PAGE TWENTY <- EVENING HERALD, Fri., Sept. 7, 1979 Boredom TakesToll at Welles Village I Prixeweek Puzzle Today: Win $100 Hy DAVK I, VVAM,KK village. There are over 300 of them, starting point and perhaps funds for afraid the young'persons will find out vices Bureaus' programs because has found a way to do that yet,” Hoff­ Unique Music Book Board Approves Hiring Teachers Subpoenaed Chris Evert Stops King this project are next to impossible, Mfriilil Ki'iiorlcr but out of that group eight are giving and will come back to avenge the they do not think they would fit in man explained. Made for Silent Films Of New Science Head For Court Defiance To Reach Open Finals us problems. Two or three of them but there could be other areas such report,” Willett said. with programs. Hoffman said that one of the GLASTONBURY - On any hot, are supplying beer to kids who are as athletic equipment stocked at the Willett said that the major way to "We like rugged things,'- one solutions would be to separate the P age 2 P age 6 P age 6 Page 1 0 humid night in Welles Village, the underaged and I am going to do rental office for sign out use or a curb these problems would be to juvenile said. “We do different kinds scene js the same. Young persons elderly people in the village from the h---------- ---------- ' ■ everything in my power to throw the CETA worker to run various sports provide more recreationai oppor­ of things than the kinds of things they juveniles. He said that the problems stroll around the roads, talking, book at them,” Willet said. at the field with'equipment and so tunities and that the town is going to do at Youth Services. We would like hanging around and sipping on are solvable as long as the tenants If it looks as though Willett is on,” Willett said in the letter. have to do something sooner or iater. to get involved in wilderness cooperate. bottles of beer. trying to play the roll of policeman Earle did ask the council to ap­ What do the kids have to say about schools,” he said. Executive Director of Youth This scene is repeated night after prove a Welles Village park, but it ilandiratfr and is doing nothing else to help the the probiems in the village? Some One female said she is tired of Services Edmund Meinche said night in the village during the warm plight of the young persons, that is a was turned down because of budget believe that Willett is out to get them being blamed for things that she does he believes Willett is doing a good summer months. The young persons false picture. considerations. However, Earle has and really does not care about their not do. job. wander around looking for something Fair, Sunny Last June he sent a letter to Parks been working on improving the problems. “Whenever something happens, "Bill and I have been working to do. Very often their search is un- and Recreation Department Director athletic fields and he said a basket­ Although many of the young per­ Willett comes right to me. Whenever together to improve the programs Continued Cooi succesful and while most of the J. Baylis Earle asking Earle to im­ ball court will be built. sons lead people to believe that they we drink, we throw our bottles away over there. When we needed workers D atall* on page 2 loitering is harmless, the boredom prove the recreational opportunities "We are going to upgrade the are not afraid of authority, they and we don't bother anyone, but we does affect a small number. for the Cotton Hollow project, I im­ in the village for the teenagers. ballfields on Griswold Street and we probably are. When given the chance still get hassled,” she said.. mediately got in touch with Bill and That bordeom has sometimes led In the letter, Willett maintained are going to put up a playground They all pretty much agreed that it to vandalism, harassment of older went-door-to-door to get kids to that there just is not enough recrea­ behind the community center for the was the younger kids who cause the work. All of those kids were from people and stealing. tion for the youngsters and that could preschool children. We will also be trouble. They all said they are tired Welles Village,” he said. New Course ,\lany of ihe young persons said installing a lighted basketball ‘‘There are good kids Vol. XCVIII, No. 288 — Manchester, Conn., Saturday, September 8,1979 » A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 • 20t Single Copy • 15* Home Delivered be the reasons why they are always of taking the blame for things they do Meinche said the process of im­ Beginning in today’s Herald is that they would not just hang around getting into trouble." court,” Earle said. in this village.” not do. if they had some constructive things proving the services for the youth in the latest offering in the course by Willett said he could take the Earle said that money has always Police Chief Francis J. Hoffman Welles Village should be done In a to do. been a factor in developing better Newspaper series, entitled "front” approach and call in the said there is only so much police can low-key way. “Technology on Trial.” While many of the youngsters police for everything that goes on in recreational facilities in the area. to speak out on the problems, most do to alleviate the problem, criticize him. Housing Authority “We are going to start a weightlif­ The series will run weekly in The Parks and Recreation Depart­ did not want their names revealed. ”We have talked with the Housing ting program for teenagers in the fall Four Rebels Executive Director Bill Willett has The Herald and is a course ment does run a teen drop-in center Some jumped at the chance to give Authority and they seem to think that that will meet three times a week. been fighting to get some new offered at Manchester Communi­ during the school year at Naubuc their names for publication, but upon the way to alleviate the problem is to We will also work with the Recrea­ programs for the teenagers. At the “ JF/ial has to happen is ty College. School. While open, young persons further investigation were found to keep out the undesirables. But many tion Department on the drop-in same time, though, he realizes that In conjuction with the course, a more and better social can play pool, pinball and just plain be using false names. of these persons hang around on center,” he said. Claim Plane public forum is scheduled for he has to remain tough on the chat while adult supervision is pre­ When eight youngsters were public roads and there is no way that services have to he ’"These kids are good kids and they Wednesday night at 8 in the main problems of vandalism, crime, and sent. Earle said this center gets plen­ questioned about the fire which you can leplly move them out if they ‘■JS provided.” need help. Bill Is in a tough position auditorium of the college. ROME, Italy (UPI) - Four ficials said the hijackers released 140 harrassment. ty of use in the fail by the Welles burned a unit on Wyllys Street on July are not doing anything wrong.” Hoff­ of the 175 passengers in exchange for because he has to manage the village The forum will consist of four gunmen claiming to be Kurdish Since his arrival in March I, 1978, Village Youth. 7 sources said they received eight man said. 13,000 gallons of fuel. and he has to show some authority,” panelists from the college and the rebels hijacked an Alitalia jetliner Willett has been working to obtain Despite these efforts things have different accounts of the incident. Hoffman maintains that arresting The women and children began Meinche said. community who will discuss the over Cyprus Friday and flew it to funds to rehabilitate Welles Village. the village. He said he could bust moved slowly in Welles Village. Not one matched. the young persons is not the answer. filing off the plane in groups of 30 at 6 He has already renovated two units each kid for loitering in the village, In a report prepared by Clinical affects of technology on various Rome, where they released most of Because of this, the yoiing persons The common complaint from all of He said the town may pursue tougher Director Tom Gullotta, it is es­ p.m. (noon EDT), after airport in the village with authority funds. or he could obtain the name of each aspects of society. the 186 persons aboard in exchange often resort to drinking to kill time. them is that there is nothing to do. ordinances to limit outsiders' access timated that 27 percent of all workers drove a fuel truck up to the He gets excited when talking about and every kid and begin eviction The forum is being presented by for fuel to fly to Cuba. "There are two or three teenagers When asked if they harass older to Welles Village, but that that counseling referrals are from Welles side of the green-and-white and red the possibilities to improve the proceedings against the parents. who are selling beer to the younger people, they all responded that Manchester Community College Airport officials said the hijackers method could be dangerous because Village. identified themselves as Kurdish plane.
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