The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ THE TTT TRANSLATION Published by the Translator Typeset by Buricco The text of The TTT Translation is placed in the public domain. The translator has disclaimed all relevant copyrights. PUBLIC DOMAIN http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ The Web site of The TTT Translation is http:// .ttt.buric.co/ First Edition November 201$ %mended First Edition November 201$ &econd Edition April 201' Third Edition (anuary $01) Table of Contents Matthew................................................................................................................................1 Mark...................................................................................................................................39 Luke....................................................................................................................................62 John...................................................................................................................................101 Acts...................................................................................................................................132 Romans.............................................................................................................................169 1 Corinthians.....................................................................................................................183 2 Corinthians.....................................................................................................................198 Galatians............................................................................................................................207 !"hesians...........................................................................................................................211 #hili""ians.........................................................................................................................216 Colossians..........................................................................................................................219 1 Thessalonians..................................................................................................................222 2 Thessalonians..................................................................................................................225 1 Timoth&.........................................................................................................................227 2 Timoth&.........................................................................................................................231 $itus..................................................................................................................................234 #hilemon...........................................................................................................................235 (e)rews............................................................................................................................236 James.................................................................................................................................248 1 Peter...............................................................................................................................251 2 Peter...............................................................................................................................255 1 John................................................................................................................................258 2 John1..............................................................................................................................268 3 John................................................................................................................................268 Ju*e...................................................................................................................................269 A"ocal&"se........................................................................................................................270 Matthew The Gospel According to Matthew 1 The book o+ the generations o+ Jesus Christ- son o+ .a/i*- son o+ A)raham. 2 A)raham fathere* Isaac. An* Isaac fathere* Jaco). An* Jaco) fathere* Ju*ah an* his brothers. 3 An* Ju*ah +athere* Pere1 an* Zerah b& Tamar. An* Pere1 fathere* He1ron. An* He1ron fathere* Ram. ' An* Ram fathere* Ammina*a). An* Ammina*a) fathere* Nahshon. An* Nahshon fathere* 4almah. % An* Salmah fathere* Boa1 b& Raha). An* Boa1 fathere* 6)e* b& Ruth. An* O)e* fathere* Jesse. 6 An* Jesse fathere* Da/i* the kin,. An* Da/i* the kin, fathere* Solomon with the woman who ha* )een the wi+e o+ Uriah. An* Solomon fathere* Reho)oam. An* Reho)oam fathere* A)i8ah. An* A)i8ah fathere* Asa. 8 An* Asa fathere* Jehosha"hat. An* Jehosha"hat fathere* Jehoram. An* Jehoram fathere* U11iah. 9 An* U11iah fathere* Jotham. An* Jotham fathere* Aha1. An* Aha1 fathere* He1ekiah. 10 An* He1ekiah fathere* Manasseh. An* Manasseh fathere* Amon. An* Amon fathere* Josiah. 11 An* Josiah fathere* Jehoiakim. An* Jehoiakim +athere* Jeconiah an* his )rothers aroun* the time o+ the carr&in,9awa& to Ba)&lon. 12 An* a+ter the carr&in,9awa& to Ba)&lon- Jeconiah fathere* 4healtiel. An* Shealtiel fathere* Zeru))a)el. 13 An* Zeru))a)el fathere* A)iu*. An* A)iu* fathere* Eliakim. An* Eliakim fathere* Ha1or. 1' An* Ha1or fathere* Za*ok. An* Za*ok fathere* Achim. An* Achim fathere* Eliu*. 1% An* Eliu* fathere* Elea1ar. 9 1 - 2 Matthew 1 An* Elea1ar fathere* Matthan. An* Matthan +athere* Jaco). 16 An* Jaco) +athere* Jose"h the hus)an* o+ Mar&- she +rom whom Jesus- who was calle* Christ- was born. 1 3ow all the ,enerations +rom A)raham until Da/i* were +ourteen ,enerations- an* +rom .a/i* until the carr&in,9awa& to 5a)&lon were +ourteen ,enerations- an* +rom the carr&in,9awa& to Ba)&lon until Christ were +ourteen generations. 18 3ow thus was the )irth o+ Christ. When his mother Mar& was en,a,e* to Jose"h )e+ore the& were joine* to,ether- she was +oun* to be pregnant )& the hol& s"irit. 19 4o Jose"h her hus)an*- )ecause he was a 8ust man an* *i* not wish to *e+ame her- consi*ere* to "ut her awa& "ri/atel&. 20 An* while he was consi*erin, these things in his soul- )ehol*- an an,el o+ the Lor* a""eare* to him in a dream- sa&in,- “Jose"h- son o+ Da/i*- do not )e a+rai* to join to &oursel+ Mar& &our wi+e. For what has )een concei/e* in her is "er+ecte* b& the hol& s"irit. 21 An* she shall )rin, +orth a son- an* &ou two shall call his name Jesus- +or he shall )rin, sal/ation to his "eo"le +rom their sins.= 22 3ow all these things were *one to +ul+ill what ha* )een sai* b& the Lor* throu,h the pro"het- sa&in,- 23 Behold, the virgin will be pregnant, and will bring forth a son, and his name shall be called Immanuel . hich is to say, God with us0. 2' An* Jose"h- arouse* +rom slee"- *i* as the an,el o+ the Lor* ha* tol* him- an* took his wi+e to him- 2% an* *i* not know her until she ha* )rou,ht +orth her +irst)orn son. An* the& calle* his name Jesus. 2 3ow when Jesus was )orn in 5ethlehem o+ Ju*aea- in the *a&s o+ (ero* the kin,- )ehol*- there came sorcerers +rom the east to Jerusalem- 2 sa&in,- “Where is the one who has )een )orn king o+ the Jews> <or we saw his star in the east an* ha/e come to worshi" him.= 3 3ow when (ero* the kin, hear* this- he was *istur)e*- an* with him all o+ Jerusalem? ' an* he calle* all the chie+ "riests an* scri)es o+ the "eo"le- he aske* them- to +in* out where Christ shoul* be born. % An* the& sai* to him- “In Bethlehem o+ Ju*aea. For thus it is written b& the pro"het- 6 %nd you, Bethlehem, of the land of Judah, are not at all the least among the princes of Judah, for from you shall come forth a leader, ho will shepherd my people Israel. 4o (ero*- secretl& callin, the sorcerers- *ili,entl& in@uire* o+ them what time the star ha* a""eare*. 8 An* sen*in, them to 5ethlehem- he sai*- “Go an* make *ili,ent in@uir& o+ the )o&- an* when &ou shall +in* him- re"ort )ack to me- so that 0 ma& also come an* worshi" him.” 9 Ha/in, hear* the kin,- the& le+t. An* )ehol*- the star- which the& ha* seen in the east- went ahea* o+ them until- ha/in, arri/e*- it woul* stan* a)o/e the "lace in which the )o& was. 10 An* seein, the star the& re8oice* an eAtremel& great 8o&? 11 an* ,oin, into the house- the& saw the )o& with Mar& his mother an*- +allin, *own )e+ore him- the& worshi"e* him- an* o"enin, their treasures- the& )rou,ht him o++erin,s o+ gol*- an* frankincense- an* m&rrh. Matthew $ 3 12 5ut )ein, *i/inel& warne* in a *ream not to return to (ero*- the& went )ack to their own countr& )& another route. 13 An* when the& ha* le+t- )ehol*- an an,el o+ the Lor* a""eare* to Jose"h in a *ream sa&in,- “Get u" an* take the )o& an* his mother an* esca"e to !,&"t- an* be there until 0 shall tell &ou. For soon Hero* will seek the )o& to destro& him.= 1' An* )ein, arouse* +rom slee"- he took the )o& an* his mother )& ni,ht an* *e"arte* into !,&"t- 1% an* was there until the *eath o+ (ero*- that it ma& )e +ul+ille* what Go* s"oke throu,h the pro"het- sa&in,- !rom Egypt I have called my son. 16 Then (ero*- when he saw that he ha* )een mocke* )& the sorcerers- was enra,e*- an* sent "eo"le to kill e/er& )o& o+ two &ears an* &oun,er in 5ethlehem an* in all the e*,es o+ 5ethlehem- two &ears an* &oun,er- accor*in, to the time which he ha* in@uire* o+ the sorcerers. 1 Then it was ful+ille* what ha* been s"oken b& Jeremiah the "ro"het- sa&in,- 18 % voice in Rama
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