32 OFFICIAL BUT.LETIN ALBER!' W.\TF,RTIOUSE, Honolulu, Hawaii (18934). Son of Henry and Julia Hawkins (Dimond) Wate1"!10use; grandson of Henry and Ann Maria (.\nner) THE NATIONAL SOCIE'!'Y D im ond; great-grandson of Jesse and Betlriah (Marquand) Dimon; great'­ OF TilE grandson of Daniel Dimou, Ensign, Col. Samuel \Vhiting's Guards, Fou rth Regt. Conn. Militia. RICHARD THOMAS WATERS, Baltimore, Md. (r8522). Son of Francis F.rl­ SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ward and Fanny (!"cott) \Vaters; grandson of Uichard '"l'homas and !Tester (Handy) Waters; great-grandson of John and Elizabeth (Corbin) \Vaters; 2 great -grandson of 1-Villiam Corbin, Master-at-arms l\Iaryland troops. OFFICE QE THE SECRETARY GENERAL JERRY PACKER WELLliL\N, Keene, N. Il. (17568). Son of George and President Gene-ral Zylphia Hibbard (Packer) Wellman; grandson of Jeremy and Lydia (Jewett) - Ndson A. McClary Packer; great-grandson of Da1t1cl Jewett, fuel, Lieutenant First Cumberland County Regt. New York Militia. 164 La Salle St., Chicaao, Illinois W ASHIN.QTON, D. C., October IS, 1907· LEONARD WELLS, Bridgeport, Conn. (r9083). Son of Lewis and Betsy (Wheeler) Wells; grandson of Elias Wells, private, Capt. Nathaniel Wheeler's Company, Col. Ichabod Lewis's Regt. Conn. 1\lilitia. OFFICIAL BULLETIN SEYMOUR WELLS, Stratford, Conn. (19084). Son of Elias and Maria (Pat­ terson) \Veils; grandson of Elias Wells, private, Capt. Nathaniel Wheeler's Company, Col. Ichabod Lewis's Regt. Conn. Militia. FRANK PRITCHARD WELTON, Waterbury, .Conn. (r9o73). Son of Herschel The OFFICIAL BuLLETIN, issued from time· to f rme as may seem 0. and Julia (Pritchard) Welton; grandson of Leonard and Elizabeth Pritch­ expedient, records action by the General _Officer~, the Board of Trus_tees, ard; great-grandson of Isaac and Lucina (Baldwin) Pritchard; great2-grandson of Noah and E lizabeth (Ives) Baldwin; great•-grandson of !O>>alhan Baldwin, the Executive and other National Committees, hsts of mem~er~ deceased Jr., Lieutenant·Colonel Tenth Conn . 1\iilitia; grandson of IIerschel and Eunice and of new members, and important doings of State Socret1es. State (Prindle) \ Yelton; great-grandson of Thomas and Hannah (Hill) \Yelton; 2 Secretaries are requested to commun i cat~ to th_e ~ecretary General a~­ great -grandson of Jared Hill, Lieutenant Conn. Militia. counts of meetings or celebrations by their Societies .. The BULLl>:IN IS RUSSF,LL TOMLINSON WHITING, Bridgeport, Conn. (19074). Son of Isaac sent to the General Officers and Trustees and the National Commrttees, II. and Mary A. (Hitchcock) Whiting; grandson of William Nathan and Wil­ to new members whose records are printed thereit~, to a number _o f helmina A. (Harpin) Whiting; great-grandson of Samuel Whiting, Colonel Fourth Conn. Militia. newspapers, and a moderate supply to State Secretanes for general dis- CHARLES WILLIAMS, Hilo, Hawaii (z8933). Son of Henry and Mary Kan­ tribution. f S t S ealii Williams; grandson of Jesse and Roxana Williams; great-grandson of Arrangements are being made to f~rnish one rssue . ree to ta ~ o- Obed Williams, private Fifth Company First Waterbury Regt. Conn. Militia. cieties that will agree to distribute rt and t~ s_ubscnbe for _the three DAVID WISER, New Haven, Conn. (19059). Son of Freeman 111. and Jennette other issues during the year, at the cost of prmtmg extra c o~1es. This (Demick) Wiser; grandson of David and Mary (Lathrop) Demick; great­ cost will be two cents or less per copy, according to the srze of the grandson of John and Betsey (Farnsworth) Lathrop; grcat2-grandson of Elijah and Elizabeth (Elderkin) Lathrop; great3-grandson of Eltsha Lathrop, Member edition. of Committee of Safety of Lebanon, New Hampshire. SAMUEL PARKER WOODS, Mahukona, Hawaii (z893o). Son of James and Mary (Parker) Woods; grandson of John and Uanai Parker; great-grandson The Executive Committee deems a substantial increase of the membership of John P. and Kipikane Parker; greaf!-grandson of San-utel Parker, private, of the Society its greatest present need, It is not s~ffi~ient that the annual Lieut.-Col. William Bond's 1\Iass. Regt.; great3-grandson of Ebene::er Parker, additions of members should keep pace with the losses mctdent to death: A~ a private, Capt. Jer-emiah \Viswall's Company Mass. Militia. Society chartered by Congress, an important, patriotic line of work ts bemg ROBERT SAMUEL WOOMER, New York, N. Y. (z87r7). Son of Percival r and Amanda E. (Schwartz) \Voomer; grandson of Samuel and Esther (Immel) entered upon, and that this may be vigorously prosecut~d and exten~ed, a~ Schwartz; great-gt·andson of John Leonard and Catherine (Dieffenbach) that the National and State Societies may exercise the mfluence whjch they Immel; great2-grandson of Leonard Immel, Captain Fifth Company Second OU&ht, the Executive Committee urges upon all State Societies.and individual Battalion Associated Battalions and Militia of P ennsylvania. members the supreme importance of additions to our membershtp. We should have three times the number now borne on our rolls. The time is opportune: for aggressive, concerted action. NATIONAL SOCIE'!'Y, 5. A. R. 2 OFFICIAL BULLETIN 3 He was a quiet, unassuming man, of sturdy character, sound legal training, and an exceptional example of good American citizenship. PROCEEDINGS OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, OCTOBER I, His compatriots in this Society have lost a valued friend and I907· counsellor. A meeting of the National Executive Committee, duly called by the President General, was held at the Hotel Knickerbocke:, New York Commander Moore reported progress with reference to the Illinois City, at 3 o'clock p. m., October I, I907· Present: President General resolution favoring the publication by the Government of the rolls of soldiers of the Revolution. McClary, presiding; Gen. Francis Henry Appleton, Judge Henry Stock­ bridge, Commander John H. Moore, U. S. N., a.nd Col. George C. Upon the recommendation of Major Tebbetts, Chairman of the Com­ Batcheller members of the Committee, also ex-Prestdent General P_ugs­ mittee on Organization, it was voted that not to exceed five hundred ley, Willi~m Allen Marble, President of the Empire State . Soctety; dollars ($sao) be appropriated, under the provisions of Art. XII of the Maj. William Frye Tebbetts, President of the Alabama Soctety, and By-Laws, for the necessary expenses of the Committee on Organization chairman of the Committee on Organization, and Secretary General A. in forming new State Societies and strengthening weak Societies, to be expended in carrying out plans approved by the President General. Howard Clark. The President General announced the acceptance by him in behalf of Upon motion by Judge Stockbridge it was voted that a letter be issued the Executive Committee, after correspondence with each member of in the name of the Executive Committee to each State Society, urging the Committee, of an indemnity bond of $,to,ooo for the Treasurer <?en­ the need of extending the influence of the organization by largely in­ creasing the membership. era!, and of a "travelling banner," offered by the ~olorado Soctety. The Executive Committee formally approved such action. It was voted that a recruiting circular be prepared, under the direc­ It was voted that Vice-President General Trueman G. Avery, Mr. tion of Commander Moore, for distribution to such State Societies as will agree to send it to each of its members, to be issued in the name W. A. Marble, and Col. Geo. C. Batcheller be a Committee on ~:range­ of the Executive Committee. ments to have charge of the Buffalo Congress, under the provtstons of Art. XII of the By-Laws, with power to appoint local committees as It was Yoted that the Secretary General communicate with the Secre­ may seem desirable, and that five hundred dollars ($Soo) be appro­ tary of each State Society concerning a plan to increase the circulation priated by the ational Society toward the expenses of the Buffalo of the OFFICIAL BULL£'riN. To each Society that will undertake to di tribute one issue of the BuLL£'riN to each of its members a supply Congress, to be placed to the credit of the Committee of Arrangeme~ts. will be furnished free, provided the State will agree to subscribe for the Commander Moore announced the death on September 22 ~f VIce­ three other issues of the year at cost of printing. President General William Hamilton Bayly, and presented a tnbute to his memory, which was adopted. An engrossed copy was ordered to be After a full discussion of the great need of distributing information sent to the family. to immigrants in the form of a suitable leaflet, the Executive Committee approved a form submitted by Judge Stockbridge and Commander To THE MEMORY ol" WILLIAM HAMILTON BAYLY. Moore, subject to such changes as may be necessary after conference with officials of the Government Departments. The Executive Committee of the National Society of the Sons. of the Upon motion by Judge Stockbridge, duly seconded, it was American Revolution with sadness records the death at Washmgton, Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to consist of Commander on September 22, I907, of William Hamilton Bayly, Vice-President Gen­ John H. :tiioore, U. S. N., Col. Chas. Lyman, and Mr. A. Howard eral, elected at the Denver Congress, June 4, 1907. Clark to enter into and perfect with the several Departments of the Mr. Bayly became a member of the District of Columbta Soctety n 1 Government, an arrangement whereby the leaflet on "The Unjted r8gr, and was its President in 1905. His patriotic work was earnest a?d States," approved by this committee, shall be distributed among all im­ practical. His great aim, for many years, was to preserve and c.lasstfy tnt~rants who can read, through the U. S. Immigration Bureau at the ~anous ports of entry; or, if it shall be found practicable, at the ports the records of individual service of the many thousands of sol?ters of of embarkation.
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