FY2012FY2012 22nd QuarterQuarter FinancialFinancial ResultsResults endedended SeptemberSeptember 30,30, 20112011 October 28, 2011 This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. nd Overview of FY2012 2 Quarter Financial Results 01 / 25 1.1.SalesSales andand IncomeIncome decreaseddecreased fromfrom previousprevious yearyear 2.2. RevisionRevision ofof FY2012FY2012 forecastforecast 3.3. DividendsDividends increasedincreased forfor 11 yenyen toto 2323 yenyen forfor thethe firstfirst halfhalf periodperiod (46(46 yenyen forfor thethe year)year) This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. FY2012 2nd Quarter Financial Results 02 / 25 (Ratio to Sales) (Unit: Billions of Yen) FY2012 Forecast FY12FY12 2Q2Q YTDYTD FY11FY11 2Q2Q YTDYTD Change as of July. 30 Change SalesSales 1,420.01,420.0 1,409.11,409.1 1,589.61,589.6 -180.4-180.4 -11.4%-11.4% OperatingOperating 10.010.0 31.9 124.3 -92.4 -74.4% IncomeIncome (0.7%) (2.3%) 31.9 (7.8%) 124.3 -92.4 -74.4% IncomeIncome beforebefore 15.015.0 39.3 138.0 -98.7 -71.5% IncomeIncome TaxesTaxes (1.1%) (2.8%) 39.3 (8.7%) 138.0 -98.7 -71.5% 9.0 NetNet IncomeIncome (0.6%) 9.0 (1.7%) 23.323.3 (5.9%) 93.793.7 -70.4-70.4 -75.2%-75.2% (Unit: Millions of Units) ForeignForeign JPYJPY 81/$81/$ JPYJPY 80/$80/$ JPYJPY 89/$89/$ -JPY-JPY 99 ExchangeExchange RateRate JPY116/EuroJPY116/Euro JPY114/EuroJPY114/Euro JPY114/EuroJPY114/Euro -JPY-JPY 00 DomesticDomestic CarCar 3.813.81 3.91 4.78 -0.87 -18.2% ProductionProduction 3.91 4.78 -0.87 -18.2% OverseasOverseas CarCar ProductionProduction ofof JapaneseJapanese 6.186.18 6.696.69 6.426.42 +0.27+0.27 +4.2%+4.2% ManufacturersManufacturers (1.54) (1.54) ((1.541.54)) ((1.941.94)) ((-0.40)) ((-20.6%)) (North(North America)America) -0.40 -20.6% This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Change in 2nd Quarter Consolidated Sales 03 / 25 By Customer (Unit: Billions of Yen) OE Sales for others After-market, 550650 627.8 New business&Others ( ):Change from FY11 2Q 166.2 602.3 500600 OE 10.4% 221.1 Sales Toyota for FY10 450 223.3 Others (+1.0%) others 2Q YTD Group 627.8 1,589.6 795.6 400 21.6 39.6% 50.0% 29.8 23.4 Mitsubishi (+8.5%) 350 25.1 25.3 Mazda (-15.2%) 23.4 25.7 Chrysler (+2.2%) 300 29.0 30.3 VW・AUDI (+29.7%) After-market, New business&Others 250 41.3 33.0 Ford (+13.7%) 169.8 33.9 37.1 Suzuki (-10.3%) 12.0% 200 OE 49.6 37.1 Hyundai/Kia (+9.5%) Sales FY11 Toyota for Group 150 42.1 GM (-15.2%) others 2Q YTD 43.4 1,409.1 637.0 42.9 Fiat (-1.0%) 602.3 100 45.2% 42.8% 109.6 50 82.1 Honda (-25.2%) 0 FY11 '10/62Q YTD FY12 '11/6 2Q YTD This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Change in 2nd Quarter Consolidated Sales 04 / 25 (Unit: Billions of Yen) By Business Segment ( ):Change from FY11 2Q 1,589.6 1,600 41.4 1,409.1 118.9 1,400 44.0 Others (+6.3%) 146.1 98.6 Small Motors (-17.1%) 1,200 136.4 123.7 Electronic (-15.3%) 128.3 Electric (-5.9%) 1,000 274.0 Information 215.9 (-21.2%) & Safety Systems 800 383.2 Powertrain 600 365.1 (-4.7%) Control 400 489.6 200 433.5 Thermal (-11.5%) 0 FY11 '10/92Q YTD FY12 '11/9 2Q YTD This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Change in 2nd Quarter Operating Income 05 / 25 (Unit: Billions of Yen) 124.3 -61.5 Production volume decrease Operating Income -14.5 -8.2 Currency exchange -7.4 loss Labor -0.4 -0.2 -15.0 +6.7 31.9 cost Raw Expense Others +8.1 material cost Depreciation Temporary Variable Operating cost of cost earthquake reduction Income FY11 2Q YTD FY12 2Q YTD This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. 2nd Quarter Geographical Segments by Company Location 06 / 25 (Unit: Billions of Yen) ( ): Local Currency Base [ ]: Ratio to Sales 1,100700 1,080.7 60 57.8 [5.4%] Operating Sales -10.8% -97.1% 1,000600 50 Income 44.6 963.5 [13.9%] -41.1% 900 500 40 (-38.0%) -6.6% 26.3 400 30 [8.8%] -20.7% (-2.1%) (-12.3%) 320.9 14.1 -38.7% 300 +2.6% 299.7 20 274.4 [5.1%] -50.3% (+3.5%) (-37.7%) 217.5 (-49.2%) 198.7 5.4 200 193.7 10 [2.8%] 4.0 1.7 3.3 2.0 [1.7%] [12.9%] -1.9% [0.2%] [6.5%] (+0.7%) 100 0 31.0 30.4 -3.0 [△1.4%] 0 -10 FY11 FY12 FY11日本FY12 北米 欧州 豪亜 その他 2Q YTD日本2Q YTD 北米 欧州 豪亜2Q その他 YTD 2Q YTD North Asia & North Asia & Europe Others Japan America Europe Oceania Others Japan America Oceania This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. FY2012 Financial Forecast 07 / 25 (Ratio to Sales) (Unit: Billions of Yen) FY2012 FY2012FY2012 Forecast FY2011FY2011 ChangeChange as of Aug.1 RevisedRevised SalesSales 3,170.03,170.0 3,160.03,160.0 3,131.53,131.5 +28.5+28.5 +0.9%+0.9% OperatingOperating 135.0135.0 135.0 188.3 -53.3 -28.3% IncomeIncome (4.3%) (4.3%) 135.0 (6.0%) 188.3 -53.3 -28.3% IncomeIncome beforebefore 145.0145.0 145.0 211.7 -66.7 -31.5% IncomeIncome TaxesTaxes (4.6%) (4.6%) 145.0 (6.8%) 211.7 -66.7 -31.5% 98.0 NetNet IncomeIncome (3.1%) 98.0 (3.1%) 98.098.0 (4.6%) 143.0143.0 -45.1-45.1 -31.5%-31.5% (Unit: Millions of Units) ForeignForeign JPYJPY 81/$81/$ JPYJPY 79/$79/$ JPYJPY 86/$86/$ -JPY7-JPY7 ExchangeExchange RateRate JPY113/EuroJPY113/Euro JPY110/EuroJPY110/Euro JPY113/EuroJPY113/Euro -JPY3-JPY3 DomesticDomestic CarCar 9.259.25 9.35 8.99 +0.36 +4.0% ProductionProduction 9.35 8.99 +0.36 +4.0% OverseasOverseas CarCar ProductionProduction ofof JapaneseJapanese 14.2614.26 15.1915.19 13.4513.45 +1.74+1.74 +12.9%+12.9% ManufacturersManufacturers (3.94) (3.94) ((3.903.90)) ((3.963.96)) ((-0.06)) ((-1.5%)) (North(North America)America) -0.06 -1.5% This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. ChangeChange inin FY2012FY2012 OperatingOperating IncomeIncome 08 / 25 (Unit: Billions of Yen) 188.3 -33.0 -16.0 Currency exchange -12.0 +6.6 135.0 loss Raw -5.0 +18.0 material -22.9 cost Labor Depreciation Expense +29.0 Operating cost Income -18.0 Variable cost Others reduction Operating Temporary Production Income cost of volume earthquake increase FY11 FY12 F This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. Geographical Segments by Company Location 09 / 25 (Unit: Billions of Yen) ( ): Local Currency Base [ ]: Ratio to Sales Operating 1,8002,200 2,190.0 90 83.0 2,112.9 Sales Income [12.7%] +3.6% 1,6002,000 80 -25.3% (-21.3%) 63.4 1,400 70 -13.2% 62.0 [3.0%] [9.5%] 55.0 1,200 60 [2.5%] 1,000 50 -0.1% -7.3% (+4.7%) -66.5% 800 (+0.7%) 652.5 40 (-63.2%) 536.0 +0.7% 652.0 25.4 600 (+3.9%) 30 497.0 [4.7%] -22.2% 404.0 (-19.6%) 401.3 -38.2% 400 -2.2% 20 10.9 (-36.4%) 8.5 [2.7%] (+0.9%) 8.5 6.5 [1.7%] [2.1%] 200 60.3 10 [10.7%]4.0 59.0 [6.8%] 0 0 FY11日本 FY12F 北米 欧州 豪亜 その他 FY11日本 FY12F 北米 欧州 豪亜 その他 North Asia & North Asia & Japan America Europe Oceania Others Japan America Europe Oceania Others This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. TopicsTopics 10 / 25 Mid-termMid-term ProfitProfit RecoveryRecovery ActivitiesActivities This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. MidMid--termterm ProfitProfit RecoveryRecovery ActivitiesActivities 11 / 25 OurOur ApproachApproach forfor FutureFuture Growth:Growth: StrengthenStrengthen business,business, costcost andand managementmanagement ■ Technology innovations for fuel efficiency/CO2 reduction Business Business ■ Strengthening of regional competitiveness Cost ■ Low-cost technology Cost ■ Value-added improvement Management ■ Management to maximize group capability Management ■ Challenge mind-set This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION. Without their consent, it may not be reproduced or given to third parties. MidMid--termterm ProfitProfit RecoveryRecovery ActivitiesActivities 12 / 25 TechnologyTechnology InnovationsInnovations forfor FuelFuel Efficiency/CO2Efficiency/CO2 ReductionReduction ¾ Higher Output Internal Combustion Smaller Engine Fuel-efficient Compact Car - Gasoline Direct injection Example Smaller and Lighter Components - Common Rail System ¾ Stop / Start System Electrification - Improve Starter’s Starting Efficiency Hybrid and Durability Example Electric Vehicle ¾ Smaller and Lighter Hybrid Components - Improvement of smaller Inverter System Approach Example Fuel Saving through ¾ Energy Management Systems System Collaboration - Heat Energy and Electric Management This information is the exclusive property of DENSO CORPORATION.
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