60 WHO IS WHERE NOTE: This is an alphabetical listing of the addresses and other contact information for all organizations which have contributed to the Newsletter and remain in active contact with IDEE. Please inform us about any mistakes or changes in your organization’s information. 1. 21st Century Youth Foundation 7. “Adamianis Uplebebi” (“human rights”) 13. Albanian Civil Society Foundation Contact: Iorgu Apostol Independent Newspaper Contact: Rolanda Dhimitri, Kristian Sorensen P. O. Box 206 Contact: Levan Urushadze Rr. Asim Vokshi, vila 137 2012 Chisinau, MOLDOVA G. Tsabadze St. 3-32 Tirana, ALBANIA Telephone: (373 2) 234 255, Fax: 232 403 380012 Tbilisi, GEORGIA Telephone: (355 42) 38056 E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (995 32) 348 651 Fax: (355 42) 39848 N17 Fax: (995 32) 001 153 N17 2. Academic Information Centre E-mail: [email protected] 14. Albanian NGOs’ Forum Masaryk University Building N12 Contact: Artan Spahiu Komenskeho nam. 2 8. Advisory Center for Refugees “Jani Vreto” 14, Tirana, ALBANIA 66243 Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC Contact: Alem Hashimi, Amy Reneker Telephone/Fax: (355 42) 308 93 Telephone: (420 5) 4212 6447, 4212 6448 P. O. Box 1881 N8 Fax: (420 5) 4212 6465 96 Chuli Prospect 15. Albanian Youth Action Pjeter Bogdani E-mail: [email protected] 720000 Bishkek, KYRGYZSTAN St. Anthony Parish in Prishtina Web site: http://www.ecn.cz/aic Telephone: (996 312) 210 833 Karposh 41, 38000 Prishtina, KOSOVA N24 E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (381 38) 488 43 3. Academy for the Development of N17 or contact: Ilir Rodiqi Philanthropy in Poland 9. Agency of Regional Development Dragodan 1, F. Hisari 2, Posta Dragodan Contact: Monika Mazurczak “Donbass” 380000 Prishtina, KOSOVA ul. Poznanska 16 m.7 Contact: Vyacheslav Koval Telephone: (381 38) 334 49 00680 Warsaw, POLAND blvd. Shevchenko 133, kom. 502 N9 Telephone: (48 22) 622 02 00, 622 01 22, 83052 Donetsk 16. Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships 622 02 09 UKRAINE 1155 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 601 Fax: (48 22) 6220211 Telephone: (380 622) 946 096, 994 148, Washington, DC 20036, USA E-mail: [email protected] 345 7429 Telephone: (1 202) 737 4414 Web site: http://www.filantropia.org.pl Fax: (380 622) 335 7057 Fax: (1 202) 737 4416 N19,N22 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 4. Access to Information Programme Web site: http://www.ard.dn.ua N4,N7 Contact: Gernana Jouleva, Andrew Ivanov N21 17. All Armenian Women’s Union 120 Rakovski Str., 4th Floor 10. Agihas (Support Group for HIV- Contact: Lyudmila Ter-Pertosyan, 1000 Sofia BULGARIA PP&PWA) Natalia Martirosyan Telephone/Fax: (359 2) 980 5484, P. O. Box 391 5A Vardanats St. Telephone: 989 4944 001 Riga, LATVIA 375010 Yerevan, ARMENIA E-mail: [email protected] Telephone/Fax: (371) 339 006 Telephone: (374 1) 589 087 N17 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 5. Action for Solidarity, Equality, N11 N27 Environment and Development (A SEED) 11. Ahalar – Centre for Humane 18. All Russian Society of the Disabled – P. O. Box 92066 Technologies Novorossiisk Branch 1090 Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS Contact: Yuriy Trofimenko, Yuriy Usovich Contact: Alla N. Ruleva Telephone: (3120) 668 2236 P. O. Box 69 ul. Revolutsii 1905 g., d. 6 Fax: (31 20) 665 0166 250 000 Chernihiv, UKRAINE 35900 Novorossiisk, RUSSIA E-mail: [email protected] Telephone/Fax: (380 4622) 72776 Telephone/Fax: (7 8617) 257 222 N11 N20 N24 6. Adam Institute for Peace 12. Albanian Center for Human Rights 19. Altai Krai Public Organization Contact: Ruth Ostrin Contact: Kozara Kati “Support for Public Initiative P. O. Box 3353 Rr. Kont Urani, Nr. 10 Contact: Svetlana Churakova Jerusalem, ISRAEL Tirana, ALBANIA Proletarskaya str. 65, apt. 24, IV floor Telephone: (972 2) 644 8290, Fax: (972 2) Telephone/Fax: (355 42) 306 30, 391 21 Barbaul, Altaiskiy Kray, RUSSIA 6752932 E-mail: [email protected], Telephone/Fax: (7 3852) 36 75 52 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] N10,N11 N20 N20 Centers for Pluralism NEWSLETTER, 2003 61 20. Altai National Culture Center 29. Andrei Sakharov Museum and Public 38. Assembly of Belarusan Democratic Office Address: ul. Polevaya 66 Center “Peace, Progress And Human Non-governmental Organizations Correspondence: ul. Denisova 11, kv. 2, Rights” Contact: Ales Bialacki Bogdanovoy, Barnaul, Altaiskiy Kray, RUSSIA Contact: Yuri Samodurov, Maria Ossipova P. O. Box 196 Telephone: (7 385) 77 49 98 Zemilanoy val, 57 bid. 6 220036 Minsk, BELARUS N17 107120 Moscow, RUSSIA Telephone/Fax: (375 17) 22 55 110 21. Alternative Academic Education Telephone: (7 095) 923 4401/4115 E-mail: [email protected] Network Fax: (7 095) 917 2653 N20 Jove Ilica 165 E-mail: [email protected] 39. Association Design of Invalids of 11000 Belgrade, SERBIA & MONTENEGRO N17,N20 Azerbaijan Republic Telephone: (381 1) 682 963, 683 712 30. Angara Baikal Regional Women’s Contact: Solmaz Azizova E-mail: [email protected] Union Baku, AZERBAIJAN N22 Contact: Albina Shyrobokova Telephone: (994 12) 938 420, 232 849 22. American Association for the Lkenina 1a, kv. 412, 664127 Irkutsk, RUSSIA E-mail: [email protected] Advancement of Science Telephone: (7-3952) 359 106, 510 290 N14 Contact: Beth Boswell Fax: (7-3952) 342 020 40. Association for Human Rights and 1200 New York Avenue, NW E-mail: [email protected] Democracy in Africa Washington, DC 20005, USA N27 Contact: Rev. Victor Ihueghian Telephone: (1 202) 326 6400 31. Anti-Nazism Youth Organization Tuerkenstrasse 31 Fax: (1 202) 289 4958 Contact: Julia Balakirova A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA E-mail: [email protected] P. O. Box 37, 123154 Moscow, RUSSIA Telephone/Fax: (43 1) 319 3119 N9 Telephone: (7 095) 191 6086 E-mail: [email protected] 23. American Bar Association Central and N21 N24 Eastern European Law Initiative (CEELI) 32. Anti-Racism Information Service 41. Association for Independent Science 740 15th Street, NW Contact: Irena McClure Contact: George A. Cheremisin Washington, DC 20005, USA 14, avenue Trembley M-178, Moscow State University Telephone: (1 202) 662 1950, Fax: 662 1597 1209 Geneva, SWITZERLAND Voroblevy Hills E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (41 22) 740 35 30 11734 Moscow, RUSSIA Web site: http://www.abaceeli.org Fax : (41 22) 740 35 65 Telephone/Fax: (7 095) 939 0916, 202 1043 N16 E-mail: [email protected], N12 24. American Council for Collaboration in [email protected] 42. Association for Integration into Education and Language Study (ACCELS) Web site: http://www.antiracism-info.org European Culture Partners in Education Exchange Program for N10 Contact: Nickolay Ogrenich, Sergiy Dvoryak Russia and Ukraine 33. Apador - CH (The Association for the vul. Lanzheronovska 2 Ekaterinburg (7 3432) 61 60 34 Defence of Human Rights in Odessa 26, UKRAINE Samara: (7 8462) 37 09 01 Romania/Helsinki Committee) Telephone/Fax: (380 48) 250 175, 250 173 Novosibirsk: (7 3832) 35 79 13 Contact: Gabriel Andrescu E-mail: [email protected], Vladivostok: (7 4232) 22 37 98 Nicolae Tonitza St. No. 8 - sector 3 [email protected] Kharkiv: (380 572) 23 42 63 Bucharest, ROMANIA N12 Odessa: (380 482) 32 15 16 Telephone: (40 21) 312 44 43 43. Association for International Practical Headquarters: 1776 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Fax: (40 21) 315 4631 Training Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036, USA E-mail: [email protected] 10400 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 250 Telephone: (1 202) 833 7522 Web site: http://www.apador.org Columbia, Maryland 21044-3510, USA Fax: 833 7523 N4,N26 Telephone: (1 410) 997 2200, Fax: 992 3924 E-mail: [email protected] 34. ARMAT Center for the Development of E-mail: Dan Ewert, Ass. Director, Web site: http://www.americancouncils.org Democracy and Civil Society [email protected] N16 Contact: Stepan Grigoryan N23 25. American Federation of Teachers Byuzand str. 26 44. Association for Non-Governmental Contact: Helen Toth 375010 Yerevan, ARMENIA Initiatives Forum (FIP) 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW Telephone: (374 1) 540 512, Fax: 54051 Contact: Ewa Szymczak 20001 Washington, DC, USA N27 ul. Szpitalna 5/5 Telephone: (1 202) 879 4449 (Toth) 35. Armenian National Committee of the 00 031 Warsaw, POLAND Fax: 879 4502 Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Telephone: (48 22) 828 9128 E-mail: [email protected] Vardanats St. 5a Fax: (48 22) 828 9129 Web site: http://www.aft.org 375010 Yerevan, ARMENIA E-mail: [email protected] N2,N4,N7,N9,N13 Telephone: (374 1) 589 087 Web Site: http://www.fip.ngo.pl 26. American University in Bulgaria E-mail: [email protected], N16,N19,N26 2700 Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA [email protected] 45. Association for the Protection of Telephone: (359 73) 254 21, Fax: 252 18 N26 Fathers’ Rights E-mail: [email protected] 36. Article 19 – The International Centre Contact: Jerzy Jaszkul Web site: http://www.aubg.bg Against Censorship P. O. Box 663 N16 Lancaster House, 33 Islington High Street 66-400 Gorzow Wlkp., POLAND 27. “Amnesty International” Vinnytsia London N1 9LH, UNITED KINGDOM Telephone: (48 95) 73 21 871, ext. 115 Regional Public Group Telephone: (44 171) 278 9292 N11 Contact: Dmytro Groisman Fax: (44 171) 713 1356 46. Association for the Protection of P. O. Box 4061, Vinnytsia 35, UKRAINE N5,N6 Women’s Rights after D. Aliyeva Telephone: (380 432) 270112 37. Ashoka: Innovators for the Public Contact: Novella Jafarova-Applebaum Fax: (380 432) 263911 Contact: Jody Jesen 2nd Mirza Mansur St. 4-6, Icheri Sheher N12 Rippi Roani 18 370004 Baku, AZERBAIJAN 28. “Amnesty International” of Ukraine 1068 Budapest, HUNGARY Telephone: (994 12) 97 2108 vul. Kniahyni Olhy 12/29 Telephone: (36 1) 224 0780, Fax: 224 0793 E-mail: [email protected], Lviv district, Drohobych, UKRAINE E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Telephone: (380 322) 395 05 N8 62 WHO IS WHERE 47.
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