O CTOBER 2 017, VOL .1 9, N O .1 ANCHORAGE, EAGLE RIVER, FAIRBANKS, GIRDWOOD, HOMER, JUNEAU, KENAI, MAT-SU, SALCHA, SEWARD, SOLDOTNA, TALKEETNA AND VALDEZ PHOTO BY MAX GERMAIN Anchorage ............. 2 ANCHORAGE: KACHEMAK: FAIRBANKS: Eagle River ............ 11 Ready for a season of fun Year-round adventures Junior Nordics: Fairbanks ............. 13 events, programs and more? abound on Homer trails Tips for parent survival Girdwood ............. 12 Kachemak ............. 8 Mat-Su. 10 3 9 16 Statewide ............ 15 2 OCTOBER 2017 203 W. 15th Ave., #204 Anchorage, Alaska, 99501 Phone — 276-7609 Fax — 258-7609 Anchorage Nordic Skier Hotline — 248-6667 [email protected] Newsletter Of The Nordic Skiing Association Of Anchorage, Inc. BOARD MEMBERS Setting the tone for an amazing ski season PRESIDENT Joey Caterinichio VICE PRESIDENT Sara Miller Message from NSAA staff and Board of Directors SECRETARY Josh Niva October is here! As schedules are let. It’s also that time of year to check anchoragenordicski.com/nationals18/ TREASURER mapped out and summer gear is out the condition of your Nordic equip- volunteer/ for more information. Karl Garber MEMBERS put away, most are thinking about ment – especially for those young If you can’t make the U.S. Nation- Molly Brown personal goals, mapping out ways growing skiers, so keep our annual als, NSAA’s calendar is full with vol- Alex Grumman Elizabeth Arnold to stay healthy and how important it Ski Swap on your radar: October 29 unteer opportunities: high school and Mike Miller is to stay active all winter long. This at Kincaid. The NSAA calendar lists middles school races, AMH Anchor- Dustin Shannon is your winter! Anchorage trails are all these upcoming opportunities at age Cup races, The Tour of Anchor- OFFICE STAFF your trails! Consider being a part of anchoragenordicski.com/calendar/. age, SKAN, so many to list … Erin Beam, Business Manager Tamra Kornfield, Program Manager the AMH Anchorage Cup race series, As we look ahead to a new sea- The heart of NSAA is the people, Amber Adams, Office Manager it really is for all levels and ages! Plug son, it is especially exciting for our and most recently our hearts hurt OPERATIONS STAFF Junior Nordic into that family calen- Nordic skiing community to host the from saying goodbye to one of NSAA’s Craig Norman dar and keep the kiddos active and U.S. Nationals Championship Janu- leaders and an amazing person. Jeff Bill Brion Peter Zug outside experiencing Alaska outdoor ary 3-9, 2018. While all the pieces of Scott, you will forever inspire us to Annette Brion fun! this Olympic qualifying puzzle are work hard for the greater good, to Matthew Pauli Save the date to help us celebrate fitting into place, there are plenty of reach out into our community and to TRAILS winter! NSAA’s season kickoff event is volunteer opportunities to be a part find the fun in all things! Mike Miller Sunday, November 5, at Kincaid Cha- of this memorable event. Visit www. Here’s to a great season ahead. COMMITTEE CHAIRS ALASKA SKI FOR WOMEN Jenny Di Grappa Meet NSAA’s 2017-18 Season program and event directors AMH ANCHORAGE CUP Branden Fontana Part of what makes NSAA great is Murray the variety of programs and events it Ski Train — Travis Taylor BACKCOUNTRY TOURS Patti Phillips, Mary Vavrik, Karlene Leeper fuels and offers. Another part of what and Ken DePalma makes NSAA great is the community BIATHLON of skiers, volunteers and supporters Marti Pausback and Catherine Kilby who make the programs and events HIGH SCHOOL RACING successful! John Christopherson There are new and familiar faces holding director positions for this up- HOPE CABIN anchoragenordicski.com/cabin-rental coming season. See the photos in this Middle School Racing — Diane Moxness article to put names to those faces. JUNIOR NORDIC Shannon Donley When you see them on the trails, Solstice Tree Tour — Sara Miller please thank them for all that they do! MIDDLE SCHOOL RACING (Sorry, not all directors sent in photos Diane Moxness …) RACE CHAIRMAN NSAA thanks each and every one Tim Stone for being a part of the team – Anchor- SCHOLARSHIPS age would not be the same without Dan Rosenberg your energy and enthusiasm. SKAN 24 This year’s program and event Cassandra and Grant Stevenson directors include: NSAA Biathlon — Marti Pausback and SKI 4 KIDS Catherine Kilby Special Events and Racing — Lauri Bassett Vacant SKI JUMPING Karen Compton and Vivienne Murray SKI TRAIN Travis Taylor SOLSTICE TREE TOUR Sara Miller SPECIAL EVENTS AND RACING Lauri Bassett Alaska Ski for Women — Jenny Di Grappa AMH Anchorage Cup — Branden Fontana Scholarships — Dan Rosenberg TOUR OF ANCHORAGE Tour of Anchorage — Matias Saari Matias Saari Backcountry Tours — Patti Phillips, Mary Vavrik, SKAN 24 — Cassandra and Grant Stevenson Karlene Leeper and Ken DePalma NSAA OFFICE HOURS High School Racing — John Christopherson 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday BOARD MEETINGS Fourth Thursday of the month, 6:15 P.M. at BP Energy Center or NSAA office. Open to all. Learn more about NSAA’s programs, events and volunteer opportunities at anchoragenordicski. Ski 4 Kids — Vacant com. Ski Jumping — Karen Compton and Vivienne Junior Nordic — Shannon Donley the ALASKA nordic skier OCTOBER 2017 ANCHORAGE 3 A tribute, and thank you, to Jeff Scott nordicthe ALASKA skier According to Jeff Scott, “The key to smooth skiing is to look where you EDITOR want to go and not where you don’t want to go and your skis will follow.” Josh Niva This was shared recently at an event celebrating the life of this incredible [email protected] man who recently passed. This advice came from a man who was fiercely dedicated to our community, uniting groups for the good of the whole and LAYOUT having fun doing it. Jeff selflessly committed 10 years on the NSAA Board of Kevin Powell Directors, most of which he served as Board President. He always kept his [email protected] eyes on the big picture, focusing on where we needed to go as an organiza- tion, as a community. And he never lost sight of that mission and motivated AD REPRESENTATIVE those around him to do the same. NSAA and Anchorage are better for it. Andre Lovett Jeff’s zest for life and positivity radiated to those around him. He made [email protected] connections with every single person he encountered, big and small. We lost [email protected] Jeff too soon but remembering him inspires us to keep looking ahead, focus- ing on how NSAA can do a better job for our community – for our members, LOCAL EDITORS for Nordic skiing. ANCHORAGE Josh Niva Event volunteers get a 30-minute This year’s event celebrates [email protected] AROUND preview of all gear! Alaska’s Olympic and World Cup EAGLE RIVER athletes! Visit with Kikkan Randall, Ros Singleton THE BOWL Kick off the season with Sadie Bjornsen, Erik Bjornsen, Rosie friends, fun and NSAA [email protected] Support healthy lifestyles, Brennan and more, then grab an information on November 5 adult beverage as you check out local FAIRBANKS Anchorage’s trails and Join NSAA staff and volunteers, Kate Carey NSAA by becoming a businesses and ski programs at the along with fellow skiers and com- expo, peruse items at the silent [email protected] member! munity members, for the annual auction, and enjoy the always deli- KACHEMAK The Nordic Skiing Association of party to ring in the new season! The cious smorgasbord potluck. Jeannie Woodring Anchorage membership season runs NSAA Season Kickoff arrives Sun- [email protected] from October 1- September 30, which Learn more about the event and volunteer day, November 5, at the Kincaid Park opportunities at anchoragenordicski.com/events/ means right now is the time to reg- Chalet. An expo runs from 2:30-4 p.m., annual-celebration. JUNEAU ister for the new season! If you run, followed by the potluck and 4 p.m. and Mark Scholten [email protected] bike, walk, dog walk or ski on Anchor- the kickoff at 5. See BOWL, Page 6 age trails, please contribute today and MAT-SU join NSAA’s family of trail supporters. Ed Strabel NSAA is not supported by tax dollars; [email protected] we rely on generous support from trail users like you for year-round SALCHA Jim Ostlind trail maintenance! [email protected] Benefits of NSAA membership include: SEWARD 1. Your donation ensures that Julie Robinson NSAA can continue maintaining [email protected] and grooming over 150 kilometers SOLDOTNA of trails, as well as make snow at Penny McClain Kincaid Park. 2. Your donation is 262-6257 100 percent tax-deductible! 3. You’ll stay connected to the Nordic skiing TALKEETNA community. 4. You’ll receive a decal to Chris Mannix 733-2427 proudly display on your car, as well as additional small gifts to thank you for The Alaska Nordic Skier is a your support of NSAA! publication representing the nordic Trail memberships start at just $35. ski clubs of Anchorage, Eagle Register today at anchoragenordicski. River, Fairbanks, Homer, Juneau, com/membership. New to community races? Come to the Mat-Su, Salcha, Seward, Soldotna, Kenai, Talkeetna and Valdez. The introduction before the first event at 10am Dec. 10 For information about gifts by bequest, planned Alaska Nordic Skier is published gift, retirement assets, appreciated securities or other legacy giving, please contact the NSAA October through April by the office at 276-7609. Nordic Skiing Association of Anchorage, Inc. Swap, sell, save at the NSAA Ski Swap All rights reserved. © 2017 Articles, letters and advertisements on October 29 Stay active this winter Register online are welcome. Please ensure all Save the date for the NSAA Ski Dec.
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