UNIVERSllY O~ CALI~ORNIA. SAN DIEGO MONDAY. APRIL 20, 198 77 VOLUME 58, #4 7 Graffiti ASUCSD ,'artist' Elections arrested continue By JAMES p, PIN PIN. Staff Writer By PETER MESSROBIAN A UCSD student painting a The battle for th ree Associated muml W.1S arrested by a polt e tudents Council po ts will con­ ofhcer In the west stairwell of the tinue this Tue day and Wednes­ HumaOltie:. and 0 lal clence day. BUlllling (H& ) April 6. Those arc the days when The officer was called to the students wlil vote for a ReveJle scene by hi tory professor SenIOr Senator, MUir Junior Thomas Metzger who formally enator, and A.S. PreSident. Issued a citizen's arrest Unless there IS a tie , the fir t two A petltlon asking that the races wIJl be over and done with by charges of vandali m against the Wednesday afternoon , but the top accused wall writer, who WI hed vote-getter In the pre Identlal race to be Identified by hiS pen name , mu t have 50 percent-olus-one Floor Writer, I' being Circulated of the votes to Win that office. If he WIth the goal of getting support does not, there will be a run-off from tudents and faculty. between the first and second place finisher . Both Floor Wnter and Metzger The candidates for A.S. stated that they have had PreSident are David Friend, Dave prevIous confrontations. 1ctzger MarchlCk, Enc Wels , and Byron hdd <llso called the police once Morton . The Guardlwl interviewed before. Floor Writer claimed that is (01' three of the four hopefuls, and though the police did not otttr", what follows IS a grouping of each respond on that first all , he had the Landldate ' tand on vanous waited for them "to prove a IS ue . pOint." Both Wei sand Fnend made an Floor Writer tated that he \V.IS The drawings on the walls of H&SS stairwells are considered art by some and vandalism by others. issue about the revamping of their not aware 01 Metzger's <;econd campaIgns. Fnend believes his call, he Just saw Metzger pass by reach out and tart scnbbling on In an interview with a group of paper" dunng un-God Fe tlV<l1 , (ormer eflorts were "too complex" him in the tclHwcll without your hin, for instance, becau:.e H waD wnters, who Wished to be iden­ where student are allowed to and 'iul1ercd from to U'ilng n exch<mglng any word . The next belongs [0 you." tified by their pen namts, empha­ write on long StripS of paper, but v.lgue I ues rather than spe ific thing that happened, Floor 'These wall belong to the sized their wide pread suppon. she also added that tho e problems "I took a lot for granted ," Wnter was being handculfed by a citizens of the community. They "What we arc a king lor I instances arc neverolten enough. said Fnend, "and I ran a broad p hce olTi er and being charged belong to all of us and so the u e tolerance ," Fircfox said. Gilracl, who started wall campaign that was hard to relate to br Metzger with va ndalism. of them has to be decided on by Woodstock explained that as Writing In the spnngof 1978,and [forI tudents." He promised a "I think that what he doe IS all of u ," Metzger added, "What students experiencing a ademic, has already graduated [rom "more coherent campaign this not only immoral, but highly he did was very unethical, and I familial, and personal problems, U SD, still keeps In tou h with time , with fresh Ideas." Weiss unethical:' Metzger said, "We am very unhappy over the fact they need to expre s themselves the other newer wall wnter . rdated a Imilar talc, and said that can't have a community here that so many people sympathize somewhere. "Wall writing is a Flrefox tated that wall wntlng while hiS Issues were " ignlficant" unless we respect each other's with him, because that show that form of release ," Woodstock said. at UC D i not only .111 art [orm , 1t he approa hed them with "broad rights. And this means thar I can't they arc very unethical too." Gilracl cited the use of "but her See GRAFFITI, page 3 olutions" rather than the speCific See ELECTIONS, page 3 UCSD's first ever Buckley reveals agenda liver patient dies By MARK SANDERSON. Nnvs cdI/O" & PETER MESSROBIAN. St'llIO" taff Wntt.'r UC D Medical Center's first liver Many years ago , while expostulattng Supportive, non- -tudent crowd In the tran plant patient died, aturday or cau es upon vanous philosophic ' of the UC D gymnasium . related to the patient'S body rejection of conservative chool of thought to a crowd Verbosity abounding, Buckley founded the organ. of matri ulating youth at the "UC' In Long his remarks on the notion that liberty I a The patient, a middle-aged Linda Vista Beach , William F. Buckley wa pleasantly relative quantity and hould not be woman became the center's first liver urpn cd to have urvived hiS addre Impo cd on un ultlvated ground uch as transpl~nt last March . he later had to unscathed by verbal attacks. ommentlng 'outh Afnca. peakIng of "propositions" to undergo a econd transplant Apnl 5 after on this to a unlventy administrator, he maintain political and per 'onallibeny, he \ h::r body rejected the hrst transplanted wa informeu th,l[ far from beIng ho t11c to expre sed a deSire to defend this organ. hiS per on, the crowd thought him a "a commodity at all COSts. However, In Liver tranplants arc onsidered risky, man from the moon ... [andl they're Just quoting Woodrow Wilson's dictum, 'the largely becau e rejections of the curious what moonmen think." Today, history of liberty i a hi tory of the transplanted organ are common pia e and according to Buckley, a "moon-mdn" limitation of governmental power, not the the urgelY is (Jimcult. U D, UCU\ and occupie the Oval om e allOWing the Increase of It," Bu ' kley implied a certain ,UCD arc the only California hospitals former to addre 1 sues In a can iderably dislike of communi t governments, which which perform liver transplants. more favorable politi al climate. have a tenden }' to amplifY the role of the Brydn BI I yeu I( .1I11'L I'WI d Another liver transplant patient at Wiiliam F. Buckley spoke to an enthusiastic , Con .1 ered to b~, the, can. ummate tate . uc. D rem,lIns in erious condition after crowd at the gym last Thursday evening. conserv,ltlv~: Buckley ren cte~ on current Therclore he emphaSized Amenca' role 'h iS ,>urgel)' on Apnl 1 contentlons la t ThursdaY' belore a largel}' See BUCKLEY, page 9 --FEATURES-------. ~-SPORTS------------~ e Election fever -Old Town eTrack Team ~~ '87 election goes A journey through We tmont College ~ ~ .... '" into extra inning an Diego's tramples Tritons, Page 4 yesterye r. Page 12 Page 8 2 Monda)" April 20, J <)8 7 A/.""JUY . .11'111 20. J987 3 NEWS NEWS A test model 01 the proposal, promIsed to fight to m,lInt,lIn the around C;;80 .000 or YO,OOO a yeM, openning on an lI1inal budget 01 pcll"kll1g s talU ~ quo on th,1l ,trect and th,It's " lot of money. but It's approximately <;30,000 ,mnually. is Comedian ELECTIONS: deciding A.S. president Second , he feels th ,ll It is IImc lor nothing compared to the COSt of a scheduled to begin "s soon as next fall . stude nt~ to prepare their own surlace parking lot [or a parking The linal program may be Implemented Co ntinued fro m page 1 support ,1I1d those WIth ,I WIde would lore ·t,1\1 se rious pMklng PJrklllg report instecld of "l.lklllg garage 1 " by eptember 1988. answers th ,1[ he leeb students wam l1.1Oge 01 good support." He pronlem~ ,md delrll>' the p.uklng the ,ldmlllistr,1l10n report for EriC Weiss's only mention of dies on stage to hear. "I'm gOI ng to Incu:, my believes he IS one 01 the 1.lller ~1tu.1t ILln . I'll' t. he leels th ,1l the granted." Then tudents could pMkll1g was to say that the shuttle UC Davis vandalized str<neg),." :"lId Wels , but he will bee.luse 01 hi~ ('mphasi~ nn Issues unlversll)' IS "c,lpitul.lling" 1111 the ,1s~e~s the ItUJti on for themse lves. s)'stem Issue IS "mom, because It'S already gOll1g." UCSD student dies pro ecutors dropping eIght other by animal rights group By JOHN SHAW. Sell/or SWff WilIer keep run nlllg what he caUs an th.lt apply to Illost. il nor .111 , nfthe l.\ccldlng whether or not they Jgree embezzlement counts. Ferdll1andson ComedIan and actor Di k Shawn . h ones t , str,llghtlorward ~ llIdents : therclore , regardless 01 with the pMklng poltcy laid down T A trelinlng IS ,mOlhe r problem a following accident agreed to give his C; 100,000 home to the Nearl)' U.5 millIon worth of damages sullered a latal hea n attack Friday nIght cllmpaign." who onglllatcd the solutIon . he by the admllllstration. that has <llread)' received 101 of university as a rc tlIutIon . were incurred Thursdd}' when !Ire during a performance before an MMChlck. who has been proposes for a pJrtIcular problem. ASUCSD MJrchlck sees the problem as Jnention recently, both from the A Muir College sophomore died Ferdinandson was ,Ie used of engulfed an JllImal dl,lgnostIc cemer audience of 500 at the Mandeville accuscd 01 takIng other people's In sum, he IS not reworklllg hIS ELECTIONS '87 one 01 security and con\,enu: nee administration and the Wednesday at Seripps MemOrIal faisilY1l1g universil)' contracts to pay lor buIlcitng under construction at UC AudItorium .
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