ADAT SHALOM SYNAGOGUE ENDOWED IN MEMORY OF HARRY AND SHIRLEY NACHMAN Vol. 69 No. 7 August 2012 l Av - Elul 5772 SERVICE SCHEDULE EVENING PROGRAMS AUGUST 27 AND SEPTEMBER 10 Mornings: Sundays . 8:30 a.m. Tekiah: Preparing Our Hearts, Minds, Monday – Friday . 7:30 a.m. Shabbat . 9:00 a.m. and Souls for the High Holidays Evenings Sunday – Friday . 6:00 p.m. ekiah is the sound of the Shofar that helps our soul to awaken to its fullest Saturdays (Minchah-Maariv) potential. Once again Rabbi Aaron Bergman, Rabbi Rachel Shere and Hazzan August 4 . 8:45 p.m. Daniel Gross invite you to participate in a “Tekiah” series during the Hebrew August 11 . 8:30 p.m. mTonth of Elul. August 18, 25 . 8:15 p.m. RABBI AARON BERGMAN and RABBI RACHEL SHERE will begin the program at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, August 27. They will discuss CLEARING AWAY THE BARRIERS SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES TO FORGIVENESS. The rabbis will explore strategies that will make forgiving others and ourselves possible, or at least more likely. AUGUST 4 YAMIM NORAIM – What’s so AWE-some about ‘em? On Monday, September 10, Vaetchanan HAZZAN DANIEL GROSS will discuss why the period from Rosh Hashanah through SHABBAT NACHAMU Yom Kippur is regarded as “The Days of Awe." He will examine some of the texts and themes of the liturgy and also talk about the overall nature of the High AUGUST 11 Holidays. Ekev Both programs will begin at 7:30 p.m. The community is welcome. There is AUGUST 18 no charge. Please call the Synagogue office, 248-851-5100 if you plan to attend. Re-eh AUGUST 25 Shoftim THIS FALL YOU WILL COME BACK TO OUR NEWLY REDECORATED SOCIAL HALL HIGH HOLIDAYS 5773 PLEASE TURN ROSH HASHANAH TO PAGES 4-6 September 17 & 18 FOR INFORMATION KOL NIDRE ON THE September 25 HIGH HOLIDAYS YOM KIPPUR September 26 – ONLINE CALENDAR – Online by September 1 – your 2012-2013 Adat Shalom Calendar, listing holidays, service times, programs and much more. AWAITING YOU THIS SEPTEMBER: A HANDSOME NEW CEILING, CONTEMPORARY Go to www.adatshalom.org. LIGHTING AND DIMMING SYSTEM THROUGHOUT, CUSTOM-DESIGNED STAGE CURTAINS, AND MORE. ABOVE: WORK IN PROGRESS. CENTER: A DIGITAL DRAWING OF WHAT Calendars will be updated each month. YOU CAN EXPECT TO SEE COME FALL IN OUR MAGNIFICENT NEW SOCIAL HALL LUNCHTIME LEARNING TO RESUME IN SEPTEMBER Mazal Tov to our August Bar Mitzvah Sunday, August 19 Thursdays, September 6 & 13 Jonathan Hayman is the son of Rebecca & Andrew Jonathan Hayman and the grandson of Linda & Stephen “Preparing for the High Holidays” Louis Hayman Hayman and Edi & Irv Gastman. with Rabbi Herbert Yoskowitz Rabbi Yoskowitz will begin the 2-part series with a discussion on “The Book of Job and Coping with Loss.” His second session will focus on “David and Coping with Passion.” Summer will still be happening at… Lunchtime Learning meets from 11:45 a.m. SHABBAT IN THE PARK to 1 p.m. You are invited to bring your own dairy/parve lunch. Adat Shalom will offer com- with Hazz’n Dan, Rabbi Rachel and Dan Shere plimentary drinks and dessert. THERE IS NO CHARGE. FRIDAY, AuguST 24 Reservations are requested by the preceding 5:45 PM at Drake Sports Park Friday. Call Sheila Lederman, 248-851-5100, ext. 246, or email [email protected]. Casual, interactive Shabbat program for families with young children, followed by a BYOP (bring your own picnic). Drinks and dessert provided. Email your reservation to Rabbi Rachel at [email protected] LEARN MINDFULNESS-BASED See our back page for photos from STRESS REDUCTION “Shabbat in the Park” in May, June and July earn meditation, mindful L yoga, and eating and commu - nication techniques to reduce stress in a non-denominational program jointly sponsored by the Beaumont Health System and Adat Shalom Synagogue. The program will be led by Rabbi Bergman Wednesday and Dr. Ruth Lerman, medical director, Beaumont Silver Linings Program and an experi - Torah Study enced teacher and researcher of stress reduc - tion. Classes will meet at Adat Shalom on WEEKLY BEGINNING ON SEPTEMBER 12 Wednesdays from 6:30 to 9 p.m. beginning September 12 and running through November 9:30 - 11 AM 14 (no classses September 26 and October 3). Included is an all-day retreat on Sunday, YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS ARE INVITED TO WELCOMING AND November 4. INSPIRING TORAH STUDY SESSIONS WITH OUR CLERGY . C OME Cost for the program is $350, which includes WHENEVER YOU WANT . E ACH WEEK IS A SEPARATE EXPERIENCE . the retreat and 29 hours of instruction, four meditation/yoga CD’s and an information THERE IS NO CHARGE . R EFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED . binder. The program is open to both men and women. It has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 credit. To register and/or obtain PLEASE ASSIST US… more information, call Beaumont Integrative We are updating the Adat Shalom database. Please help us Medicine at 248-551-9990. by emailing to Nancy Wilhelm ([email protected]) your: Name Home Address T H E V O I C E Home Phone - Business Phone - Cell Phone ( U S P S 6 2 2 - 4 6 0 ) published monthly except February and July by email address ADAT SHALOM SYNAGOGUE, 29901 Middlebelt Road Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334 We want you to receive all synagogue information Phone: 248-851-5100 l Fax: 248-851-3190 on a timely basis. Thanks for your cooperation Periodicals Postage entered at the Farmington, Michigan Post Office Postmaster: Send address changes to: The VOICE, 29901 with this important project. Middlebelt Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334-2319 2 Messages FROM THE PRESIDENT FROM RABBI BERGMAN “WHY ADAT SHALOM...?” A GOOD END TO EVERY DAY ON FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 1, DAVID ave you ever had this happen to you? You are finally in WAS INSTALLED AS OUR NEW PRESI- bed after a really long day. You are exhausted. Sleep is DENT. BELOW ARE HIS WORDS FROM bHut seconds away. Then suddenly, you are wide awake, your THAT SPECIAL EVENING: heart beating faster than it did all day. It is not quite an anx - ood evening and good iety attack, but it is not far off. What triggered it? It was prob - G Shabbos. It’s a true privi - ably the first time you had all day to think about how aggra - RABBI lege and a wonderful opportu - vated you were by something, or how frustrated you were that BERGMAN nity to be the incoming you did not finish what you wanted to. Maybe you were thinking about that per - President of Adat Shalom. son who cut you off in traffic, or only drove 25 mph on the freeway. I want to thank the DAVID You feel as if you have two choices: either toss and turn for a couple of Board and the congregation SHERBIN hours, or get up and watch TV. Either way, you are not going to get the rest you for selecting me, as well as Lori Issner and need that night, which means tomorrow is not looking good. You are already Norma Dorman for planning this installation thinking of the excuses you are going to make for being in such a lousy mood. program. I also want to express my deep This happens to a lot of people in our very hectic and tense society. appreciation to my good friend Julie Teicher, I would like to share a teaching with you that will help you sleep better and who has been a great role model and will be a have a more optimistic approach to life. (I imagine some of you are thinking that tough act to follow. I would be remiss if I did - it is kind of funny for a rabbi to give suggestions about sleeping. I really do not n’t thank David Schostak, who asked me to mind if people sleep during my sermons. I am just happy they are there.) join the executive committee six years ago. What helps me settle down at the end of the day, and lets me sleep is a prayer As I look around this room, I am so happy called the bedtime Shema . It consists of the the first six words and then the first that my parents, Libby and Jerry, and my paragraph of the Shema . I want to focus, however, on the first part of the prayer, brother and sister-in-law, Josh and Lisa are which goes as follows: here to share this evening with me along with Master of the universe, I hereby forgive anyone who angered or antagonized my father-in-law, Harry and his wife Helen. me, whether they did so accidentally, willfully, carelessly, or purposely; whether I also want to say a heartfelt thank you to through speech, deed, thought, or notion.I forgive every one. May no one be pun - my friends who have honored me by being here ished because of me. May it be Your will, O God, my God and the God of my fore - tonight; I am really so very flattered and fathers, that I strive to do the right things with my day. May the expressions of touched that you are here. my mouth and the thoughts of my heart find favor before You . Unlike most, if not all, of my predeces - You would then say the following blessing, and the Shema. sors, I did not grow up in a Conservative Blessed are You, our God, who brings slumber and drowsiness to my eyes. Synagogue. My family left Temple Israel when May it be Your will, my God and the God of my ancestors, that You lay me down I was 11, and we joined The Birmingham to sleep in peace and let me wake in peace.
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