T H U R S D A Y , ’JULY 2, 1790 PAOB TWENTY ilaitfJjwlTr Ewnttig k y Average IM y Net^PreiB Rmt For Tile Wedi IM ed W e a k e r Jane pi , 19M and Debra J. Mlkellte, OPENING SOOW Good, 6 Olcott St.; Mrs. Jeanne Bolton, Mostly cloudy through ‘Sat­ Poe Appointed Public, Records Bolton. urday; chance of showers late Manchester Lemek, Goose Lane, Tolland; About Hospital Phone RIZZO'S GREAT NEW in day both days. Low tonight Mrs. Minna Andersen, 63 North Building Permits 15,610 T o U o fH Post Warrant*^ Deeds .-A ' Alanchester Chapter'-jDlsabled about 66. Daytime highs in 70a. Hospital Notes The telephone number for ■St.; Mrs. Mary H. Cotter, 38 -Henry C. and .Mildred S. Ten­ Nutmeg Homes Inc., house Veterans, ' and its BRANCH STORE Manchester Memorial Hospi- MancheHer^—A City of VUlage Charm Deepwood Dr.; Mrs. Lois Car­ Roger F. Poe of Rocky Hill, ney to I^wrence E. and Marga­ 26 Country Club Dr., $25,000. -^Uxllfary will sponsor d hotdog tal was changed a few Vernon Circle TlSniN'O BOCBS penter, 188 Broad St.; Mrs. formerly of Manchester, has ret F. Hail, property .at 13 Wesley Bunce, foundation aJ-. ro'ast tonight for patiente at months ago, but too late to Ri. 88 - Exit 85 VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 233 Intermsdlato Care Semi- .Carolyn llnklepaugh, 40 Olcott been appointed an assistant di­ Marshall Rd., conveyance tax 14 Spencer St., $2,000. V, jtcKky Hill Veterans Hospital. (TWENTY PAGES—TV SECTION) be listed correctly in the new oU Uts. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1970 (dnaalfled Advertising on Page 11) PRICE TEN CENTS frivate, noon-S p.ni., and 4 p.m. St. rector of admissions at the Uni- $26.86. Morlarty Bros. Inc., building planning to attend will t pjn.; private rooms. It a.m.- phone books. The hospital Also, Miss Barbara Lee, 28 versity of Hartford. C. R. Burr and Co. Inc. to the a t'347 Center St., $^39,000. meet at the hospital at 6:30. < p.m „ and 4 p.m.-S p.m. number is 6^1222.'' Elm St., Rockville; Miss Chris- The gon of Mrs. Frances E, W. G. Glenney Co., % Interest Everett W. VanDyne for ( ----- ^ FedlatriOs: Parents allowed tine A. Mlele, 393 E. Middle pee of 37 Tanner . St. and the ih parcel of . land set back from Richard Embser, recreation, Full Gospel Christian Fellow­ any time except noon-S p.m.; E. Pelton, 68 Wellwood Circle, Tpke,; Miss Karen Wright, 28 i^te Dr. Pascal Poe, he was an N. Main St., conveyance tax room 'fo basement and carport ship, Interdenonainatlonal, will Watch ottiers, 2 p.m.*8 pan. Rockville. Brent R d.; Miss Kim Danahy,. admissions counselor at the $1.66. at 39 Judith Dr., $3,900. have a Bible study and open Boat Strikes Mine, N o H erald Self Service: 10 a.m.*S p.m., 24 Village St.; Miss Leslie So- uofH to r a year before his re Herman M. Frechette and Roger Talbot for Antbulance discussion ^tonight at 7:30 in Also, Mrs. Ella M. Quish, 61 4 p.m.>8 p.m. kola. East Hartford; Miss Lnnra ^ent appointment. His father George L. Popik to Michael A. Service of Manchester, -^second Orange Hall. T om orrow ^ Thousands En Route to Washington St.; Mrs. Eunice btensive Care and Coronary Landry, Windber, Pa.; Franklin the university’s first pro- and Evelyn L. Carter, property story addition to buiidikg at lS4 M. Ruff, 281 Autumn St.; Mrs. In observance of the O w e: Immediate fam ily only, Davis Jr., 1892 Manchester Rd., vost. on School St., conveyance tax E. Gentelr §t.’, $7,600. i Manchester Lodge of Elks Viet CiviHans Killed Helen Stewart, 249 E. Center anytime, limited to five mln> Glastonbury; Shawn Menzel Poe, a 1961 graduate of Man­ $28.06. , ' \rill hold its weekly seafood holiday, The Herald will St.; Mrs. Linda F. Suskey, 234 ]^ r k Dr., COventrj^ Theodore SAIGON (A P ) —^. A passenger river boat struck a otea. chester 'High School, received night tomorrow starting at 6 not publish tomorrow, Keeney St.; Raymond Test, 468 wochoski. East HarUord; Mrs. Leonard and Alice M. Parent RIZZO POOL COMPANY floating mine just south of the Demilitarized Zone today Maternity : Fafliers, 11 a.m.> a BA degree in English litera­ to Robert A. and Carolyn R. Rental Order 'p.'m. at the Elks Home on Bls- July 4. To all our readers For ‘Honor America’ Celebration W. Middle l^ke..; Mrs. Hazel Constance Lopes, 48 Spruce St.; killing 46 of the 50 Vietnamese civilians . 12:45 p.m., and t : N p.m.*8 ture from the University of Parrot, property at 163 Lobnais Clrcult St. The event is open to 3884 Berlin Tpke., Newington we say: Have a safe and S. Torrey, Putnam; Mrs. Jean- Walter J_ Doyle, Elizabeth Dr., HARTFORD (A P ) -------— aboard, a government spokesman announced. p.m .; ottiers, 8 p.m.*4 p.m., and H a lford in 1967. At the univer­ St., conveyance tax $24.76. happy holiday and we’ll By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 0:80 p.m.-S p.m. nette p. Vennart, 102 West St.; Hebron. Court Judge William C.-Bleluch members and guests. -------------—------------------------- - The mining occurred on a sity, he took part in two lead­ Dorothy C. Beach, Wells C. be seeing you again on Mrs. Marilyn S. WelO, ElUng- Also, Miss Catherine T. Mor­ has Issued a temporary injunc­ branch of the Cua Viet River The- nation celebrates Age Umits: It in maternity, ership conferences, was a thr.ee- Dennison and Robert C. tion barring a New Britain land­ w ^ less than a. mile from Dong Ha, Monday. its 194th birthday Satur­ 12 in other areas, no limit in ton Ave., Rockville. iarty, 106 Olcott St.; Mrs. Dor-’ year member of the golf team, Dennison to the Town of Man­ lady from renting an apartment day with the ti^itional srif'service. (BIRTHS YESTERD AY: A son othy M. Chapman, 718 Center "and served as chancellor and chester, parcel of land set back J f t n f i n the boat’s desUnatlon about nine to ^nyone but a Puerto Rican O mn Seen m „eg aouth of the DMZ. to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roche, gt_; Mrs. Josephine A. Deuel, secretary of Lambda Phi Alpha from Tlmrod Rd. fireworks displays, picnics The administration reminds 438 Center St.; a son to Mr. and Windham;.John C. Childs, 202 S. fraternity. woman who applied for it. 2peii all day fridoy^ The river is regularly pa­ / and oratory. The largest Ih e injunction restrains Anna visitors that with constmctlon Mrs. Kenneth. Price, East Hart- Main St.’ ; Aldo Enrico, 25 From August 1966 to (Decem- Quitclaim Deeds Getting Role trolled by U.S. and South Viet­ Educators festivities will be in'Wash­ under way, paridng space is foKl; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ridgewood St.; Mrs. June Pet- ber 1968, Poe served with the Savings Bank of Manchester Maria Carbone from renting, NH namese boats and North Viet­ ington, D.C., where thou­ Bmlted. Visitors are asked to Gerald Buttimer, Ellington; a erson and daughter, 29 North- Peace Corps in Nigeria as an to C. R. Burr and Co. Inc., leasing or selling an apartment namese mines in it have sunk or sands of persons are head­ bear with the liospital whUe the S. Torrey, Putnam; Mrs .Jean- field St.; Mrs. Brenda L. Grot- Instructor at the Sokoto Teach- property set back from N. Main to anyone but Mrs. Jose Otes« damaged a number of boats. Plan National ing for Honor America Day poiiing problem exists. Stump, Storrs. ton and daughter, 70 W. Main ers Training College., H,e taught St. of New Britain. Of Policeman But the toll today was believed events. ' DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; St., Rockville; Mrs. Angela underquallfled primary school The Four Bellep Co. to C. R. Mrs. Otero has filed a com­ . to be the largest. Sponsors of Honor America Patients Today: 2M Mrs. Betty Petricca,_218 Porter Carrier and daughter, 30 Church teachers in English, arithmetic, Burr and Oo. Inc., land set back plaint with the Connecticut Hu­ B y SPENCER DAVIS Only light, scattered fighting Program s Day, who include evangelist‘BU- ADMITTED YESTERDAY: St.; Mrs. Harlene Hawkes, 22 St.; Mrs. Theresa C. Walmsley history, geography, health, and from N. Main St. man Rights and Opportunities Associated Press Writer was reported in South Vietnam. ly Graham and entertainer Bob Peter Aceto, 270 Woodland St.; Essex St.; William Gienty, 63 and daughter. North Wlnham; physical education. He also was Marriage Licenses Commission charging Mrs. Car­ M ANILA (A P ) — Philippine but the U.S. Command reported By W ILLIAM J. WAUGH Hope, esttmate that moFe than Miss Prances .|klescia, WUllmM- Dougherty St.; Mrs. Susan Nep- Mrs. Dianna Casasanta and coach for ap area basketball James Bernard Mahoney .Tr., bone with discrimination. President Ferdinand Marcos the loss of another plane a week A P Education Writer 200,000 will participate Saturday tlc; Mrs. Susan Apter, 66 High- tune, 160 School St.; Mrs. June daughter, 228 Oak St. team. \ said today that with the United ago. It was a Navy A7'Crusader - BAN FRANOISOO (AP) — in memorial and patriotic cere­ wood Dr.; Mrs; Branda F. Aren- - States reducing Its military pos- jbt that crashed as it was taking ~ monies at the naUon’s capital. burg, 124 E. Center St.. Mrs. ture In Asia, Japan cannot avoid off from a carrier June 26 on a ^ f ? National Education Associa­ Going to Washington for the Helen P.
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