University of Texas at El Paso DigitalCommons@UTEP El Burro Serials 3-1952 El Burro, March UTEP Student Publications Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.utep.edu/elburro Comments: Welcome Visitors Issue March 1952 Volume 9 Number 6 Recommended Citation UTEP Student Publications, "El Burro, March" (1952). El Burro. 33. https://digitalcommons.utep.edu/elburro/33 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Serials at DigitalCommons@UTEP. It has been accepted for inclusion in El Burro by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UTEP. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EL 35~ Welcome Visitors Issue Our sweet-looking cover girl, with per­ sonality to match, is Dorothy Skinner. As compared to the blustering gusts of March winds that are trying to blow off her hat, Dorothy is more like the gentle breath of May breezes. She wafted in at Texas Western from Austin High about two years ago. In addition to good looks, Dorothy is an almost straight A student. We remem­ ber that she made a B once, or was it a couple of times? At any rate, Dorothy Alice, that's her middle name, can usual­ ly be found working in the library or over at the Zeta lodge where she's stand­ ards chairman. Her hobbies are golf and tennis. Her major is history and minor is English. She Jives at 3001 Frankfort and her telephone number is 5-2251. Her steady, Dan Foster, is AWA Y at South­ western Medical School in Dallas. I foibiaitj, of dij,tinction b-!J ~~ -=~~ FEBRU A RY 19 S2 ., CAMPUS CALENDAR NEW? MARCH· 1952 FEBRUARY· 1952 SUN MON TU[ W[O THU FRI SAT APRIL· 1952 II• 11• Ill 111 Iii Fii Sii 1 SUI IOI TU! WU TI U Fii SIF • • • • • 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 · ·12345 3456789 9 10 1112 13 14 15 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 171119211212223 16171819202122 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 23 24 242526212829 . 30 ;i i 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 • • • SAT. MARCH I-Tri Delta Alliance bridge party fo1• the benefit of the blind. SUB Ballroom. I :00 P.M. Preferential singing of fraternities at Cotton Memorial. 12: 15- 1: 15 P.M. Basketball game. T . W.C. & New Mexico U. 8 :00 P.M. at Colisettm. MON. MARCH 3-T. IV'.C. Women Auxiliary Meet. I :00 - 5 :00 P.M. Cotton Memorial. Beaux Arts meet. 7 :00-9 :00 P.M . Cotton Memorial. WED . MARCH 5-T.I.S.A. Show at Magoffin Auditorium by T. W.C. Players. 7 :00 P.M. THUR. MARCH 6-T.I.S.A . meetings all day at Magoffin Audi­ torium. T.l.S.A. dance at SUB. 9:00 P.M. FRI. MARCH 7-T.l.S.A. meetings at Magoffin Auditorium. T.I.S.A . banquet at campus dinning hall. 7 :00 P.M. SAT. MARCH 8-Continuation of T.I.S.A. meetings. Rifle team will meet at the SUB in the morning. ROTC RIFLE MEET 61h, 7th, and 8th. Will hold dance in connection wiJh T.I.S.A. at SUB. 9 :00 P.M. SUN. MARCH 9-Co11tim1atio1~ of T.I.S.A. meetings. MON. MARCH I 0- Z elca Cl11b Meeting at W omen1 s Lounge. 7 :00-9 :00 P.M . Beaux Arts-Cotton Memorial 7:00-9:00 P. M. WED. MARCH 12- ' S.A. movies. Magoffin Auditorium. 7 :00- 9:00 P.M. THUR. MARCH 13-Spring Football Game Stadium. 8 :00 P.M. Trans Pecos T eacher1 s Association will meet at Magoffin Au­ "BABY ditori11m 7 :00 P.M. FRI. MARCH 14-T.P.T.A. will meet at Magoffin Auditorium and all day 011 campus. No school all day. COLORS" IN SAT. MARCH 15- Saint Patrick 1 s dance. SUB Ballroom. 9 :00- 12 :00 P.M. SUN. MARCH 16-0 pera Rehearsal. 2 :30 P.M. Magoffin Audi­ DENIM! torium . MON. MARCH 17- Saint Patrick 1s Day. PINK A ND BLU E now appears in 0 pera Rehearsal. 7 :00 P.M. denim. Wonderful campus togs and so Beaux Arts meeting. 7 :00-9:00 P.M. Cotton Memorial. pleasantly priced too. Left to right; TUE. MARCH IR - 0 pera Rehearsal. 7 :00 P.M. WED. MARCH 19·-0 pera (Matinee) Performance. 2 :00 P.M. Blouse $5.95, Skirt $5.95, Bolero $3.98, THUR . MARCH 26- 0pera. 8:00 P.M. Sun Dress $8.95. FRI . MARCH 21-0pera. 8 :00 P.M. Firs/ Floor Annex SA T. MARCH 22- 0pera. 8:00 P.M. MO N. MARCH 24-f ea11 Leon Destine (Haitian Dan cers) . 8:00 P.M . Under Artist's Program. Bea11xt Arts 111eeti11g. Cotto11 Memorial 7 :00-9 :00 P.M. lr1ED . MARCH 26- S.A. Movies. 7 :00-9 :00 P.M. THUR . i'vl ARCH 27- St11de11t Recital. Cotton Memorial 5 :00 P.M . SAT. MARCH 29--Tri Delta's dance at their lodge. 9:00-12:00 P.M. f. MO /\'. MAl?CH 3 l - Bea11x Arts 111eeli11g. Cotton Memorial 7 :00- 9:00 P.M. l ·--· - 2 LETTER TO EDITOR Editor, El Burro: Dear Editor, May I call yo11r aflentirm lo page I have always had to struggle for 12 of the fart is.me of El B11rro and the better things in life, and what few the edi!or.r' 110/e which I q110/e: pleasures I do have, I've gotten the "(Since mch i11dig11alio11 and rerwl- hard way. 111 e11/ greeted last 111011th'r article 011 One of these pleasures used to be modem art, we are giving certain Tex­ re<!ding El Burro, Texas Western's a.1 IF est em st11de11ts .w111ethi11g which (pitui) magazine. Once I could de­ Letters to the Editor should be - perhaps- can be 1111der.1tood without pend upon it for a good old fashion­ addressed to: El Burro, Publications ed belly laugh, at least once a month. Office, Texas Western College, El too 11111ch .1Jraini11g of the i11tellect.­ Paso Texas. Letters MUST BE sign­ Editor.r.)" It seems that a few fanatical fugi­ ed, names withheld 'tor publication Since this iss11e was co111 piled by the tives from the Joycian movement have: If requested. Maximum length, 200 gotten a strangle hold on El Burro, and words. The Editors reserve the right previo11s editor, and the editors' note to shorten, edit, and express opinion is signed in the plural for111, I asm111e print it solely for the pleasure of their on all letters. 1h,1t editors" refers to Linda Hassel own little artistic minds. r.md associate John Rerhy. Perhaps some kind Samaritan will clue This reflects, to me, the r pi1ef11l at­ these mis-led individuals in on the ~an.d madt boots titude of a child who has created some­ fact that the Joycian movement has thing amid gleef!!l handclapping at his long since been flushed down the ow11 cleverness, only find it unwanted d r a i n . The "chain of thought" or to bt prcw.f of and unappreciated by his fellows. The "stream of conscience" trend is as ob­ infere11ce being that since we didn't solete as the square wheel. like the article 011 modern art, we're I presume also, that the Editor was by Jlttpid. trying to be funny in his article: "Bab­ My humble suggestion to the previ­ bitt ain't dead, boys; he just went to ous editors is to avoid the subject of college." Let me say this: you are intellect as long as they display such about as comical as a broken leg. You TONY LAMA childish spite toward us for not ap­ headed your timely little article with plauding their work wildly. Printing a q u o ta ti on from Nietzsche. That such editorial notes reflecJs not adult sounds, to me, like a bad case of: intellect, but adolescent immaturity. "The whole world is crazy, except me Sincerely, and thee, and sometimes I w o n d e r CHESTER McLAUGHLIN about thee." We still live in a free world. I say to you, that it is about ED. time we all came down to earth, and started viewing things proportionately from a normal, rather than an abnor­ mal point of view. Sincerely Editor, El Burro Magazine Jim (.30-.30) Leasure Campus Publication Office Tis same Leasure of Weekly Quizz Texas Western College fame-ED Dear Sir: Yes sir, for cowboy It was with a sigh of relief that I read in the Prospector .that El B11rro has boots that combine decided to fulfill its primary function by once again beco111i11g a college humor good looks, com Io rt , magazme. I have just finished reading the last is.we, and for sheer mob appeal, and long wear - Tony it should get some kind of award. Lama boots can't be I think I speak for the majority of s.tudents 011 campus when I say that 011r beat I patience has become extremely thin with TWC's AVANT GARDE, who have taken advantage of the difficulty of obtai11i11g material for the magazine to gleef11lly Also El Paso's heap all so1·ts of intellec.tual mbbish, obscure cartoons, and artistic abortions on our poor plebeian heads. Jtvhat a 11 •aste of time and money.' Leading Shoe Repair Of course, there were a couple of honest poem.r in the issue that even the most rabid poetry-hater could appreciate, and the cover was a beaut.
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