VICTORIA. PROCLA1\tfA.TION OF FARMERS' CO}fl\{ONS. PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF P ARLIAl'ofENT IN TERMS OF THE ACT 24 VIC., 117. FARMERS' COMMONS. PROCLAMATION. By His Excellency SIR HENRY BAnKLY, Knight Commander of the 'Most Honorable Order of the' Bath, Capt~-General and Governor-in-Chief of the Colony of Victoria, and Vice-Admiral of the' same, &c" &c., &c. HEREAS by an Act'passcd in the session of Parliament holden in the twenty-third and twenty­ W fourth ycars of Her present Majcsty's reign, intituled, A'n Act for Regulatin,g the Sale lif' Grown . Lan;ds, and for other purposes, it is amongst other things enacted, that it shall be lawf~ for the. Governor in Council, upon the petition of not less than ten occupiers ofnot less than five hundred acres of adjacent purchased land, to procl~ that any Crown l~nds within five miles of such purchased land (the area of such Crown: lands not bemg more than three tlmes the area of the J,Jurchased'land) shall be a Common for the use of sueh occupiers of the said purchased land as shall cultIvate at least one-fourth of his or their purchased land, and every such common shall be called a " Farmers' Common :" provided that nothing in the now reciting section shall be deemed or taken to prevent any such lands from being sold under the said Act upon the application of persons dcsirous of purchasing the same; and it is also enacted that the Govcrnor in Council shall have full power from time to time to make any rules and regulations for imposing any conditions or limitations oJ? the exercise of the right of common upon any Farmers' Common: And whcreas the occupiers of purchased land in or near tlie localities hereinafter mentioned have petitioned for Farmers' Commons in aecordance with thc said Act: Now therefore I, Sir HenrY' Barkly, the Governor of Victoria, with the advice of the Executive Council, do hereby proclaim the Crown lands hereafter described to be "Farmers' Commons" for the use of the occupiers ofjurchased land within the meaning and intention and subject to the provisions of the said Act, an also under and subject to such conditions or limitations on the exercise of the right of common as may be hereafter prescribed, that is to say:- '. AT RWSHOT AND GOORNONG, County unnamed, P~rishes of Bagshot and Goornong.-Extcnt, " about 4000 acres: Being all tlie unappropriated Crown lands within the Parishes of Bagshot and . Goornong. AT Bonf,oNDARA, County of Bourke, Parishes of Prahran and Boroondara,-Extent about 98 acres: Being allotmcnt 204, parish of Prahran, and allotment 136 ..4., parish of Boroondara, on the Kooyeung Koor Creek.' . AT BUNGAREE, County of Grant, Parish of Bungaree.-Extent, about 3066 aeres : Being portions 1, 2, 3, aud 4 of section 16, portions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ilnd 8 of section 17, portions 1,2, 3, and 4 ofsection 18, portions 1 and 2 of section 19, portions 1, 2, 3,4, 5, and 6 of section 27, a reserve to the south of portions 5 and 6 aforesaid; and portion 5 of section 28, parish of Bungaree. AT CAMPERDOWN, County of Hampden; Parish of Merrida Yallock.-Extent, about 2145 acres: Commencing at the south-east anglc of lot 12, section 16; bounded on the north by a -line bcaring west about 100 chains to a creek; thence by this creek westerly to the north-east angle of lot 1 of section 12; on the west by a road 1 chain wide, bearing south about 143 chains 93 links; on the south by a line hearing east about 156 chains, 44 links, and on the east by a road 3 chains wide, beariug north about 133 chains 93 links to commencing point. .' . '. AT CATHCART, County of Ripon, ParishofBurrumbeep,-Extent, about1746 acres: Commencing at the north-east angle ofportion 10 of section I, parish of Burrumbecp; bounded on the north by a road 1 chain wide, bearing west 78 chains 98 links, and by a lino on same bearing about 1 mile 20 chains to the Dividing Range; on the west by the Dividing Range, bearing southerly about 2 miles 40 chains No. 51. 2 to the road from Lexington to Cathcart;, on the south by this road, bearing westerly to the south-west angle of portion 7 of section 6; on the east by..portiolls 7 and 6 of section 6, ber.;ring north 20 chains' ~r2 linb; on the south by thc north boundary:of portion 6 aforesaid, bearing east 19 chains; and on .the east by a road 1 chain wide, bearing north 65 chains' 28 links; thence crossing the road· from Cathcart to ~rar!lt Digg.ings by the lVIeeg:enac G1tlly.:;tll~ a ·ro!l;d 1 ~hain w~de, 72 chains ~4 links to commtlncing pOlnt. ExclUSIve of all approprIated lan'd WIthIn the before·mentIoned boundarIes. ' AT FARADAY, County of Talbot, Parish of Faraday.-Extent, about 4339 acres .. Portion No.1, about 2205 acres: Commencing at the north. cast angle of the parish of Castlemaiue, and bounded on the north from thence by a line bearing east to the north·west corner of allotment 5, seclion 2 A; ou the north-east from thence by a line bearing south-easterly (the boundary lines of allotments insectiollB 2 A and 2 in the parish of Faraday) to the south corner of allotment 1 of seetion 6; bounded thence on the south by part of the southern boundary line of the parish of Faraday, bearing west to' the south-wei~t angle of the parish; and thence on the east by the western parish boundary line, bearing north to the commencing point.. .' . Portion No. 2,about.2134 !1Cl'es: 'Commencing at 1). po~nt the sop.th-east cornel'. of allQtment~, . ,parish of-Sutton Grange, and bounded thence onth'l east.by, a line bea~ing south to the interst\ctiOIli of . the north parish boundary line of Elphin~tone: b01,lnded from thence on the'south by part of the· north :Boundary lin'e of the last-named parish, bearing west to the south-east ,angle of allotment 47, section 6, . parish of' Faraday; bounded on Lhe west by the .botmdary lines of iillotment.s in section 6, Hearing north-west to the north corner of allotment 37 in the same section; and thence by the allotment line of 20, section 3, beariug north-east to the east eorner oCsnme allotment; .and bounded on the north by the southern boundary lines of allotments 9 and 8, parish of Sutton Grange, bearing easterly to the com­ meneing point. AT FORD'S CREEK, N.EAR lVIANSFIELD, Cp1;lnty uJ;l.'\larped, parishes .9f, Lgyala, ,J}f.ain~a,n;tpll3, .and Mabsfield.'-Ex'terit, about 4000 acres; Being allotments 3; 4, 5, '3, reserve to the' solith',east ofa1l6tments 5,6, 7, and 8, allotments 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 57, 58, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66,67,68,69,90, and 91, in the parish of Loyala. Allotments 8, 9, 11, 12, 13,15 A, and 15 n, in the parish of lVIaindampk Allottnents 25, 26, 59,62,64,66,67,69,70,71,72,73,74,75, 76; and 77, in the pa~ish oflVIansfield. AT GLEN.DURNIE, County of Dalhousie, Parish of Glenburnie.-Exten·t, about 488 acres:' Being allotments 15 and 16, parish of Glenbmnic. '. " ". AT MELTON, DJERlI.IWARRli:, lYIOORADORANOOK, PYWHEITJORRK, DERRIl\1UT, ~fAlnBYnNONG, KORonoIT AND YANGARDOOK, County of Bourke,. Parishes of Kororoit and unnamed .......:Extcnt, about 15,°.0° acres: Being all ~he unappropriated Crown lands within th? parish of Kororoit, excepting sectIOn 15; also, commenclUg at the north angle of allotment 48, parIsh Of Yangardook; bounded on the north by a line bearing west abqut 4 miles; .On. the ,west bya line bearing soutJ;i, about 3 miles to the Coimadai Creek, and by this creek southerly to the north-west angle of section 22, parish of lVIerium; on the,south .by section 22,:as. aforellaid" ..ljeariflg,,,ast to,tJt,~ n9Jt\l-wgst.!lDgl~ 0(1~.ectioll1;13,!:pal{ish of", Djerriwarrh;. on ~he east b~ tl~e Djerr~w~rrh pt;eek" bearingN)rt~ a.1J?ut,1 mile~O chains to the nor.th-. west angle of sectIOn 59, parIsh or Yangardooli:; on the south by sect!()mr 59/ 58,. 57; and 56, bear!Ul~ north,easterly; and on the east by sections 55,52, 51, 50,49, and.48, parish of Yangardook, bearin~~ northerly to commencing point.. .".,( 'VI '" ":-: '.:., ,'t,;:~ I , __:.' , ... "." .:'1.1'''' A'll .lVIOnA'NmNHi.,County of Dalliousio;.';Ra:r.ishes, of,lVIo:nantling.alJJl.G:~enlj,r9na''''TI']}1lWnf5, 10,0Q0: aeres: Being. all the unappropriated sUl1veyed land·witltin: tlw p<wishe~ ofJ~'lQt:anding;\and,Gl()nlJ,ro!,!a'.Jn,1. ',: ." AT :J.\f(lRTLAKE;·County·of HanJpden, Parishes' of'Con'l1ewarren; Tooral~; ·l\-fortiake, an(l'iR':olol'a;l~ ..2.Extent, about 1'8,000 acres;. Bein'irthat portion of.land ,known ail t4e'rJ.'irpbe¥'Rej;H~rvei"in' the·.parisH:'" of Connewarren; sections 16, 17,.'24; 25','26,27, 34; andIl35,"parish of TOOtaK {~ portions' C· and-;B 'of·?'! section 15,.A:· and' B of'section 16;'1 and.2of'sectioil 21i'section 20, 1 land 2' of"i;ectioIi 19; and ·1', ·ar-and I 4:ofs~etion i8; in the parish'of Mortlake ; 'also commencing at the ·?6rtil.~asfr ail~Ie'.o£.t4.e'.,pa).'!s!:i"bl~" Kolora; bonnded on the' cast by, part.
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