The 25c PER COPY NO. 86 IN OUR 38TH YEAR RUIDOSO, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXiCO 88345 MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1984 Jarle Ja! Halsnes captures U .. S" Open Ski title by BILLY ALLSTETTER News Staft Writer In a tremendous feat of endurance and concentration, Norwegian Jarle Halsnes claimed the U.S. Open title and $20,500 for the weekend's work at Eagle Creek Ski Area. Halsnes won the giant slalom race and $6,000 Saturday. He placed se­ cond to Frenchman Alain Navillod in the slalom Sunday, then won the final $10,000 championship match against Navillod by a mere .036 seconds. Halsnes' successful weekend push· ed him into first place on the Pro Ski Internationa I Tour. passing Austrian Georg Ager. Ager did not get· beyond the round of 16 skiers either day. Halsnes won the slalom and com· bined championships at the First In· terstate Cup in Winter Park. Col­ orado. last month. Halsnes earned his paycheck this weekend, runmng 20 runs over the two days "I can't breathe .I can't think." said Halsnes as wellwishers gathert>d around him after hi'S final Yictorv "I am too tired to be happy " · Halsnes said he was tired earlv Sun­ day after running Pight races Satur day to claim the giant slalom v1ctory He said he gamed more strength as hP r-. 1' warmed up Halsnes also attribuiPd his v1ctory $10.000 check bv 036 sN·onl!s seconds and the second hy .031 to heal ger to wm the pro am ThP IPam ol to mental attitude Hoth Navillod and llal:-mes faced Vanatta Hob Martin. 1\likt• Hurd. :\lall "I was positive all thP time." satd stiff chall£>nges befon• gPttmg to the Vanatta. the winmngest Amertcan \'uckll•y and pro Pt•tt>r Ka,.,k<'".,.. a,.;..,,. the second-year pro slalom fu1als Sundav pro. was competing 1n h1s final racl:'s cond Jo Hob :\lcCull't· Harn After winning the giant slalom on Nanllod had to come from bPhi nrl as a pro this weekend The Steamboat Williams. Jarwl StPI'il' ;.nd pr~• S :--;a Spnngs. Colorado. native has won 20 Navlilod placed third A t•red and happy 1<1rtd r!Ctlf:r .. lc'Hif• rid','··~. (•r)l• v' ·,,,:• Saturday. Halsnes was on the vergP of in his match against six-ttmP t: sweeping the whole competition in h1s twnal ChampiOn Cary AdgatP In h1s professiOnal races in h1s seven-year Media em·,.rage for thP r<lt'!' \\a~ Sunday after W1nr11r1t.; the ll'""t <,1.~,, •'', , , : ' 1 , " • •,. 1 sem1-fmal match AdgatP won thP pro racmg career races at Eagle Creek final match against Nav!llod. He won abundant. with s<·Yt•n lt·le\ I<.,! on ,ta I the f1rst race by .359 seconds and was first race bv 16H st>eonds. but H1s second-place finish earned him twns. SKI and l'm1 ill'r m<lgi!nrl!''­ ~, I even m the second wh£>n he hit hard tn Navillod beat h1m hv 34S st>conds to $4,500 AP and l'PI wtre st'rnl'"" and lhl' • '·I a rut and lost a ski only s1x gat£>s from advance to the final~ "I really liked this kind of hill," AlbuquerquP .Journal and t:l I'J'>Il the finish line AdgatP WPnt on to clatm thtrd plan• said Vanatta about the steep hill and Times all senrlmg n•pn'sPntall\'"' 1 Weariness and disappointment and $3,000 b} bpa tmg :--;orw£>gian hard snow USA Cable !\ietv.ork abo tapPd tv.o Tuesday is election day here, were apparent as Halsnes lay face Reidar Wahl in the1r final matc-h Despite the warm temperatures hour-long progr;1ms that u•ll lw down on the snow while Navillod Wahl and i 1alsnPs hac! a \'pf\' close Saturday. snov. on the course remain· f1rst race tn th<>lr sPmifmal 'match broadcast four llmt•s e<Jch ThP gmnt skied across the fmish Jme to cla1m ed hard slalom race will be brondcast f1r·..,t the slalom title and $6.000 first prize before Wahl blew out of thP t·oursP Ruidoso Downs and Capitan "The' hill is great for pro skiing." Wt>dnesday en•mng at i' ·:lOp m local two-thirds of tht' wa~ <iown Th(' Had Halsnes won both the slalom said giant slalom third-place racer t tm£' The slalom ran· will ht· hroad OUlhilllld, and giant slalom races. the $10.000 automalic I C>-second rlts<Jd\ antagp Voters will sele-ct municipal JUdg~ Sjur c;autneb "You have to be a het cast Saturday at 6 p m l'SA \:PI" or k Only r<'gistPn•d \OtPrs ilvmg withtn C S Open title would have bPPn his was too much for W;thllo rn;.~kt• up tn and govermng body members during IPr technical skier .. is not broadcast loca II 1. hut can lw elections Tuesday. Polls w1ll be open v!llag•• ltmil~ rna~ vote tn the automatically the seconrl run a~ t Ia l~m·- cool~· kt·pt Amencan Dave Stapleton look picked up by satPIIitP n·cPt\ 1111! from 8 a m to 7 p m at pollmg placP!' mumclpill Pii·Ctlons But Navillod's v1ctory forced a final in the coursP and cl"'" '''"'ugh to fourth in the giant slalom Saturday. "dishes ... Rutdo<.,o , ,,, . .,.. counnl wtll mt't'l 1 tn Rurdoso. Ruidoso Downs and match between the two men on a half Wahl to earn Ill•· 1clnn but missf'd his first race Sunday wht'n Capitan Thursda; nt 111" m l·•r an orgamz.a slalom. half giant slalom course Halsnes had mon· drll" 1111·. tn h1s Racers and orga mzers a ppea r!'d he overslept that morning. S !tonal rn'N>tlnK Hutdoso IS lht' only Navillod, five-time French nat1onal quarterfinal match aKatn,r American pleased with the U Op<>n RUidoso voters will cast thPtr was viiiagP tn thP ~t;dP to ml'f'l so Parly champion. beat Ha lsnes by 236 Peter DodgP He halt ro ll\'Prcome a Amateurs got the1r chance to nm "I very pleased with 1t." sa1d ballols at the Rutdoso Public L1brarv said l':ggleston seconds in the first race On the Sf' 559-second deficit 1n th•· -..,·eond run to through the gates Saturday afternoon Pro Ski International executtYP d1n•c Village clerk Leon l':gglt>ston said The :--;ovemher R n•fprendum. cond run. Navillod led through the advance m the Celebrity Pro Am race. The tor Paul Carson there will be two voting machinPS which tncn·asPd lh•· ~tze of th<' council slalom portion of the coursP w1th Halsnl:'s had tt ,.,,,t·r tn the giant race featured 'rl teams made up of He noted that volunteers d1d 44 pN available to handlt> morp voters from four to s1x council members. Halsnes looking wild m thP upper slalom Saturrla\. wtth opponents fall· one pro and three amateurs com­ cent of the work for thP ran• and qu1ckly also requ1red current council gates But Halsnes settled down to mg or m1ssmg gates m the previous peting on a triple elimination course thanked them. .. from the hot 1om 111 Ruidoso Downs vott>rs will cast memhers to n~1gn w1th1n 120 days of smooth strong skiing in the g1ant three racPs before lht> final match Ruidosoans Clifford Deaton. Tom· my heart" their balloL~ at Vlllage hall Capitan the elt>ct10n Thursdav. March fl. slalom portion He pulled aht>ad to a against Lonny Vanatta m•• Thomson and Chuck Wooddell He then called for lht• ~eeond .·\n vott>rs will cast theirs at the fatr marks 120 days smce the electton 271 advantage to take the racE' and a Halsnes won the first raee bv 526 co.mbined with pro Ewald Zirbeseg- nual l'.S. Open m Rwrlo"o nPxt \ l'ar SKI REPORT Ruidoso High DECA club tops at state Sierra Blanca. Undisturbed by GARY BROWN snow depth midway on the and C.E. REUTTER mountain is 60 inches. A total of News Staff Writers 16 inches of snow fell Sunday night and Monday morning Ruidoso High School continued 1ls Skiing conditions are excellent tradition of outstanding perfor­ Surface conditions are powder mances in Distributive Education and packed powder. All lifts Clubs of America 1 DECAl competi­ and trails are open daily. It was tion by dominating state competition snowing heavily at report time in Albuquerque Thursday through and chains are definitely re­ Saturday. quired on the road to the ski DECA focuses on marketing and area Monday product distri button. Eagle Creek. The resort will Ruidoso qualified 16 people for the be open only on Friday, Satur· national championships at Kansas Ci· day and Sunday from now until ty, Missouri, on May 16-24. Ruidoso's the end of thE' season total beat all other schools in the state. Del Norte High School of Albuquer· que had the st-cond highest number of qualifiers with nine. Ruidoso has led the state in national WEATHER REPORT qualifiers for the past six years_ The top three individuals in each state Sunday's low 15 competition category go to the na­ Sunday's high .47 tional competition. Monday's low 17 "I'm just tickled to death with our Monday's predicted high low 30's performance," said Ruidoso DECA Tuesday's predicted low near 12 advisor Eddie Parker. Tuesday's predicted high .low 40's "Qualifying 16 kids for nationals is five more than we had last year, and A traveler's advisory has been issued for today with snow and blowing we had the most in the state then, too.
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