Moor Hall School News May 2019 [email protected] 0121 675 3966 www.moorhall.bham.sch.uk Twitter:https://twitter.com/moorhallprimary IN THIS ISSUE Mr Steggall’s Message Mr Steggall’s Message It has been a short half term, but there has been plenty of activity at ICT Tip school. Year 2 and Year 6 have approached their SATs in a very posi- Uniform tive way. Year 6 are now celebrating the end of the test with a Dates for your diary residential trip to Condover Hall. They have been very lucky with the Online safety weather! Arts development There is an update on the expansion work in this newsletter but I am Expansion update thrilled to be able confirm that the main building work is now complete. Communications We haven't yet been given the keys. Year 1 will be moving into a new Grammar School Entrance Test classroom later in the term with the remaining classes at the start of Sports Update the new academic year. EYFS will remain in their new beautiful space PA news at the front of school. Birmingham Museums We are very impressed with the quality of the building and can’t wait for the staff and children to benefit from this wonderful space. Our EYFS children have had an exciting half term. They took ‘delivery’ of a number of eggs, which they incubated and watched hatch into chicks. They have been able to watch and handle them in ICT Tip class, and I was lucky enough to look them after over the weekend. Band Runner is a fun game from @Thinkuknow that puts children’s knowledge about online safety to the test by asking them to help characters make safe choices in an online world. https:// www.thinkuknow.co.uk/8_10/ School Shoes Please remember we are closed on 23rd May for EU elections and then break up for half term on 24th May. School re-opens for children As further clarification about school shoes, chil- on Tuesday 4th June. I hope you have a lovely break. dren should only wear black shoes to school. Trainers or shoes with any canvas element are Andrew Steggall not to be worn to school. Coming UP.. We take pride in our children looking smart May/June Key Dates 2nd July—Y5 at and ready learn in our school uniform and 23rd May—school closure for voting Thinktank thank you for your support in ensuring our uni- 24th May—Last Day of Half Term form policy is complied with. 3rd July—Y6 Arthur 3rd June—INSET Day Terry induction day 4th June—school re-opens for children 4th July—KS1 Sports 4th June—Y5 at Black Country Museum day 9:30am Communications 5th—Y6 Vista school photo 6th July—Summer Fair 6th June—Arthur Terry school visit to Y6 12—3pm Don’t forget there is lots of information posted on the 10th June—Class Photos 11th July—Parents Moor Hall Blog—please take a look: 12th June—Y5 Cluster Day Evening 12th June—5:00pm—Music Concert (please note earli- 17th / 18th July—Y6 http://moorhall.blogspot.com/ er start time) performance http://www.moorhall.bham.sch.uk/home 13th June—Netball presentation @ Penns Hotel 19th July—Y6 Leavers 14th June—KS1 Fathers Day assembly 9:15am Assembly and Prom and please follow us on Twitter: 17th June—Y4 cricket festival 19th July—Last day of https://twitter.com/moorhallprimary 19th June—Area Sports at Wyndley school. 20th June—Community Tea 27th June—KS2 Sports Day—Y5/6 9:00am If there is anything you would like to see in future edi- 27th June—KS2 Sports Day—Y3/Y4 11:00am tions of our newsletter please email: 28th June—Moor Hall PA School Ball [email protected] Key Diary Dates can be found on our website and are updated regularly: http://www.moorhall.bham.sch.uk/diary-dates Online Safety The Arts It is important that our children have responsible Free Exhibitions at the MAC online role models when posting and sharing Derek Bishton, Brian Homer and John Reardon : Handsworth Self Portrait: 40 content on social media sites. Whilst we are all Years On entitled to have our own views and opinions, we Sat 23 Mar – Sun 2 Jun ask that all members of our community consider how our comments may be misunderstood or In 1979 Derek Bishton, Brian Homer and John Reardon created a pop up photog- misinterpreted when sharing online, and the pos- raphy studio on the street outside the community design and photography office sible impact and consequences on others of our they had established in a terraced house in Grove Lane, Handsworth, Birming- online actions. ham. Instead of taking the photos themselves, they invited passers by to take their own photograph, passing them the shutter release so they could control If parents have concerns or complaints regarding the decisive moment of how to present themselves and when they were ready the school, then please make use of the official for the picture to be taken. channels, so we can work together to help re- Kate Holt & Plan International UK: Brave: The Girls of South Sudan solve your concerns. The complaints procedure, Sat 30 Mar – Sun 19 May anti-bullying policy, behaviour policy and child Plan International UK presents Brave: The Girls of South Sudan, a photography protection policy are all available on our website or upon request at the school office. exhibition by Kate Holt, showing girls’ everyday lives as they survive in the world’s youngest country. The girls of South Sudan have faced it all. Conflict, As responsible adults it’s important we all consid- violence and hunger. And they are still just teenagers. See their lives in this pow- er the potential impact and implications of online erful exhibition with photography by award-winning photographer Kate Holt. behaviour for ourselves and our families, as well Royal Photographic Society: International Photography Exhibition IPE 161 as on other members of the community. Our Sat 30 Mar – Sun 12 May school is keen to work in partnership with parents The Royal Photographic Society’s International Photography Exhibition is the and carers to promote responsible internet use world’s longest running photographic exhibition having been held almost every and acknowledge how important your role is in year since 1854 - the year after The Society was founded. This year 7327 entries setting a good example of positive and responsi- were submitted to the open-call from over 60 countries including UK, USA, Aus- ble behaviour of your child. tralia, Brazil, Russia and Indonesia from which 189 were selected for a shortlist. 54 photographers were selected to exhibit in IPE 161 including the winners: Expansion Update Catherine Hyland (Gold Award), Christopher Bethell (under 30’s Gold Award), Alys Tomlinson (Silver Award) and Oli Kellett (Bronze Award). We are very excited to be able to let you know that work on our new building has now been com- pleted. The Year 1 temporary classroom at the Communications with School back of the hall will now be removed and the class In the event you need to contact a member of staff, senior leadership moved to a new classroom ready for after half team or the Head teacher via email, please use the term. This is so that work on the hall can be com- [email protected] address rather than emailing staff pleted. We will then ensure that the build is ready directly. If a message is urgent it should be hand delivered or sent to: for September when all other classes will start [email protected] their new academic year in our beautiful new building. As you can imagine, school staff and in particular the Head teacher, We are planning an opening celebration in the get inundated with emails, a lot of which are spam and during a work- new academic year and will let you know the date ing day, it is not always possible to sort through the considerable as soon as it is confirmed. Our current Year 6 chil- amount of mail received. Furthermore during the school day there is dren will be invited back for the opening. no expectation for staff to check their emails when they are teaching. The latest newsletter from Balfour Beatty, which is However, the 'enquiry@' emails are regularly checked during the day being delivered to our neighbours can be found on and forwarded to the most appropriate person to deal with. This is a our website under news/expansion documents: much more efficient way of communicating with staff and ensuring http://www.moorhall.bham.sch.uk/expansion- that your specific query is dealt with in a timely manner. documents Road Safety Reminder The safety of our children is of paramount importance. Please remember to: walk to school if you can Park away from school and walk a little way. If you are driving close to school: use our voluntary one way system Do not park or drop off on yellow lines, zig zags or dropped kerbs. Grammar School Entrance Test Sports Update We have received an information brochure We have lots of lovely photos of some of the sporting activities and school regarding the optional entrance test for ad- teams: mission to the eight Grammar Schools in Moor Hall Gymnastics Team Birmingham. A copy is in the school porch. Children only need to sit one entrance test to be considered for one or more Grammar Schools in Birmingham. The entrance test for September 2020 entry will be held on Saturday 7th September Year 5—Bikeability 2019 and parents of Year 5 children consid- ering a Grammar School education will need to register them for the test by 4pm on Fri- day 28th June 2019.
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