# UN'TED fr.'ATIONS Distr. - GENEBAL GENERAI. Ahr/2r3 B October 19?5 ASSEft/tBLY ENGI,ISH ORIGINAI,: NGI,ISH/SPANISI{ Thirty-first session Agenda iten 12 REPORT O!' TTIE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAT COUNCII Protection of hunan in Chile "ights Note by the Secretary-General ltre Secretary-General has the honour to transnit to the members of the General AssenbLy the prepared by the Ad Hoc Working Group on the situation of l{rman Rights in Chife"eport in accordance witrr piil!-raph l+ of Assenbly resolution 3l+b8 ()off) of 9 Decenber 1975, T6-19325 -1- ANNEX CONTENTS Paragraphs Page 'I Introd.uction - ?? 5 I. Relations with the Government of Chile 7, 1L "l! - II. rn- ^ -+^+^ !/r^3 Dre6c-:^-^ 73-99 2? rTI . Constitutional developnents l"o0 - 115 33 1,02 - Lo5 33 B. Councif of State 106 - 11r- 34 '|l C. ConstitutionaL acts 2 - 1l? 35 D. The legislative conmittees (Couisiones Legislativas ) 114 - 115 IV. Liberty antl security of person IJ-O - JUI- 3? A. fnternational standards relative to libe"ty and aaalt+i +1r --^f !---6', son 116 - 119 37 R Chil-ean constitutional and. lega1 provisions relative to liberty and. security of person r2o - t3? 38 Arrest e.rrd detention in Chile 'I ?? - tto r+2 l-. Recent cases of arrest and detention statistics 134 - 1\2 )+2 -2- Chapter CONTENTS (continued) laragraph6 Page Iftrmber of persons ileprived of their liberty in connexion with national security natters . A4 ). kocedure of arrest and d.etention in Chile L46 - r58 44 4. Recent cases of arrest and detention reported to the Group t59 - r95 A7 R Placeg of detention in Chile 1-g6 - zLO o. netention of person€ indicted ( t'Procesados'! ) or convicted. in connexion with State Secu.Tity 2].1 - 214 ol 7. L,ength of detention without trial . 2I5 - 22O o1 8, ftrforcenent of legal norms governing arrest and d.etention 221 - 227 o4 9. Release of cletained persons 22e - 229 oo D, Missing persons zJO - 284 57 ]. Person8 reported. dead; the ''Iist of 11!" 21r - 24O ol 2. Detention of eight persons in Valparaiso 24r - ?47 58 3. Official investigations . 248 - 25? 4. Recent caseg of oissing lersons 255 - 288 72 E. Iifficultj.es encountered. by laroyers and agencies engaged in d.efending persons detained, in connexion lrith the statc of sieae . 2Bg - lOJ- 78 V. Torture and crueI, inhunan and dlegrading treatuent 1o2 - 172 81 A. The institutionalized practice of torture 102 - 157 81 I. General considerations 1O2 - 3rr 81 2. Methods of torture 412 - 121 84 5. Places and establishments of detention 722 - 117 B. The specialized. organs of State security 11R - 17) 90 1. General consiilerations 338 - J4t 9o IIhc 2 TITNA 342 - 372 90 VI, The jucliciary . 373 - 4a6 9B VII. brile . 407 - 435 107 A. The question of refugees and diplornatic asylum 4aB - 4L4 107 B. The grestion of expulsion and deprivation of rt4 vrvrr€.rr uJ 4t-5 - 4J5 t08 VIfI. Ireed.om of association . 4t6 - 442 LLJ IX. fntellectual freedoes 443 - 476 ttq -)- Chapter CONTENTS (continued) Paragfaphs Page A, Legislative, governmental and judicial oeasures affecting inteflectual freedons. 444 - 448 1f5 3. kesent situation as regards intellectuaL freedons 449 - +te 115 The present situation of wonen, children, youth and the family 477 - 490 r22 12q xI. Econonic, social and cultural rights . 49r - 495 XII. Concl-uding observations 496 - 52? r27 't XIII. Ailoption of the report q21 1A Amexes I. General Assembly resolution ,44S (xxx ) of 9 Decenber L975 ' ' 115 II. Commission on l{uman Rights resolution J (nxII) of lr8 f9 Tebruary 1975 II1. Telegran dated 20 lebruary I!/6 addressed. to the Government of chile 141 by tie Chairuan of the Com-nission on lluxnan Rights aod-reply, d'ated' Chile to the iq VaV ry79 froio the Minister for tr'oreiSn Affairs of a r,1 Chairnan of the Coronission on ftrnan Rights IV. Statenent by the Ad. Eoc I'/orking Group issued as a press release ai z5 va'v ti76 14\ united Nationu n "t6:""tt""-";--li:*;#,-;; V. Sub-Connission on hevention of Discri-oination and Protection of Mj.norities r.sorotlon i I (xxrx) of J] August 1915 lb? VI. L,etter dated 12 April 1976 fron the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Chile to the chairman oi the Comnission on Euean Rights 149 VII. Menorandun presented to the Ad Eoc l^/orking Group on 24 l{e'y 7976 by the representatives ot ttrffiGrnment of Ctril-e I52 VIII. Letter dated. 25 laay f976 from the Ambassador Delegate of Chile.to the United Nations Coruoisiion on Euman Rights addressed to the Chairnart of the Comnission on Euman Rights i-55 z[ 1!J6 ff. f\n o letters dated J irune :976 and two letters dated June fron the Chairnan of the Ad Hoc Working C'routr) addxesseil to the Pernanent Representative iTFhile to the united Nations Office at Geneva :-57 X. L,etter dated 2 Jtiry I)16 fron the Minister for !'oreign Affairs of Chile to the Chairnan of the Codoission on Human Rights l.:62 xr. Ielegram dated 12 July 1!f6 from the Acting chairnan 91.1h" 49-&9. Worklng C,roup to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Chile 1b4 -4- Annexes (cont inued) :-=E: XII. L,etter d.ated Jl July I)16 fron the Chairman of the Ad IIoc .fo) Working Group to the Minister for Foreign Affairs o-t Cnife XfII. Letter dated. 1! August 19J5 from the Minister for Foreial Affairs r-5e of Chile to the Chairnan of the Ad Hoc Working croup , ; . XIV. Note verbale dated. 2! August 1!J6 fron. the perma.nent Mission of 170 Chife to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the Chairnan of the A4 Eoc Working Groutr) XV. Note verbale dated 2! August 1pl6 fron the Charg6 dtaffaires a.i. 171 of the Pernanent Mission of Ch1le to the United.-N.tio.r" OfficEEi Geneva addressed to the Chairman of the Ad Hoc l,y'orking Group , XVf, Telegram dated. 26 August 1!/6 fron the Minister for troreign Affairs of Chile 188 to the Chairman of the Ad Eoc Working Group . : . XvIf. Note verbale dated JO August J.!J6 froro the .Permanent Mission of Chite 'I AO to the United Nations Office at Geneva ad.dressed to the Chairnan of the Ad. Hoc Working Group XVIII. Photographs of five .nissing persons . 191 XIX. list of sone nissing persons . l9l+ XX. Note verbale dated. 5 Septenber l9Z5 fron the permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations ._i f.' .e at Grne.,a arldressed to the Chairnan of the Ad. Ecc l^/orking Group , irgl /'XI. List of some rnissing children 'l o8 xxrr. letter dated B June f976 from five chilean fawyers add.ressed to the Ministers for Foreign Affairs attend.lng the Sixth cenexal Assembly of the Organization of American States in Santiago XXIII. Letter dated. lB August 1!/6 addressed to the hesid.ent of the Suprene Court of Chile by JOO Chilean citt_zens concerninE the expulsion of tLro 1awyers . z}g XXIV. Letter dated 18 August 1!J5 addressed to the h.esid.ent of the Suprene Court by 10 Chifean 1aw professors concerning the expulsion of two lauyers. "L9 XXV. Petition presented. to the Court Mr.r.aJatime Castillo Velasco . .": ln:"i.'1 1". .'.'l :':':'1". 225 -5- INTRO}UCTION 1. This ie the thlrd report of the Ad Hoc l'/orking Group which was originally established under resolurion A (-\;gif) of the Connission on Hurnan Rights to irquire into the present situation of human rights in Uhile. As d.lrected by the Connission on Hunan Rights in that resol,ution, the Group subnitted a progress report on its initial- findings to the Se cre tary-General for incfusion in his report on the Drotection of hurnan rishts in Chile to the thirtieth session of the General Assembly irnde r resotut Lon 3Zt9 (X,rfX) (l/fOZa5). The Group further reported on the resulte of its inquiries to rhe cornmission on lluman Rights at its thirty-second session (e/cn. 4/riee ) . 2. The condi-tions in which the Al-Hgg Worklng Group vas establishedr its mandate and the manne r in which it performed i-s functions in 1975 vere described in the report which the Gene ra"f Assembly examj-ned at its thirtieth session. It nayt therefore, be sufficient to recall- that und.er resolution B (XX11) of the Connlssion on Human Rights oJ- 27 february 1975, the Croup vas io inqui-re 'rilto the present situation of huma.n rights in Chi-1e" in the light of various resolutions previously adopted by united. Nations, ILo ar1d. U]I{ESCO organs, J-n particular Generaf Assernbly t""ol,rtion l2]9 (LXIli) of 6 November 1974r iir rhich a solenn appe al was made by the Assenbly to Chile to restore basic hunan rights and fund a.ment al freedorns. I'of 1. the inquiry uas to be conducted by the Group on the basls a visit to Chile and oral aJId r,rritten evidence to be gathered from aLI relevant sources". An appeal vas addressed. by the Comrnission on Human Rights to the Governnent of Chife to extend its full co-operation to the liorklng Group in fulfilling its taskr incfuding the granting of all necessary facilities and coxnpfete freeiorn of movernent in the country ior this purpose. The Se cre tarlr-Gene ral was requested to render to the ;!]-pg Worki-ng Group all assistance r,rhich it night require i'11 its work and the Economic and Soci-a1 0ouncif r,ras asked to make arrangenents ior the provision of adequate financial resources and staff for the inplementation of the Cornrnissionrs resofution' r'forking 4.
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