Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 1-20-1983 The Guardian, January 20, 1983 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1983). The Guardian, January 20, 1983. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE DAILY GUARDIAN Volume 11 j Number 41 Thursday. January 20.. 1983 ' " : . Wright State'University. Dayton, Ohio iMriaiai ^ B-r-r-r it's cold By LAUNCE RAKE" News Editor Although winter officially arrived- last •month, its presence ' wasn'4—especially ^ ,,—noticed until last week-k -J . Southwestern Ohio experienced a record, breaking delay of the traditional blanket of snow, but Wright Stafc finally got its dose of ' the white stuff last- weekend. We also had v r.ome^tuatiiuirfl cold weather this week. Thi' opinion about ttie temperature and ' snoW ap|H',ii*sto be mixed .on, campus: those • who ski like it. those who don't ski cohiplain , about hi>w miserable it Is. WWSU. Wright State's radio station, predicts tonight's temperature will fall t6 • 'between zero and five degrees. Snow, however, is'not expected. Slightly warmer temperatures arc predicted, for tomorrow, rising to about 30 degrees. KiiwaU BvGBEGMHANO i clapping rhythmically behavior. Asked if be • approved "of. these types of "N, Staff Writer John Holmes, whose name also received '"They were exceptionally quiet and good, movies on campus. King replied. "Sure, "it top billing with Chambers, appeared only'in like all Wright State functions 'I've worked keeps everyone out of triable It's better that ; Wright State students filled up Room 112 the last few scenes of (be movie. % at,",he said. they're doihgihis than out ripping off cars." - in Oelman Hall at midnight Friday and ' Wright State student'Mark Eimer enjoyed Saturday to watcH| Marilyn Chambers per- the. movie . "I think it shduld be "required for forin -in the X-rated University Ceritef-j3oard general ed." he said. : j (UCB) filtfl presentation. "Insatiable." Student Mark Price said this was his fourth open The-classroom seats 234, but Friday many X-rated picture. "All but one I've seen is people sat on the steps along the aisle. complete trash. It's funny, but 1 can't lake By Alex Ward There wju discussion about two othei^ic-'."j«.. "•Two hundred thirty-seven people were them for anything else." Price believes X- Special Writer \ ant positions at Tuesday night's Student * • allowed in." said Dave' Parker. U£B dpor rated films'should be permitted at WSU Government meeting. .attendant. "The reason fcople wereS\tting "You'll find that the six o'clock news ol- Petitions will- be>«a7Iable beginning . The University Center is looking lprt"iiew along the aisles was that many single seats fends some people.'" he.said. "Jed Smock January 24 in the student development office . activities (hrector there. have been 35 apph- throughout the fbom were not taken.'' -campus preacher, on occasion offends me for anyone interested in running for the posi- cations for the job. and so far- the' screening In the film, Marilyn Chambers played the * the way he depicts Christianity, but I'm not tion ol' graduate representative Thevposmon committee has intrtWe wed one person. *. • role of Saundra Chase, a wealthy model who gdnna'try and shut hint up or keep him opened lis! Week when Marshall Rc&ilefi to Bill McCallister. univehityromBydsrflan cannot satisfy her^seemingly perpetual sex away," said Price. wort fc tne^'nited Way. and a member of the affirmative action -drive. N?arly the -ntire plot was a series of One female student, who wished to remain "We will be doing some publicity to let seatfti committee, reported thii'a search is llashbacks in which Marilyn visually relived anonymous, said she approved of the show- people know.the position is open." said Jill op tor a. ml* director «f Wrrght) State's affir- her sexual expenences. often while mastur- ing of the film, but found this one tobe par Poppe. student government cha.irer. "It's a mative action program? fciing ' ncularly demeaning to women. During one . paying job.-and-in opportunity te get in- PI,BS feiAjtiscusjcd-fiif a pc-.sible lecture . Her experiences ranged from making love seem, a man actually makes Chambers beg volved in directly expressing opinions and' ' series to be folded by the University Center •. as^i young teenager .with the family gar for his.sexual gratification. "This movie puts affecting Umvmity policy. Board and. Sppnsored'by Student Govern dener. to a lesbian affair in a whirlpool. women very low. " she said ment' The^speakervwpujd possibly be Tony_ During one fantasy. Chambers made love Another female student who also declined , Poppe said Student Goverii^iept will mate Hall on draft registration, or C J McClin on" concurrently with two men and one woman to give her name said, "I sat through it. but I a recommendation to the Wright Stale budget planned exf»rm*ntal prison in West Day-. • At one pointyManlyn said. "When I say I , 'wasn'ueally noticing " • board "that money be approved for .an elec^ t£m. according to Poppi love sex I mean 1 (tally love'it. My body Another WSU student. ChrtrPaxson. saw tfon v Also djicussedat the meeting was a closer . ; tingles all over v I want someone who can Climbers' performance as ".Oscar- N According to Poppe. -the^elections com- ' relationship between Student Government keep up with my texual-appetite " winning "I'd like to see one again. In fact, mission is short of money right now because and student committees so that activities , The audience was very'vocal during the to be in one " it haa held an unusual amount of Elections' would fce "better coordinated. Student Gov- mox'ie Quick puns and one-liners often Kenneth King, a secunty guard for Dayton thu year due to resignations The inability of ernment members said in the pasi tiwt they broke the crowd into laughter During one of Metro was hired to control the crowd. He MMBC people to continue serving in their.pos' weren't getting enough feedtiii^BCb)-the . the more graphic scenes/the audience stalled found no unusual problems <<% the itiona haa abo contributed jo the shortage ^ f.W 2 The Daily. Guardian Janoary 20, 1983 Parking remains static CLASSIFIEDS / Randy Navaroli •decals apd increase the oversell of C decals •Special Writer "Another suggestion was that the shuttle bus (that runs (torn lower C lot to the-Jnain EXPERIENCED TYPIST.Very close to MALE, 29, 5*7'YHANDSOME, excellent Despite many suggested solutions to the campusr.rup later in the* evening. The bus c mp"s. competitive prices. Call Suzanne physique-almost. good teeih. charming, parking problem* on campus. Use Parking now runs until appronimafe*y3: 30 pm a< 253-5654.. wittv and modest looking for date for Services Committee made no motions- to "One of jjie things some students aren't upcoming .Alabama concert. Successful .any-of them at last Wednesday 'v meeting. aware of is the fact that jfter, 3:30 pm a van- LOOKING FOR ONE or two non-smoking candidate will experience an evening "I don't like coming to school two hours commutes students back and forth from female students, over twenty-seven, who Including dinner, the Alabama concert, and early jifst'to get a parking space." said Heidi lower C." said Tom Von der Embse. have a house or apartment to share. No sodial intercourse With a group of 6-8 friends Schwensen.' a student member of the com- Chairman of the Parking Services Commit- gays, please. Call Diane. 878-5854. of we sponsor. Candidates should be 22-40. mittee "I payed.tot decal. I should be able tee. Von der "Embse said that service ends under 6'2V. personable, experienced con- to park there ." , around 5.00 pm. The van.and.the shuttle bus UCB PI&SENTS .POLTERGEIST (PG) versationalist. physically attractive and Many suggestions were discussed, in- run in IS-minute invervals. Steven Npcilberg's summer thriller. Only; 'possess an obvioiwsense of.humor. Call cluding the possibility of selling "B" decals $1.50 Fri.i& Sat. 7 p.m...9:30 p.m".. & 12 885-2S68 after 9 p.m.. M-F. ask for Joe or on an annual basis. Committee members be . And nothing was done for those1 students midnight. Sun. 8 p.m. |I2 Oelman. • ICaVc message. , lieve.,-however, that the stodent who attends Who occasionally have to walk from lower C . only one or two quarters a year-gets shorted . when the shunle bus is. full. Despite all the YELI.OW SPRINGS AREA- One bedroom^.- CONGRATULATIONS TO Alpha Omicron when compared to the student who attends "possible" solutions, no motions'were, made One person apartment in singular country . Pi's -newest initiates Marsha Nichols and all year. (oward improving the situation. "Let's wait set ting-largely solarheated-river. wootfs, - Gavle Meyers- Remember, studying 'for Other ideas included changing lower C lot and see what happens later ih the quarter. streams, meadows. $225 plus utilities.',,^?xam s isn't that bad when you have help! . into a B /one, reducing the-oversell of B Von der Embse said. i • lease. No students.'1-376-2862. Al^hit l.ove. MUSIC MAJORS! Explorer S^out Musical , KAREN-1'JV love to hear from-'you again.
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