PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon., Jan. 8. 1973 • asesseoisosiswsss:^ About Town Staff Increases Congress To Seek Better Obituary Manchester Chapter, Parents Without Partners, will meet Mrs. Patrick Shea Tuesday at 8 p.m. at Communi­ Planned At Control Of Federal Budget Mrs. Elizabeth Hegarty Shea, ty Baptist Church. All three Town Park Ullman said he hopes the full 78, of 94 Carman Rd., wife of WASHINGTON /A P) - within 60 days, a congressional Department-maintained ice special committee, including Patrick Shea, died Saturday Ladles Gourmet Group of the State ScKobls skating areas in Manchester Congress is preparing to begin budget that would set limits on Manchester Newcomers Club all appropriations. the 16 Senate members, can night at a Manchester convales­ Public Utilities Commision last will open today for public its organized effort to get better cent home after a long illness. will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. HARTFORD (AP) - Gov. The regular congressional meet by the end of the week and Fridav, has been rejected by skating. controi of the budget—and in Mrs. Shea was bom in Ireland at the home of Mrs. Faith Thomas J. Meskill said today committees then would take begin work on its recommen­ leaders of the striking Hours for supervised skating the process to regain some of and had lived in the United there will be “ some’’ increase over and produce the money dations. It has all year to Ouellette, 181 Main St. Amalgamated Transit Union. are 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Union the power which, its members States for more than 60 years. in the staff at the state training bills for the various govern­ d e v e lo p th e m , b u t a Meskill said he will have no Pond, Charter Oak Park and contend, has slipped over the Before coming to Manchester a schools for the mentally preliminary report is due Feb. Manchester Philatelic Socie­ comment on the recommen­ Center Springs Annex. years to the White House. ment activities. retarded in Southbury and 15. year ago, she lived in ty will meet Tuesday from 7 to Winter information will be The 16 House members of a At the end of the ap­ Fire Guts Old Bori Ami dations of his Tax Reform Com­ Springfield, Mass. Mansfield i propriating process, the budget Meanwhile, Rep. Henry S. 9:45 p.m. at Mott’s Community mission until he issues his available by calling 643-4700. special committee created by Survivors, besides her hus­ However, the governor, at a committees would make a final Reuss, D-Wis., another Hall. ------- budget message next month. the last Congress to devise news conference, did hot in­ review, recommending cut­ member of the committee, cir­ band, are a son, Jerome Shea of St. Margaret’s Circle, The commission’s proposals effective legislative budget M anchester; i»two brothers, dicate how many new jobs backs and adjustments or, if the culated a draft of a proposal Daughters of Isabella, will are interdependent and its machinery have set their first Patrick Hegarty of New Jersey would be created at the two in­ state of the economy required somewhat similar to Ullman’s. meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the report, to be issued Wednesday, Povinelli meeting for Wednesday. Rep. and Jeremiah Hegarty of stitutions. Superintendents at it, modifying the original Reuss, however, would bring KofC Home._____ must be considered as a whole, A1 Ullman. D-Ore., said. Ireland; three sisters, Mrs. the two schoois have com­ the Joint Economic Committee, the governor said. “ It’s not like Ullman is author of the provi­ budget ceiling. I News Patrick Murphy of West Daughters of Liberty, No. plained recently of serious Named To Ullman acknowledged, in an which studies the over-all Area Departments going down the grocery store sion creating the committee, Springfield, Mass., Mrs. Dennis 125, will meet Tuesday at 7:30 under-staffing. interview, that the last attempt economic condition o f the coun­ aisle and picking packages off enacted when Congress turned Capsules | Donovan of Springfield, Mass , p . T T i . at Orange Hall. Meskiil released data in­ to establish an effective con­ try, into the budget-making the shelf," he added. SW e Post down President Nixon’s reQuest and Mrs. Hannah Horgan of Refreshments will be served. ’ dicating that there are more process, and would call for ............. Meskill said he still favors a HARTFORD (AP) - Henry for sweeping authority to cut gressional budget, in the 1940s, Battle Flames Ireland; and five staff employes per resident at recommendations on taxation Memorial Temple, Pythian constitutional amendment A. Povinelli of Milford, who ran back funds the legislators had failed. But, he said: grandchildren. Mansfield and Southbury now as well as spending^_______ Sisters, will meet Tuesday at 7 shortening the state ballot and unsuccessfully for Congress already authorized. "This year, I think we can do Boycott Ends The funeral will be Tuesday than there were before he took Ullman said he will propose it. We have a lot of support both For Many Hours p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. After making the offices of attorney last year, has been named as a SYDNEY ( A P ) ,- The two- at 9:30 a.m. from the John F. office in January 1971. establishment of permanent in Congress and in the country. ^IL a short business session. On other subjects, Meskili general, treasurer and comp­ temporary additional un­ week-old boycott protesting the Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. employment compensation budget committees in both Members are finally facing up A general alarm fire, fought by firemen from at least ten Memorial Temple and Linne said: troller appointive rather than American bombing of North Center St., with a Mass of the House and Senate, composed Of to the realization that we have 17.9 Lodge, Knights of Pythias, wili He pians to have regular elective. However, he said he commissioner in the Third Vietnam was called off today departments, completely gutted one of the buildings in the Resurrection at St. Bridget senior members of the two to provide a mechanism for 200 Gal. Min. instail officers in joint weekly meetings, beginning saw no reason to change the Congressipnal District. by the Australian Maritime old Bon Ami manufacturing complex on Hilliard St. Church at 10. Burial will be in taxing and spending com­ responsibility..." 1 Day Notice For ceremonies, which are open to. Wednesday, with Republican relationship between the gover­ Povinelli was appointed by Union. Two other jinions in­ St. Bridget Cemetery. mittees in each body. "It's a Question of basic use Delivery Monday. the public. Mrs. Grace Graves, leaders of the state legislature. nor and the secretary of state. Gov. 'Thomas J. Meskili for a volved in the boycott are Friends may call at the These committees would be of power. The only way we can 24-Hr. Burner Service The blaze, considered “ definitely suspicious” by Eighth district deputy, assisted by Leaders of the Democratic "The relationship is not the six-month term beginning last expected to follow suit. funeral home tonight from 7 to charged, he said, with get it back is to bite the bullet, District Fire Chief Granville Lingard, was apparently Mrs. William Farr and Mrs. minority will not be invited, at type 'that creates any Thursday. The appointment MANCHESTER Maritime Union Secretary examining the president’s spen­ take the responsibility, and 9 V . Raymond Hansen, will install least at first, Meskill said, but problems," he said. was announced today. OIL HEAT, INC. E lliott V. E lliott said the confined to a three-story concrete building and an attached the Memorial Temple officers. Asked how he felt about Lt. A former state represen­ ding proposals and developing. limit ourselves .... Arthur A. McGann it is "possible" they will be in­ boycott was stopped at the three-story frame building at the northwest side of the After the ceremonies, Gov. T. Clark Hull’s public dis­ tative, Povinelli ran on the "It’s a big bite Arthur Andrew McGann, 60, vited in later — "depending on reQuest of the Australian Coun­ former industrial complex. refreshments wiil be served by agreements with him on issues- Republican ticket against cil of Trade Unions, but that of Miami, Fla., formerly of the circumstances. Both More than 2&9 firemen from assessor’s office. Carlson was Mrs. Helen Tuller, Mrs. Helen such as the death penalty- Democratic congressman m em bers had the right to Manchester, died Friday at minority and majority leaders About Town Manchester aad surrounding seen at the site, firemen said, Henry and Mrs. Alice Mather. Meskill said, “ 1 don’t think it Robert N. Giaimo of North resume it. He said the ban was Mercy Hospital, Miami. He was were invited to top-level towns battled 4he spectacular but he could not be reached for Officers are reminded to wear meetings with the governor does any good. 1 don’t think it Haven last year. Bowers School PTA will have worthwhile because of the blaze, starting In mid-afternoon the husband of Mrs. Marjorie comment today. white gowns. does any particular harm, Meskill also announced today its first mini-meeting ’Tuesday worldwide reaction it provoked. McGann. during his first two years in of- and continuing throughout the Carlson leased about a third either.” the reappointment of three at 7:30 p.m. at the school One of the results was a Survivors, besides his wife, fice, when the Generai night. of the concrete building’s 30,000 The Integral Yoga Class will Meskill said his legislative alternate members of the State library.
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