Technological University Dublin ARROW@TU Dublin DIT Student Union Dublin Institute of Technology 1998-3 The DIT Examiner : the Newspaper of the Dublin Institute of Technology Students' Union, March, 1998 DIT Students' Union Follow this and additional works at: https://arrow.tudublin.ie/ditsu Recommended Citation DIT Students' Union : The DIT Examiner, March, 1998, Dublin, 1998. This Other is brought to you for free and open access by the Dublin Institute of Technology at ARROW@TU Dublin. It has been accepted for inclusion in DIT Student Union by an authorized administrator of ARROW@TU Dublin. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License 2 The DITExaminer DITSU, DIT Kevin St., Kevin St, Dublin 8. Ph: 402 4636 PhlFax: 478 3154 [email protected] OR [email protected] DIT FM Broadcasting from 30 March - 3 April All Across The DIT 8arn - lOam Breakfast Show lOam - 11 am Irish Music DITSUSabbaticals 1998-1999 with current Overall President, Sinead Pidgeon, after the count in Club US!. Back Row, l-r: ]oanne Quirke (Aungier St Deputy), Michelle McCauley (Cathal Brugha St Deputy), Kenny Vaughan (Cathal Brugha St President), David WJatt (Mountjoy Sq Deputy), 11am - 12 noon Current Mfairs Pidge, Mike Shannon (MountjoJ Sq Pmident), andafan. Front Row, l-r: Sarah McGovern (Kevin St President), Ross 0 'Daly (Overall President), Dan Pender (Aungier St President), Bernie 0 'Reilly 12pm - 2pm Chart Show (Bolton St Deputy). Photos can be bought at spectacularly exhorbitant rates from me, ChaOS. Left: Two candirUztes, a current and an 2prn - 3prn Documentary ex. One ofthe lighter moments ofthe count marathon in Club USI sees Siobhdn Weekes and Ross 0 'Daly 3pm - Spm Arts & Entertainment flanking incumbent Overall President Sinead Pidgeon, watched by present USI Generalissimo andformer DIT..'lU Sprn - 6pm Sport, News, etc. Ot'erall Presidmt, Colman Byme. Below: Waves ofpalpable reliefto be seen in eventual victor, Ross O'Daly's, 6prn - 7pm Eclectic Music face. as he is congratulated by well (Alternative) wishers and members ofhis team. 7pm - 8prn Techno (Guest D]s) Above, three cheersjiJr the long-su./ftring cotmters who withst!JOd the ravages ofbeer, hot drug andf"e sex inftvour ofdmrocrIKJ. Ross and Siobhdn hug seconds before the final result which TheTownhot.re pronounced Ross 0 'Daty nextyear 's Overall President. 47/48 Lwr Gardiner Street, Dublin 1. Bottom lift: Cathal Brugha St Pan ofGlobetrotters Tourist Hotels Pmidmt elect, Kenny Vaughan's elation is apparent as he is congratulatetJ byfrimJs and This beautifully restored 19th supporters. Bottom right: Deputy Century residence offers you the Presidmt anti Welfa" Officer elect, character and style long Miche/le McCauley, CIln't ho/J btult forgotten in many hotels and the tears upon hearing the muit guesthouses today. This which gave her uiaory by a margin combined with all the modern ofseven IIOtes, the smaJ/est of tliffirmces in the ~let:titI1IS. comfons; En-suite, Satellite TV (Free Sky Spons and Movie Channels), Lift, Tea/Coffee maker, Direct telephones and Night Potter. The Townhouse also has a private in-house car park. ONLY lOOM FROM THE AIRPORT COACH TERMINAL . 7Jlrs.....MyhrtJ.pmJmt1tlitJ. ~ RIlIlml Georgian Townhouoe...A Wanm clF.lcpldy DoaxaIaI Roomo...in kaping wiIh lhe period sayIr...and ulhis pia,aSlIlII... BtJd-FttIbish Btw/tjtIt (V~ t1J1Iittn 1lllllilttJM) Please phone Lisa or Patricia on our reservations Hotline: (01) 878 8808 and 874 0592. Fax: (01) 878 8787. 3 previous interviews and statements then I am obviously a groupie, but I was Ciara Murphy. under the impression that a groupie was Saga des someone who shagged band members PS The reason I went to and their roadies. Silly me, eh? (Would Belfast was because my Charlatans I have been referred to as a groupie if I favourite band were was a lad??) [Fair point, but, assuming playing again in the same Dear Editor, we're referring to heterosexuals here, country and it was free, so how many all-girl bands do you know why not?! I am writing to you again in response that have groupies? Sure, the Tori to Michael McCormack's reply to my Amoses and the Toni Braxtons have letter re. the Charlatans. their fawning male groupies but it is A Chiara, It was not intended as a personal still largely a female phenomenon. The attack [you called him a 'prick', Ciara Spice Girls and All Saints are among the Let bygones be bygones. - Ed] but as a response to a review few exceptions to this.] Enough ofthis for all ofus. which in turn, did contain some factual The reason I even mentioned the Would you be interested in~-D:::'IT~S.~'tutkn"""7"'-I1-of-:=-'lth:-~-;:}'j~~a-r-ra-:'u-~~th"'~-cu-rp-w-;h"':lik:-,':""·n-~""""'cJuO:--,",-.-'"1 errors. In retrospect it did seem like an point that, as you put it ('Tony told me reviewing any gigs for theL- P_i_c:~J,_'m_m_it_R_o_b_im_o_n. ......I attack and for this reason I do this...we, the fans, etc.. .') was to Examiner? Give me a call, apologise; I should have worded my emphasise the fact that I had obtained 4024636. letter better. my information from the people When you referred to me as a involved. Le gach dea-mhein, JanUAry 98 Crossword winners: 'groupie', I was slightly confused; if that So I am not an 'anal groupie' or word means someone who has been a anything of the sort, but I am a huge Cearbhall 0 S{ochain, 1. Robert Rooney, FT401, Cathal Brugha St. genuine fan ofa band for seven or eight fan of music and happen to have met Editor. 2. Paul Weber, DBS 4, Aungier St. years, and jumps at a chance to meet, my favourite bands owr a couple of 3. Stephm Holohan, WMT2, Kevin St. spend time with, and talk about years, luckily enough. Aine Ni Chonaill-- Droch-bholscaireacht don Ghaeilge? Mairtin Breathnach " Blonn adharca fada ar na ba thar lear" gcabhr6dh se Ieis a bholscaireacht go meascan de bhaill tiortha eagsula e Is iomai uair a chaitheadh an r6-mhaith. Don te nach bhfuil eolas an ghrupa. Fear as an tZaire, fear eite seanfhocail sin amach againn agus acu ar chulra an bhean uasal, is as an t-Iordain, Seapaineach, muid faoi bhru 6 bhagairt an muinteoir Gaeilge 's Stair L Is lodaileach agus roinnt Eireannaigh. Ardteist. Ach is e an ceann sin agus mionsonra e i gcomhtheacs Aidhm an ghrupa? Comhra agus cupIa ceann eile a sheasann amach ar diospoireacht na dldeanaigh ach is trachtas tri mheain na Gaeilge. Ta na mallaibh. Le tamalI anuas anois ta udar imnl e do chumas an teanga faoi failte roimh chach, cibe dath do fadhb leochailleach na dldeanaigh hithair na huaire. chraiceann. Cupla dorai suas 6 teach faoi chaibidil agus gan reiteach I ndairlre pire an feidir eisteacht le O'Neills, seasann an fhoirgnimh ina teagartha f6s taghta ar. dream ar bith a adhmalonn gur rugadh an Phiarsach. Ta dainseir an lor chabhraigh bunadh an maitheas an tlr ata i gceist acu nuair go dtreascr6far ef6s. Immigration Control Platform OCP) ag an am ceanna ta droch fh6gra ~i I deacair cuimhncamh ar tlr ar bith de chuid Aine i Chonaill ar chor a dhcanamh acu don ghneilh is cile ina tharl6dh na heachtral bith Icis an cibhar conspoideach seo, tabhacht de aitheantai na tIre. ior6ineacha seo. agu gan dabht nlor chuaigh mf­ Mas muineadh Gaeilge e sH bheatha Ait brcithe aislingeach an theanga iompar agu glafamach an Anti- azi Inion I Chonaill. car chaill SI faoi bhagairt le hais sliocht allurach a Leagu (A L) ag eoladh an phairtl fealsunacht a sinseara a tugadh di tei fhoghlaim sin a mharaigh e. Is ait an go r6- nhaith lei ach oiread. teachtairl na 'heanfhocail? Nuair ata mac an 'aoI. Riamh anall, dineadh an Ghaeilge gach muinteoir cile ag dlriu aird a Is feidir le Aine NI Chonaill agus a mar gheall ar chungacht intinne a gcuid daltal ar impleachtal na dream roinnt beag ciall a th6gail 6 lucht labhartha agus a ndearcadh seanfhocail do abhar aiste san shcanfhocail gur cheart duinn uile sean-fhaiseanta. Seo hiad na cuisithe Ardteist, cad a bhcidh faoi bhun ag machnamh a dheanamh air......is ar ceanna ata curtha i leith an ICP. Is maistreas Ni Chonaill? scafh a chiile a mhaireann daoine. deacair a ra cen tionchar a bheidh ar Tagann grupa beag le cMile i dteach Is leor nod don colach. Ar~ W~ to get uStd to ;magts lik~ this? an teanga i dtaobh baint Aine NI tabhairne O'Neills ar Shraid an Chonaill leis, maidir le ra nach Phiarsiagh gach Ceadaoin. Is 4 Ireland ofthe Welcomes Sarah Marriott lr:-::i'"-----------~~~:::----, A lmost ten years ago the British , M u It i - cui t u r a .ncomedian Lenny Henry appeared Ireland - myth or on the Late Late Show and commented reality?' a workshop on how white Ireland was: 'Ifyou see a hosted by the VSI black man in O'Connell Street (Voluntary Service tomorrow, it's me.' International) He couldn't say that today. It's not preaching to the unusual to see Mricans, Asians, Iraqis, converted. Sarah and Bosnians queuing in McDonalds Marriott reports. with you. And some of them even have ~hen the broad Dublin accents. accountancy student But what has shocked many people is from Tanzania first got the speed with which this has happened on a Dublin bus, he thought everyone hated~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~::::~= - it's no longer just a few exchange 17year oM Sarajevan. ZlAta Fi/ipovic. now living in IrelAnd. students at the College of Surgeons, him because it was SOL--------~--~_;__-__:r""";'-.:...-":"""':'----J who'll go home soon.
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