RiMe Rivista dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea ISBN 9788897317623 ISSN 2035-794X numero 7/II n. s., dicembre 2020 European Parliament public history initiatives and the memory of European unity: some reflections and a blueprint for action Martí Grau i Segú DOI: https://doi.org/10.7410/1438 Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche http://rime.cnr.it Direttore responsabile │ Editor-in-Chief Luciano GALLINARI Segreteria di redazione │ Editorial Office Secretary Idamaria FUSCO - Sebastiana NOCCO Comitato scientifico │ Editorial Advisory Board Luis ADÃO DA FONSECA, Filomena BARROS, Sergio BELARDINELLI, Nora BEREND, Michele BRONDINO, Paolo CALCAGNO, Lucio CARACCIOLO, Dino COFRANCESCO, Daniela COLI, Miguel Ángel DE BUNES IBARRA, Antonio DONNO, Antonella EMINA, Vittoria FIORELLI, Blanca GARÌ, David IGUAL LUIS, Jose Javier RUIZ IBÁÑEZ, Giorgio ISRAEL, Juan Francisco JIMÉNEZ ALCÁZAR, Ada LONNI, Massimo MIGLIO, Anna Paola MOSSETTO, Michela NACCI, Germán NAVARRO ESPINACH, Francesco PANARELLI, Emilia PERASSI, Cosmin POPA- GORJANU, Adeline RUCQUOI, Flocel SABATÉ i CURULL, Eleni SAKELLARIU, Gianni VATTIMO, Cristina VERA DE FLACHS, Przemysław WISZEWSKI. Comitato di redazione │ Editorial Board Anna BADINO, Grazia BIORCI, Maria Eugenia CADEDDU, Angelo CATTANEO, Isabella CECCHINI, Monica CINI, Alessandra CIOPPI, Riccardo CONDRÒ, Alberto GUASCO, Domenica LABANCA, Maurizio LUPO, Geltrude MACRÌ, Alberto MARTINENGO, Maria Grazia Rosaria MELE, Maria Giuseppina MELONI, Rosalba MENGONI, Michele M. RABÀ, Riccardo REGIS, Giovanni SERRELI, Giovanni SINI, Luisa SPAGNOLI, Patrizia SPINATO BRUSCHI, Giulio VACCARO, Massimo VIGLIONE, Isabella Maria ZOPPI. Responsabile del sito │ Website Manager Claudia FIRINO © Copyright 2020: Author(s) Gli autori che pubblicano con RiMe Authors who publish with RiMe retain conservano i diritti d'autore e concedono copyright and grant the Journal right of alla rivista il diritto di prima pubblicazione first publication with the works con i lavori contemporaneamente simultaneously licensed under the terms of autorizzati ai sensi della the “Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 4.0 International License”. RiMe. Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea (http://rime.cnr.it) Direzione e Segreteria │Management and Editorial Offices: via G.B. Tuveri, 128- 09129 Cagliari (I). Telefono │Telephone: +39 070403635 / 070403670. Invio contributi │Submissions: [email protected] RiMe, n. 7/II n. s., dicembre 2020, 202 p. ISBN 9788897317623 - ISSN 2035-794X DOI https://doi.org/10.7410/1434 RiMe 7/II n.s. (December 2020) Special Issue Memorias históricas, Memorias incómodas Historical memories, Inconvenient memories A cargo de / Edited by Maria Betlem Castellà i Pujols Table of Contents / Indice Maria Betlem Castellà i Pujols 5-12 Introducción / Premise? Josefina Irurzun 13-35 Memorias subterráneas en movimiento. Cultura musical, teatro y literatura en los inicios asociativos de los “catalanes de América de Buenos Aires” (1908- 1912) / Underground memories on the move. Musical culture, theatre and literature in associative beginnings of the “catalanes de América de Buenos Aires” (1908-1912) Gustau Nerín 37-51 La cómoda memoria colonial española. El Imperio de ayer y la España de hoy / The comfortable Spanish colonial memory. Yesterday's Empire and Today's Spain RiMe, n. 7/II n. s., dicembre 2020, 202 p. ISBN 9788897317623 - ISSN 2035-794X DOI https://doi.org/10.7410/1434 Luciano Gallinari 53-111 Christopher Columbus and the Confederate Generals versus Native Peoples? The struggle of memories amid removal, replacement and resignification of their monuments Martí Grau i Segú 113-137 European Parliament public history initiatives and the memory of European unity: some reflections and a blueprint for action Jordi Guixé Coromines - Núria Ricart Ulldemolins 139- 167 A López y López. Quinto asalto. Memorias incómodas en el espacio público / To López y López. The Fifth Assault. Inconvenient memories in the public space. Mahdis Azarmandi 169-202 Monumentos coloniales, migración y memoria en la Barcelona (post)colonial / Colonial Monuments, Migration and Memory in (Post)Colonial Barcelona RiMe, n. 7/II n.s., dicembre 2020 , pp. 113-137 ISBN 9788897317623 - ISSN 2035-794X DOI https://doi.org/10.7410/1438 European Parliament public history initiatives and the memory of European unity: some reflections and a blueprint for action1 Martí Grau i Segú Jean Monnet House (Bazoches-sur-Guyonne, France) House of European History unit, European Parliament Date of receipt: 12th December2020 Date of acceptance: 19th January 2021 Abstract Resumen While memory of war and its ensuing Si bien la memoria sobre la guerra - y sobre traumas is well established in Europe, los traumas que esta trae consigo - está bien memory of unity and transnational solidar- establecida en Europa, la memoria sobre la ity is harder to coalesce. Among the Euro- unidad y sobre la solidaridad por encima pean institutions, the European Parliament de las fronteras es de más difícil crista- has been playing a prominent role in put- lización. Entre las instituciones europeas, el ting forward initiatives to stir public con- Parlamento Europeo juega un papel versation on Europe’s past. Those initia- principal en la creación de iniciativas para tives are intent on addressing the barriers favorecer el debate público sobre el pasado that prevent the consolidation of a memory de Europa. Dichas iniciativas inciden sobre of European unity. The development of the las barreras que dificultan la consolidacion Jean Monnet House activities, one of the de una memoria de la unidad europea. El newest European Parliament visitor facili- desarrollo del programa de actividades de ties, is an opportunity to convey those prin- la Casa Jean Monnet, uno de los servicios ciples to the public through a hands-on ex- para visitantes de más reciente creación en perience. el Parlamento Europeo, es una oportunidad 1 A first presentation of the conceptual ideas presented in this article was made at the Univer- sity of Santiago de Compostela: ʹLa guerra en el relato histórico sobre la unidad europeaʹ, lecture by the author, organised by Histagra as part of the cycle Pasados Incómodos: Guerra, memoria e historia, 19 April 2016, Geography and History Faculty. <http://histagra.usc.es/es/mediateca/51/video-marti-grau-la-guerra-en-el-relato-historico- sobre-la-unidad-europea> (u.a. 27/01/21). The state of play was presented in the University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, in the discussion ʹReflections on the Memory of European Unityʹ by Martí Grau i Segú and Aline Sierp, Seminari permanent del Grup d'Estudis de les Insti- tucions i de les cultures polítiques (segles XVI-XXI), in collaboration with EUROM (Euro- pean Observatory of Memories) and ISEM (Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea), Feb- ruary 22, 2019 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyBKbCUscWU> (u.a. 27/01/21), as well and in the Memory Studies Association conference in the Universidad Complutense de Ma- drid, at the special session ʹInstitutional Memory Politics in Europeʹ, June 26, 2019 of the Third Annual Memory Studies Association, June, 25-28. © 2020 Author(s). This is an open access work released under the terms of the “Creative Commons At- tribution - NonCommercial 4.0 International License” Martí Grau i Segú para acercar el público a aquellos princi- pios a través de una experiencia directa de un espacio clave en la formación de la historia. Keywords Memory; European Unity; European Par- Palabras clave liament; Jean Monnet Memoria, Unidad europea; Parlamento europeo; Jean Monnet. 1. ʹEuropean unityʹ. – 2. A blurred memory: War, peace, and the case for European unity. – 3. European Parliament public history initiatives, Europe’s past and the world. – 4. The Jean Monnet House and Europe’s journey. – 5. Conclusions. – 6. Bibliography / References. – 7. Curriculum vitae. 1. ʹEuropean unityʹ Tolstoy famously began his novel Anna Karenina stating that all happy families look alike, whereas all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way. We can paraphrase this to state that, in the public perception, all happy moments go unnoticed, whereas all unhappy moments deserve a story of their own. That might provide for a first level of explanation for why the memory of European unity has been silent until recently, whereas the memory of war is alive and well. As it seems, only bad news is news. To be sure, in the case of European integration — a catch-all term that often encompasses all institutional developments under the umbrella first of the European Communities and then the European Union — at least two more elements account for that silence. First, its storytelling has been perceived as a summation of indecipherable achievements by men behind desks, wearing grey suits. Yet, Bronislaw Geremek, historian of the disenfranchised of the Middle Ages (Geremek, 1976), and irreproachable Polish political figure who refused to abide by lustration, highlighted the importance of acting on European memory (Thines, 2008), when almost no one put those two words together, particularly during his term as Member of the European Parliament and at the time of his tragic death in a 2008 car accident. Second, accounts of the beginnings of European integration are often sur- rounded by a deliberate atemporality. Of all the founding fathers, Jean Monnet had a pivotal role in the articulation of the first practical steps: in 1950 he drafted the text with which the French Foreign Affairs minister Robert Schu- man would
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