D-cuera--of Tbe-World Ban-k FOR OFFMCAL USE ONLY - ZZ-? - -,C -,Ar Public Disclosure Authorized 1:-- ReportNo. 5376-IN s:AEF PPRAisAL REPo.RT Public Disclosure Authorized INDIA NAHARASHTR COMPOSITEIRRIGATION III PROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized June 18, 1985 Public Disclosure Authorized South Asia Projects Department Irrigation II Division This document has a restricted distribution and way be used by recipients only in the peirfornnnce of their officia duties. Its c-ontents msay not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank 2authorization. C RREMY EOVMTS ' US$1.00 R- pees (Rs) 12.0 III.GHTS AND F CASURES(M IC SYSTK) 1 I meter (Ca) . 3.8 feet (ft) I kilometer (km) 0.6 miles (mi) i hectare (ha) = 2.4? acres (ac) or 1 million cubic meters (Mi3) = 810 acre-feet (ac-ft) or 35.3 N 1 cubic foot per second (cfs or cusec) - 0.028 c pic meters per second (m Isecond) 1 TC (billion cubic foot) = 28.3 MHa 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.2 pounds Clb) I metric ton Cmt) 2,205 pounds (lb) FISCAL YEAR Government of Maharashtra and Agencies - April 1 - March 31 NABARD, Cooperatives - July 1- June 30 Commercial Banks - January 1 - December 31 11 The metric systen has been used in most cases. However, India is still in the process of transition to the metric system; non-metric units are still widely used and have been used in this report where a conversion to the metric system might confuse the reader. FOR OFICIAL USE ONLY DIA NARRASETrRACIOOPOSITE IRRIGATIOS III PROJECT CREDIT AND PROJECT SUNKARY Borrower: India, acting by its President (GOI). Beneficiay: Government of Maharashtra (Gol). Amount: IDA Credit SDR 166.4 million (US$160 million equivalent). Terms: Standard. Project Description: The project would encompass two command areas: Jayakwadi (200,000 ha) and Najalgaon (100,000 ha). The main components for Jayakwadi would be: (i) completionof irrigationsystems on about 45,500ha; (ii) completionof main drains,link drains,and rural roads on about 153,000ha; (iii) constructionof field channels,drains, and structureson about 68,000ha and field-channelprotection on about 102,000 ha; (iv) landshaping of about 128,000ha; (v) developmentof three SpeciallyDeveloped Distributories (SDDs) on about 7,300ha; and (vi) technicalsupport to farmers. For MaLjalgaon, the project would include: (i) constructing116 cAnAl regula- tion structures;(ii) constructionof Majalgaonmain canal from km 67 to km 100; (iii)construction of the distributionsystem up to the 1-cusecoutlet in an area of about 57,000ha; (iv) constructionof main and secondarydrainage and road networkson about 24,000ha; (v) on-farmdevelopments and landshapingof about 24,000 ha; (vi) developmentof a MajalgaonSDD on 4,000 ha; and (vii) technicalsupport to farmers. Other investmentswould include: (i) equipmentfor landshapingand telecomnunication;(ii) monitoringand evaluation,(iii) extensionservice; (iii) technicaland agriculturalextension and researchsupport; and (iv) training, studies,study tours and consultingservices. The projectwould increaseagricultural production and farmers' income in the two IThsdocume bs a regsijzd disftion and maybe usedby nreients onlyin t n of thL oici duis. Its musmay nt otese be dislosed wih WoddBank auoxizaion. I- comunds. To minimize the risks that farmer response might not be adequate, or that yield levels might be lower than anticipated, the project provides for landshaping and for system operation methods which will ensure that all farmers, including tail-enders, will obtain a reliable water supvly. In addition, the project focuses on increasing agricul- tural productivity, especially through the SDDs', technical support to farmers, research and development, and monitoring and evaluation. The combined effects of these activities should result in a high return per unit of water and high level of farmers' participation. PRINCIPAL ABBREVIATIONSAiD ACRONYMSUSED AA - Agricultural Assistant (or Village Level Worker) AD - Agriculture Department AE - Assistant Engineer AO - Agricultural Officer ARDC - Agricultural Refinnce and Development Corporation BC - Black Cotton (Soils) CAC - Canal Advisory Committee CAD - Command Area Development CADA - Command Area Development Authority CBR - California Bearing Ratio CCA - Cultivable Command Area CE - Chief Engineer CEO - ,hief Executive Officer CI - Canal Inspector CNS - Cohesive Non-Swelling CWC - Central Water Commission DADO - District Agricultural Development Officer DE - Deputy Engineer DIRD - Directorate of Irrigation Research and Development DSCS - District Soil Conservation Service EC - Executive Committee (CADA) ER - Executive Engineer EGS - Employment Guarantee Scheme ERR - Economic Rate of Return GC& - Gross Commanded Area GOI - Government of India GON - Government of Maharashtra HYV - High Yielding Varieties ICB - International Competitive Bidding ICRISAT - International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ID - Irrigation Department IDCOM - Irrigation Development Corporation-Mahareshtra JE - Junior Engineer LBC - Left Bank Canal M - Million MERI - Maharashtra Engiueering Research Institute MCIP I - Maharashtra Composite Irrigation I Project MCIP II - Maharashtra Composite Irrigation II Project MCIP III - Maharashtra Composite Irrigation III Project xnDC - Maharashtra Land Development Corporation Kw - Megawatt (1,000 kW) MWL - Mean Water Level NRBC - Najalgaon Right Bank Canal HWUP - Maharashtra Water Utilization Project NABARD - National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development KARP - National Agricultural Research Project OC - Outlet Committee OFD - On-Farm Development ODSD - On-Farm Development Structures Division OER. - Official Exchange Rate 0&4 - Operation and Maintenance PAO - Principal Agricultural Officer PERT - Program Evaluation Review Technique PLBC - Paitban Left Bank Canal PMF - Probable Maximum Flood PRBC - Paithan Right Bank Canal PWD=PW&HD- Public Works Department RBC - Right Bank Canal RWS - Rotational Water Supply SCS - Soil Conservation Service SD - Sub-Division SDAO - Sub-Divisional Agricultural Officer SDD - Specially Developed Distributary SE - Superintending Engineer SLA - Special Loan Account SMS - Subject Matter Specialist ThV - Training and Visit (System of Agricultural Extension) YEW - Village Extension Worker WALMI - Water and Land Management Institute WmRD - Water Management Research Division WUC - Water Utilization Committee ZP - Zilla Parishad (District Level Authority) GLOSSARY Taluk - Sub-division of a district Zilla Parishad (ZP) - District Level Authority Panchayat - Village Council Kharif - Wet Season (June to October) Rabi - Winter Season (November to March) Warabandi - Rotational Water Supply (RWS) used in no-thern India and based on allocation of water in proportion to the size of the landholding and delivery at predetermined turns Shejpali - Rotational Water Supply used in Maharashtra and based on sanction of water by crops, and irrigation on turns, from the tail-enders upstream Rigid Shejpali - Allocation of water according to Shejpali: with delivery at predetermined turns Main Canal - Main conveyance system originating at the water source (dam, river) Branch and - Irrig*tion canal with capacity more than distributary canal 0.7 m Is originating at the main canal Minor - Irrig tion canal with capacity less than 0.7 m I/s and serving group of chaks (q.v.) Outlet - Outlet discharging from minor to 15 to 24 ha block, designed to take full field channel discharge and be either open or shut Chak - Block or irrigation service area below the Government outlet Field channel - Irrigation channel from the Government (chak) outlet to individual farms (with 1 cfs (28 1/sec) discharge) Equalizer/Divider - Small irrigation channel or ditch within the individual farm, below the field channel, prepared usually by the user himelf, to spread the water along the field Nullah - Natural drainage waterway Field drainage channel - Drainage channel within the chak serving the individual farms On-farm development (OFD) - small-scale works needed for efficient water distribution and soil moisture control at the chak level (e.g., field channels and dividers, drains and landshaping). OFD can be with or without landshaping. Black cotton (BC) - a heavy, black clay soil, derived from or vertisols basaltic rocks. Nurrum - Granular material derived from weathered basalt formations N[ 100 grade - Indian (standard) specificationfor concrete quality. For lining, pressure test must have compressive strength of 100 kglcm Farm - The entire operating unit of a farmer, divided into fields Field - Sub-division of a farm; the basic irrigation unit INDIA NAHARASETRACOMPOSITE IRRIGATION III PROJECT Jayakwadi/Maialxaon Scheme Staff Appraisal Report Table of Contents PafteNo. I. BACKGROUND ............. ........................... 1 Agriculture and Irrigation in India ... .................... I The State of Mabarashtra................................... 1 Previous Bank Group Assistance .............................3 Rationale for Bank Group Involvement ....................... 4 II. THE PROJECT AREA ... ,.,...,,,,,...... ........ 5 General........................................... 5 Climate .......................................... 5 Topography........................ ........... 6 Soils........................... *.............. 6 Population and Land Tenure ....... ............... .. 0 ... .*.. 7 LandUse ............. ............................. 7 Crops and Yields .......................................... 8 Agricultural Extension o ................. ....... 9 Agricultural Research ..... .*... .* ... 99........
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