113 Advanced Earth Observing Satellite

113 Advanced Earth Observing Satellite

Index Advanced Communications Technology Albrecht, Mark, 161 Satellite (ACTS), 113 Alcatel, 85, 159 Advanced Earth Observing Satellite Aldridge, Edward, C., 48 (ADEOS) Aldrin, Buzz, 294 ADEOS 1, 86, 213, 292±293 Alenia Spazio, 129 ADEOS 2, 89, 90 Alexis, 285±288, 309 Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Algol, 98 Astrophysics (ASCA), 219, 291 `All American' rockets, 156±157, 161 Advanced-TIROS, 8 Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory, 4 Advanced-TIROS-N, 184, 231 Allen, Joe, 35±36 Aerobee-Hi, 4 Alliant Techsystems, 55, 75, 108, 151, 156, aerobraking, 234, 288±290 158±159, 192 Aerojet, 4, 14, 151, 155 Almaz, 79 Aerospace Corporation, 347, 350±351 Altair, 99 Aerospatiale, 42, 53, 117, 141 Altair I, 4 Spacebus 1000 series, 221 Altair II, 18 Spacebus 2000 series, 53 American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T), Spacebus 3000 series, 141, 159, 325 25±26, 42, 53, 54, 201 Aestus, 145, 148, 149 AMSAT Agena, 6, 12, 15, 16, 256, 293 AMSAT IIIA, 277 Agila Satellite Incorporated AMSAT IIIB, 277 Agila 2, 141 Anik B1, 218, 281 AJ-10, 4 Anik C series, 29, 31 AJ-10-118, 18 Anik D series, 42 AJ-10-118A, 18 Anik E series AJ-10-118D, 18 Anik E1, 281, 296±297 AJ-10-118E, 20 Anik E2, 281, 296±297 AJ-10-118F, 22 Anik F series AJ-10-118K, 27, 55 Anik F1, 230±231 AJ-10-138, 27 Anik F2, 150 AJ-10-142, 4 AnneFrank (5335), 258 AJ-26-NK-33A, 155 Antares, 99 Akers, Tom, 64±66 Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), 189, 192 356 Index Apollo, 256, 305, 352 AsiaSat 3, 205 Apollo 1, 237 AsiaSat 3S, 207 Apollo 11, 294 AsiaSat 4, 160 Apollo 12, 13±14 AsiaStar, 148 Apollo 13, 235 Astra 1F, 81 Lunar Module, 22, 235 Astra 1K, 85 Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package Astra 2B, 148 (ALSEP), 235 Astra 2D, 148 APPLE, 302 Astra 3A, 53 Applications Technology Satellite (ATS) Astrium, 341 ATS 4, 12 Eurostar 2000 bus, 140 ApStar 1, 136 Eurostar 3000 bus, 86 ApStar 1A, 140 Astro D, 219 ApStar 2, 137, 140 Astro Space, 54, 54, 80, 136, 184, 201, 296, ApStar 2R, 138, 141 316 Arabsat 1A, 221 3000 series bus, 54, 55 Arabsat 1B, 42 7000 series bus, 138 Arecibo, 338 Astroquartz, 278, 309 Ariane 1, 49, 55, 270, 276±277 Athena I, 105±106, 216 Ariane 2, 49, 50, 300 Athena II, 105, 107 Ariane 3, 49, 204, 221, 234±335 Athena III, 105±106 Ariane 4, 51±55, 62, 87, 117, 136, 139, Atlas, 6 145±149, 197, 229, 234, 246, 296, 325 Atlas I, 51, 155 Ariane 40, 52 Atlas II, 59, 87, 149, 156, 161 Ariane 42L, 52±55, 201 Atlas IIA, 59, 60, 156, 161, 199 Ariane 42P, 52, 54 Atlas IIAR, 156, 158±159 Ariane 44L, 52±53 Atlas IIAS, 59, 61, 80, 117, 124, 129, Ariane 44LP, 52±53, 153 140, 149, 151, 153, 155±157, 161, 318, Ariane 44P, 52, 146 337 Ariane V, 81, 83, 90, 129, 139, 145±150, Atlas III, 89, 153, 159±160 157, 160, 197, 203, 235 Atlas IIIA, 149, 159±160 Ariane V±ESC-A, 149±150 Atlas IIIB, 160 Ariane V±ESC-B, 149±150 Atlas V, 86, 159, 160±163, 166, 169 Ariane V Transfer Vehicle (ATV), 150 Atlas V-Heavy, 160 Arianespace, 48±50, 52±55, 80, 81, 90, 117, Atlas-A, 7 124, 145±148, 153, 157, 245, 273, Atlas-B, 7 277 Atlas-C, 7 Ariel 3, 301 Atlas-D, 7, 9±11 Armstrong, Neil, 11, 294 Atlas-E, 7±9, 50, 231, 316 Arrhenius kinematics, 252 Atlas-F, 7±9, 14, 50 Artemis, 148, 153, 203 Atlas-G, 12 Aryabhata, 234 Atlas±Able, 10 Asia Cellular Satellite Company, 85 Atlas±Agena, 9±10, 227, 293, 305 Asia Pacific Telecommunications (APT), 136, Atlas±Centaur, 12±13, 27, 48, 50±52, 54, 138, 140 59, 71, 80±81, 107, 153, 155, 157, 182, Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company 194, 220 (AsiaSat), 81, 136, 138 Atmospheric Re-entry Demonstrator, 146 AsiaSat 1, 136 Augmented Target Docking Adapter AsiaSat 2, 138 (ATDA), 11±12 Index 357 Australian Satellite Company (Aussat), 136 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), Aussat A1, 42 147 Aussat A2, 42 Cerise, 52, 272 Aussat A3, 50 Cernan, Gene, 11 see Optus Chalet±Vortex, 18, 48 Chance Vought, 99 Baalke, Ron, 324±325 Chandra X-Ray Observatory, 41, 76 Badr, 136 Chelomei, Vladimir, 77 Beagle 2, 303, 341±342 China Aerospace Corporation, 141 BeppoSAX, 220 China Great Wall Industry Corporation, Biosatellites, 20 135±140 Biosat 1, 6 China Orient Telecommunications, 136, 141 Black Arrow, 97±98, 301 China Telecommunications Broadcasting, Black Knight, 97 139 Block-D, 79±81, 83, 85, 114, 127, 205, 341 ChinaSat series, 136 Blue Streak, 97 ChinaSat 5, 136 Boeing, 50, 85, 90, 114, 118, 124, 126, 152, ChinaSat 5R, 140 156±159, 160±161, 166, 252 ChinaSat 6A, 137, 139 Boisjoly, Roger, 39, 41 ChinaSat 6B, 140 Braille (9969), 222 ChinaSat 7, 139±140 Brandenstein, Dan, 64 ChinaStar 1, 141 Brasilsat B2, 54 Clark, 106±107, 218 British Aerospace, 291, 335 Clementine, 343, 344 British Aircaft Corporation, 98 Cluster, 146, 187 Briz-M, 83±86 Colladay, Raymond, S., 107 BS-2A, 248 Collins, Eileen, 41 BS-2X, 52 Comet Borrelly, 224 BS-3 series, 228 Comet Grigg±Skjellerup, 276 BSE, 248, 305 Comet Nucleus Tour (CONTOUR), 192±194 BSS-601 see HS-601 Comet Rendezvous and Asteroid Flyby BSS-702 see HS-702 (CRAF), 184, 350 Buran, 325±326 Comet Swift±Tutle, 275 Busse, John, R., 13 Comet Wild 2, 257 Commercial Titan, 59, 62±66, 73, 185 Canyon, 10 Communications Satellite Act, 25 `Captain Midnight', 237±238, 249 Communications and Broadcasting Carleton Bailie, 58 Engineering Test Satellite Carter, Jimmy, 28 (COMETS), 87 Cassini, 54, 76, 184, 236, 249±251, 257, 269, Communications Satellite Corporation 324, 350 (Comsat), 25±27, 115 Castor, 99 Complementary Expendable Launch Vehicle, Castor I, 18, 20 71±72 Castor II, 20, 22, 86 Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, 240, Castor IV, 27 267, 301 Castor IVA, 48, 55, 59, 87 Comstar, 26 Castor 120, 105±106, 108 Copernicus, 291 Celistis, 108 Cornell University, 192 Centaur, 12±13, 16, 41, 51, 59, 71±78, 80, 151, CORONA cameras, 257 153, 156, 159, 160, 199, 347 Constantine, Marc, T., 155 358 Index Convair, 6±8 7920, 122 Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), 48, 7925, 151 349 Delta II, 55±59, 107±109, 120, 122±123, Cosmos 3M, 234 125, 151±153, 158, 161, 166, 192, 196, Covert, Eugene, 66 202, 204, 214, 220, 232, 258, 317, 325 Cox, Christopher, 141 Delta III, 85, 117, 124, 126, 151±154, CTA Space Systems, 105 159±161, 166, 347 Delta IV, 153, 156, 158±161, 164±166, 317, Daimler±Benz Aerospace, 83, 139, 145 325 Data Relay Test Satellite (DRTS), 89, 90 Delta IV-Heavy, 166±169 Daugherty, Robert, 43 see Thor±Delta DBS 1, 252±253 Demonstrator of Atmospheric re-entry Deep Space 1, 195±196, 222±224 Systemwith Hyper-velocity (DASH), Deep Space 2, 239±240, 342 89 Defense Meteorological Support Program design-to-cost, 155, 161, 347 (DMSP), 16 Deutsche Aerospace, 141 DMSP 5D2, 184 DirecTV Incorporated, 124, 252 DMSP 13, 9 DirecTV 1R, 124, 128 Defense Satellite Comunications System DirecTV 7S, 128 (DSCS), 16, 248 see DBS 1 DSCS II, 18 Discovery series, 109, 189, 192, 350 DSCS III, 18 Dniepr, 108 DSCS-III-F1, 59 Dong Fang Hong (DFH), 136±137, 139±141 DSCS-III-A3, 166 Douglas Aircraft Company, 4, 12, 18, 21 DSCS-III-B6, 165±166 Defense Support Program(DSP), 16, 48, 72, E-Bird, 150 76±77, 169, 347 Early Bird, 18, 20, 26 de Havilland Aircraft, 97 Earth Observation Satellite Company Delta, 25, 48, 50 (EOSAT), 201 1000 series, 21, 86 Earth Observation System, 153 1410, 22 Earth Radiation Budget Satellite, 247 1604, 22 Eastman Kodak, 329 1900, 22 Echo 1, 18, 227 1910, 22 EchoStar Communications, 137 1913, 21±22 EchoStar 1, 138 1914, 22 EchoStar 5, 153 2000 series, 22, 27 EchoStar 7, 160 2313, 21±22 EchoStar 9, 128 2914, 22, 203 Eisenhower, Dwight, 4 3000 series, 27 Ekran-M 24, 85 3910/PAM, 27±28 Energiya, 80, 83±84, 114, 325 3914, 27 Energomash, 80, 155, 157 3920/PAM, 27, 48 Engineering Test Satellite (ETS) 4925, 48 ETS-6, 86±87, 201, 270 5920, 48 Encke's comet, 192 6000 series, 55 Envisat, 149 7000 series, 55 Equator-S, 281 7300, 109 Eros (433), 190 7400, 109 Eumetsat 3, 259 Index 359 EuroBird, 148 Fen Yung 2A, 140 Euroconsult Group, 117 Fisher, Anna, 35±37 Eurokot, 128 Fisher, Bill, 37±38 European Launcher Development FLTSATCOM Organisation (ELDO), 97±98 FLTSATCOM 1, 12 European Organisation of FLTSATCOM 5, 12, 297±298 Telecommunications by Satellite FLTSATCOM 6, 13 (Eutelsat) Ford Aerospace, 42, 234, 302, 318 Eutelsat 1F1, 270 Forth Rail Bridge, 349 Eutelsat 2F3, 59, 149 France Telecom, 149 Eutelsat 2F5, 53 Freya, 135 Eutelsat W1, 325 Frost and Sullivan, 117 Eutelsat W1R, 148 Fullerton, Gordon, 39 Eutelsat W3, 149 FW-4D, 20 Eutelsat W3A, 86 Eutelsat W4, 149, 159±160 Gagarin, Yuri, 3, 4 Eutelsat W5, 164, 166, 325 Galaxy 1, 237±238 see E-Bird, EuroBird, Hot Bird Galaxy 3C, 128 European Remote-sensing Satellite (ERS), Galaxy 4, 249, 252±253, 280 201, 271 Galaxy 4R, 196 European Space Agency (ESA), 48, 98, 146, Galaxy 7, 252±253 148, 150, 153, 187, 197, 201, 203, 228, Galaxy 8i, 196 259, 276, 335, 341 Galaxy 10, 151 European Space Research Organisation Galaxy 11, 123, 230 (ESRO), 97±98 Galaxy 12, 150 Eurospace, 141 Galaxy 13, 128 Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Galileo, 188, 195, 221, 236, 241, 247, (EELV), 156±161, 166 259±260, 301±302, 308, 316, 318±323, Explorer 1, 211±212, 266 342 Explorer 20, 18 Gardener, Dale, 35±36 Explorer 32, 6 Garn, Jake, 36 Explorer 43, 6 Garuda 1, 85 Explorer 49, 21 Gaspra (951), 320 Express A1, 84 GE Americom Express A1R, 85 GE-7, 148 Express A2, 85 GE-8, 148 Extended Long Tank Delta, 22 Gehman, Harold, 43 Extra-Extended Long Tank Delta, 55 Gemini, 12, 71 Gemini 1, 15 F-1, 50, 114 Gemini 8, 11 Fairchild modular bus, 32±33, 224, 229, 293 Gemini 9 11±12 Fanhui Shi Weixing (FSW), 135 Gemini±Agena Target Vehicle (GATV), Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer 11±12 (FUSE), 109, 317 GEMstar, 105 Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer (FAST), 103 General Dynamics, 8, 50, 80 `faster-better-cheaper',

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