Et Stable News

Et Stable News

Wednesday, July 3, 1935 THE DAILY MIRROR Pag-e 25 ET "^ 2.0 -FAKENHAM S. PLATE, £200; 6f. 303 WILD BLOSSOM (TCTiplciii^n), 5-9-3 400 FELDSPAR (OoUrill), 4 9-3 O03 NAVY BLaiii |'l\ Leader, ]u.i.), 1-9-0 ona's 102 LONE iSLE (K. Dariigiii.), 7-9-0 J. Ilichards COO DEIJ'ANOTIB (Vick), li-9-0 .. Miui-hail 030 SON OF TIIE MOILNING (R. .1. Colling), 3-8-5 II. Bpasley 000 HEXHAM (0. Leatlcri, 3-8-2 . I'trryman 0 LA COURCKLLB |IL Leader), i-ti-A 433 DUTY TAX (Wootton), 3-B-2 — Other EntriflS.—Piiiic^o Kviov. Anliaeptic, Suspicioii, Red Spiuner, Olenmer, Priindial. Betting Foteoflst.—e-l iigaf. Lone li^le, 4 Navy Bine, 6 By BOUVERIE Duty TaK, 7 Wild Bloasoiii, 8 .Sciii ol tlie Morning, 100 B others. VVATCHING the racing—and cheering a 2.30-PLANTATION STAKES (TY-O), £200; S!. royal victory—from the up-to-date and 101 SKY PIONEER lOilpiu), 9-5 E. Smith spick-and-span stands on the July course, the 314 MYSTERY MAN (F BuUers), 8-10 Pcrrymau His M;ijes(j'.s Honiiie Dundee beiiting Cotiiiiiantli'i 111 in ilu- Hottisliiiin StiiKcw Jit .Ni'wiiuu-lifct. 41 CAN CAN (Ba,rlii(i;), 8-7 R. average visitor to Newmarket yesterday could 43 STOBMI'ETAL (WliiUiker), B-7 WOSI.PII come to only one conclusion—that the Jockey SALM (DundjiS), 8/ ISieoll Club had succeeded in its ambition to give 02 GRACIOUS GIFT llSeiitly). 8-7 • BEST FROM THE BOOK the public value for money. 0 STARFLYEE (iiiseoolt), ffV Marshall n'inner of the (:orrei(|)omliiiK race last 000 QUEEN SCO'l'IA O (Siiuw), 8-7 Doiiogliue * * T year. 00 BULLFROG IS. D^.iHin;), 8-4 F. Fox The King paid his first visit to a racecourse 0 SHADE (C. WiiuglU, 8-4 A. \\tiigg LONE ESLE 2.15 CARLISLE MAIDEN PLATE (T-Y-O), £)10; 5f. 04 ART PAPER (F,, 8-4 • since the Jubilee celebrations, and what could 0 JAY ,IAY lit,. .Arinsivoii!!), 8-10 1, TiivloT MISS PICK (l':arl|, 8-4 )1. Souttiuy have been more pleasantly approprial^e than has a bij; clKiiU'e in tiie Falteiihiiiii Selling 40 TTIK D1CKK^S |M. Peafocl), 8-10 Nerelt MTSS ROBIN (T. Wa.ii!;10, 8-4 C. Riohavds Bonnie Dundee's victory in the second race on Plate to-day. VAGV. BOY. 0 DEAD I,I:VI!;L (Biirthrojip), 8-7 T. BurnK WHERE AM I (Litmlitoii). 8-4 W. !lii;kal)y the new course ? Firestone had already won 0 SH1^^(;I [<;D K (l-'. Arnistnmg), 8-7 P, Br:l^lfy 03 FAIRY GODMO'l'HER F (Bii.scoe], 8-4 • in the royal colours at Brighton, but this was 422 }tlVKI!,WOOD H). Rogers), 6-7 M, Wing 0 MRS, ATKINS (Cilpiii). 8-4 II. Be;>5lcy 430 OllANBKI(,RY G [HanininHI, 8-7 F. Tavlor EIRAVE IIEAR'J' (I'larl), 8-4 11, Wiagg the first time this season that the King had 032 KN0UKSII1H;LD (,L (ircenl. 8-7 ' 3 l,IZ^ OE LAMBETH (Liuvsoii), 8-4 F. Uuiboil heard the cheering. STABLE NEWS 000 PALM LIGHT' F (l':aslerb.v), 8-7 H. Gunu 4 GIIINKSK STAR (F. S. Jiiil(..'iiil, 8-4 .... U. Rieliiuds 232 IRISH PLAYER [IV Sleitan.), 8-7 Other Entries.—Henry IKi' i'lflh, I rtmie .iames, Heniinfl, Other Entries.—Sedswick, Donna Diana, Adinlral'F Bridge, Citadel, Dola e, D".. Taneredo, Diiiif;etiess, Tlialia. Jaearila All the Way Win Voela.s, Enehrod, .Mine'sa-aMinor, Tigger I, Lady L>uni-:jii, t. The Dowasor, Wild Mint f, .latk Wilson. CliiiiiUiellH, Fox declared lib. overweight to ride Bonnie Newmarket's Best for Duke of Glenelg, Golden 'I'lioughls f, l''anetli', .My Nora, Sninrntr- Back R.eiil, GrohSO Modo g, Privair; ]'>iI.r(.•(;, Melanhor. Dundee at Vst. 51b. As events proved, a few house, i'iittoli;, Qneeri Srotia c, So^iie Tnnc f. Betting Forecast—11-1 ae^t Sky Pioneer, 4 Mystery Man, pounds more would have made no difference. Cambridge Handicap Betting Forecast.-9-4 sa^i Trisli PhLver, 7-2 The DiekeiiB, 5 Liz:i ol r,, 13-2 C^ai Can, 8 (Jljine^.; StHr and Racing in the centre of the course, Bonnie 9-3 Riverv.'ood, 6 Cianhci'iy g aod Ktjoi:]ishichl. 10 otlitrs. Slormpeta!, 10 CJricJoiis Cilt, 100-7 others. Dundee was clear of the others all the way. 2.45—CITY S. Pl.'-T'i, £150; f>, 3.0-DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE HANDICAP, £1,000; Im. NEWMARKET, Tuesday. 133 BRI(;ilT STE]';L |B<V(1), ]0-n-0 n. Gnnn Dignitary, as at Ascot, failed to stay. Com-' 121 NOTHING DAUNT)':J) (Carr), 5-9-0 Mfvdt lib WYCIIWOOD ABBOT (T. Loader, jun), 4-9-7 mander III sealed the fate of the Beck- We shall have three runners in the Duke of 222 CRANDM/^STIOK, [G Ai-inslioiig), 10-8-U (Viir Perrj'maiv hampton colt a long way out without ever Cambridge Handicap to-morrow, and if the 120 AltRAN BKG (i'. Armstrong), 10-8-11 .. P. Bc:-.f]i,y 43a OAYM-^NAS (Fastcrbee), 5-9-2 Donoghiio promising to catch the King's colt. race is to be kept at home I feel that Wych­ 041 CIIOON {J'Jasterbv), 5-8-11 — 000 BA-DRUDDIN (F. ButtcrH), 4-8-13 F. Fox wood Abbot is the one most likely to do the 200 HELOFINNV (II. llaH.iKani, D-S-ll ,.., John Dovle 142 ALMOND JflLl. (O. Bell), 4-8-7 11. Wragg 001 FAM\Y ADAMS (I laninieltl, 5-8-U CsUlnill 210 GITJNEA CAJ' (Cuttrill), 4-8-2 E. Smith * * * trick. Other Enlries.- Tulbury, Wild Itlosi^inii, Pinr-adiilar, 235 YODj>i(; fvATlVK (lUcliard.;), 6-8-1 G. Richards The change of luck for the royal stable did His running at Ascot was not his best form, Betting Forecast. -0-4 agst Nolbing DannUd, 7-2 Fsnny 000 BUGKr,ANn (H-.igg), 4-7-ia NieoU and I sliall ignore it completely, as the going Adams and Croon, 4 Arran l!i-K, G Gr;inilniasfIT, 8 oDidt. Other Entriaa.—The Bl lo Boy, Homily. not extend to the King's senior jockey. Shouts Betting Forecast.—9-4 asst Wytluvoud AVjbot, 7-2 Badfud- I of " Come on, Joe" greeted Childs when was not in his favour. Leader's four-year-old 3.15- CUMBERLAND HANDICAP, £800; Uin. din and Almond HiU, 5 Voiiiig Native, 8 Caymaiias, 100-8 was put up the Limekilns last week, and I 002 ARMOUIl BRIGU'I' (R. .1. C^nliiigl, 4-9-7 .. P. BesfkT Others. j Autumn tackled and got the better of Bright have not ;-een him go in better style. 021 ]•;) DOHA DO (SlOiic), T-.'S-S SI ('j))if nsf n 3.30-STUD PRODUCE STAKES (T-Y-O), £200; 51. Bird, but Boyd-Rochfort's horse could not shake Of the other pair, Badruddin is at his best, 425 SEA ROVEi;, {fl • mmcll.), 8-8-5 MeGniFan 01 SISTER ANNE G (Elsey), 9-0 014 CONSTABLi; (V. SnivDi), 4-8-2 Caldivdl ... R. Jones I off the hghtly-weighted Phtebus. so must therefore have a good chance. 030 LINnK-UHTA {f. Aiinslron£), 5-8-0 Nevttt 221 SHARNBROOK (Layc), fl-0 .. .... Garslake 120 STRAIGHT DEAL (F. Hartiga 9-0 Armour Bright has gone to Carlisle, and on 013 TONYX |j';is.!v), 5-7-1^ linllce): I Real Outsiders his Newcastle form looks the winner of the on MEHKl.Y A Ml.N'OR. (Carr), 6-7-0 O.rr 0 GRAND DUKK (E. BuU.iirs), 8 ,, A. Wragg 00 VANCOUVER (Tlngg), 8-7 ... Phcebus at 8 to 1 was the outsider of seven Cumberland Handicap, IIEATHMAN. 02 NEW'I'OWN FORD (M. I'eae'ickl, 3-0-13 Diiita JOCANTA F (Waitersl, 8-4 ... ... Perryinan runners in a remarkably open betting race. 100 SO SOBIIY (Llastevbj), 3-8-12 Dysta RYUAL IC. Leadevl, 8-4 ... E. Smith FROiW OTHER QUARTERS Other Entries-- Solitaire. De HepKlie 8-4 Two of a different sort won the two-year-old Batting Forecast-5-4 agst Armour Bright, 9-2 Ne«loMi! 433 LAVINIA |J. Jarvi.s], Darliiig), 8-4 G. Richards 0 WILD HUNTIIESS (I races. The first—a selling event—went to a Weyliin.—Lone Isle (2.0) and Straight Deai Ford, 6 Merely a Minor and Kliloriulo. 8 ronslahlc, 10 e-il ... Duiio^hi-ie (3.30) are fancied at Newmarket. others 0 GOLD PIECE (Persscl F, Fox newcomer named La Collina g,. The second 0 FEI.SETTA (I.awson), 8-4 and much more Important July Stakes was Miiriltoroii&h.—Sharnbrook (3,30) la expected .. H. Wrngg to finish in the first three. 000 WINAGRl^. (!'•. S. Butters], 8-4 also won by a youngster lihat had not previ­ ' * SUNDAY PICTORIAL ' • NAP Other Entries.—EvangGlino, Inistore, Tetiiil £, Campanile, ously seen a racecourse. : Beckham ptoii.—Lemniscus (3,30) should go Fair Music, Tshtsr L close. l-\inQCNAA(l Betting Forecast.—5 agst Rharitbrooli, 7-2 Si-iter Anne c, « * * ^; Manton.—Liza of Lambeth (2.30) is fancied 5 Gold Picte 7 StiaighL Deal, 8 Wild Huntress, 10 Jocanta The name of this second unknown is DayLona each way. t, 100-7 others. —a suggestion ol speed in itself. Sir George MiflcTieham.—Grandmaster {2.45) will go close 3 45-BECTIVE S, H'CAP (3-Y-O), £150; Gl. 40-SOHAM STAKES HANDICAP, £200; 5f. 140yds. Bullough's colt showed more than a suggestion at Carlisle.

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