Frrankfort News - --- - No XI Vol 4 February, 1984 Frankfort, IL FRANKFORT DIRECTORY door to door basis. The repre- The Frankfort News and the sentatives will be available to Frankfort Chamber of Commerce are answer questions about what Cable joining forces to publish a Frank- TV can do for you- At that time fort Dtrectory. they can also sign you up to The format of the Frankfort have cable installed, The -News Directory will be changed. representatives will be door The classified 'listings will re- knocking between the hours of main the same, However, there will 10 AM and 8:30 PM, Each person be an additional section devoted is required to carry a Joyce to advertising. Cable photo 1.D- card, so be sure A form will be mailed to the to ask for proper identification. businesses in the Frankfort Area If you've ever wondered what the first of February with com- Cable TV is all about, now is the plete details. time to find out. If you're hard A Directory will be mailed to to reach but don't want to be everyone with a Frankfort mailing missed, you may call Joyce Cable address. The current circulation at (815) 886-9200 to arrange an is 4,283. There will also be appointment with your neighborhood extra copies available. representative. The proceeds from the Directory will be used to publish the THANK YOU Frankfort News. The staff of the Frankfort News If you do not receive a form, wishes to thank The Frankfort rankf fort Chamber of Commerce and Lions Club, rank fort Chamber of the Village Hall will have extra Commerce, Mark & Lorraine Salvino, copies or you may call 469-2205 Philip & Beatrice Zurowic, Wayne and ask for one to be mailed to & Henrietta DePorto, Gerald Sager you. and Irma Gay for their donations to the Frankfort News. We sin- CABLE TV cerely appreciate your generosity. Beginning around February 1, the residents within the Village POSTAGE of Frankfort can expect to see The postaqe (8471.13) was do- some smiling faces in their neigh- nated b; ~nrico's. This is the borhoods talking about Cable TV. first month for Enrico's, so say Cable will be sending "thank yout1 the next time you representatives to all homes on a dine there. COMMUTER BUS ROUTE TO CHICAGO Frankfort Wheeler Dealer Games Our commuter bus route to are still available at the Cham- Chicago has been in existence ber office, 3 West Nebraska. Few for 2 years and has recently remain, so better hurry! Price of added a new stop at Vollmer Road each game is $10, with proceeds to and Central Avenue at the White the Chamber and Kiwanis Club. Hen Pantry to serve the Frank- The Chamber is continuing to fort and Matteson areas. Buses offer package shipping service leave at 6:40 AM and 7 AM from from their office. Hours are 10- the White Hen Pantry, Stops 12, and 1-3, Monday, Tuesday, Downtown are: Sears Tower, Thursday and Friday - closed Wed- 4:30 PM, 5:05 PM; IL Ccnter, nesday and Saturday. UPS is the 4:40 PM, 5:10 PM; Prudential, carrier being used to provide the 5:16 PM; Jackson/Michigan, service, It makes a daily stop, 5:20 PM. Early bus departs The Fall Festival Committee met from Colmbus/Randolph at to begin planning for 1984. Co- 4:45 PPI and Columbus/Jackson chairmen for 1984 are Joan Wator at 4:50 PM, after leaving of Angio Accounting and Dr. Alan Illinois Center, Heath, Family Practice Dentist. Buses are coach with reclin- Other committee members are ing seats, and are air conditioned Sherilea Brown, Irv Korngoot, Ed Monthly fare: $72, Weekly: $20. Burke, Don Luetgert, Martha Tylinski For information, call Nadine, Wion Glum, Jim Wator, Mary 1-312-481-8824 or 732-7869. Querio, Michael Whitten and Harry D' Ercole, Jr, CHAMBER PLANNING ACTION FOR 1984 "Going for More in '84" sparked PANCAKE BREAKFAST over 50 members and guests of St, Peter's United Church of the Frankfort Chamber of Commerce Christ will serve their 3rd at their first meeting of the new annual Men's Fellowship Pancake year. Business development through Breakfast on Saturday, February promotions and advertizing was 18, at Ash and Sauk Trail from one of the many suggestions made 7 AM to 1 PM. Adult's donation at the planning session held at will be 83, children (6-12) $2, Enricot s on January 23. The and children under 5 free, enthusiasm caught on, and a second, in-depth planning meeting WHOOPS f : was scheduled for February 27 at In the Decunber Issue of the Enrico's, New businesses in the Frankfort News there was an arti- community are encouraged to attend cle listing the Lincoln-Way thc meeting and become part of the students who were honored as action plan that is being prepared. National Merit semi-finalists and For more information on the meeting commended achievers, We inadver- or membership in the Frankfort tently omitted Rebecca Schaeffer Chamber, call the office 469-3356. and Cominic Fails who received certificates of commendation. Sorry. WILL COUNTY The Will County Local Develop- LOCAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ment Company has already been Joseph L, Whelan, President officially notified by the SBA that of the Will County Local Develop- its first application has been ment Company since 1982, recently approved, for 8316,000, However, accepted the United States Small Whelan declined to name the com- Business Administration's LDC pany until actual closing takes designation as a Certified place, Development Company #DC 05-467, In addition, the Chairman, Mr. Whelan, of Frankfort, is Lyman C, Tieman, announced that Executive Vice President, Secre- he has supported Joe Whelan and tary and Corporate Treasurer of Jays Foods, Inc. as a nominee Jays Foods, Inc, for Small Business Administration's Loonard Japp, President of State of Illinois Advocate Award, Jays and also a resident of Framk- in the Small Business Development fort, has supported Whelan's category, volunteer efforts as part of Jays' ongoing philosophy to CCW CARD AND BUNCO PARTY assist small businesses, This event will be held on Deputy District Director, Tuesday, February 28, 7:30-10:30 Anthony McMahon, presented the PM, St. Anthony's Parish Hall, official certificate to Whelan at Sauk Trail, their corporate office at 825 E, Tickets at 64-00 per person 99th Street, Chicago, will be sold in advance at St, CDC status, in essence, allows Anthony's rectory (469-3750) or the Will County Local Development at the door on February 28 (ad- Company to process SBA Debenture vance purchase is recommended), applications for fixed asset fi- Refreshments will be served. There nancing, for any eligible private will be one prize per table and company expansion within Will 75 door prizes, Two Liquor Baskets County, or, for site acquisitions, will be raffled off, Plus, there improvements and construction for will be a Cash Raffle: First any eligible industrial/comercial Prize: 8200; 2nd Price, 8100; 3rd company locating anywhere within Prize, $50 (these are all cash); Will County. 4th Prize: 850 Bond, The Debentures allow "new Raffle tickets will be sold at money" to be available to Will the party, Soft drinks, beer and County and can be issued up to wine will be sold at a minimal cost, 8500,000 per project (40% of This went is open to all adult men eligible costs) and are considered and women of the community. 'Take out' financing by replacing interim or short tenn construction SENIOR CITIZENS loans and replacing them with The Frankfort Area Senior Citi-. fixed rate, below prime, long turn zens will meet on Saturday, Feb- financing, ruary 11 at 1 PM at the Frankfort Grade School on Orqon Street, ART CLASSES -A Special Thank You "The Creative Experience" art The Library would like to extend studio and gallery, 39 W. Nebraska a special THANK YOU to the ladies Street, Frankfort is now register- who volunteer to help with story ing students for a six week session time. Sue Bartkus, Barb Laccabue, of art classes, February 20 to Ann Somerville, Marie he, Jeanne March 31: hmbaer, Cheryl Vanderplow, and -Adult Classes-(age 14 to adult)- Tami Danzl, thank you for volunteer- oil painting, water color, pencil ing to read stories. The children drawing, jewelry, weaving and enjoy story time very much, basketrv. PO&& YOU Can Checkout i ~hil&&~sClasses-(Ages 8-13 1- A new batch of laminated postvs , water color, sculpture, charcoal has been added to the col- and pastel drawing, blockprinting. lection at the Library. ?'!any of the , %il&en* s classes- (~~es5-7)- a- new posters feature the popular different media explored each week, cartoon character, Garfield, the , cat. Come into the Library and Ileen Class-(Ages 14-19)- pencil ' Irawfng . choose a bright poster to checkout A one-day seminar on basket- and take home. I I laking will be held on March 11 Valentine's Day Contest i (From 10 AM to 4 PM. Each partici- The Children's Department of the / 3ant will make an egg basket or library will be sponsoring a contest1 nelon basket that day. Registra- in conjunction with Valentines Day. , don deadline for seminar, March 5. Children who come into the Library ~ Starting in February professional between February 1st and February , framing will be available through 14th (Valentines Day) will be able , ?he studio. Owner, Margi Hsfer, to guess the number of candy hearts invites you to come in and visit the which will be sealed in a see- I :studio and gallery of professional through jar.
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