LTC holding off on advertising Ctimpaignproposal by WILL TUIUlOW later, "Whatever is available, we'll do central committee which would undertake Chamber of Commerce. don't presume to be 100 percent correct," it,", Hyma~ commented. He C)[pressed his · Stan Wrih•r something with it <advertising funds)." to provide a promotional program for the Carpenter commented that he may be sU;lted Clough. oplnio~ that $29,60Q seemed like a pretty The exact amount available is unclear at Village of Rutdoso. inclined to vote. for the merging of LTC In order to gain an understanding · or lowfigure. · · At a ,rormal mee~ing yesterday, the the moment, Hyman told The News. LTC member, Chamber director and Lodgers Tax Comm1ttee decided not to Another stated reason LTC will qot present with the Advertising Committee if 75 per· what is desired of a year-round advertising An observer at the LTC meetipg, Marion advertising committee· member Archer. cent of lodgers' tax. fund!J are used for Hyman, suggested that total lodgers.'_ tax present to the village council a proposal the•allocation to the village council was Wilson was instrumental in drafting the·· campaign, the Chamber ttas Issued a ques­ asking its approval of a $16 543 summer direct media advertising fQ bring tc)ur:lsts tionnaire to LTC members, village coun­ disbursements be examined. Then, she· that it's doubtful the council would have proposed Chamber-Council contract. He to Ruidoso. tourism advertising ~ampaig~. accepted su,ch a proposal as presented. cilmen and the mayor. reasoned, it will be possible to see where stated his preference not to take any action Wilson responded cer­ Directly connected to the surface issue on the proposed contraCt yet, that .he agrees a "I think we . need to start an annual the rest or the .money Is going and for­ One reason LTC decided not to go before or a summer advertising campaign are tain percenJage shouid.lie devoted to direct advertJsing budget," Hyman declared. m~late an annual advertising ·campaign Referring to his contract proposal but t~e council was based on a report by coun­ two other key matters: an annual RuidosQ media advertlsing1 added that 75 per- However, LTC member Clark Carpenter for Ruidoso. Wilson said it was just a starting point~ cent may be too hi~. · · CI)m~n Al Junge at a pre-meeting study advertising budget and the formation of a Changes can be made, he pointed out. pre8ented his facts that only $29,605-or Wilson reported that $7,61:U3 was col­ Chamber president"'Mo~.n ~IOQSh in~ 28.5 percent-or the $103,842 ·lodgers' tax ·lected in lodgers' tax revenue during-the session. He told the committee that there central committee to decide hqw lodgers' At· least two LTC members, Clark aren't $16,000 in lodgers' tax funds to spend tax funds will be allocated to advertise dicated that· .~ Chamber'$'· executive · collected from April, 1981 to April, 1982 month of June. That brings the total for the Carpenter and Slover Cape, stand opposed· boal'd and board of directors wish to ·have.been spent on direct media advertis­ 1981-82 rascal year to $105,709.73. on an advertising campaign. Ruidoso. · to the contract proposal. Carpenter stated Last "We can't spend It if we don't have it,". LTC als<> decided not to t.ake any action become more involved with the promotion - lng. June, $6,183.21 was collected in lodgers' his unhappiness with the ·way some of tourism in Ruidoso. "I've never looked at it this way ... I'm tax, and the total for fiscal 19110-81 was said LTC chairman Ed Hyman, adding concerning the proposed formation of a lodgers' tax funds have been. used by the "We CChamber Advertising Committee) going to study this and find out more about $80,065.47. ~A!J! !~E?;.fYBe'!~"'"'~ !I.!JZ.·i,c'J,c~U"t";.;::"''"-~ · · >. 25c PER COPY I . --· ._., . ·~ .... ... ,··.·.. ~p~.9.·.... The A ~ H '?. li ,,I> NO. 19 IN OUR 37TH YEAR RUIDOSO, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO 88345 THURSDAY I JULy 15, 1982 -,I.." ··•--. Water occupies council Tuesday As usual. water was the major topic for enter into a contract with Boyle Engineer­ village executive has had a· well dug free, -Were told by Hine that librarian Mary the Ruidoso council Tuesday. ing ror the water improvements program. and that Junge's street was paved after his ·r.ou Gooch is resigning effective August 15. Tuesday afternoon, the council con­ The contract should include a stipulation election to the council. -Agreed to hear a proposal on lease of a dueled a special meeting with represen­ that if the village becomes invblved in any He said his street, McCarty Street, was village-owne<f building at Mechem and tatives of Fawn Ridge to discuss an agree­ "squabble" with the Mescalero Apache paved after all property owners con­ Sudderth Drives. ment whereby a protest by the subdivision Tribe over water, that Boyle abstain from tributed to have the work done by the -Approved paying of yearly New Mex· against three village ground water wells taking the Tribe's side. village. He then presented a check to Hine leo Municipal League dues of $6,689. would be dropped. The meeting took place "This just seemed the logical thing to for the work. -Approved travel expenses for fire in closed session. do," said Junge. Boyle does engineering "If we could gel all the energy th'at goes superintendent Virgil Reynolds and An agreement to drop the protest, filed work on water projects for both the village into complaints, this would . be the fireman Eddie Espinosa to attend fire with the State Engineer's Office last year, aod the Tribe. greatest-even greater than the town we school at Texas A&M University. · was proposed in January but was never Several names were placed in nomina­ have now' .. Junge declared. or people who -Approved the sale of a one-and·a·half­ finalized. The arrangement stipulated that tion for directors of the Ruidoso Water malign the council, he said, "We'll certain­ acre tract north of the administrative the protest would be withdrawn if the Development Corporation, the non-profit ly meet them face to face in the cour­ center to the county for a aub-office, after IS ANYBODY GOIN' to San Antone, or Valdez, Alaska? The Valdez Kid village agreed to sell water to Fawn Ridge corporation being formed by the village to thouse.'' hearing a report from White ori a meeting (popular Ruidoso News columnist Dannie Storm) left this week on a trip whenever the subdivision's own wells purchase water rights. Nominated were In other business, the council: with Federal Aviation Administration of· ~::ould not produce. Dub Williams, by Mayor George White; ·-Heard a report from Wall Durr on how ficials in Albuquerque. to Alaska, the state of his birth. For more on· the Kid, see page 5. ·councilman AJ Junge expressed con­ Wayne Townsend, by Benny Coulston; Escondido, California, raised money for -Approved the drafting or an ordinance fidence afterward that an agreement will Preston Isaacs and Newt Page, by Junge; sewer improvements by pre-selling sewer requiring fire hydrants to be placed at be reached soon, pending agreement bet­ and Mike Seelbach, by Don Dale. connections. least 20 feet from buildings in the future. ween the two parties on what Is meant by No action was taken on the nominees, as -Refrained from acting on a franchise -Approved James Paxton for the Ar­ Vendors concern RMC "availability" of water. councilman Frank Sayner was absent. agreement with Tex:as-New Mexico Power chitectural Plans Revi~ Committee. Vinage manager Jim Hlne had stated In Huckstep also stated that the village Company because the agreement must be January that needs or village water users needs access to the Grindstone property published prior to action. · The council also approved the following by WILL Tl'RHOW Langford stated thai RMC does not wan! would take precedence In times of water. right away, and asked Dorman if he would -Accepted a bid of $3,150 from Valley planning and zoning matters: Staff \Vrill'r to restrict anyone from doing business shortage. agree to allow it. Donnan answered with Fence Company or Albuquerque on gate -Vacation of right-of-way on Alamogor­ However, he said hl' would prefer if an "unequivocal yes," but said he hopes controllers for the airport, contingent on do Street for Allila Russell. The Retail Merchants Committee itinerant vendors would be responsible Matters relating to the Grindstone Ca­ trees and trails will not be Indiscriminate­ the equipment meeting specifications. -Lot line variance in Country· Club !RMCl of the Ruidoso Valley Chamber of citizens and pay village taxes to maintain nyon reservoir project occupied part or the ly cut. -Approved bids of $10,189 Cor a pickup Estates for Doy Chriatian. Commerce discus'sed the intent of the and improve village services and prov1de regular cvuncll meeting later In the even­ Aish Tuesday night, .TW\g'e staled that truck and $8,979.64ffoi' a van, both for the -Replat in Middle Cedar county JUb­ village's itinerant vendors ordinance at input on community affairs like the retail ing. Village attorney Lee Huckstep rumors are going around about the way wastewater department; and $10,897.74 for divlsion for Otis Pearson. Monday's meeting. merC'hants or Ruidoso. presented his recommendations for an ap­ the council does and does not handle a cab and chassis for the shop departmj!nt, -Final plat of Touch of Texas "What do they contribute to the com­ Though there may be no way to enforce praisal team and condemnation attorney things.
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