rrp NrntH "If nothing rise, l'tlilll' the truth ·· THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF ST. LOUIS U. HIGH V olumc LXIl Friday. May B. l 99R Numhcr "\( Seniors Recognized At Award Cerentony HY Tmt WYRWICH In addition to being presidem, int'lucnced hi~ fellow s tudent~ tDW<U'll nH u\ CORE ST.\FF 0' Keefe was clao;s officer sophomore and united part.il·ipation in lllc spirit which i' junior year. He has also participated in the SU Ill. The winner of this year·~ ~1at /\ST FRJDAY. AWARDS were National Honor Society, the Student Ad­ Boland award was Pau l Murphy. L given to five ~cniors to recognize visory Committee, has done some com­ Murphy wa~ an editor ol tllL· l'tq· their achievements in rdigion, spirit, ath­ munity service work. and will attend New~ ;uH.l was a key member on t.hc <.:h'''·' letics. academic~ . and leadership. These Georgetown University next year. anJ (.Jui1howl tc<Ull ~ . ~enior~ hest embody the 4ualities which is Ile credits tlle award to ''being vocal Though he acknowledges thoscu,·d in fa ct t11e spirit of S Lilli. in STUCO. That may he the thing that it~ . he ~ays winning the award "is llH lr, !'he Ed Hawk Award is given to the separated me from the other STUCO ha'icd on the inlluence on hi:- fdhm 'Itt >enior who "va'i ahlc to best influence his members who also deserved the award." dent~ . It is nice that I have intluenc,·c etas ~ tow<u·d success hy CO{)peration and STU CO moderator Craig Maliborski others ... uni ty. The award this yearwenttoSTUCO said. "Anyone who knows Ke vin knows "Paul's leadership is h:.· l'Xamph:. Pre.-,ident Kevin <)'Keefe. he· s very spirited and c nthu sia~t i c. He said C'hess coach Barton (icgcr.S.I .. 11, " It i., hy far the greatest honor I've definitely puts forth the effort." did not consciou'- IY take t11c role . hut til, L·,er ren:ivcd. It make~ cverytJ1ing I've The Mac Boland award is given to otlll't player~ ~; t w in him a corl' ol 'tahtl accompli!-.hed here wort11 more than I can the unheralded senior who through his ity. I k \\a ~ graL·ious in his ' ictories ;ult· imagine ... -;aid ()' Keele. dedication and determination ha~ most sec A WARDS. -' Prank Wreaks Parking Havoc HY RoB HLTCHISO:'\' COKE STAFF A~T FRlD/\ Y. a Commissioner L number of seniors hatcheu and put into ac­ -Elections tion a devious plot to send llll'~Ll III community inro A large votertttfQOUL- 8 5 a >V hirli~i~ of parking con­ percerit of the. junior class lu ~ i on. I he plot i twoh·ed l ock in~ U1e faculty park­ - led to the elec-tion of thL' ing lot and hlocki ng oil t11c student par!Ung lot witll followi:ngcommi$sioners: cars deployed randomly RoB HtrrcHtsoN across the area, eli minat- Se nior pranksters strategically placed their ' R¢li~ol,!s: K:~v;iri:Qoherty ing almmt every parklllg cars at the entrance s of the Berthold parking >pot wi thin a minute's lo t, blocking access to all arriving s tudents, walk of SUJI I. ~;;~¥~~~:he __ Fr. I lagan almost hroke up the prank a couple of students at the gate with han­ Pu~tf':.· A'l.f:OnCbnstott when he arrived at school at at>out 6:20 dcma-, on to cover tJ1eir faces. They were . ·.· a.m. putting a lock on the facult y parking lot. "When I <mived at school, there were see PRANK,3 10 News May 8, 1996 ZZTOP world through the eyes of Ignatius," social aspects of history. which helpe<lll' (FROM 2) Harrison said, when asked about how his hctterrdatc to it.'' saidsenior.lim Duchck only hy his rich family heritage, but also joumey changed his views. This perspec­ !Iarrison said he was honored to rL'· hy one of his high school teachers, the late tive emerges in his dedication to the stu­ CCi\·e l.hc awm·d from the class of ·<J~ Cicorg c Pieper, S ..! ., who taught history dents, and sets an example for the student which he respects a great deal. II is p;tr here at SLl JH. His energy and passion body. ti<:ipation in retreats, dao.;s masses and inspired Harrison to pursue this interest. Some attribute Harrison· s accom­ even U1e Senior Follies. shows hisdedict· HmTison went on 10 attend the Uni­ plishments as a teacher to his unique teach­ tion and strong support of that class. II, versity of Califomia-Berkley where he ing style. His belief in learning through has proven Uuough his actions that hL' i­ studied his lOry. He later attended Loyola experience gives his students a new sort an importmll asset to t11e students and tJ1i ~ l lniversity in Chicago and taught Euro­ of view of what they have been taught. aw;u·d only strengtltens that. pean History at a high school in Denver, "I see history in tenns ofpeople strug­ ll<ul'ison is leaving for anotllcr tout he was only a few years away from retwn­ gling to create their conception of a better of service in Africa. Nevertheless. he \\' ill ing to his home at SLUH. Harrison's last world," Harrison said. always he a part of SLUH ru1d is no~ task before becoming a Jesuit was serving This idea fonns the basis of the ways ensured to he a teacher who will he re­ Lhree years in Ea-;t Africa with the Jesuit he teaches his studenLc; to learn and see memhered. Refugee Service. where be helped the history. "You don't leam how to play a poor and hurting. sport from a book, you have to participate After heing ordained into the Society in it." The same, he says, is true of history. NHS Elects or Jesus. he was sent 10 teach at SLUH. His experience with what he consid­ Arter 12 years or research, service, and ers the problem of memorization of facts corning closer to God, he has become a also supports his theory on teaching. New Officers IW TIM HUEGERICH role model to the SLUH students. "His unique, energetic approach to REPORTER .. My Jesuit training helped me see the history gave us more of a focus on the Sl.l !Irs chapter of the National ~isyphus Hits Presses Honor Society held elections for new ol ficers on Tuesday. Sophomore and .I unio1 Submit they did, with quantity and RYAN Fox memhers, next year' s juniors and seniors. quality both present in the submissions. REPORTER elected four new leaders: junior Mark The literature to be included is solid Winkler for President. sophomore as well. SeniorliteraryeditorTony Hall's Little paradises take their time, and Hamilton ( 'allison for Vk:e-Prcsident. t11e Spring '98 edition ofSisyphus, SLUH' s "Four Haikus" are backed by photogra­ junior Mike Miles for Secretary. an~ t phy by Sean Semones for ail illusory magazine of literature and the arts, did sophomore Pat Dooling for Treasurer. certain! y that. After weeks of reading, juxtaposition. The new ofticers are expected 10 con· dehating. and paying (not quite enough) Fiction works are wildly divergent in tinue Lhe more ambitious attitude towcu·li attention to details, the Sisyphus editorial style and mood, from the channing goofi­ service exhihited in recent years. Thi ~ staff, led by moderator Rich Moran, is ness of Peter Hellwege' s "I'm OuttaHere" year. NHS President Andy Shinn took the sending t11e magazine off to the printer's ("I'm a queer!"), to John Townsend' s initiative 10 staJ1 the Caroline Mission in preparation for puhlication during the lamentation, "Illusions of War." Ebert's project. an after school tutoring progr:un middle of next week. "The Fitting Room," and John Erlinger's Six memhers have already volun· Plagued with technical difficulties, "Robert," set in an aseptic grocery store, leered to continue work at the project ovct Morru1 and senior editor Jeff Ebert have create a well-rounded collection ofSLUH the summer, at which time they will pia) put in extra hours on the layout tasks. "It's fiction. with and tutor the kids all day. aJl even amazing how long the 'final stages' actu­ The poetry will be pleasing as well. greater time commitment thru1 the cwTcnt ally take." said Morru1. Along with Hall's work is that of Walter after-school progrrun. Senior art editor Matt Kleinberg cre­ Weise, Spencer Lunneman, aild junior The second annual NHS used hook ated the cover for the magazine, as well as literary editor Ryan Fox. sale will take place on the last day ol selecting the various pieces of art to be First-time editor Dru1 Schaller was exaJns. The proceeds fmm la-;t yea1·' s sale included throughout the magazine, along acclimated to the process by Steve Meier, raised a1·ound $500 which was donatn.l ll, with Uu~ help of junior art editors Ron who was willing to entertain all with his the Honduras Project. Frerkenmd Steve Kuppinger. Frerkersaid va<;t knowledge of female facial hair. This yea1·. NHS moderators BonniL that .. it was a lot easier this time because With a diverse and aesthetically bal­ Vega. Steve Aylward. and ReheccaTurnet people actually submitted artwork, and anced issue being published next week, hope to raise even more money in suppon we didn't have to go around stealing it be sure to keep a quarter handy purchase of Hondw·as. ti·om portfolios." your copy of Sisyphus next week. 2 Opinion May 8.
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