May 20, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3499 2004 COMPREHENSIVE REPORT ON elements in any Federal education law (Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Flor- U.S. TRADE AND INVESTMENT is flexibility. I am pleased to share ida addressed the House. His remarks POLICY TOWARD SUB-SAHARAN with my colleagues one of the many will appear hereafter in the Extensions AFRICA AND IMPLEMENTATION ways in which our committee, the of Remarks.) OF THE AFRICAN GROWTH AND Committee on Education and the f OPPORTUNITY ACT—MESSAGE Workforce, has worked with the De- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE partment of Education to enhance that previous order of the House, the gen- UNITED STATES flexibility for our schools. Following tleman from Indiana (Mr. PENCE) is The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- implementation of the No Child Left recognized for 5 minutes. fore the House the following message Behind education law, teachers and ad- (Mr. PENCE addressed the House. His from the President of the United ministrators expressed concern and remarks will appear hereafter in the States; which was read and, together many of them to me over the last year Extensions of Remarks.) that special needs children were re- with the accompanying papers, without f objection, referred to the Committee quired to pass the same tests as their The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a on Ways and Means: non-special needs counterparts. At the same time parents of special needs previous order of the House, the gen- To the Congress of the United States: children expressed concern that ex- tleman from New York (Mr. HINCHEY) Consistent with title I of the Trade empting their children from testing al- is recognized for 5 minutes. and Development Act of 2000, I am pro- together would eliminate the ability to (Mr. HINCHEY addressed the House. viding a report prepared by my Admin- monitor their progress. To address His remarks will appear hereafter in istration entitled ‘‘2004 Comprehensive these competing concerns, the Depart- the Extensions of Remarks.) Report on U.S. Trade and Investment ment of Education issued a rule pro- Policy for Sub-Saharan Africa and Im- f viding States and school districts with The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a plementation of the African Growth the flexibility to provide alternate and Opportunity Act.’’ previous order of the House, the gen- tests to determine the adequate yearly tleman from California (Mr. FILNER) is GEORGE W. BUSH. progress for children with the most se- THE WHITE HOUSE, May 20, 2004. recognized for 5 minutes. vere disabilities. Under the rule, alter- (Mr. FILNER addressed the House. f nate tests can be administered only to His remarks will appear hereafter in NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND children with the most significant cog- the Extensions of Remarks.) nitive disabilities, only 1 percent of all f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a students, or about 10 percent of stu- previous order of the House, the gen- dents with disabilities. All other stu- FALLEN HEROES tleman from Minnesota (Mr. KLINE) is dents with disabilities will take either recognized for 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a the regular State assessments or as- previous order of the House, the gen- Mr. KLINE. Mr. Speaker, I have been sessments aligned with State standards sitting here for some time this evening tleman from Illinois (Mr. HASTERT) is designed to compensate for the child’s recognized for 5 minutes. listening to the discussion and I am disability. struck by the tone. We have had speak- Because it prohibits States and Mr. HASTERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ers from both sides of the aisle rise to schools from excluding students with join with my colleagues in paying tribute to all discuss different things. I notice that disabilities from accountability sys- of our fallen citizens who have lost their lives my colleagues from this side of the tems, the No Child Left Behind pro- defending freedom in the war against terror. aisle have risen to celebrate an anni- vides parents of these children with I want to thank JIM WALSH and CHARLIE versary of World War II, to talk about something they have never had before, RANGEL for working together to come up with an important economic and trade issue the right to know whether their chil- this tribute to those who have died defending with the developing nation of India, to dren are getting the education they de- freedom. talk about the tragedy of the pain of serve, what every parent wants. This Memorial Day, we all need to take an unborn children and my colleagues I believe we are making great strides extra moment to remember those who made from the other side of the aisle have toward improving the quality of edu- the ultimate sacrifice as we remember those taken every occasion with every speak- cation available to every child in who are separated from their families and er to make outrageous claims and to America. I remain committed to ad- fighting in distant lands to defend freedom. engage in vicious partisan attacks dressing the concerns of parents, teach- I especially want to call attention to the sac- against the President of the United ers and administrators as we seek to rifices of two of my constituents who died in States and the Republican Party and it not only maintain but to build on this the service of their Nation: Staff Sgt. Jacob saddens me. quality. I look forward to continuing Frazier and Marine 1st Lt. Timothy Ryan. But tonight I wish to join my col- the fight to provide the necessary flexi- Staff Sgt. Jacob Frazier, 24, of St. Charles leagues from this side of the aisle in a bility to accommodate those States Township, was killed in March 2003, when his celebration. As we celebrate the anni- and those schools who wish to partici- patrol unit was ambushed in Afghanistan. versary of the landmark Brown v. pate. Frazier joined the Illinois Air National Guard in Board of Education Supreme Court de- Leaving no child behind means leav- 1998, a year after graduating from Central cision this week, we have an excellent ing no child behind, not ‘‘no child ex- High School in Burlington. The oldest of opportunity to recognize some of the cept children with disabilities.’’ On James and Joyce Frazier’s five children, he vast improvements made in the quality this important anniversary, Mr. Speak- was a wrestler, all-conference football player of education available to America’s er, we are living up to that promise. and a member of the choir in high school. He children over the past 50 years. was engaged to be married. Frazier was as- In the Brown v. Board of Education f signed to the 169th Air Support Operations case, the doctrine of ‘‘separate but The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Squadron of the 182nd Airlift Wing of the Na- equal’’ education for different groups of previous order of the House, the gen- tional Guard, and had been working with U.S. students was found to produce unequal tleman from California (Mr. GEORGE Army Special Forces in Afghanistan since Jan- results and was ruled unconstitutional. MILLER) is recognized for 5 minutes. uary 2003. He was proud to serve his country, On this important anniversary, Mr. (Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California and often told friends and family ‘‘I’m going to Speaker, we are working to ensure an- addressed the House. His remarks will hunt bad guys,’’—a reference to the terrorist other group of students, our special appear hereafter in the Extension of attacks of Sept. 11. needs children, receive the same high Remarks.) Marine 1st Lt. Timothy Ryan, 30, of North quality education available to every f Aurora, died in May 2003, when his helicopter child in Minnesota and America. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a crashed into a canal in Iraq. The son of Judith Because no two students are the previous order of the House, the gen- and Michael Ryan, Tim Ryan grew up with his same and no two schools face identical tleman from Florida (Mr. MARIO DIAZ- older brother in Montgomery and Aurora, grad- challenges, one of the most important BALART) is recognized for 5 minutes. uating from West Aurora High School. A music VerDate May 04 2004 01:59 May 22, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K20MY7.192 H20PT2 H3500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 20, 2004 major, he began playing the drums when he tary personnel who have made the ultimate Benefit. I also strongly support the bill’s in- was in 4th grade and was a member of the sacrifice and lost their lives in service to their creased production for armored Humvees and marching band at West Aurora High. He at- country. To the families and friends of these body armor as well as improvements to family tended Illinois State University, where he met fallen soldiers, I offer my condolences in their housing, military medical facilities and schools. his wife, Michelle. He graduated, was married, time of grief. Please know that we all share in I salute the brave men and women in uni- and enlisted in the Marines during a single your sorrow. form who will become our Nation’s newest vet- month in 1997. Ryan joined the Marines to be I would like to recognize the soldiers from erans upon their return. Now that over 14 a part of its drum and bugle corps, but the Sacramento area who have lost their lives months have passed since U.S. troops were changed course after two years because he while serving their country.
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