*******, r,'., ^ DAILY NEWS THE OAILV NEWS I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Cowre Evary Part of tM KtMMM? Are Ait Effective Selling; Force and Boundary Biatrial VOL, 13 No- 297 NELSON, B, C., MONDAY MORNING, MARQH 29, 1915. 50c. m^ MONTH i| M M)jtiJmm0a&Kssi& 1 - ;i-Jjaeu- mmmssw^r" . •> I"**" '• |jj SUNK BY SHELLS DEAD IS TWENTY Five of Crew Victims of Sinks Hostile Ships Enter­ <v INVALIDED CANUCKS «S ing Bosphorus > . Fifty Thousand Killed. 4 RETURN HOME <8> Shrapnel , $im4m&s®i>miti*$ti&&mi^ii*t <_•- , •„:.. <i> Wounded; Prisoners •i> HALIFAX N.S.; Mni-Clr 28.— *$> it KAISER, INCOGNITO, Having* Grained Possession of Dukla Pass They 'S? Tbo Allan 11 nor Scandinavian <$> * VISITS EMPEftOR ••** arrived loday wiih 200 passen- ® i, . — Forward with Object of Winning Control of $ gers and .1200 sneks of mall. <S> <s> -NBftr YORK,. Starch.. 29.—A <3> Among tbo passengers were 22 <8> i> special cable to tho Trlljune Heads of Hungarian Bailroads* <;•• Canadians from tho first con- •$> LATEST TYPE CRAFT H CAPITAL it from Berno saya: 3* tlngent, including Pte W. Basso <8» it "A Swiss. Just returned from FRENCH HAVE GAINED •A of Now Wostmlnstor, who broko <S> i> Vienna, brings nows that tho <S> his ankle while Jumping Into a •$• ATTACKS VOSCES BETWEEN TWO HUES it kaiser, la strictest Incognito, <& German trench and Pte. Wll- <$ i> has ibeen visiting: Emporor <?• Ham Jennings of Forest, Ont., <S> it Francis Joseph at the Schoon- 1MY-FVE HUES OF HEIGHTS TAKEN; GROUND DAY BY DAY <S» recovering from a gunshot <3> <S?' brunnpaiaceand has succeeded <•>' wound in the head. The other <-> $ in inducing, the aged ruler to <?' . »l were Invalided mostly suf- «• Superior Speed, Accurate Allies Recommence Bom­ «• cede territory to Italy In return DESTROY THREE BAT <fc feting from rheumatlsftiv <S> i> for its continued neutrality. Ab- Al ONS OF AUSTRIANS • • <$ Aim—Belgian Woman bardment of Turkish Forts * solute sllonco on the subject is German Morale and Artill­ it enjoined on tho Austro-Hun- Aeroplanes Active. ^ it garlan press." '. ery Inadequate—Losses able to seo tho ground gained by the Is Injured. Muscovites Rout Enemy in Bayonet Combat-Artillery French and the positions of tho French Two to One. held three months ago. The com­ Defending Ossowetz Proves Superior to That manders, wbo find tbo courage ahd confidence of their troops mounting (By Daily News Leased Wire.) (By Dally News Leased Wire.) of G-ermans-Prisoners Are Captured by Both with eaoh success, express the opin­ I LIVERPOOL, Marcli 98—The steam­ PETROCTRAD, MArch 2-3, via London, ion' tbat the Germans have been some­ er Vosgea was sunk by Rhell tbe# Sat­ 6:22 a.m.—An official statement Is­ FLEET Sides~Russ Trenches Lost, Retaken. CHALOtfS-SUR- MARNE, France, what disheartened by feeling tbat the urday evening off tlio Cornish coast. sued last night says: March 28.—Eleven thousand O-rman French, attacks are successful-and that The chief engineer was .killed and "The Black sea fleet today bombard­ dead havo heen taken from thc tholr counter-attacks, delivered with three of the crew1 were badly injured ed the- outside forts and batteries on PUNNED ATTACK LONDON, Starch 28—The battles tured a new line of heights on a trout treritihes won by tbo French during 20 admirable pluck, under the circurti- by ;shrapnel. The ateaftier'a crew of th. B_sphdrusti on both sides of the for the Carpathian passes continue of about 25 ftiles. days of fighting in tbo Champagne stancos, have beon useless. rl| •30 was broxiffht to Newciimy bvft pa­ strait. The Bosphonig, catted also the Ministry of War Had Decided on Great with extreme violence, this being the 'In a bayonet fight for the posses­ country. Tbe Genu an losses In killed- The French aro employing such trol boat. strait of Constantinople, is a. narrbw Raid and to Engage Russian only region where for the moment ln prisoners and lu wounded are esti­ quantities of artillery, newly construct­ sion of hill 389, cast of the village ot passage which Connects tho Black sea Warships. fighting on a large scale is taking SHl.niioneZ, we destroyed three batta­ mated by the French military autho­ ed and of heavy field calibre, that they Sunk by Submarine. with the sea of Marmora Constautl- place. rities at 60,000. Tho German wastage- lions nf Austrlans. In the direction ot are able to combine and concentrate LONDON, March 28, 1:50 p.m.—The nople stands on its west side at its (By Daily News Leased Wire.) The Russians who recently gained Slulltacs and Stryzwe we repulsed a \! they say;- lias botfn 2 to 1 compared their firo in such- a way thnt had steamer Vosges, sunk yesterday off the outlet and partly In the sea of, Mar­ possession of Dukla pass are pushing with tlio FrenchI losses* beo'aiiste tbo LONDON, March 28.—The Sofia series of attacks by the onemy, who never been* seen- beforo in this war- Cornish coast, was sent to the bot­ mora. Tlio strftit is 18 miles long. correspondent of -Router's sends tho their way toward' Bartfield, on one endeavored unsuccessfuly to throw a Germans would try Lo regal n lost The French officers say their guns' oar tom by the shell firo of a German "Aceordinff ,to observations made following despatch: side and Svldnlk on the other, where, ground by counter-attacks, repeated quantity of hand grenades into our 1 dominate their adversaries nt any time submarine. When it became known from ships and hydroaeroplanes our "According to news from Constan­ If thoy achieve their object,, they will trenohes." again 'atid figain with obsllnflto cour­ havo in their possession tho heads of ; or place. last'night that the vessel had been shells fell with exactitude. Russian tinople Ihe cruiser Gooben (ronamod age. - sunk there was no indication of tho aviators flying -above the Bospliorus the Sultan Selml) lias been completely the railroads running southward into Ossowetz Guns Prove Superior Hungary. It wan 1n these eon nter-at lacks, sup­ nature of the vessel that fired upon it. batteries carrio. dout reconnaissances repaired and Is again fit for servlco. Tho following official statement waa ported by-relatively inadequate artil­ It was learned today that the Vosges and dropped bombs with success. A The ministry of wnr, it is- stated, Tho Russians aro also carrying on issued here last night: lery firo and what tho French officers was under fire for over two hoqrs. In heavy artillery flro was directed at the decided on a great raid with thc en­ offensive operations aga'nst Uzsok "On Starch 25 tho Germans between addition lo its" chief engineer, wlio was aviators without success. The enemy tire Turkish fleet Into the Black sea pass to tlio east, but at Tukholka pass, the Skwa and Pisa rivers (northern f .•isflert was inadequate ''morale, 'against killed, two officers and two members torpedo* boats which tried to come out today or tomorrow with tho object of still further to the east, they appar­ Russian Poland) attacked repeatedly tho allied troops, that so many Ger­ were driven back into the strait by ently are satisfied to withstand the man soldiers bave fallen. Thc gravo? of tho crow of tho Vosges, nnd o. wo­ seeking and engaging tlio Russian fleet. twice capturing some of our trenohes 10 AVOD DANCERS man passenger, wero wounded. the flro of our guns. „ "The ministry of war has learned Austro-German attacks agadnst their iii which they are buried in fifties and strong positions at Kozlowa, whioh the near the villages of Serafln and T^r- by hundreds* are thick upon a narrow Wounded by Shrapnel. "A largo hestilo ship which was try­ tliat thc Anglo-French fleet will be tek, but we drove them back on each Government Dtnifs Nation's Aspira­ ing1 to get .into the Bospliorus from reinforced by ip strong units to re­ Germans have tried so often to cap. front of Bome 15 miles. tions Will Less Opportunity of Re­ TRURO, England, March 29; 1:35 ture. occasion to thoir former positions. Tho a.m.—Two injured members of tho seaward was homibarded by us. It was place tho battleships sunk or disabled. Germans lost heavily. Ground Gained Daily alization If Neutrality Puraued. heeled over and blow up." A fresh attack on *Bio Dardanelles was Along the rest of the eastern front "The Gormans, in certain sectors For nearly a month now the French (Continued oil Page Six) LONDON, March 2ft.—A despatch to expected Saturday." the' 'battle is of a desultory character tho officors declare, by tbe superior­ (By Dully News Loosed Wiro.) the News from Tenedos says: which is doubtless due to the fact that north of Bareff. have been stealing our ity of their artillery of both large and ATHENS, via London, March 28.— "Operations havo boen recommenced tho snow is molting undor tho warmth overcoats, which arc much superior to Hmall calibre and by a cortaln irre­ An official communication* of tho for­ in the Dardanelles by the allied fleet of the spring sun and the rivers aro theirs, as protection against wet sistible -Spirit have dny by day gained eign policy of Greece was issued to­ and heavy firing is now proceeding In eithor open or are covored with such weathor. Their soldiers constantly are ground, somelinVes a few hundred day. Tt says: • • BLOCK tho straits. FORTY-FOUR MIS a thin coating of ice that they will not leaving their trenches in order to strip yards of trenches, or a mite of frontage bear any weight, the overcoats from our dead but our 'Tlio-government, attributing groat "Judging by the firing heard thiw effectlvo fire makes them pay dearly from threo to 300 to 500 yards deep.
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