Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 8-11-1954 The Ledger and Times, August 11, 1954 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, August 11, 1954" (1954). The Ledger & Times. 2080. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/2080 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - 1111arewers.41 laa TIARYI? ••••••••---r••-•.• ci Selected As 'A— BeelirItOund &Mucky Community Newspaper ea Largest Today's 40 ulation In The City; Largest News It Circulation In The County, Today - ••••• ited Press IN OUR 75th YEAR Murray, Ky., Wednesday Afternoon, August 11, 1954 MURRAY POPULATION 8,000 Vol. L.XXV—S1o. 190 0111,1,0PEACE(CONDITIONS IMPROVED, IKE At ITa° THEIR LAST TfME TOGETHER Seers Cr Hosni Insurance Sch°°1 Rejects Idea Of Diplomatic Wayne Flora, local life under- writer for the Corrimonwalth Life With Russia; War Out Aroand Insurance Company, is attending a Break Job Fundamentals School at the Company's Home Office in Louis- By MERIDIAN SMITH He disagreed emphatically with ville, Kentucky this week. MURRAY United Trees Staff Correspondent his old Army friend, Gen. Mark Mr. Flora is one of thirty Com- WASHINGTON —President W. Clark, who proposed at a Sen- monwealth Careerthen who are Eisenhower said today the outlook ate hearing Tuesday that the Unit- attending this school. They are for world peace has improved con- ed States break diplomatic leis- y Reseell standing on the top studying the philosophy of life in- siderably in the past year. tions with Russia and reorganize Of a stepladder puttieg up a new surance, the policy contract, pol- alie also rejected suggestions for the United Nations as an alliance eous green and wnite alumirum awn- kyovener service, and the opera- a diplomatic break with Russia, against Russia. who ing on the front of Beak's Hard- tion of a life insurance compaily. and dismissed the idea of waging The President said euch action It to ware store. a preventive war as absolutely un- is against American interests and she thinkable. that anyone who studied them, who n In Sill Jeffrey has moved out of the In an earnest and generally studied all the conflicting angles- re- upstairs at his store and has Work Must hopeful discussion of world af- and who did not shoot from the Im- moved into the old Economy fairs at his weekly news conferen- hip-would agree. iseph Grocery stand. ce, Mr Eisenhower said develop- But he said Clark was a friend per- ments of recent months have given of his for 40 years and that he Miss That's the men's department now. Proceed At free nations a better chance to had every right to defend his opihs got develop effective defenses against ion, although it is almost directly doff- Work stopped on the new school the spread of Communism. opposed to the President's view. nnes. building. Strike. A -Plants. lie No Preventive War opportunity is used intel- Rob- If this ligently, he said, there will be no Mr. Eisenhower said preventive mot r the Ceasing down our street with war. war is an impossibility today. In sewer line. WASHINGTON ea Aug. il—Pre- Disegrees With Clark fact, he said, there is no suds 11•1•MMO, sident Eisenhower said today the thing; that preventive war means Have you wondered what the lo- government cannot tolerate a war. cal polio chapter does with the strike or cessation of work in The President said that Me mili- money they get from contributiors•? atomic plants. Hoover Ends tary holocaust of a hydrogen- Federal mediators are attempt- atomic war makes the idea of pre- Take a look at the following fig- ing to ward off strikes in two ventive war completely unthink- ures They represent waat has atomic plants at Oak Ridge, lenn. able. and Birthday been paid out on polio eases here Paducah. Ky. The President said he wouldn't in Calloway County. Members of the CIO gas, Coke even listen seriously to Rayon* and Chemical Workers union at who came in and suggested such a =Ai was paid on on: c-ase for the Paducah plant have voted to Observance thing. walk treatment Another case took 32.- but Thursday morning. The President also said he be- Workers 11619 lg. Another case took 11.51113.00. at both Oak Ridge and IN A FINAL reunion, the four surviving Dionne quintuplets stand at Maz.e, Yonne ai..i Aonette. LI International lieves there would be no war id Paducah Now this is . the money that is have threatened strikes casket of Emilie before her funeral in Corbel', Ont. From left: I News Photos. • (International Sowndptioto) MASCON CITY. Idaho Aug. 11. the free world effectively uses il, for some and wealth retained by the local chapter at months in support of V —Former President Herbert brains, understanding, wage increase world prob- the end of the January March of requests. Hoover today wound up his sen- now that some serious • Mr. Eisenhower in the process Dimes drive. was asked at timental return to the state he left lems seem solved or his news conference whether he Farm Bill Will Harry Douglas Fee Now Dollar 70 years ago as a penniless orphan. of solution. intends to instruct the attorney I Darrel Wilson Mr Hoover celebrated his 10th Here are some more cases and the Be Aid, President Associated With For Certified 'as Lista improvements general to aeek an injunction un- birthday Tuesday in the tiny town alnsient the local chapter paid on lie listed the Korean and Indo- der the Taft-Hartley law to Pre- Delco In Ohio Copies of Documents of West Branch where he was ree. their treatment. CI71III3 $1,011 77,i china wars, the Iranian Oil settle- vent strike at Paducah. -- born. Twelve thousand lewens 1185.00. $161.04. $119.27. $325.21. By SOY CALVIN Sentinel Of ment, legypt'a gereement -with With obvious feeling, the Chief Mr. and Kra Harry Douglas and Preension to inereesti-slew has - Rifted-6W' for his giant btliay• , Britian on the Suez Canal. plans Ibiecutive said here is one held Veiled Trees Staff Carrespendesit five year old son, Bill, are -noir $1.00 for certified copies of birth party and heard him warn against Mors Bat all, here are mete more for a Southeast Asian alliance, and where we could not tolerate cessa- WASHINGTON 111 — President making their home in Dajggsre and death certificates was mad, "unrestrained prmidential actions," individual eases. $150.24. Illide6.00. Hazel FFA the improved situation in Latin tion of work or strikes. Eisenhower said today the admin- Ohio where Mr Douglas is con- in House Bill 177 which was pas- He went the night near here at Then $520.47 was Paid ran for America-particulary in Guatemnia. He said he is prepared to use istration farm hill passed by the nected with Delco Engineering sed by the General Asseetbly and the farm home of Hanford Mae- therapeutic work. We don't know In view of all these factors, the any device available to the gov- Senate will contribute to the wel- Company. a branch ol General Darrell Wilson, son of Mr. and became effective July 1. J. F. Nider. minister to Canada under whether there is such a word as President said, the free world his ernment to prevent a strike. fare of American farmers and all Motors. Mrs. Clovis W Wilson, was elected Blackerby. Director of Vital Rec- his administration, and ate break- therapeutic or not, but any war a better chance than before to OAK RIDGE, Tenn. e --Federal segments of.the U. S economy. to the office of sentinel of the ords, Kentucky State Dapartment fast at the Hotel Hanford. it's work done by a therapist Douglas was formerly ccnnected move ahead to build up seuctures mediators tried for a settlement The Senate approved the biU Hazel Future Farmer chapter for af Health. reports. Today's crowded schedule in- wit Johnson Appliance' Co. of impervous to Communist etrieutt- in a four-month-old wage dispute Tuesday night. 62 to 28, after six the corning year. cluded the dedication of a school' Is that all of this mon- Murray Previously the Kentucky fee was whether asaults follow the usual The Pabst at the Oak Ridge. Tenn., and days of unbroken debate, handing Murray. He attended State Mr Wilson and Darrel are very here, a plane flight to Cedar Rap- ey has been paid out by the local 50 cents tor each certified copy pattern of Communist subversi-on Paducah. Ky., atomic plants today the administration perhaps its College and racently received his progressive farmers in the West ids. Iowa, a news conference and polio chapter for local polio a birth and death certificate or even if force :night ultimately after a decision by Paducah work- greatest legislative triumph of the degree in engineering from the Hazel community, where they ope- Of another school dedication. but for a number of years most be used. patients. ers to strike -early tomorrow session. The measure included the Uuiversity of Teriaessee at Knox- rate a general -farming program He was scheduled to fly later state health departments principle of the flexible crop price ville. They grow tobacco. corn, hay. other today to New York. where he thet Ray Brown- If workers strike at both plants, charged 31.00 for thls service.
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