PAGE TE� BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1922 - 75 SUTLER--SMITH. WOMAN'S CLUB CONCERT. You Can Get at The (The home of Mrs. W. T. Smith Wll8 The eoneert given by the Trice­ Things 16 East Main Street. "On the Square" the scene ot a pretty wedding Wed­ Carlton Go�pany and onder the nesday evening. October Lltb, 1922, auapiees of the Woman's Club at the when her aoditorium on .. daughter. Nellie, became last Friday evening Golden the bride of to Raad Tea Room Sutler. proved be a Philip qoite BUcceSS from the 1·,1"r8. A. W. of both Brannen Co. Quattlebaum played standpoint entertainment and Hardware Sandwiches of all kinds '.,. I Lohengrin's wedding march. as the finances. bride The Winchester Store Salads as you like them descended the stairs. An appreci:ative andience greeted The WB8 number an Ice Cream and ceremony performed by every the program with Headquarte1'. for Sundaes, and Cold Drinks Rev. T. M. Christian of the States­ applause whieb the IMES performers grae­ (STATESBORO boro Methodist church. NEWS-STATESBORO 75c and The marriage iously acknowledged with pleaBing en­ Winchester Guns. Shells. Tools. Etc. lullocn EAGLE) Regular Meals-50c, $1.00 'I'imes, E;t:abi,shod . was B· simple &!fair, no invitations be­ cores. St.atesboro News, Established1�92}1901 Consolidated January 17. 1917. The Oysters any style. ing issued. TI'i",,-Cariton was Blateshor� Eagle. Established Company 1917--Consolfdated Decemb�l"9. 1920. STATESBORO, CA., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1922. after the a ably assisted the Get Our Prices Before If Immediately ceremony by fonowing repre­ VOL. 30-NO, 31 your orders be or for a sentativea single party, they reception was given the young eonple of home talent: Mias Clara the Leck De You receive special attention in prepara­ by bride'. mother. Loach, Mias Jdary Lee J ODCS Buy. tion and service. The home was beautifully decor­ and H.... Irma Floyd. SUPERIOR COURT ated with The violin TO AYCOCK flowers of of WEBS the season Mr". John can OfAf" and playing We save you money on anything GEORGE ELECTED SENATOR I Woodcock was an added attraction GEORGE that in the CARRIES The were met those who Hardwal'e line. One trial will BULLOCH .; guests at the door by delighted heard it. CONVfNE MONDAY AT I Mrs. ' HANDS Of �������������������������������rlferns. Woodcock was ,­ It JACKSON '. accompanied by Mrs. convince ;you. Ask. your ::�s.J· �he� John W. Johnston .. neighbor--- IN A V[RITABlEL AND o • • LANDSliDE LOCAL PERSONAL to the regIster.r.���.��i�S��i;:�re�;:dMrs. J. W. Johnston 'f. t ,.:�;�K,:,�:�;�,��':OT.?O=� and he trades with us. UP FOR BY Hemstitching picoting 8 and 12 CARRIED TRIAL. 'L::�:U��A��',���;'��T�� lWO- , TO-ONE _ presented tbe to the 12S-COUNTIES MAJORITY I guests WIFE. I•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• receiving cents. All thread furnished. Mrs. 304 line. CONVENTION VOTES - ------------_.----------,------------------------- 28 Super-io r COUl·t will convene W. W. DeLoach and in '1'. 1If. Mrs. Cliff Fordham is Jn Rev. and Mrs. T. M. Mrs. Mrs. Bruce Don­ Our are our are COUNTIES FOR Aycock. 26, W"" CARRIED EVERY visiting Christi"n. ln, the line were Mrs. goods the best; HARDWICK. Statesboro aged shot to DISTRICT -IN reeeiving 214 prices right. WITHI .'[onday,or next week. The H. Miss aldaon, E. eet. death :VIenna. Booth. PeaTI Holland and Miss W.1:, MT. (21sep-tf trial of E. Fr-iday morning of last week WHOlESAlE 8R [AKINGl COUNTY EXCEPT ONE-EMIT Smith, and lIlrs. P. L. Sot- Atlanta. Oct. 1 L. Padrick. Jr., · . � G.rad.y str. Gu., b'.-Rcvised re- charged at the home of Agnes Christian motored to ' DISTRICT SOLID. Savannah Ier. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. COMBINATION PARTY. turns with the murder of George Jackson. aged Mrs. I•. S. Winn has returned frorn Sidney Smith. from all counties in the atate his wife and hOI' I to, in .j0. Both are Thursday attend the Gipsy Smith and Mrs. lnman An all'alr Mrs. M. residents of Jenkins Iil visit in Athens. Foy, MIS. Anme of unusual beauty and tbe race for the United mother, B. Dixon, will be the By d vote of to States . exactly two Seriate . ,'11 WI one, meeting. county, the terri .n J�ESSED SATURDAY · tcry wlrieh . Smith, and Mrs. Don Roberta. of Air interest was the combination 1H the most inturesbiug case 011 the fOI" W. F. of . bridge prirnary docket. George. Vienna. defeated , . Tuesday increased the mel'ly belonzed to Ron. Albert Deal was a visitor in lanta. and an J WI'11 ":'.>"vBulloch CATCH OF AT BAPTIST rook party Ilt wbich Miss Mamie total unit vote pro ba b Iy a county. LlQ'UID PAST Thomas W. CHURCH. county of Wal- require longer SE�ER. Hardwick. present e-""'v- Judge . .Jackson ti is ill J'ail at Milhm to AL )fillen during the week. The were ushered into the Hall was at the ter 1.1'. irne tlIan at er. '1\1'.II·t MONTHS WAS POURED in On guests hoetesa, home of Mrs. and any OUT ernor, the race for the • Friday evening. Oot. 20. at 7 :30 I Georg-e decreased the vote h'trial for the Unl'te� dinirur room nnd from there into R. Booth FARM of Another murder killing. IN PUBLIC. States Mi89 the Monday afternoon. honor­ LOANS Governor Thomas W. case to be called Senate J Miss Janio was o'clock, Patrick, of Atlanta, will At a Tuesday. JO�lC�, :f Register, Hardwick, . coroner's living room. where a 1IIi.. ft'01" ruu,I h inquest hud Fr-iday The uddress the Iovely collection ing Nellie Smith. a ��s nearest rind, when it was owever, IS that 'Wet vote in Bulloch w Jbe gncRt of Miss Bruce Sunday. young people of- States- charming MONEY AT 6 & 7 PER shown against Jackson !(oods variously estimated at county .. of were shown. bride of CENT afternoon, udtnitted the kill- 0 bore at gifts the week. The house was that Bacon Perry Barnes, with the from light, the total number the Baptist church. county had been carried charged killing 1,000 to 1,700 the ac- & 10 ing and claimed ill quarts, approximatinc" lIra. Leroy and children l « From the living room the artistically decorated in 5, 7, YEAR,S by his brothel'. justification re- 1.200. The vote of i Co�vart MRS. F. W. DARBY. guests colored cos­ Judge George instead of by Gov- Henry Barnes. more cumulations of the puat several George was 761 senting an alleged insult to his bave returned from a visit in Millen. were directed to the bowl moe.and rich ernor Hardwick. �fian a year This wife. (or Hardwick punch pre- pot plants. LOANS CLOSED· Y The revised= returns ago. case has once months. were oue .and 382. Divide Hard- P�OMPTL . His poured before the . wife FOR VISITING sided over I> . and child are .undcrstood to PLAYERS. by Mrs. J. E. Oxendine and Fifteen tables were gave 126 t d an d resu Ite d 111 a wick's vote into arranged for George counties with 318 rmstriar.I ,public gnxe me George's and observe I W. F. Barret, of the lower PUTt of have corroborated his Saturday rntng Itt the The members of the footban team Mm. Barney Averitt. the unit Wheletherier both cases statement. games. oounty votes; Hardwick 27 coun- will come to triul jail by Sheriff Mallard and that George one of was in the tho county lacked doubling lbe county, city Monday. from were Other. at Young Aycock. who w s n son Swainsboro en­ assisting in After the es 8 STATE�80RO ties with 74 the of him. Other o 0 delightfully enter-tairring gam delicious salad INSURANCE AGENCY votes. and Q .u present term, remains be force. candidates in the � Seaborn to E. B. police county tertained were se Aycock, went to the home of I last Friday night with a Mrs. W, H. ElJis, Mrs. J .D. course wne served. Wright. third etl. his received a Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dorman have PHONE 79 candidate, 7 countlcs father The pouring was witnessed byavast scattering vote of 27. In prom al the home of Mrs. A. F. with �2 Frida.y mor-ning to sam. the a party Miss Myr­ Fletche,., Mikell. Mrs. J. E. Miss Hall ...as a...rsted in votes. Padt'iclr killed his wife do Statesboro 7eturncd fTom visit with Telatives in entertarn­ sept21tf and her work and interested throng. moved district there were a . at hy tiM ZetteTower. Mm. the mill. Some of vary- The house was at­ Donehoo. S. H. ing by Mrs. Mrs. W. Jud"e rnather near Dover one h I part the dozen or more votes (Jordele. Lichtenstein. Booth. H. Blitch Congl1atul'llting � F. IlIg t t Ie I air ing emotions of thrown out be- Wa,lter was interest, sorrow and . machinery broken o lractively decorated with cut Miss Mamie Hnll and and Miss on te'I t a f and the cause gowers Mi.s Lucy Mary Lec Jones. Miss George his sweepill" victOl� ill the par J une. H e I las Ileell III young two names on Smith, ATTENTION LADIES NOTICE man appToval. Strangc"n appenred the Mr. nnd and was dispatched in hi.'! passing thTougn , MTs. John Robert. of Air pot plants. 'Punch was served Blitch. the was Tace unll jaU here over buggy to ticket and honoree, lovely in full model HemstitcLing. three years cxpert­ r run uow illl shape to pick denouncing S�nator William since.
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