EN TOPJASPE hirt tirs contro er y A new T-shirt emblazoned with "I had an Men's lacrosse defeats Manhattan, abortion," created by an abortion rights 9-8, and enters CAA play this week advocate, is drawing criticism. Sports I B6 Mosaic/ Bl Group showcases Indian culture BY CAITLIN GINLEY Staff Reporter The energy in Mitchell Hall was electrifyin g. The stage was set for dazzling costumes, exotic music and brilliant dancing, as the Indian Stud ent Associati on hosted its 5th annual dance com­ petition Saturday evening. The event, titl ed, M uqabala 2005, wh ich attracted a crowd of THE REVIEW/File Photo m ore th an 500 peopl e, is an interco ll egiate So uth Asian Alpha Tau ·omega fraternity was found guilty of three dance competiti on, featuring safety and alcohol related violations in a recent rehearing. dance team from four u n i ve r s i ~ ti es competing fo r prizes in front of a panel of three judges. Competing teams im;luded University says ATO . GU Jawani from Georgetown U ni versity, Temple Agni from Temple Uni versity, Rutgers conviction will stand Raga from Rutgers Uni versity and USP Dhamaa l fro m the University of the Sciences in BY MONICA S£MMONS guilty of th e three charges origi­ Philadelphia, showcasing their News Fearures Editor nally brought against them in ta lent and creativity. The suspension of the January, Brennan said. Those T he audi ence cheered and Epsilon Rh o chapter of the charges in cluded exceed ing clapped, the teams chanted and Alpha .Tau Omega fraternity was building occupancy limits, screamed, each trying to outdo upheld in a second judicial hear­ endangering the safety of its the other. jng March I 5. guests and one alcohol policy USP Dhamaa l's perform­ The fraternit y has unti l charge, Brennan said . ance received the largest Wednesday to appea l the deci­ Roger Akin, Newark city response from the crowd. The sion, which suspends th e chapter attorney, said ATO members are dancers fli pped and j umped, .until spring 2009, John Brennan, all owed to remain in their house smiled wid e and moved in per­ senior associate director of pub­ on Courtney Street pending a fect . synchronizati on to the li c relations, said. decision on their appeal. The university granted the If ATO pursues an appeal, mUSIC. T he tea m consisted of all fraterni ty a rehearing last month they will go before the appellate .. m en, except for one fema le after it di scovered an e-mail se.J1't board in early April, Brennan dancer, who appea red from a by fraternity members request­ said. box at th e back of th e tage. ing the hearing be rescheduled ATO's lawyers were not Junior A rjun Gupta, . p ro­ was never received. avai lable for comment. gram director for ISA, said THE REVTEW/Jessica Sitkoff The fraternity wa found dan ci ng is a major par( of Indian USP Dhamaal, an ensemble from the University of the Sciences in PWiadelphia, won the cul ture. " 1 hope th e audience will Muqabala 2005 dance competition and $1,000 grand prize. [l eave th e show] learning some­ the of$ 1, 000 grand pri ze. on campus. "The dances are· what you JUST THE FACTS thing abo ut Indi an c ul ture," he Whil e the team competi­ " We are friends with people take away from it," she said. .Freshman Rachel E. Payne was fatally struck by a CSX train after said . "We are vibrant and fun tion was certainl y the focal point from other cultures and thi s is a "It's your own interpretation." attendi ng a party at the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity house Sept. people, and our da ncing gives of the show, Muqabala offered a great way for us to bring th em Juni or James Hayman said 12. Her blood alcohol content was 0.236. off that vi be." · variety of acts. out and show them our cu lture," he was impressed by the per­ T he M uq abala, whi ch Loca l groups ofhigh schoo l he said. formance from "USP Dhamaal." • The university found ATO gui lty of three charges on Feb. 1: fire means competition, attracted s tud ents and you ng children Junior Parin Patel, vice "I liked the part when . the and safety precautions, exceed ing maximwn occupancy and a11 members from .th e university demonstrated. their own dancing presid etlt of ISA, said the event girl came out of the box, with alcohol violation. The fraternity could not be held responsible for and local communities, Gupta skill s as guest per form ers. brings members of the Indian the li ghts flashing," he aid. Pflyne ·s intoxication: Besides being suspended for four years, ATO said . ISA wanted to include ·Members of ISA performed a community to gether. "The whole performance was members were evicted and ordered to leave within one week. local talent from the uni versity skit, whi ch was interspe rsed "T here aren't many Indians very unique. " and from Newark. · thro ughout the entire show, on campus," she said. "But this Sophomore Katie Rowan • ATO 1iled an appeal against the suspellSion and eviction in tl)e A t the end uf th e show, showing what woul d happen if is a great opportunity for u to · said s)1e attended the perform­ corning days, saying that the eviction was premature and that the JSA's eX:ec uti ve board "Harold and Kuma r" came to wo rk together." ance to enj oy Indian culture. fratern ity's hearing with the university violated Due Process announced th e event's win ners. Newark, mimicking the moy ie, While the competition " [l'm] obsessed with rights. GU Jawani won B est " Harold and Kumar Go To emphas izes South Asian culture, BoiJywood," Rowan sa id , "so I Costume, Rutgers Raga won the White Castle." Patel said people from any cul­ came for the dancing and • Less than two weeks later, the university announced it would second pl ace prize of $250 and Gupta said it is always ture can appreciate th e perform- music." rehear ATO's case because administrators did nol receive an e­ USP Dhamaal walked away with important to promote diversi ty ances. · mail notice that the fratemity's adviser could not attend. Early Easter affects sales BY NATALIE TORENTINOS Fealutes Editor Junior Tommie Ma nkiewicz bought a Cadbury egg over the weekend, and she said she is still planning to wear spring clothing to Easter celebrations. "We do a family portrait every year at Easter," she said. " We're Catholic, so we have to · dress up ." While some customers on Tf·-IE REVIEW/Jessica Sitkoff Main Street continued their Gayle Kemp and her daughter Gabriella, 2, make decorations during the Family Egg Extravaganza Friday (left). Jackie, 7, Ryan, 1, and Josh Stepler, Easter shopping as usual this 7, count their eggs after the Egg Hunt Saturday morning in White Clay Creek State Park. · · year, in some cases, businesses are suffering from the holiday's early arrival. The earliest Easter in mere than a decade w ill reduce sales of Easter-related goods and Eggstravaganza spring apparel by almo t $1 bil· lion, according to a· National Retail Federation Survey released March l 0. Newark community celebrates Easter with two-day event Ashley Reynolds, manager of Gamble's Newark Florist, said BY GREG PRICE going out to dinner. It's something we can all do." run of the day. she agrees with thi s asses ment Sports Editor The event was for all ages. Newark High School stu­ BrtJep a1mounced the start of the hunt and the kids cur­ ince traditional Ea ter plants Families and children participated in the Newark Parks dents, who were looking to fulfill ome of their National ried off will not arrive until three to five and Recreation Department's aMual Easter Egg Hunt fol­ Honor Society community service hours. Kelly Reynolds brought her three children, Jacob, 5, days before Ea ter. lowed by the first-ever Family Egg ExtravagatlZa at White Junior Jason Angelo, 16, is a member of the Newark Lucas, 3, and Sara, 2, all to the hunt. "We're still getting tulip lay Creek Park and the George Wilson Center Friday night High School Key Club, a national volunteer program, and "The kids love the Egg Hwlt, ' she said. "These are the and hyacinths but possibly at a and Saturday momi11g. attended the event to help out. kind of things they remember and they talk about it all higher price," she said. "We On Friday night, families convened at the George "When parents gel home from work, they can do some­ year." haven't gotten that many Easter Wilson enter to participate in activities such as egg deco­ thing with their kids than just watclling television," he said. Lucas discovered one of the special egg with a stripe calls. They seem to be for every rating, an egg trivia contest and drawing a fanlily egg. Saturday, the Parks and Recreation Department scat­ inside, which eame.d him a gift basket filled with cru1dy and other reason but the holiday." . Recreations Supervis r Sharon Bruen came up with the tered 10,000. egg across a sectioned part of White Clay Ea ter Bunny toys. Bryan Greim, owner of idea for a new fami ly event for all ages. reek Park, includmg 12 special eggs that earned kid a spe­ In addition to the Egg Hunt, families took pictures with Main Street Florist, sa1d Spring "We have had acti vities with pecific age groups in the cial prize.
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