreat Trip American Airlines LAX MTJ 9/3/2015 9/8/2015 2 sts Orange Air Cancelled all flights 6/13/15 thru 8/16/15 - Health Top Travel USA, LLC dba Caribbean Sun Airlines dba World New Direct Carrier Caribbean 15-057 Top Vacations Atlantic Airlines MIA-PUJ PUJ-MIA 6/13/2015 8/16/2015 Sun 6/11/15 20 MD-83 w/150 sts Caribbean Sun Airlines dba World 15-058 Wilson International Service Atlantic Airlines MIA HAV 7/2/2015 7/3/2015 MD-80 w/150 sts 15-059 Collegiate Athletic Travel Southwest Airlines ICT-CLE CLE-ICT 3/26/2015 3/29/2015 NCAA College Tournament 1 6 6/22/2015 CHARTER REPORT -2015 PROSPECTUSES Ultimate JETCHARTERS dba Ultimate Air Shuttle/Public Charters dba Regional Sky (Co- Ultimate JETCHARTERS dba Dornier 328 Jet 15-060 Charterer) Ultimate Jet Shuttle (Commuter) LUK CLT 6/18/2015 6/17/2016 249 w/30 sts Southern Airways Corporation dba Executive Express Aviation (Air Cessna 208 15-061 Southern Airways Express Taxi) PDK-MEM-DSI-etc` MEM-PDK-DTS-etc 5/17/2015 10/3/2015 715 w/9sts Ultimate JETCHARTERS dba Ultimate Air Shuttle/Public Charters dba Regional Sky (Co- Ultimate JETCHARTERS dba Dornier 328 Jet 15-062 Charterer) Ultimate Jet Shuttle (Commuter) LUK MDW 6/4/2015 6/3/2016 249 w/30 sts Ultimate JETCHARTERS dba Ultimate Air Shuttle/Public Charters dba Regional Sky (Co- Ultimate JETCHARTERS dba Dornier 328 Jet 15-063 Charterer) Ultimate Jet Shuttle (Commuter) LUK MMU 6/4/2015 6/3/2016 199 w/30 sts Rueben E.
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