2214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE February 28, 2006 I want to particularly express my deep ap- Mr. Speaker, I confess I learned something acknowledge your committee’s jurisdictional preciation to the National Federation of the reading this legislation. All of us know some interest in such surcharges as revenue mat- Blind for their vital advocacy for more than 1.3 blind people, and all of us, of course, see ters. However, I request that your com- mittee forego action on H.R. 2872 in order to million blind persons in the United States. Braille writing in elevators and elsewhere as allow the bill to come to the floor expedi- Since its inception in 1940, the National Fed- we move through our daily lives. tiously. I appreciate your cooperation in so eration for the Blind has worked tirelessly to But sitting down and reading the story of the doing, and agree that your decision to forego battle discrimination, increase public aware- courage and the intelligence it must have further action on this bill will not prejudice ness, and develop and support technological taken for a young blind man 200 years ago in the Committee on Ways and Means with re- advances. France to fight for an education for himself spect to its jurisdictional prerogatives on The NFP also distributes The Braille Mon- when many sighted kids his age weren’t get- this or similar legislation. I would support itor, a monthly news publication, as well as your request for conferees on those provi- ting even a high school education, is remark- sions within your jurisdiction should this online resources and a quarterly publication able. And doing it when there were very few bill be the subject of a House-Senate con- for the parents of blind children. With more books printed for the blind—those only with ference. than 50,000 members and affiliates in every giant embossed letters—must have been ex- I will include a copy of this letter and your state across America, NFB has led the way in cruciatingly slow and taken a huge amount of response in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD when demonstrating its ability to serve the interests self-discipline. To have discovered and modi- this bill is considered by the House. Thank you again for your assistance. of the blind population. fied a method of communication used by the This bill holds special significance for me, Yours truly, Army into something that could easily be re- MICHAEL G. OXLEY, as the National Federation of the Blind is produced and read—and more importantly Chairman. headquartered in my Congressional district, in written by the blind, which was not really the Baltimore, Maryland. case with those giant embossed letters—was HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Dr. Marc Maurer, who has served as Presi- a truly revolutionary breakthrough. COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, dent of the National Federation of the Blind for As a result, Mr. Speaker, long before the Washington, DC, February 27, 2006. 20 years, has shown exemplary leadership of amazing technology that we all take for grant- Hon. MICHAEL G. OXLEY, this organization, as has the NFB’s First Vice Chairman, Committee on Financial Services, ed, the blind who were taught to read and Rayburn House Office Building, Wash- President, Joyce Scanlan, an active member write Braille were able to live normal lives and since 1970. Sharon Maneki, President of the ington, DC. participate fully in society. Still, and this is DEAR CHAIRMAN OXLEY: Thank you for Maryland Chapter, has been instrumental in something else I learned, despite all the inde- your letter regarding H.R. 2872, the ‘‘Louis advancing the cause of blind persons through- pendence that reading and writing Braille con- Braille Bicentennial-Braille Literacy Com- out our state. I would also like to thank Jesse fers on the blind, only about 10 percent of memorative Coin Act,’’ which is scheduled Hartle of the NFB for his hard work on behalf blind children are taught Braille. Thus, I sup- for Floor action on Tuesday, February 28, 2006. of the organization. port the provision in the bill that devotes in- I am pleased to note that H.R. 2872 is co- As you noted, the Committee on Ways and come from surcharges on the sale of these sponsored by the entire Maryland delegation, Means maintains jurisdiction over matters coins to a Braille Literacy Program operated that concern raising revenue. H.R. 2872 con- as well as by more than 300 members of the by the National Federation of the Blind. And I tains a provision that establishes a sur- House. think it is important to note that the silver dol- charge for the sale of commemorative coins The NFB’s mission statement declares that lar coins that would be produced under this bill that are minted under the bill, and thus falls ‘‘the real problem of blindness is not the loss within the jurisdiction of the Committee on would all bear, on their reverse, a full-sized of eyesight but the misunderstanding and lack Ways and Means. However, in order to expe- Braille abbreviation for Braille—the raised dots of information which exist.’’ As part of this mis- dite this bill for floor consideration, the that form the letters BRL. Committee will forgo action. This is being sion, the NFB has been campaigning to in- Mr. Speaker, this commemorative coin pro- done with the understanding that it does not crease awareness of the Braille system of gram, like all those that pass through the Fi- in any way prejudice the Committee with re- communication. nancial Services Committee, proceeds at no spect to the appointment of conferees or its The Braille code became dominant in the cost to the taxpayer and requires the bene- jurisdictional prerogatives on this bill or United States during the 20th century, and it similar legislation. ficiary, in this case the NFB, to raise from pri- served as a gateway to education for the I appreciate and agree to your offer to in- vate sources an amount equal to or greater blind. clude this exchange of letters on this matter In recent years the Braille code has been in than the amount of surcharge income that will in the Congressional Record during floor be received, and also demands strict post-dis- consideration. declining use among the blind population. It is Best regards, currently taught to only about ten percent of bursement audit process to ensure that the funds are used for their statutorily intended BILL THOMAS, blind students and is usually not taught at all Chairman. to the elderly. purpose. In this case, I have no doubt that the NFB can raise the matching funds and will use Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. The NFB holds as one of its major goals the Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance reintroduction of Braille into education for the the income to really very effectively raise the profile of Braille literacy. of my time. blind. Braille readers can read up to 400 Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield back And so, Mr. Speaker, noting that 302 Mem- words per minute, comparable to the speed of the balance of my time. bers of the House have co-sponsored this bill, print readers. Braille is also essential for note- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. CON- I urge its immediate passage. taking, mathematics and the study of foreign AWAY). The question is on the motion I also submit for the RECORD the following languages. Moreover, the computerization of offered by the gentleman from Ohio exchange of correspondence: Braille allows users to write much more rapidly (Mr. NEY) that the House suspend the than in the past. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2872, as Commemorating the contributions of Louis COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES, Washington, DC, February 27, 2006. amended. Braille is a worthy goal. Hon. WILLIAM M. THOMAS, The question was taken; and (two- Increasing awareness of Braille and broad- Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means, thirds having voted in favor thereof) ening opportunities for use as an educational House of Representatives, Longworth House the rules were suspended and the bill, tool are two other pivotal goals that this legis- Office Building, Washington, DC. as amended, was passed. lation will help achieve. DEAR CHAIRMAN THOMAS: I am writing con- A motion to reconsider was laid on I want to thank my colleagues for their re- cerning H.R. 2872, the ‘‘Louis Braille Bicen- the table. tennial-Braille Literacy Commemorative sounding support of H.R. 2872 and urge the f House to help further the legacy of Louis Coin Act,’’ which was introduced in the Braille by voting for this bill. House and referred to the Committee on Fi- AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT TO Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong nancial Services on June 13, 2005. It is my ex- AWARD A CONGRESSIONAL GOLD pectation that this bill be scheduled for floor support of H.R. 2872, the ‘‘Louis Braille Bicen- MEDAL TO THE TUSKEGEE AIR- consideration in the near future. MEN tennial—Braille Literacy Commemorative Coin As you know, section 7 of the bill estab- Act,’’ introduced by my colleague, the gen- lishes a surcharge for the sale of commemo- Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I move to sus- tleman from Ohio, Mr. NEY. rative coins that are minted under the bill. I pend the rules and pass the bill (H.R. VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:08 Mar 13, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR28FE06.DAT BR28FE06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 2215 1259) to authorize the President to Force, retired as a 3-star general, and was (B) a museum in historic Fort Wayne in award a gold medal on behalf of the honored with a 4th star in retirement by Detroit, Michigan; Congress, collectively, to the Tuskegee President William J.
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