Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times In Eastern Maine Consolidated March 17, 1897 T he Courier-Gazette. ... --------- 1----- ' TW/CE-A-WEEK . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. Two Dollars a Year Rockland Maine Saturday July io 1897 Vol. 52. No. 44 A NEW WEED AND A BAD ONE THE GRANITE INOUSTRY OUR F0REI6N TRADE SHIPPING A BOYS LETTER A CORNER OF THE LIBRARY The King-Devil Weed ha, found it, way How It Haa Served to Develop the To: le proposal 1 Ntrnlubtforward Deserlptlon nf Ilia T rip In the July Scribner’s Magarlne C. D. Gib­ into the mowing fields of Maine. It is a of North Jay—Some Stray Jottings. favor: nfnl AmericanAmerica merchant vessels shall be tn W ashington __W ith n Bey’s Kyra. son concludes his papers on "London” with BONDS! native of Europe and was first detected in Of the difference which the discovery and established by Congress naturally excites at­ Master Johnnie May, who recently made a “London People." It includes striking full- the United States in Northern New York in unearthing of an especially fine quality-of gran­ tention The St. Louis Convention that month’s trip to the national capital, has length portraits from life of Phil May and Du I offer for a conservative investment, a line of choice home 1878. Since then it haa spread,giving a good ite haa made in a Maine village, the Livermore nominated President McKinley advocated written us an account of hit journey. We Maurier—the latter sketched In June, 1896. deal of trouble. securities. City of Rockland Bonds maturing in July, taken in Falls Express and Advertiser writes as follows 1 "restoring the early American policy of dis­ print it exactly as it appears from his youth­ Frederick I.. Knowles is compiling a In 1895 a few plants were found in West An old barn, an old-fashioned house, two criminating duties, for the upbuilding of our exchange, or collected free of expense. ful pen and think our readers will agree with "Golden Treasury of American Songs and Gardiner and reported to the Josselyn Botani rickety sheds, a few cows quietly grazing on merchant marine,” so that "American ships, us that a fourteen-year-old boy’s direct way cal Society. Since that time it has spread Lyrics,1'which L. C. Page -V Co. ot Boston Full particulars upon application. the hillside, a small railroad station where the the product of American labor employed in ot telling a story is the very best way ydt wilt publish in the Fall. It aims to be in rapidly and is found in many, fields in Farm­ birds found shelter nnd built nest, beneath its American shipyards, sailing under the Stars founil: ingdale, Gardiner and Weat Gardiner. Mr. tome tort a companion volume to Palgrave's N. T. FARWELL, eaves and once in a great while 1 passenger and Stripes, and manned, officered and celebrated anthology, surely a high ambition. H. K. Morrell has called attention to this alighted on the platform from the regular owned by Americans, may regain the carrying Office 407 Main St., - - Rockland, Me. weed through (he local press hut as the weed At the request of The Courier-Gazette I There is being prepared in the Imperial trains that passed by—that wa, North Jay of our foreign commerce.” The candidate of will try and give a short account of my first Next Door to City Treasurer. is spreading rapidly and is equally as bad as four years ago. A pretty little village nestled Ihe convention gave his "hearty approval” to printing office at Berlin an edition of the its near relative, the Orange Hawkweed, all trip to sea. "Nibelungenlied ' to be sent to Ihe Paris Ex­ at the foot of a mountain, a large railroad de­ this declaration, saying that “the policy of I was invited by Willie Hamilton, whose the farmers of the State should be on guard pot with fine freight shed, and all modern discriminating duties should be again promptly position of 1900 as a rpeclmen ol the progress against it. father it captain of the large schooner John of the arts of printing, illustrating and bind­ railroad conveniences, several large store, and adopted by Congress, and vigorously sup­ K. Souther, to take a trip with him to Wash­ Prof. Harvey^ the Station botanist, visited restaurants, hotel, and hoarding houses, every­ ported until our prestige and supremacy on ing in Germany. Here it a suggestion for Gardiner and vicinity June 29 and 30 and ington, D. C. I was delighted with the idea book lovers of this nation. thing with n lively air and spirit of life and the seas it fully attained. We should no and, after having obtained the consent of I found the plant thoroughly established in activity, everybody apparently happy and longer contribute, directly or indirectly, to the Under Ihe direction of Russell Slurgit, the IF YOU ENJOY many mowing fields. The plant ,wai prob­ my parents, I started for Rockport where prospering, since the marvelous growth of the maintenance of the colossal marine of foreign the vessel was loading ice. We were given Macmillan Co. is to publish a "Dictionary of ably indroduced with grass seed from New village since the discovery and unearthing of countries, but provide an efficient and com­ Architecture" in three large octavo volumes. York. During the last year it has found its a state-room in the after cabin near the cap­ A Cup of Coffee the finest quality ot granite in the world, al­ plete marine of our own.” This strong lan­ tain’s. It will include many special articles by archi­ way into fields that have not been plowed for ready famous for its whiteness, lasting and guage leaves no doubt that any steps which tects, sculptors, engineers, mural painters and ten years. The plant grows in patches, mat­ We sailed Sunday afternoon, June 6; noth­ tremendous crushing power. Congress may take in the direction thus indi­ ing of any great interest took place on our other authorities; it will he extensive In scope, That satisfies, that makes your Breakfast the ting the ground and killing all other vege­ cated will have the President’s support. and it will be generously illustrated. delightful meal of the day ask your No sooner had the discovery of this fine voyage. It is a strange feeling to ire on the tation. Its rank growth and rapid spreading granite been made, than a company was The civil war, during which our ocean- g ro cer f o r water, out of light oi the land, for the first Gladstone says hit recreation is literalure show that it flourishes in Maine cVmate and organized and issued stock which readily home commerce received a destructive blow and he does not mention the famous occupa­ soil. tune. I spent most of the time reading and found market. Thia company ia known as from English-built Confederate cruisers, passing ball. After passing Cape Henry we tion of chopping trees; Anthony Hope hat WINSLOW, RAND & WATSON’S The Orange Hawkweed had been in the the Maine and New Hampshire Granite Co., ended by leaving us, in 1866, with only no pastime, Mrs. Craigle (John Oliver vicinity of Gardiner for twenty years but dur­ were taken in tow by the tug Juno, up the who also operate large quarries in New Hamp­ 1,387,756 tons engaged in the foreign trade, Chesapeake to the Potomac River, ami up Hobbes) finds pleasure in music and chess “HIGH LIFE” ing (bat time has not spread as much as the shire. The officers of the company arc: Ira against 2,494,894 so engaged in 1861, which and Beatrice Hsrraflen has her good times King-Devil Weed has in two years. the river to the wharf of the Home Ice Co. B. Cushman, president; Payson Tucker, was the climax of our till then ascending in Washington, at night. flaying the violinceiio and growing lemons on Packed in 1 and 2 lB. air tight tin cans. Re­ It is very much like the Orange Hawkweed treasurer. record. And our foreign trade shipping con ler California ranch. in general appearance and from the descrip­ The next morning I got up and rode around turnaBle if not satisfactory. At this North Jay quarry may be seen the tinued to d.-op, until in 1895 11 showed on my wheel until about 9.30, then went up The new volume nf “A History of Our Own tion and figure in tbe Station Report for 1892 largest piece of granite ever quarried out of 823,347 tons only, or less than for any year to the Washington Monument and went to IF YOU WISH FO R ~^ or Bulletin 32, there will be but little trouble Times,” by Justin McCarthy, wliich the Har­ this place or probably out of any part ol the during the previous half century, while in the top on the elevator, and walked down pers are toon to publish, not only brings the in recognizing this wheel. The King-Devil country. The piece contains over 2000 cubic 896 it was 829,833 tons. to the U. S. Fish Commission and saw alt the Weed is from eighteen inches to three feet work down to the present year, hut stands by THE__ B E S T TjgLA. yard, and weighs over 5000 tons, it being all During this period of decadence Congress different kinds of fish. Then I went to the Itself as a valuable record of the chief events high.
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