The Weather Ferecaet of D. 8. Weather Bureau 10 ,9 3 0 Clear, colder tonight, loweat T^neySayer ^ temperatnreii 10 to 15. Fair, eold, Member o f the Audit not 40 windy Sunday. Bureau et OlreulatleBB 1M0 OLDSMOBILE M 4-DOOR SEDAN Manchester— A City of Village Charm Reformatory Chaplain RADIO CEIUN6 eaiCE $2124 (Closained Adi-ertiBiaf on Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1953 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE nVB CENTS The DtWolf Art Guild will hold Will Be Speaker for HEATER VOL. LX X IL NO. 133 ita March meeting Tuesday at 8 Winners in last Friday night’s duplicate bridge ' game .were Mr. Irish Night March 16 HYDRAMATIC o u t fWCE p. m- in the South Methodist DRIVE a «trch ;---- M w^-George-Peterson- jm d. Airs.-Ernest 'Unge/er, o f Mountain road, Glastonbury, Mrs. Robert Lathrop and Mrs. Rev. Robert Keating, Catholic will speak on ‘-Lamps,” including Joseph McVeigh, 51; and Mrs. J. chaplain at the Cheshire Reforma­ A SEAL SHASr CAR— ONE OWNER . Staliii Riles •arty and blown pressed glass, R. Debone and James L. Baker, tory, will be the speaker at the Tan Fleet “ Gone With the Wind ’ and Ian- 4 5'i. Tljere will be a master point Irish Night festivities to be held game tonight at 8 o’clock at Tinker Monday, March 16, by Campbell tem a Halt. All bridge players arc wel­ Council, Knights of Columbus. Manchester Meter Sales, Ine. T o B e H e ld come. Father KeatingSa.widely known as 512 WEST CENTER STREET Rev. Carl A. Hansen, formerly an entertaining and humorous To Say Ike Talked o f this town, win occupy the pul­ The Manchester branch of the speaker. “THE HOME OF SAFETY-TESTED USED CARS” pit of the Second Congregational WCTU will meet Tuesday at 10:30 Chairman for the Irish Night af­ O n M o n d a y Church at the morning servire in the South Methdoist Church for fair is William P. Quiah, who has OPEN EVENINGS ’TIL 9—TEL. MI-3-4134 Sunday at 10:45. While here Mr, Red Cross sewing. The usual announced a meeting of his com­ Hansen was prominent in the Of Shell Shortage By THOMAS P. WHITNEY potiuck will be enjoyed at noon. mittee for Monday at 8 p. m. at the work with young people at Cen­ Hostesses will be Mrs. Margaret i K. of C. Home. Another meeting Moscow, March 7— (/P)— ter Church. He, is associated J^fttgens, Mrs. Catherine Batch | will be held at 11 a. m. on Sunday, The Soviet Union today with Supt. James F. English a^ ^Ud Mrs. Marion Barrett. | March 15, to prepare the home. Bure Gnnite Moeuracnis ire dcsiga^ Washington, March 7--(/P)-know ic,m't talk .bout what we^ readied the greatest funeral Congregational House, 37 Garden ____ j March 16 will mark another in cd snd sculptured by sttisis in finest —Gen. James A. Van Fleet xhere was speculation the con- in its 37-year hi.story for Jo­ atraat, Hartford. Mrs. Katherine Bourn and Mrs. the annual series of nationality grsnitc-<-to endure. And Barn nights held by the K. of C. The spent an hour and 10 minutes | f«rence would touch on the testi- seph V. Stalin. The new gov­ Helen Fitzpatrick yesterday at­ Granin Momuments pay tribute to V Ellerd M. Hulbert of 165 Oakland tended the luncheon meeting of the affairs are among the most popu­ with President Eisenhower, mony the retired BUghth Army ernment and the Communist | the things tbti endure—the iaith, love Young Scientist Displays Winning Wares street has been named to the executive board of the State Fed­ lar on the organization's social today but declined to «av i party announced that his dean’s list for high scholarship for program. ‘ ' and memories of thoM who have eration of Democratic Won^en's .whether they talked about his : ' ‘ However, white House press body, after rites Monday, tha last semester at Trinity Col­ dubs at the Hotel Bond in Hart­ Campbell Council has called a passed on. Sweeping Shift would lie alongside Lenin’ s in lege in Hartford. ford. It was announced that the 'summon.a 'meeting for Monday at When you are diooting your monu­ claim that ammunition has secretary James A. Hagerty said guest speaker for the state con­ 8:30 p. m. A meeting of the spring been seriously short in the visit had been schedule^since Red square until a .great dance committee wilj fpllow. ment, let US help foa. The beauty snd last Monday, befori Van Fleet’s King David Lodge wilt meet vention in May will be Congress­ permanence of seieri Bure Granite Korea pantheon — a new teniple man Thomaa J. Dodd.' testimony prompted two Senate tonight at 7:80 ih Odd Fellows make it a auita- The retiring former commander committees to ask for investlga- shrine of world Communism Hall. After the business meet­ of the Eighth Army would say tionrinto the Korean supply sit­ — is built to receive them ing the members will play cards. ’The Loyal C l r c 1 e of Kings blc choice for only that it was a "friendly, old- Of All Leaders Daughters of the Center Congrega­ your monument, uation and other Red “ immoi-tals.” Baden Kingsbury 'and Floyd Post, time chat." Wilson AnsTvem Byrd tional Church will hold a potiuck '!l>rsld Piinto. i HTGN lO whether it it to An official amipunccment of the co-chairmen of the committee, Doctors, patients and niirsea alike find the Stryker Turning Frame, of great aid in solving difficult TOYS Van Fleet touched off a Con­ premise a snack to Include hot at 6:30 Monday night in the Rob­ I be Urge or smslL gressional uproar earlier in the Secretary of Deiense Wilson pirty’a Central committee and the By EDDY GILMORE problems in post-operative treatment. This new piece of equipment was recently purchased by the Man­ FOR 'HIE KIDDIES i sought to quiet the furor late yes­ Government Council of Ministers, d e n nnd sauerkraut. bins Room. The Garden d)ib'm eet­ ^ Large AseortMoiitAsoortouiit ^ week with testimony that there Moscow, March 7-j-<ff*)— Georgi M. Malenkov today Ira ing Monday will • be held in. the chester Memorial Hospital. Demonstrating its Use in the above photo are Mrs. Marion BUckler, play­ terday with assurances to Senators now headed by Georgl M. Malen­ ing the part of the patient, Mrs. Mae White, left, a nurses’ aide, and Miss Lorraine Mitchell, RN. III was a serious ammunition short­ Federation Room instead of in the age during the entire 22 months he that there In enough ammunition kov as Stalin’s successor, said the the Soviet Union and its wide dominions— officially—as suc­ Robbins Room as previously an­ Orthopedic surgeons find the frame ideal in the treatment of spinal and pelvic fractures and post­ IJlrihur Drug In the Far East Command to fimeral would be held at noon Mon­ cessor to Joseph V. Stalin. His elevation was accompanied by operative fusions. The Stryker Frame ran be elevated at the foot end to provide leg traction in pelvic T led the forces In Korea. nounced. "counter any enemy attack In day (4 a m. e.s.t.), but gave no wholesale shakcup of top government personnel, ^lectidn fractures and at (he head end for traction in fractuces of the cervical vertebrae. Hearing Tuesday details of the form the ritea would WINDOW SHADES Defense officials have disputed Korea." of Stulln’s 51-year-old protege t o - .............................. ....... ........... ...... Mervin Baker of thf Internal take. be the new Ruasian prime minis- ^ _ _ _ . the shortage report and will ap­ Wilson wrote Sen. Byrd (D-Va) Nor did It say whether any part w « i ^ Revenue Department will talk on COMPARE AND SAVE pear before the Senate Armed that there will be no delay In clear- ter—chairman of the Council of A. _ I _ IB ^ the-income" tax-at the 'meeting-of T ha.a been the group leader fnr would be taken by religious lead- RescrvatioiiB Due sfmnartrlp.a ifladr hy Tncmb^s'of . U I» U ) SURYEYIRG Servicee -committee.-. Tuesday, -to tn y up ■ the-ammunition, aituatipn .JHaietece - waa. announced. b y . the ; H '. J Q .£ the Kiwanis dub Monday noon at ftW; wKfi Hkve ted' pubMc prsyer*' Kremlin last night. Long a does I — t<UUMMAl^ilOXYLiN Mdnchealer the Women's Club, will be the testify, along with Van Fleet. and "we will present the facte with 12:15 at the Manchester Country Edward L. Davis, Jr. for Stalin since his laet Illness was aaeociate of the dead Communist ^ group leader for the day. Tho.se Thfe general, after his visit- with utmost dispatch.” Byrd had de­ M M Made to Order du b. The speaker has been secured For Visit to UN SAPORITI MEMORIAL CO. Eisenhower, walked briskly out of announced Wednesday. chief, Melenkoy had been conalder- Date Book making the trip will receive a let­ Registered Land Surveyor j manded an explanation o f , any Four Days Of Mourning # Z s 9 f With Year Rollers by William Knight, and the at­ 470~ CENTER STREET , TEL. MI-3-7732 the President's office, to ■ waiting shortages and punishment of eny- ed his likeliest successor. Description tendance prise will be furnished by ter with detailed information about IS Proctor Road Manchester automobile, refusing to stop to an­ Moscow observed the second of Streamlines Government Members of the South Methodist the Itinerary and the United 'TEU MITCHELL 8-7018 •one responsible.
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